Approach Anxiety | Girls Chase

Approach Anxiety

Afraid to Talk to Hot Girls? Know THESE 5 Key Things

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Apr 23, 2022

Are you scared to talk to hot girls? Don’t chicken out for the best-looking chicks. Use these 5 keys to chat up THE hottest girls today. After all – they’re only girls!

afraid to talk to hot girls

Approach Anxiety Is a Flat Tire

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

Jun 29, 2020

Anxiety is trying to imagine and solve every possible outcome, all at once. When you stop trying to control things you can’t, it’s like fixing a flat tire in your game.

approach anxiety

Do You Feel Anxious Around Women? Don’t Let Them See It

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

Apr 16, 2020

Women are attracted to confidence, and anxiety is the opposite of confidence. So if women don’t find anxiety sexy, but it’s a normal feeling, what can we do about it?

anxiety is a turn-off

7 Ways to Stop Being Nervous Around Women

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

Mar 2, 2020

To stop being nervous around women, you need to interact with people and gain a level of social normalcy. You just need more experience, and here’s how to get it.

stop being nervous around women

Approach Anxiety: 1 Simple Mindset Flip to Talk to More Girls

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Dec 8, 2019

Approach anxiety is the fear you might approach a woman, and fail. The easiest way to remove that far is to stop seeing approaches as things you can fail at.

approach anxiety

Curb Your Approach Anxiety by Flipping the Script

Cody Lyans's picture

By: Cody Lyans

May 20, 2019

When approaching a woman, much of our anxiety comes from not understanding her perspective. This mindset tweak will help unburden your ego and smooth things out for you.

approach anxiety flip the script

The Death of Approach Anxiety: A 10-Year Reflection (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

By: Hector Castillo

Apr 27, 2019

There are women out there who are attracted to you. The way you find them is to approach. I hope this reflection on my 10-year journey will motivate and inspire.

death of approach anxiety

4 Easy, Proven Ways to Start Talking to Women (or People)

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Apr 2, 2019

Sometimes when you go out to meet girls, you're lazy. Or you're rusty. Or it's hard to get going. Use these 4 tactics to start talking to women with ease.

start talking to women

More Tools to Help Conquer Your Fear of Approaching Women

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

Mar 14, 2019

If you want to get laid, approach lots of girls. Sounds simple, but what if approaching women terrifies you? These tools will help you conquer your fears.

fear of approaching women

Day Game Tour with Tony Depp, Pt.6: The High Five Game

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

Jan 30, 2019

Give that chick a high five! Sounds pretty simple, right? But for beginners, it can be a challenge and a great way to learn the fundamentals of day game.

day game high five

Tactics Tuesdays: "She'll Probably Reject Me (So Let's Try)"

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Jan 29, 2019

An easy way to get your feet moving despite fears of rejection: just tell yourself "She'll likely reject me anyway... so let's go see what happens."

reject me

5 Mindsets to Overcome the Fear of Approaching Women

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Dec 14, 2018

The fear of approaching women is a major hurdle for a lot of guys. By adopting these key mindsets, you’ll realize there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Mindsets to Overcome the Fear of Approaching Women

How to Deal with Approach Anxiety – A Practical Guide

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Dec 7, 2018

Approach anxiety can make it extremely difficult to meet women. While likely incurable, it can be effectively managed with these simple, practical tips.

How to Deal with Approach Anxiety