Building Equity | Girls Chase

Building Equity

Don't Talk About Pickup to Other People

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

talk about pickupYou should not talk about game with most people. It might be tempting to (especially when it's a major point of interest of yours)… but mum's the word.

This is a sort of public service announcement, mostly for new guys, but really also for any guy who gets a little 'game obsessed' and starts to spout off about game and girls.

In your day-to-day life, you will have ample opportunity to talk about women.

I suggest that, unless you are on a seduction forum or with a group of men whom you know are very much into game, you don't mention it.

That can be trying at times, especially when seduction is your passion.

However, you really are better off not doing it.

The simple fact is that discussing the art of picking up girls is alienating to 99.97831% of men out there, including many other men who like to pick up girls.

We talk about it here on this site, and if you read here often it might feel like a normal conversation subject, even. Nevertheless, for most people, this is a subject they do not ever talk about, and don't feel comfortable talking about.

So you need some rules around discussing it.

The best rule is, "For most people, don't discuss this subject at all."

A sound corollary to that best rule is, "For those you do discuss it with, tread lightly."

Turn Your Life into an Achievement

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

turn life into an achievement

“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of Heaven and Earth will pause to say, ‘Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.’”
    Martin Luther King Jr.

Learning how to be good with women is not a small achievement. I’d say it’s one of the greatest achievements a man can accomplish.

Most men will never know what it’s like to sleep with a beautiful woman (without paying for it). Perhaps a few will get “lucky” when a girl they know falls in their lap through a social circle or work. But most guys? They settle for the best they think they can get.

These men are fine with mediocre.

Personally, I am not fine with mediocre. At least not when it comes to the women I date long term.

I don’t want to date ignorant, boring, plain, or obese women. I want to be with charming, confident, attractive, fit, intelligent, interesting women. So I’ve spent a large part of my life transforming myself into someone these sorts of women will find attractive.

Of course, nobody’s perfect. We all have our valleys and plateaus. You don’t need to be excellent in every area of your life, but you should strive for it in as many areas as possible.

Pickup Artist Tips for Surviving the COVID-19 Lockdown

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

covid-19 dating
All lockdown and no poon makes us all dull boys. These tips will help you preserve your sanity and health while you wait for your COVID-19 lockdown to end.

Hey guys. I hope you are doing well with the lockdowns in your area and that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.

Since most of us are unable to head out to the field, I felt it would be inappropriate to write another post on practical field techniques at the moment. It is a good idea to keep reading posts to prepare yourself for when the field reopens. I understand that you may not have the motivation to work on your game at the moment. The truth is, you are not the only one.

I have done this for ten years, and I still love reading and developing techniques. But lately, since I cannot head out, I have little incentive to read about pickup and seduction. This is normal. Why would anyone be motivated to read about techniques they cannot immediately use?

That said, be aware that I am following the situation closely. Once everything starts reopening, I will put out guides on how to get back in the field, dealing with bad momentum (which YOU WILL HAVE, and so will I), as well as strategic ways to get back at it gradually.

I had one of the hardest lockdowns. Where I lived, I could not meet any women! I did not see or talk to a new girl for two months! It’s not because I am not capable of it, but was limited by the COVID-19 crisis laws. My lockdown was so strict that just to buy food, I had to fill out and sign a form. I could only be outside for an hour, a maximum of one kilometer away from my home. Any transgression would result in severe punishment. As you might imagine, it was almost impossible for me to meet girls.

Europe is opening, and most of Asia; good news. But most of our readers are Americans, who are in the middle of the pandemic. My experience from Europe is that you should count two to three months from the start of the outbreak before life begins to resume with some sense of normalcy in your country.

Girls Chase cannot fix the issue. It is not our role, nor do we have the capacity. But hopefully, we can provide entertaining posts and different ways to develop yourself as the pandemic marches forward so you can come out stronger than most other men, which could give you an edge when places reopen.

I can say that Girls Chase will be by your side to speed up and ease the transition back to normal. This is where our real work will begin. I know that Chase is working on some great new products and new lockdown coaching services.

We also have three(!) new writers joining the team:

  • Frankie Bismarck — a normal but cool south European guy who has a solid lay count. He does down-to-earth analysis and has a high focus on day game and social circles.
  • Xander Papatonis — you may know him as Hue. He's an up-and-coming star who will share some great insights.
  • Gunwitch — yes, THE original seduction guru (my first teacher!) will be sharing posts for beginners as well as advanced guys alike (we have not forgotten advanced guys!).

Cool things are coming! I hope this cheers you up.

With that said, I will take some time in this “random” post to share some of my ways of handling the lockdown.

Are Your Friends Not into Pickup or Self-Improvement? Find New Ones

Tony Depp's picture

seduction community
Should you talk to your friends about pickup? Most aspiring seducers end up alienating their buddies when they do, so it’s best to find or build your own community.

What if I told you there was a secret, hypnotic, neurolinguistic routine guaranteed to make any beautiful woman incredibly hot for you? That by uttering one phrase, she will instantly fall to her knees and begin worshiping your Phallic Lord Mushroom Tip?

It doesn’t matter how short, fat, bald, old, brown, or purple you are because it’s fail-proof. This knowledge has been guarded by an elite group of top-level pickup gurus for decades and is just now being revealed to the public. Would you want access to this technology?

That’s how they got me, too.

When I first got into pickup, it was still a very niche, underground community, and that was the allure. They offered a secret knowledge that very few men were aware of.

There weren’t YouTube infield videos with millions of views, and only certain coaches were just beginning to promote a more mainstream, less “hypnotic” version of seduction. It was based on the idea that words alone had power, and less on the more modern, common sense, holistic view of flirtation and self-development. It was very attractive to nerds like myself.

But it was the magic hypnotism that got me hooked. I wanted the Hogwartsian powers of seduction. What scared most normies off the topic was exactly what attracted me. Because if this turned most people off, then it must mean it worked. I had (and still have) the view that most people fear the truth and are a lot like sheep. If they’re running from something, I tend to head toward it.

What sort of person are you? Do you run with the herd, or do you question the narrative?

6 Things You Must Do Before You Find Your Calling

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

find your calling
Will you be content if you find your calling? Since we're wired to always want more than what we have, maybe not. But these 6 things will at least make life interesting.

You want to find your calling or your purpose, but have no idea where to start? If you’ve ever thought about this, you’re a rare phenomenon. The vast majority of people never strive for anything more than filling their bellies and maybe going on a two-week vacation once a year.

Perhaps you’re bored, lonely, or broke, and that’s why you want to find your calling. Because if you were challenged, entertained, and enlightened, you wouldn’t be going through existential angst. You’d be happy with yourself and your life, and everything would be damn perfect, right?

How to Win at Seduction: Maximize Strengths and Minimize Weaknesses

Tony Depp's picture

seduction success
Not all men are born lady killers. Lucky for us, the seduction community has proven time and again that even YOU can get hot girls by focusing on what you can control.

Because most guys haven’t had success "just being themselves," they think verbal game is the only essential skill in seduction. There’s no possibility that a girl may be waiting to meet a guy who looks like you, right? You’re not good looking, or tall, or rich. There’s zero chance that she may be single, bored, lonely, or horny, and you’re just her type at the right time and place?

It’s the men who don’t try often enough who are the first to cry “Only looks matter!” They have inner-game issues related to their self-image (e.g., I’m ugly). So, I get them to record audio of their approaches with their phones, and unsurprisingly, their conversations are boring: no emotion, no insights, just surface level small talk. Then they wonder why they’re getting phone numbers, but not dates. It must be because they’re so ugly, they figure.

I also get these eccentric guys. They show up dressed like bums, or clowns, with nose hairs jutting out, loose, dirty clothing, or fashion from 1996 hip hop culture. They never run out of things to say, and their conversations are anything but boring. They also believe they’re the most handsome of all men. They have astronomical self-esteem. But the women don’t want anything to do with them because they feel embarrassed being seen with these guys.

So as a coach, I quickly slot men into categories:

And so forth.

Every man can improve himself. But he has to believe it’s possible and be willing to put in the effort.

seduction success

As far as these low-self-esteem cases, the one thing they have in common is that they’re “not enough.” They’re just not good enough (in their minds) to get the hot girls. They’re not good-looking enough, and they just don’t know what to say. They think if they could correct one of those issues, then everything would turn around for them.

That’s what they tell themselves, anyway. If they were better looking and had game, everything would work out. Well, isn’t that why we’re learning this stuff? Because we’re not all born handsome and witty?

It’s how I used to think, too: I wasn’t good enough for hot girls. I was too short, too fat, too skinny, too young, too old, too plain, and I had to talk myself attractive. Once I discovered the pickup community, it was like being handed a magic wand. All I had to do was practice these tactics and techniques, so I’d finally know exactly what to say to girls. Now, almost 14 years later, I still have no idea what to say to girls to get them to like me. But I’m a lot more confident, and women like that trait.

Here’s the truth about “Game.” As a science, it was made for average, frustrated chumps. Not good-looking, social geniuses.

We’ve learned:

10 Things to Do During Your Coronavirus Quarantine

Tony Depp's picture

coronavirus quarantine things to do

This weekend, Chase posted an article titled "Can You Still Meet People During Coronavirus?" The article is jam packed with great statistics and details about what to expect in the coming weeks and months, and how your dating life could be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Depending on your local quarantine situation (or whether you've chosen to self-quarantine), the answer to the title question can feel pretty bleak.

You could be facing weeks of strict social distancing or complete isolation. If so, after you've sorted out your good-citizen strategy to slow the spread of the virus, you may suddenly realize a greater need to tend to your sanity.

We may not be accustomed to our new (albeit temporary) way of life, but that's no reason to let ourselves stagnate by just waiting things out. In fact, a global pandemic is a great excuse to have a quarantine vacation and focus on inner game and lifestyle work.

I define inner game as everything that makes you proud and happy to be you. So whatever you do that improves the quality of your life will increase your inner game.

Rather than obsessing over the constant stream of news about the coronavirus and resulting economic perils, we can use this time to improve the neglected areas of our lives, like health, wealth, and happiness.

Focus on what you can control. By doing so, you'll come out the other end of this thing more ripe, not rotten. So here are 10 things you can do to improve (or at least occupy) yourself during your coronavirus quarantine.

The Dynamics of Meeting Women when It’s Not a Priority

Varoon Rajah's picture

women not a priority
When other things in life take priority over meeting women, it can hurt you, or help you. Which depends on the vibe you give out and your ability to pick up on signals.

Sometimes you’re just not in the mood to get with new girls. It happens to all of us. People have slumps when they’re not succeeding with women, or they’re simply too busy with day-to-day life. Heavy work, social commitments, school, tests, or even extensive work travel can deeply interfere with your dating goals.

I’ve faced this problem often as I am now self-employed. Work travel commitments call, and while it opens interesting opportunities with women in new places, I can also kiss my regular dating life goodbye.

Cold approach success, whether in day game or night game, requires some consistency. We can best describe momentum as the consistency of success. It’s like being hot-handed in basketball; in momentum, you’re in a mental zone conducive to a winning game. Whether you call it a vibe or a state of mind, your decision-making and efforts are in tune, and everything you do conveys the winner’s attitude that women find very attractive in men.

When you experience low momentum and low desire, the results are different. Socialization, especially with women, might feel tedious in such periods. Your vibe is just “off,” as are your results. The good news is that all issues with low momentum and desire are solvable, and quickly.

It’s easy to shift out of it if you know how!

What Does It Mean to Be "Passionate"?

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

What are you passionate about? Do you even know? Let’s explore what fuels passion and how to discover what drives and fulfills you in work, life, and love.

What does it mean to be passionate? And why is it important to have passion?

One of the biggest problems I see in 99% of guys I work with is not knowing what to say to women. When I ask them what they’re passionate about, they shrug their shoulders. They have no clue. It’s a question they’ve never been asked or really thought about. No wonder their conversations with women are as interesting as talking to a toaster.

Most of us are so addicted to consuming massive quantities of data from our smartphones that our brains become stuffed with garbage, most of which we can’t remember a few hours later.

It’s through sharing that we realize our passions, but we don’t share our thoughts in human, face-to-face interactions as much as we did before social media.

There’s a reason I make my coaching clients take notes, write field reports, and discuss their approaches with me and on forums. When you discuss things with other minds, you sort out the information and cement the lessons learned. When you get excited to share something with other people, that’s when you know you’re truly passionate about it.

So why is it important to feel passion, and to be passionate?

  • It makes life worth living

  • It’s a contagious and inspiring emotion that lifts people’s spirits and brings others closer to you

  • It’s a strong motivator for creating, exploring, and improving

  • It’s sexy

How to Set Aside Time to Learn Game and Master Seduction

Varoon Rajah's picture

get good with women
To accelerate the process of developing your game and skills with women, momentum is key. You get that by dedicating time and staying focused on the right things.

To get good at the seduction game requires time, and a lot of it. The results of your efforts are well worth it in the long run, but the journey can be a struggle for most men. Take my word for it.

Seven years into learning game, and just a few weeks away from being in the triple digits of partners, I still feel like an intermediate when it comes to game and women. There’s so much to learn to become really good. A great way to streamline your journey with women is to set aside the appropriate amount of time to learn and practice game.

Guys sometimes only focus on learning game from a textbook before applying dedicated time to go out. Or they might practice in a piecemeal fashion, sporadically going out and approaching women when it’s super convenient. I’ve used both methods in my journey. I attest that there is a third, far superior means of hustling to learn how to game. The best method is to dedicate specific, regular, and frequent blocks of time to the art.

As with learning or building anything of value, developing skills requires dedication. For women and game, you’ll realize the benefits after dedicating chunks of time to learning and practice. Think of it like going to the gym. While you might feel good (and sore) for a day or two after your first workout, you’ll feel significant results after four days in a row. Then, if you go to the gym four days in a row for eight weeks, you’ll visually see and physically feel the results of your actions.