Social Skills | Page 5 | Girls Chase

Social Skills

Being Genuine: The Real Deal vs. Putting on the Facade

Cody Lyans's picture

genuine vs facade
Sometimes we put on facades because our genuine self sucks. Other times because we don’t want to appear ordinary. Can one become both genuine and extraordinary?

What is the difference between being the genuine article and being just a good fake? Before discussing this, let’s throw out the moralistic rulebook of society that says being a fake causes people to gasp audibly and say “Shame on you!” Instead, let’s be real here.

Putting on a facade doesn’t make you a bad guy. It doesn’t necessarily make you anything out of the ordinary, but therein lies the issue – the ordinary. In a world where ordinary often comes up short, is boring, and disappoints, it ought not be the aim, right?

For some, being ordinary is a shield; it is a way we can justify our actions and focus on activities that yield an ordinary result, but a result nonetheless. Ordinary is safe. We relax in the classification of our acts being ordinary because by default it means, no one SHOULD make a fuss, or else they are the crazy one, and if they act crazy trying to take you on, they act crazy trying to take on the whole world.

So it is no small wonder, then, that when we put on a facade, we do so with some sense of reassurance. Every other guy has done it, and if they haven’t, they either should have or are a liar trying to put rules on you they never intend to follow themselves.

And we all know that being the genuine article is preferable, but should we suffer while we try to get to that place more than we already do? Often the answer to this debate in our head comes to a close rather quickly – so quickly that it might not even be a conscious thought. We therefore hold no accountability for the choice and can leave it aside without worry of it ever coming back to bite us. Or can we?

10 Actions That Will Improve Every Relationship You Have

Tony Depp's picture

how to make a relationship better
We’re social beings, therefore we thrive when our relationships thrive. The secret to making every relationship better is to start with oneself, then radiate outward.

Would you like to know how to improve every relationship you have with women, from your existing relationships to every new one you create, until you fart your last fart into your starched hospital bedsheets? (Personally, I plan to die in battle).

Maybe you’re struggling with your girlfriend, your boss, your parents or peers, or just everyone in the darn world? Maybe you can’t get laid never mind find a girlfriend. Maybe you’re a hardcore introvert and don’t have any friends or feel like you need them.

Don’t worry. Uncle Tony is going to teach you how to make a relationship better. This knowledge won’t just show you how to make every relationship better – it may give you more personal power than you know what to do with.

I’m dramatic here for literary effect.

Most of you just want to get laid. I know. But let’s go a little deeper to see how to make a relationship better.

How to Develop a Sexy Voice That Captivates Women

Daniel Adebayo's picture

how to get your sexy voice
Seduction is like music, where the instrument is your voice. Here’s how to develop a deeper, seductive voice that strikes a sexy chord with the ladies.

Ah, the voice. It’s one of the most powerfully seductive tools available to men. It’s extremely important for every seducer to develop his voice. Because when it’s used correctly, your voice will take your ability to lead, arouse, and even persuade women to astronomical heights.

You’ll even gain the ability to draw women in – right from the moment you open your mouth. This is an essential tool for dating success to ensure that you’re on the way to developing air-tight fundamentals, and it is especially important if you want to become a better conversationalist or use sex talk.

With a great voice, everything you say becomes inherently more interesting and emotionally stimulating. What’s more, this tool makes it much easier for you to ignite the flames of her sexual desire, filling her with lust just off the strength of your voice.

Women will more closely listen to what you have to say and be intrigued by it. And yet this key aspect of seduction is often overlooked by aspiring students of the game and experienced seducers alike – even though it’s one of the fundamentals for getting girls.

That’s why in this article we’re going to take a closer look at the voice. We’ll discuss what makes a good voice and detail steps you can start taking today to develop your voice to make sure that you’re on the way to getting this fundamental aspect of seduction down pat.

Hit-and-Run Tactics for Picking Up Girls in Groups

Alek Rolstad's picture

hit-and-run pickup for girls in groups
Picking up girls in groups can be tedious (male competition, bitchy friends). These hit-and-run tactics soften up defenses and set you up for when you re-engage.

Hey guys. Welcome back. Today I decided to write a follow up to my group theory post and also reference my post on screening (sniper game) that I wrote two weeks ago. The reason is that both these subjects are related in that they cover the early phase of male-to-female interactions, namely the opening and the hook.

Screening for inaccessible girls will affect the dynamic of how you deal with a group. Those subjects are somewhat related. For example, if you screen for a group and one girl seems bitter, that will affect the way you deal with that group. Similarly, if the vibe of the group seems closed-off, that could also affect the dynamic of the group.

But I will not repeat myself too much, as this has already been covered. Today I want to review a technique that I've discussed before. Let’s talk about how to deal with groups and difficult groups.

Hit-and-run means going up to a girl, delivering some good material, and quickly getting out of the interaction. The idea is to:

  • Create intrigue (by leaving, you create the “who is that guy” effect)

  • Create comfort (by leaving, you communicate that you are not needy or pushy)

  • Handle resistance – for instance, if you deliver a very direct sexual line and you leave before they are allowed to react, the effects will stick but the resistance will be dodged

  • Create tension and stimulate her mentally by the fractionating effects

In a previous post where I wrote about hit-and-run, I discussed how you can use this technique to dodge the approach shield. This is when a girl acts bitchy when you approach her. By leaving a girl after you approach her, you communicate that you are not needy and pushy, which makes her more likely to accept your presence. Add intrigue to this, and you get a good mix.

In another post, I discuss how to use this concept to deliver very powerful sexual lines. Go in, deliver something juicy, and leave before she can resist. Enjoy the effects without the resistance.

And lastly, by doing lots of hit-and-runs to build social proof quickly via many quick interactions, you become perceived as the man who knows everybody – and more importantly every girl.

I will not be discussing many new ideas in this post but instead tie it all together in light of how to deal with groups, particularly those that pose a challenge (less-accessible groups).

So let’s discuss how you can use this hit-and-run strategy to deal with common but difficult scenarios.

A New Take on Mystery’s Group Theory for Meeting Girls in Groups

Alek Rolstad's picture

new take on mystery's group theory
Group Theory came to the seduction world via the Mystery Method. Here I challenge some of its underlying mechanisms and give my own take on picking up girls in groups.

Guys learning pickup and seduction often find that pulling a girl from a group can be a bit challenging. How do you take a girl home with you if she’s out with a group of people? How do you handle her friends?

These are crucial questions that need to be asked if you want to become a master of the social and seductive arts.

If you are into meeting girls in bars, clubs, or social gatherings, this post is a must read for you.

In the pickup world, this is usually referred to as “group theory” and has been discussed from the early days of pickup and seduction. It’s interesting that the theory of the early days (coined by the famous seducer Mystery) has remained largely undebated. I haven’t seen it discussed much or even criticized. It has been the “meta” since then (there have been some disagreements but they are minor compared to many other themes).

However, I do not fully agree with classic group theory. I will get into why that is. That said, there is truth in it, and it does work very well in some situations. I will also discuss that.

We will also talk about alternative theories and strategies.

Who is this post meant for? In my opinion, everyone! If you are new to this vast world, then this goes under what we at Girls Chase would label as fundamentals (things you must know and have control over before getting into the fancier stuff). Therefore, this post is a must read. It will not be too hard to pull off in real life, although there may be some heavy theorizing. Honestly, it does not matter if you don’t remember all the theory if you grasp the essence of this post and manage to apply the techniques properly.

If you are an experienced reader, then you probably know by now what I think of recaps. There is no such thing as too much recapping of fundamentals.

And maybe you will learn a few things.

Note: we will not be discussing mixed groups in this article because it would require its own post, particularly on how to deal with male competition. Let me know in the comments if this is of interest to you.

Hand Gestures That Make You More Attractive to Girls

Daniel Adebayo's picture

hand gestures for talking to women
Your hands are always speaking, even from your pockets, so you may as well take them out and put ‘em to good use. Because they can say some pretty great things about you!

In a previous article, we discussed glamorous traits that any seducer can learn and adopt to boost his odds of creating a strong first impression with the women he meets. Now, anyone who’s been a part of the seduction community for a while, or a regular reader here at Girls Chase will know how important first impressions are for dating success.

A powerful first impression will make you memorable enough to stick in her mind – so she’ll want to respond to your ice-breaker text and solidify your chance of meeting up with her again for a date. A good first impression can also leverage the excitement generated by your initial impact on her to grow into a deep emotional and physical connection with you. It will enable the two of you to move at breakneck speeds, propelling you toward burning passion and sexual intimacy later that evening.

To put it simply, first impressions open various doors in seduction – and specific doors you want to open.

In the previous article where we dissected the concept of glamour, I briefly touched on the captivating power of hand gestures. In this article, we’ll be following up on this aspect of glamour. Let’s take a closer look at how you can use your hands to take your first impressions, emotional connections, and of course, your ability to captivate her to a completely new level of persuasive power.

More Tools to Help Conquer Your Fear of Approaching Women

Tony Depp's picture

fear of approaching women
If you want to get laid, approach lots of girls. Sounds simple, but what if approaching women terrifies you? These tools will help you conquer your fears.

Approach anxiety is the #1 problem every guy thinks he has.

I say “thinks he has” because once you get over your irrational fear of striking up conversations with attractive women, a whole world of dating possibilities bloom. But you can’t even seed that journey if you’re too afraid to approach.

#2 is knowing “what to say” to girls.

The two are connected.

You don’t approach because you don’t know what to say – you don’t know what to say because you don’t approach. It’s a paradox with a very simple and logical solution.

How to Be Funny: 15 Secrets the Best Comedians Use

Hector Castillo's picture

how to be funny
Want to learn humor that makes you friends and gets you laid? You’ve come to the right place. Here’s a crass and thoroughly offensive lowdown on how to be funny.

Whew, lad. This is going to be fun.

Me talking about comedy is usually a dangerous topic because I have very poor filters. I have zero limits on what I’m willing to discuss.

When I started to write this article, I was going to stray from super contemporary topics, but I couldn’t resist. It just wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t address some current ideas, and I’d feel like I was no longer being neutral, but outright cowardly.

However, I’m also not a culture warrior. I will briefly discuss culture, but in a detached way. MY philosophical/political leanings are pretty clear if you read my articles, but that doesn’t matter here. I’m simply going to discuss humor.

If you don’t agree with me on what’s funny and feel like getting testy in the comments, then attack my ideas about humor, not my choice of humor.

If you come across this article and are itching to find something to offend you, there will be plenty of that in the clips chosen and the topics covered.

I’m here to teach you the structure of how to be funny, and that will require me to use examples of what I find funny.

I’ll be scholastic with this article, but if I have to make some long apology or explanation to every demographic that might get butthurt at my words, it would be dreadfully boring, and you’d want to kill yourself before you finished the article. (See? Suicide joke. Strap on your panties, there’s more to come.)

You have been warned. All offense or outrage that you may experience by scrolling down is your responsibility and your responsibility alone.

Now, to the good stuff.

Frame Control Methods to Get Women in Bed Fast

Alek Rolstad's picture

frame control methods
In this series of posts about frame control, we’ve learned what good frames are and why they work. Now let’s talk about the methods you can use to set frames.

Hey, guys! Welcome back.

In previous weeks, we have discussed what frames are, why they are important, and what constitutes a good frame versus a bad frame.

Here are those posts if you haven’t checked them out yet:

Hopefully, with those posts you’re now familiar with:

  • What frames are
  • Their importance not only in seduction but in every social setting
  • What defines good frames
  • How you can make your framing more powerful
  • How you can better control the frame

But after all this theory, I have not given contextual examples, which is exactly what I will do in this post. We will discuss different ways in which a frame is set. This will give you an idea of what framing looks like in real life.

Even though we will not go into heavy details of how each technique is used, rest assured that each has been addressed on Girls Chase (and there will always be more to come). This post serves as an overview and starting point. Maybe you will discover new ways to set your favorite frames.

Of course, the list I am about to share is not complete, but I would say that it covers the most common methods of setting frames. My point is – there are more ways. We will distinguish between a few here:

  • Verbal and non-verbal
  • Direct and indirect
  • Active and passive

You can set frames both verbally and non-verbally. For example, you can tell a story or talk about a subject that would help set a frame. However, note that frames can also be set verbally as a response to her actions. That is often a good place to work from, or you can work with what you have in that moment. We will get more into that, do not worry.

You can set the frame non-verbally as well through escalation and eye contact.

You can set a frame passively – through action or passive behavior that dictates the vibe. For example, when you build social proof, you will automatically frame yourself as a man with options who is pursued by women – a very attractive frame. But you are not directly setting a frame; it comes as a result of the context you have created.

Anyway – no more dwelling, let’s get to the meat.

I will first discuss direct ways (active) to set a frame before moving on to how to do it passively. Finally, we will discuss how to set a frame reactively.

How Frame Control Affects Your Entire Interactions with Girls

Alek Rolstad's picture

frame control and interactions with girls
In this follow-up article on frame control, we discuss – from a macro perspective – how the frames you set affect your whole interaction with a girl.

Hey, guys. Welcome back. If you read my previous article on frames (which you should, as frames and frame control are some of the most important concepts in seduction), you understand how pickup, dating, and seduction are not FULLY sequential processes.

Now, they are sequential to some extent – as you do open first, then hook, before eventually isolating, seducing, extracting, and having sex.

But it is clear that:

  • How well you open will have an impact on how easily you hook

  • How well you hook will define how easily you can isolate, build rapport, seduce, and most importantly, SET FRAMES

And here is the MOST KEY ITEM:

  • How well you set the frames will DEFINE EVERYTHING that follows, including how much compliance you will have, what you can and can’t get away with, how easily it will be to extract, how easy or hard it will be to escalate, how much resistance you will face, if any, and so on.

So, frames are important, as you can see. But what is also interesting is how pickup, seduction, and dating is a semi-sequential process. Yes, there are sequences to follow, but each sequence sets the pace, tone, and overall vibe of the upcoming steps. This is exactly what FRAMING does!

But you already know this if you read my previous post. If not, then you better check it out, as most articles on Girls Chase will make more sense after you do.

This post is a continuation. Now, if you know everything about framing, you may skip my previous post, but recaps never hurt.

In this post we will discuss the effects of frames on interactions – we will explain how setting frames affects the whole interaction – taking a macro perspective. What are good frames vs. bad frames and what roles do they play?

Next week we will move on to take a micro perspective and discuss how frames are set in the different sequences of an interaction. Let’s get on with it.