Flakes and Ghosts | Girls Chase

Flakes and Ghosts

Tactics Tuesdays: Fielding Women's Counteroffers

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

May 31, 2022

When you propose a date or anything else, a woman may counteroffer her own suggestion. Should you take it? Or stick to your guns? This 4-part decision tree shows you what to do.

women's counteroffers

Ghosting, Part 3: How to Raise the Dead

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

May 17, 2021

Can you turn around a ghost, and get dates or a relationship from your ghost? Oftentimes, yes, you can. How? With these five (5) “ghosting turnaround” strategies.

ghosting turnaround

Ghosting, Part 2: Why People Ghost... and How Not To Get Ghosted On

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

May 15, 2021

Why do people ghost? Sometimes it’s because of them… but sometimes it’s because of you. We look at the whys, plus what you can do to avoid getting ghosted.

ghosting reasons

Ghosting, Part 1: Who Gets Ghosted the Most (Guys or Girls)?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

May 13, 2021

Who gets ghosted on more, men or women? This ghosting study teased out the details of who ghosts on whom between American men and women in 2021.


Tactics Tuesdays: Flake-Proof Date Plans

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Jan 19, 2021

Tired of girls flaking on dates with you? Then it's time to flake-proof your date plans. That is: make it so flakes no longer affect your life (or dating).

flake-proof dates

Tactics Tuesdays: Text Flake Reversal Framing

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Jan 12, 2021

When a girl flakes on you, get her back by reverse flaking on her. You might not think it'd work – but psychology is weird (and it does work).

text flake reversal

Tactics Tuesdays: Dating Second Chances

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Nov 10, 2020

If you want a second chance in dating, you'll have to convince your date to give you one, first… Fortunately, that's often easier to do than you might think.

dating second chances

5 Stages of Grief and Ghosting

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

Jul 6, 2020

She didn’t reply to your first text, or the twentieth. When girls flake or ghost on you, be aware of the path to acceptance, so you can get there faster next time.

dating ghosting flaking

Should You Flake on Her First? Well, There Are 5 Pros and 3 Cons

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Jul 2, 2020

It's an old tactic, but you may not have tried it. Should you flake on your date first… before she flakes on you? There are 5 good reasons to… yet 3 cons to keep in mind.

flake on her first

How to Recover when a Girl Flakes, Pt 2: When She’s Not So Interested

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

Jul 26, 2019

Some types of flakes are easier to deal with than others. Let’s talk about the tough ones, like when she’s not that into you or she’s testing you to expose weakness.

recover from flakes

How to Recover when a Girl Flakes, Pt 1: Types of Flakes

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

Jul 18, 2019

Girls flake for a variety of reasons, legitimate or otherwise. How does one figure out which and respond accordingly to maximize the odds of finally meeting up?

recover from flakes

How to Use Your Phone to Set Up Dates and Avoid Flakes

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Jun 21, 2019

Calling girls on the phone is no longer the norm. But if you prime her for a call, it can save time, be more personal, and reduce the odds she’ll flake on your date.

phone calls set up dates

How to Treat Ghosts, Flakes, and Rejections from Girls

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

Nov 7, 2018

Do you get WAY more rejections than dates? Well, it’s the same for even the best seducers. Here’s how treating rejection differently can help.

ghosts flakes and rejections