Showing Interest in Girls: The Indirect Approach
Sep 14, 2024
Showing interest in girls directly is easy: “You’re so sexy. You’re hot.” But what if you need to be subtler? Then you must show interest INDIRECTLY.
Sep 14, 2024
Showing interest in girls directly is easy: “You’re so sexy. You’re hot.” But what if you need to be subtler? Then you must show interest INDIRECTLY.
Does it seem like women are out there slutting it up, picking the worst men, because their taste in men is just so poor? Is that real… or is it illusion?
Progress report on Chase Amante’s upcoming book The Roses of Romantic Attraction. Right now we’re in Rose VIII: Compliance. The latest: LTR investment strategies.
The indirect approach sometimes gets mischaracterized as “not bold.” But that’s not what it is at all. The truth is, it features numerous key benefits over the more direct approach.
If you’re an attractive or sexy man, Plain Janes can be tough. Try your normal approach on them and they get RUDE! Instead, use the “light touch.”
There’s a trend where former pickup artists become cryptocurrency founders and gurus. What on Earth is the relationship between these two disparate fields?
Dudes keep announcing all these motivation and sex drive difficulties… and then it turns out they jerk off and smoke weed. Well, duh! Knock that trash off!
Frames (as used in the social & seductive arts) may appear abstract. Yet they’re key to human interaction. He who controls the frame gets the dame.
There’s more than one way to use the indirect approach with women. Whether to opt for “no interest”, “push-pull”, or classic indirect, the choice is yours.
Every woman has a social – or conformist – side and a sexual – or wild – side. Most guys though only talk to one of these sides. To succeed at seduction, you must speak to both.
Girls today use “add me on Instagram” as their default close line – and brush off. If you’d like to be MORE than just another nameless follower, read on.
Tired of wet fish kisses from girls? With the “10 seconds to live” make-out gambit, you can get girls locking lips with you like it’s their final breath.
Sit across from a girl on a date and trying to touch her feels weird. Sit next to her and touch is easy but eye contact gets tough. Here’s WHERE to sit.
When you find yourself in a length ‘marathon seduction’, where the girl isn’t ready to pull and wildcards abound, how can you win the day? With compliance… and killer instinct.