How Much Interest vs. Disinterest Should You Show Girls?
Oct 4, 2024
How much interest or disinterest should you show a girl to fully attract her? It depends on the girl and the situation. You will just have to CALIBRATE.
Oct 4, 2024
How much interest or disinterest should you show a girl to fully attract her? It depends on the girl and the situation. You will just have to CALIBRATE.
The statement of intent (SOI) is a powerful tool in the seducer’s arsenal. Combined with a barrier it can be used to dramatically push a seduction forward.
Learn about picking up girls fast from parties, beach bars, and music festivals with Hue, our Skilled Seducer of the Month of September 2024.
Showing interest in girls directly is easy: “You’re so sexy. You’re hot.” But what if you need to be subtler? Then you must show interest INDIRECTLY.
It’s a lot of fun when a cute girl’s chasing you. But when and how do you make the switch to taking the lead with a girl who is in pursuit?
The indirect approach sometimes gets mischaracterized as “not bold.” But that’s not what it is at all. The truth is, it features numerous key benefits over the more direct approach.
There’s more than one way to use the indirect approach with women. Whether to opt for “no interest”, “push-pull”, or classic indirect, the choice is yours.
Tired of wet fish kisses from girls? With the “10 seconds to live” make-out gambit, you can get girls locking lips with you like it’s their final breath.
When you find yourself in a length ‘marathon seduction’, where the girl isn’t ready to pull and wildcards abound, how can you win the day? With compliance… and killer instinct.
Cafés & coffee shops can be good spots to pick up girls in – but spam approaches + direct don’t work. To pick up girls HERE, you need a bit of STRATEGY!
Lao Che takes a trip to Jeju Island, where in 3 nights he pulls 3 different girls. But it’s far from easy! Along the way his hapless wingman continually interferes…
The first time you bring a girl home, she may be a bit nervous. Follow these simple steps to make a girl comfortable at your place and put her mind at ease.
Some girls will hit you with lots of resistance. Even if they like you, they won’t go past a certain point. You may want to give up. But what if you endure?
Learning to pick up and seduce girls takes time. You will sometimes need to choose: whether to take easy results now OR focus on making major progress.