This is a sort of public service announcement, mostly for new guys, but really also for any guy who gets a little 'game obsessed' and starts to spout off about game and girls.
In your day-to-day life, you will have ample opportunity to talk about women.
I suggest that, unless you are on a seduction forum or with a group of men whom you know are very much into game, you don't mention it.
That can be trying at times, especially when seduction is your passion.
However, you really are better off not doing it.
The simple fact is that discussing the art of picking up girls is alienating to 99.97831% of men out there, including many other men who like to pick up girls.
We talk about it here on this site, and if you read here often it might feel like a normal conversation subject, even. Nevertheless, for most people, this is a subject they do not ever talk about, and don't feel comfortable talking about.
So you need some rules around discussing it.
The best rule is, "For most people, don't discuss this subject at all."
A sound corollary to that best rule is, "For those you do discuss it with, tread lightly."