Female Perspectives | Girls Chase

Female Perspectives

Women Don't Respect Guys They Haven't Slept with Who Give Up

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Jan 8, 2023

A lot of guys seem to think a woman will respect you more if you walk away. But they don’t. They just forget you. Except for just a few scenarios…

women don't respect men who give up

All Women Are Like That

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Jan 22, 2022

Women debate the morality of an extramarital affair while married to a man you don’t love. Why do different women view things differently?

all women are like that

Women Have Different Rules for Attractive Men

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Dec 2, 2021

Women sort regular guys into stereotyped boxes to know what to do with them. But make yourself sufficiently attractive, and these rules no longer apply to you…

women rules men

What an Average Girl's Dating History Looks Like

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Sep 6, 2021

What do women’s real dating histories look like? Do they hook up with tons of different guys… or are their romantic pasts, in fact, rather plain?

girl's dating history

Do Girls Always Know Your Intentions?

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Nov 22, 2020

Even hot women aren't sure what your intentions are when you approach them unless you state them clearly. So you don't have to go direct.

girls know your intentions

How Self-Esteem Issues Make Women Back Out of Sex

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

Jun 13, 2019

Women get self-conscious about their bodies and pussies, which is why you need to make her feel comfortable, or her insecurities can force her out of a sexy situation.

self-esteem and sex

9 Things Women Want from the Men Around Them

Hector Castillo's picture

By: Hector Castillo

Feb 11, 2019

What do women want in men? The “what” is relatively simple; but in a romantic context, it’s also about what you should and shouldn’t give them as a man.

What Women Like in Men

Clara Talks with Us About Approaching Women and Being Direct

Hector Castillo's picture

By: Hector Castillo

Sep 22, 2018

We ran into the beautiful Clara while out filming, and she accepted my offer to interview her and get her insights on direct approaches and showing interest.

Approaching Women and Being Direct

She Liked Me Before, Why Not Anymore?

Hector Castillo's picture

By: Hector Castillo

May 21, 2018

One minute, she’s into you; the next, she’s gone cold. Why does this happen? Well, because if you’re not climbing a ladder, you’re sliding down a chute.

she liked me before

Women Don't Know You Want to Have Sex If You Don't Tell Them

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

May 20, 2018

Despite the pop culture memes, women don’t actually know you definitely want sex… unless you make it clear to them.

women don't know you want sex

How Much Do You Actually Need to Know About Girls to Get Them?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Jan 28, 2018

Must you be an expert on women to excel with them? Of course not… yet there are different kinds of expertise, and they have different effects on your odds with women.

know about girls

Why You Want to be Her First Choice Guy

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Nov 30, 2017

You won’t always be a girl’s first choice. Yet there are distinct advantages to being her first choice guy – and drawbacks when you aren’t it.

first choice guy

A Day in the Life of the 21st Century Woman

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Oct 5, 2017

What’s a normal day look like for a regular girl? Work, friends, gym, guys – lots of guys, of all kinds – and that’s just the start.

a day in the life of a woman