Resistance Handling | Girls Chase

Resistance Handling

Confrontative Frame Control: When & When Not to Use

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Nov 6, 2022

It can make sense to directly confront a girl’s frame – sometimes. Yet confront her frame at the wrong times, and all you’ll do is spin your wheels… or worse.

confrontative frame control

When Girls Act Very Forward: Handling the Freak Test

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Oct 30, 2022

You just met this girl, but suddenly she’s all over you. Are you really THAT sexy? Don’t get excited yet: it’s only the freak test. Here’s how to handle it.

freak test

3 Reasons Women Will Resist You (+ How to Artfully Persist)

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Apr 22, 2022

Women may resist a man’s romantic advances due to three (3) different causes: low compliance, FSD, or ASC. Identify which your problem is to get things moving again.

persistence resistance

3 Ways Men Can Persist with Women

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Apr 16, 2022

There are three (3) ways a man can persist with a woman: actively, passively, and with a mix of both flavors of persistence. He must calibrate his persistence for it to work, though.

calibration persistence

Tactics Tuesdays: Back Turns and Freeze Outs

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Feb 22, 2022

If a girl is being snippy or you’ve hit a wall with her, make her chase you with a back turn… or just simply freeze her out.

back turns and freeze outs

2 Ways a Girl May Resist You Picking Her Up: ASD vs. FSC

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Aug 19, 2021

Women will resist your pickup attempts for different reasons. One is to avoid looking easy (anti-slut defense)… but another is because you don’t seem like the “right” guy.

girl resists pickup

Tactics Tuesdays: Advanced Romantic Objection Handling with UNDER

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Sep 8, 2020

What should you do when a woman hits you with a strong objection? Do you give up? Let her go? Or could you… address that objection, in a strong, smart way?

handle objections

Should Guys Still Worry About Anti-Slut Defense?

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Jul 17, 2020

Times have changed in regards to sexual liberalism among women. Particularly, anti-slut defense is becoming less prevalent. But should we stop using ASD-busters?

anti-slut defense

How Your Seductive Habits Make Women Drop Their Bitch Shields

Cody Lyans's picture

By: Cody Lyans

Jul 4, 2020

Sensual habits get women to open up more authentically with you. If you can show you’re a cool guy she can trust with her own sensuality, she'll drop her shields.

get past her bitch shield

Tactics Tuesdays: For Resistant Girls, Use This Parting Shot

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Apr 7, 2020

Some girls like to be with you and have your attention, but won't let you escalate. If you reach the point where you're ready to bail on them, before you do, do this.

resistant girl parting shot

Should You Really Worry About Female State Control and Social Frame?

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Sep 27, 2019

All this stuff about Female State Control and Social Frame is great and very useful. But how much do you really need to focus on it in your seductions?

female state control and social frame

Female State Management and Social Frame: The Big Picture

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Sep 20, 2019

Here’s my final article on Female State Control (FSC), and to some extent, social frame. I will try to tie it all together and give you the big picture.

female state control

Female State Control: More Causes and Solutions

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Sep 13, 2019

In our ongoing exploration of Female State Control (FSC), we’ve identified several causes and solutions. But wait, there’s more! Let’s fill in those missing pieces.

female state control