How to Test Girls for Interest BEFORE You Approach (Pinging)
Jan 24, 2024
Before you approach a girl, test her for interest. By doing this – using ‘pings’ – you can virtually eliminate rejection, and find many more yesses.
Jan 24, 2024
Before you approach a girl, test her for interest. By doing this – using ‘pings’ – you can virtually eliminate rejection, and find many more yesses.
Mixed groups are more challenging than single-girl sets. But are all guys with girls signs of a mixed set?
Time and energy can be wasted on non-receptive girls, or by over-gaming receptive ones. Economize your dating by distinguishing between Reds, Yellows, and Greens.
The girl who’s new to town is easier to chat up, get dates with, sleep with, and make your girlfriend. But why? It’s down to social rank and newcomer identity.
How can you get laid more and carve more notches on your bedpost? We kick off the series with a look at three (3) seduction strategies.
To get good at picking up women, you need frequent practice (quantity), plus targeted practice (quality). Without this, expect to spin your wheels.
Some guys seem to be “lucky” – they always find the girl who wants to date them (or sleep with them). Yet this is anything but chance.
You never really beat approach anxiety – but you can get much more targeted in your approaching. In fact, this is one of the biggest secrets of successful seducers.
Are there ways to consistently spot a girl looking for men from a sea of women otherwise not on the prowl? As it turns out... there are.