Attraction Killers | Girls Chase

Attraction Killers

Creepy Guys Do This 1 Specific Thing Cool Guys NEVER Do

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Aug 21, 2021

Creepiness isn’t about how attractive you are. It’s about behavior. Creepy people behave in ways that set off alarms in others’ heads. Cool people don’t.

creepy guys vs. cool guys

Your Opinions of Women Betray Your Success (or Lack of It) with Women

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Jul 3, 2021

There’s an epidemic these days of men bitching, whining, and moaning about women. Yet a man’s attitudes toward women tell women a whole lot about him…

opinions of women

A Little Vulnerability Is Okay, but How Much Should You Reveal?

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

Apr 23, 2020

Insecurity and vulnerability are not the same thing. Women run from insecurity but find a little vulnerability endearing. So how much should you show her?

how to show vulnerability

Poor Men vs. Cheap Men: Women View Them VERY Differently

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

Apr 9, 2020

Being poor can give you certain advantages in the dating game. But if she thinks you’re CHEAP, it’s game over! Here’s how to avoid that “cheap” stink of death.

poor man vs cheap man

How to Change a Girl's Negative Perceptions of You

Cody Lyans's picture

By: Cody Lyans

Nov 27, 2019

If a girl screens you out before getting to know you, don’t take it personally. It’s not that difficult to change a girl’s perception of you and turn things around.

fix bad first impression

Mistakes that Make Women Screen Men Out as Sex Partners

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

Nov 7, 2019

A woman’s decision to sleep with you is largely based on whether you give her a reason to screen you out. The solution? Stop making mistakes that get you screened out.

screened out as sex partner

Not Getting the Results You Want? Change Something About Yourself

Darwin Niwrad's picture

By: Darwin Niwrad

Apr 8, 2019

If you’ve ever been stuck in a rut – and got out of it – you may have noticed your emergence came with a change. Here’s why to embrace change rather than stagnate.

no results? change yourself

A Man's Legitimacy

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Mar 26, 2019

A man's legitimacy in the eyes of others determines what he can and cannot do. And as legitimacy falls, it influences how that man reacts.

man's legitimacy

Why Are So Many 'Pick Up Artists' Uncool?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Jan 15, 2019

If you meet many 'pick up artists', you may realize the majority aren't very cool. There's a very good explanation as to why (and it's not that talking to girls doesn't work).

pickup artist wannabes

Neediness Repulses Women, Abundance Mentality Makes Them Chase

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

Dec 5, 2018

Gorgeous women are harangued by clueless, needy guys since the day they blossom. That’s why they bolt at the first sign of neediness… and chase the men who “get it.”

neediness repulses women - abundance makes them chase

Cool Guys Get Laid, Weirdos Don't

Denton Fisher's picture

By: Denton Fisher

Jul 31, 2017

Weird guys struggle to get dates or get laid with women. It’s a simple path from weirdo to cool guy – but it’s not without dead ends and blind alleys.

cool guys and weirdos

9 Ways Technology is Hurting Your Seduction

Davi Diluna's picture

By: Davi Diluna

Jul 19, 2017

Technology offers myriad colossal benefits. Yet, it can hurt your ability to meet and succeed with women just as much as it helps.

technology seduction

What is Neediness, and Why Do Guys Get Needy Over Girls?

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

Jun 28, 2017

Why do guys get needy for girls? Neediness stems from approval seeking and/or expectation… Yet it’s not an emotion you want.

needy over girls