Women Tests | Girls Chase

Women Tests

How to Answer "Why Don’t You…?" Questions from Women

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Feb 26, 2023

Girls say the darnedest things. When they hit you with challenge questions about what you are or are doing, how can you best respond? Like this:

why don't you questions

How Do You Deal with Woke Women?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Dec 19, 2022

Woke women pushing radical political positions are a real boor. How do you sidestep these women’s inane politics without getting caught in their trap?

woke women

Playing Dumb When Girls Act Superior (Flip the Script!)

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Nov 23, 2022

Sometimes girls will give strong opinions or try to lecture you. Rather than get annoyed, you can troll them on this… and seize control of the dynamic.

playing dumb

Is She Testing You or Resisting You? Telltale Signs

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Nov 13, 2022

Sometimes girls’ tests can look like resistance. Sometimes their resistance can look like tests. How do you tell the difference? With a few telltale signs.

is she testing or resisting you

Tactics Tuesdays: The "Prove It" Frame Buster

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Oct 25, 2022

You’re talking to a girl and she says “I’m boring” or “I don’t date.” That’s the kiss of death, right? Well, not so long as you can get her to PROVE IT!

prove it frame buster

What to Do When Girls Run a Jealousy Plotline on You

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Oct 22, 2022

Sometimes you’ll approach girls, only to have them flirt with other guys and try to make you jealous. What do you do? Ignore it… or, pull out the BIG guns.

handling jealous plotlines

Passing Women’s Tests: Congruence & Compliance Tests

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Oct 19, 2022

In romance, sometimes women will test you. They test to see what kind of man you are… but some of their tests are tough. How do you pass them? With these tactics…

congruence compliance tests

The 4 Reasons Girls Test Guys They Like

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Oct 10, 2022

Why do girls test guys? Tests can derail your courtship with a girl if you don’t respond well. Women test for 4 things; if you know what they are, you know how to pass.

women's tests: a theoretical framework

What to Do When a Girl Brags, Boasts, or Shows Off

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Jul 28, 2022

Sometimes girls brag. But not always for the same reason. How can you tell WHY she’s bragging… and what the appropriate response to that is?

girl brags

Tactics Tuesdays: Boyfriend Destroyers

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

May 25, 2021

You meet a girl… but she mentions having a boyfriend. How do you sidestep her boyfriend mention and keep yourself seeming an eligible option for her too?

boyfriend destroyers

Some Girls Test Men Early in the Game, Others Test Late

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

May 30, 2020

Girls will test men before opening up to sex. But just because she throws you tests early on doesn’t mean the whole seduction will be tedious. The opposite is also true.

girls test men

Tactics Tuesdays: Dealing with "Give Me X!"

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Apr 21, 2020

Whether she's got an attitude or she's just not good with people, sometimes a girl make demands. How you handle her demands sets your courtship's tone.

give me that

Mirroring Women's Tests Back to Them

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Mar 18, 2020

The next time a woman tests you, don't fret. Just mirror her test right back to her, and watch her interest in you explode.

mirror tests