Our Folks | Girls Chase

Our Folks

Ever wonder who’s bringing you all those amazing articles, life-changing dating courses, and eye-popping perspectives? Here’s the team behind Girls Chase. At our disposal is a cadre of top-caliber talent hard at work bringing you ever-better material and an ever-better experience. We’re committed to keep raising the bar to provide you more and more – so stay tuned, because the best is (always) yet to come.

Check our people out below.


Chase Amante



When Girls Chase launched in 2008, it was with some reluctance from Chase Amante. He’d watched his students excel in seduction, taking and using the expertise he’d spent years developing with women whom he’d encountered in just about every arena imaginable. Yet he’d resisted requests for years that he launch a site devoted to a fundamentals-based approach to getting girls. “I’m not sure there’s a market for this kind of thing,” he told people who pushed for the launch of Girls Chase. “Nobody wants to think he needs to get better with women. Or that some other guy can teach him.”

Eventually he relented. He launched a blog, but devoted little time to it at first. Only in anticipation of the release of How to Make Girls Chase, a compendium of his acquired knowledge and planned as a final hurrah in his dating advice career, did he begin to up the activity on the site. And as he built the site more, the readers started to stream in... And he began to see its potential as a channel to change the way men and women interacted for the better.

Now, in the late 20-teens, Girls Chase continues to expand. The guides and how-tos of the site’s article pages have touched the lives of millions of men, and its book and programs have transformed the lives of thousands of them. As the business grows, Chase’s focus has been to maintain an extremely high level of quality on the site.

“We have a chance with this business,” Chase says, “to make dating easy for anyone with enough pluck to sit down and use the material. Something like this has huge ripple effects. Now instead of worrying about whether he’ll be alone forever, a guy can go build a company, create some great invention, or achieve a scientific breakthrough. I want all the most dedicated, talented men to find Girls Chase. And I want to give them the tools to make dating simple, so they can quit worrying about it and go change the world.”

You can read more about Chase here. A list of Chase’s articles may be found here.



BT Harrison



A student of seduction in his own right, BT joined Girls Chase in 2016 to bring his wordsmith’s touch to the publication. It did not take long for him to become an integral part of Girls Chase.

In addition to editing the site’s articles, BT serves as the authority on what makes the cut for Girls Chase publication (and what doesn’t). Whenever you read a contributor article or guest post on GC, you’re reading a piece that’s passed through BT’s desk.

When not working on Girls Chase articles, BT edits books, reports, and other Girls Chase content. He’s one of the key behind-the-scenes parts of the GC team.



Franco Lombardi


Franco Lombardi

Parties like a rock star, giant circles of friends and networks, and a smooth, mysterious ‘intrigue’ vibe with girls. These are just some of the signature qualities of Franco Lombardi.

Gregarious since a young age, Franco has done well with women dating back to high school. His specialty lies in a keen ability to grasp how women think... Plus a knack for breaking down complex social dynamics into simple cause and effect.

Franco joined Girls Chase at a low point in life. Yet once here, was quick to reorient himself in a new direction with girls, socializing, and more. Today he considers his revived self a “newer and better” Franco than he could have imagined.

Franco fast became a standout member on the Girls Chase Discussion Boards in 2012. Here, his mix of personal observations plus lessons from Girls Chase made him one of the Boards’ most valued members. Today he moderates the Boards as Administrator... And helps newer member stay grounded with their dating and social lives.

Franco’s someone you’ll love to talk to. He always has something genuinely interesting (or genuinely funny) to say!

You can find Franco’s member profile and post history on the Discussion Boards here.



Genaro Geneta



With arguably the most important job in the company – interfacing with its customers – Genaro’s played a key role in helping Girls Chase to reach new heights. His no-nonsense demeanor and customer-first attitude has continued the GC culture of service-first, satisfaction-centric learning, teaching, and consulting.

Whenever you write in with a question, comment, or query, it’s Genaro who gets your message first, and it’s because of him that the lights stay on and the business keeps running, even when Chase and the rest of the team are off trekking about in exotic locales somewhere around the world.



Alek Rolstad



One of the dating community’s child prodigies, Alek began approaching women at just 14 years old. His style includes the use of sex talk and sex stories to excite the women he talks to. And he’s very good at it.

Alek joined Girls Chase as one of its early contributors. Since then he has been among its most consistent posters over the years. He’s one of the Girls Chase readership’s favorite contributors, both for the freshness of his material and the detail he goes into. Alek covers both dating technique and deep social/romantic theory.

Alongside his role as contributor to Girls Chase, Alek also occupies a few other vital stations. Alek is a referral machine, bringing other talented dating experts to write for the site. And he serves as sounding board to Chase on new ideas for the site. When Chase needs a second opinion on anything GC-related, Alek is one of the first people he goes to.

You can read more about Alek here. A list of Alek’s articles may be found here.



Hector Castillo



One of Girls Chase’s most outsize contributors, Hector’s made a name for himself as a guy who’ll push the limit. An expert in college game, street stops, and nightclubs, he has no shortage of skill sets to draw from, either.

Hector joined Girls Chase in 2013 as a member of its Discussion Boards. His dedication to improvement mixed with a bold, direct style saw him rack up big successes with girls in a hurry. Before long, he’d become one of the most beloved (and idolized) posters on the Boards. New members pelted him with questions and aspired to his results.

Toward the end of his university career, Hector became a regular contributor to GirlsChase.com. He’s parlayed his college expertise and nightclub experience into some of the site’s most sensational articles. And in 2016, he joined Chase in Eastern Europe for the filming of Chase’s master class, One Date and The Dating Artisan.

You can read more about Hector here. A list of Hector’s articles may be found here.



Varoon Rajah


Varoon RAJAH

When not at work, on travel, or with girlfriends, New York City native Varoon Rajah moonlights as podcast host for Girls Chase. His show, Dating Mechanics with Varoon Rajah, interviews dating experts for lessons you can use right now. Guests on the show often include members of Girls Chase, such as Chase, Franco, Hector, and Alek. Varoon also speaks with experts from outside GC.

Varoon kicked off his Girls Chase career as a member on the Girls Chase Discussion Boards. Along with his role as podcast host, Varoon reviews books on dating, relationships, and seduction, too.

You can view a list of Varoon’s articles and podcasts here.


See our full list of contributors here.

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See you around Girls Chase town.