Articles by Author: Alek Rolstad | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Alek Rolstad

5 Mindsets to Overcome the Fear of Approaching Women

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Mindsets to Overcome the Fear of Approaching Women
The fear of approaching women is a major hurdle for a lot of guys. By adopting these key mindsets, you’ll realize there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Hey guys, welcome back. Last week, we discussed some tips and tricks for dealing with the fear of rejection – i.e., managing the anxiety that keeps you from approaching women.

Here’s what was discussed:

  • It’s totally normal to experience approach anxiety

  • Most guys feel anxious about approaching women

  • Those who don’t feel any anxiety tend to be uncalibrated

  • Even experienced players face lower-level anxiety at times

  • It is hard – if not impossible – to completely get rid of approach anxiety

  • You can do things to effectively manage it

We discussed strategies that, if implemented, should make approaching easier for you. Today, we will go deeper and add some simple-yet-powerful mindsets you can – and should – apply that will make the whole process even simpler.

These are mindsets that I have used in the past with great success. I have also shared them with friends, co-seducers, and newbies. This post is suited for everyone still struggling with approaching women. These mindsets can be used for both day game and night game.

How to Deal with Approach Anxiety – A Practical Guide

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How to Deal with Approach Anxiety
Approach anxiety can make it extremely difficult to meet women. While likely incurable, it can be effectively managed with these simple, practical tips.

I have heard from many good seducers and players who, despite all their success and experience with women, still feel approach anxiety.

They, too, get that tingly feeling in their chest while their minds play tricks on them, holding them back from meeting potentially amazing women.

Not approaching because of anxiety is sad because you might be missing out on many fun adventures and amazing women. I know many of you hate having this feeling of anxiety.

So, does this mean there is no hope for you? Not at all. You can drastically reduce your anxiety, but you will have to force yourself to do it... and reconquer it every time you go out.

The subject of today’s post will be approach anxiety management – why you have it and practical steps to minimize it. Next week, I’ll discuss some powerful mindsets that will help you take action.

Debunking the Minimalist Approach to Physical Game in Pickup

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minimalist pickup approach to physical game
The minimalist approach to pickup is making its rounds in the community. But many don’t understand certain aspects of it that make it anything but an easy fix.

Hello again, guys.

This post aims to debunk the trend of minimalistic or simplified approaches to getting women, which have become more popularized recently. These include “meet-vibe-escalate-close” approaches. I will also explain exactly why it is that they don’t work. There are no quick fixes – sorry!

The last few years, more minimalistic forms of night game have become more popular, not only among seduction newbies and the “less dedicated” cold approachers but also in general across the mainstream seduction community.

They rely primarily on vibe, state, and physical escalation. This style is popular because it does work sometimes, but not often enough, in my opinion. And if done badly, it can lead to total disaster. The blueprint is supposedly simple, consisting of:

If you fail, then go home and jack off or move on to next girl (unless the club is closing soon).

Not a perfect game plan, but it does work occasionally, and the blueprint is a simple one. It seems many men favor this minimal approach when it comes to meeting women.

Attraction Paradox: Why She Rejects You Even Though She Wants You

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why she rejects you when she's attracted
Attraction isn’t the end-all in getting women into bed. In fact, too much of it can complicate things. Here’s why focusing more on compliance is the way to go.

Hey, guys. Not too long ago, I wrote a theoretical piece stating my definitions of attraction and compliance and how I distinguish between them. The goal of that post was to clarify:

  • The confusing paradox of “attraction is there naturally” – i.e., that attraction is not something you create, but either is or isn't there – and the idea of “building attraction”

  • The difference between them – attraction being an emotional drive that causes a person to feel emotions towards another versus creating a state of mind that makes another person comply with your demands

  • How this all plays out in the field

Today, I want to discuss this even further. I believe that compliance is a more powerful tool than attraction, and therefore something you should strive for. The reason behind this is that attraction, once you reach a certain level, becomes a double-edged sword that can work against you.

The assumption is that attraction leads to compliance. This is true in many cases – if a girl likes you, she will be very likely to follow your lead and comply with your demands. However, as we will discuss here, attraction can sometimes make a girl less compliant. We will explore why that is.

How to Be Persistent with Girls: Two Strategies

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two ways to be persistent with girls
There are two general methods for being persistent with girls. Each comes with its own benefits and risks. Which one you choose depends on a few key factors.

Hey, guys. Last week, I wrote a post on persistence, a key concept of pickup and seduction that we have discussed numerous times on this site.

There are a lot of misconceptions about persistence, both on a practical and theoretical level. Today, we will discuss the latter – a theoretical perspective on persistence.

This post is primarily theoretical, but the theory also affects the practical application of the technique.

If you are more of a practically oriented person, you should still read this post because it may affect not only the way you view persistence but also the way you use it.

Today’s topic is primarily about two different forms of persistence.

The thing they both have in common is that you will be persisting to get a chick. However, they not only look different, but they also have different implications.

How to Be Persistent with Girls Without Looking Desperate

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be persistent with girls without looking desperate
It’s a proven fact that persistence gets you laid, but there is a fine line between being persistent in an attractive, dominant way vs. coming off as desperate.

Hey guys, welcome back.

Today, we’re going to discuss persistence and its limits. Persistence is a technique commonly used when facing resistance with women. It’s a good way to both:

  • Counter her resistance

  • Find out whether she is resisting or just not into you

The typical rule says persist three times, and if that doesn’t work, you should back off and consider her behavior a swing of rejection, unless she reinitiates on her own. Obviously, this rule should be broken if you face heavy resistance. You know, the type of behavior that screams “Hell no!” If you encounter those signals, you need to back off fully.

Persistence is attractive because:

  • It takes away the woman’s guilt about hooking up – she initially resisted, but you convinced her. This is a good way to counter anti-slut defense-related resistance.

  • It shows you’re a man who knows what he wants and is confident enough to go for it.

  • It displays dominance, which is also attractive.

There are a lot of misconceptions regarding dominance. Many guys usually confuse persistence with neediness. The line between persistence and neediness – which we know is death to female compliance and attraction – is a fine one that can be difficult to see.

So, let’s look at how to persist the right way without coming off as needy. Some of these points have been discussed before, but I always think recaps of key concepts, especially those which add different perspectives, are useful. Additionally, newer guys will benefit a lot from this post.

How to Get Laid Without Relying on Attraction

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how to get laid without attraction
Ever had sex with a girl you weren’t that into? Well, the phenomenon works both ways! With enough compliance, you can get laid even if she’s not attracted to you.

Hey guys, welcome back. Today, I’m going to get more theoretical to clear up a few misconceptions that I know many guys have and, more importantly, solve a common paradox many students of seduction suffer from.

We’re going to talk about “attraction”, one of the most common terms in this field, which often gets thrown around without proper definition, making it confusing or meaningless.

Today’s post aims to clarify the concept of “attraction” in a better way, which will not only help you make sense of it but also assist you when reading future posts on seduction.

We will also delve into the psychology behind it, giving you a deeper understanding of the human mind, which will assist you further in your future adventures.

Guide to Exploring and Choosing Venues to Maximize Your Game

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guide to exploring venues
Not all venues are created equal. This guide details which ones work best with each type of game and mood, and how to utilize a venue’s best features.

Welcome back.

So, last week we discussed how it was key to change things up and frequent new venues as you grow more experienced in night game. If you don’t, you will miss out on a lot of great opportunities and eventually develop a crutch, making you dependent on one venue and limiting your skillset.

Additionally, you will only get to meet and practice with women who frequent that venue, which can limit your experience drastically. We also mentioned how going to new venues will teach you to calibrate to new places, cultures, and people. The latter is a very valuable skill indeed.

Going to new venues becomes easier and less scary if you become accustomed to them. We will continue from where we previously left things. The goal today is to provide guidance that will facilitate and make it easier for you to visit and explore new places.

Why You Need to Explore Different Venues as a Night Gamer

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different night game venues
If you’re a night gamer and stick to just a few venues, you’ll inevitably see a decline in momentum. Here’s why exploring new territory is so important.

Hey, guys.

So, this post is dedicated to more advanced players. If you are intermediate and into night game, then this post will also be useful for you. This is for those dedicated night gamers who have at least reached an intermediate level. Not because we’re going to cover anything super advanced or difficult to pull off. Even relative newbies will get something out of it.

The reason this post is aimed at advanced guys is that beginners should prioritize fundamentals, especially those of a universal nature. What we will discuss today is the opposite of universal fundamentals. Instead, we will get deeper into contextual factors and calibration. Those are helpful, sure, but only for those who:

  • Are already able to get women through night game
  • Have their fundamentals in check
  • Want more consistent results

That said, if you are a beginner who happens to love the nightlife, or you really want to focus on this aspect, read on. However, I personally do not recommend focusing on this too much, as you have more important things to work on.

Anyway, we are going to make a case for how “there is no such thing as night game”. Well, there is, but there isn’t only one way to do things. In fact, the way nightclub seductions are performed varies a lot. This is cool because it makes things more exciting – no two nights will be the same.

However, this is not without its downsides, as it can make night game a bit challenging at times.

The Compliance Pull: How to Get Her to Say “Yes”

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compliance pull
“Let’s head back to my place.” – a suggestion we wish girls would agree to more often. With this technique, you can drastically increase the odds that she’ll comply.

Hey guys. Today, I will get technical again. I know some of my posts may occasionally be a bit scary for beginners, but this one should be pretty easy to grasp.

It covers an issue many men struggle with, beginner and intermediate alike. Advanced players may also benefit, as they might not already use the technique I am about to share – perhaps they do, but they may like a recap or a new perspective on it.

So, here’s the problem we’ll be discussing: have you ever struggled to isolate a girl you like? Have you experienced difficulties moving her somewhere else in the venue, to a new venue – or, even better, back to your place?

In other words, have you ever had problems getting the girl to say “yes” to those yes-or-no questions like “Shall we go to the bar together?” “Can we go somewhere else? I know a place nearby with better drinks,” or “What do you say we go back to my place and continue this conversation with some good wine? I don’t live far away.”

If the answer is yes, then read on. The issue you are facing often relates to a lack of compliance. It could be that resistance is working against you as well. We will not discuss that here, but it is something you should take into consideration and read up on. We have many posts covering resistance here on Girls Chase.

Nevertheless, whether it is a lack of compliance (“attraction” is usually used instead, but I find “compliance” to be a better term) or simple resistance is kind of irrelevant because an increase in compliance – our focus today – can benefit you in every case.

Sometimes, if she is resisting, you can raise the level of compliance so high that you bypass the resistance. A combination of building compliance and removing resistance is the ultimate seduction weapon. I will also discuss how you can use this solution as a seduction technique.