Relationship 101 | Page 9 | Girls Chase

Relationship 101


The Correct Response to Drama in a Relationship

Varoon Rajah's picture

responding to drama in relationships
Most guys don’t understand why women create drama in relationships, so their response often makes things worse. Here’s how to deal with it constructively.

How should men effectively deal with drama in their relationships? It’s one of the more common problems men experience. Guys rarely get thrown into a dramatic situation by choice. In cases where the drama is perpetuated by the woman, it is her negative response to a man’s behavior, and it’s an attempt to put her man back in line.

Often, the drama is unexpected, and you are totally unprepared to respond to it in a measured, constructive way. In which case, you typically make things worse.

I talked to one of my best friends in New York City recently about this. We discussed how 90% of the time guys treat drama in a way that makes things worse. Largely, it’s because guys don’t truly understand what the drama is. Like all things with women, the situation isn’t what it actually seems. You can get more information about what to do by reading between the lines from the woman’s point of view.

It’s important not to concern yourself with the drama’s details, for which there could be an infinite number of reasons. Instead, we’re going to cover what factors cause drama and how to respond while remaining attractive. After all, continual drama can result in the decline of the connection between both of you. If you react to it in the wrong way, the chance of maintaining that connection becomes slimmer and slimmer. Or worse, it incentivizes the girl to find a more suitable guy to be with.

3 Relationship Boundaries You Must Set to Avoid Toxic Situations

Pablo Garcia's picture

relationship rules
By laying down hard, rational boundaries early in your relationship, you foster respect rather than chaos. These 3 boundaries are key in avoiding toxic situations.

Today I met up with one of my best friends, a true natural who really amped up his game in the last few years. He is one of those dudes, who with such a great abundance of hot girls, was non-reactive when he met them. Girls stuck to him like glue, so our notorious Alek Rolstad gave him the nickname “Mr. Magnet.”

Besides our time spent in the field of women, he is my trusted gym buddy. In the last month, he has been absent from our almost-daily lifting sessions. I thought he’d been sick, but he told me a while back that he entered into a monogamous relationship with this girl he’d been seeing. This struck me as odd because this dude seldom felt he could like one girl for the long term.

While grabbing some coffee and catching up on his new relationship, she came by, and I got to meet her. She’s very sweet, but I could sense she was one of those girls who want control over any guy she's with. When she left, I told him what I had perceived, and gave him some pointers about what he should do and not do to have a drama-free and harmonious relationship.

I have a lot of experience with keeping long-term relationships on your own terms. While breaking it down to him, I realized my fellow readers on Girls Chase could benefit from these essential rules – every guy starting a relationship should fervently follow them.

13 Positives of Long-Term Relationships and 6 Drawbacks

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

long-term relationship
Is a long-term relationship right for you? Guys naturally experience a measure of turmoil when faced with commitment. What could you gain? What could you lose?

Should you be in a long-term relationship, or keep on rocking solo? If you invest enough time into learning pickup, you’ll inevitably find a girlfriend. For some guys, it happens on the first approach, for others, it takes a month, or a year. But it’s only a matter of time before some play-ette snags you into a long-term relationship (LTR).

Trust me, it happens to all of us.

But you do have a choice, even if it means a lifetime of crushing loneliness and regret.

How to Never Have a Sexless Relationship (the Sex Trump Card)

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

sexless relationshipOver the years I've seen friends go through relationships where after a while their woman stops having sex with them. When it happens, the guy is shaken; his self-esteem slides hard. When a man needs something, and is denied it by the woman he thought was there to be his partner for that thing and many others, his view of himself can crater.

I've never had to deal with a sexless relationship for long. A few times in the rockiest parts of soured relationships, I've had female partners do their darnedest to avoid sex with me. I reached a point with one ex like this where it would take me an hour or more of me doing everything I could to break through with her every time before I'd finally get some bone-dry vagina. I've had partners sour enough with me they'd completely dried up for me for sex (like that one), or sometimes firmly denied me for stretches of time.

But in the end, they always ended up pursuing me for sex and initiating on their own again.

I've had some longer relationships... some past the point where other friends' relationships have seen the sex dry completely up. I've had girlfriends whose libidos have waxed and waned. But me getting enough sex with them, except for short tumultuous stretches before I fix whatever the issue is, has never long been a problem.

This is a thing most people dread, the sexless relationship / sexless marriage. It's something when people fall into it, they become lost, confused, lonely, and hurt.

They don't know how to remedy it... and can't find a way out.

Yet, the most reliable cure for sexlessness is a simple one.

It's a position you can adopt that will motivate any partner who wants to keep you to be a whole heck of a lot more flexible with her sex life with you.

That position is this:

I completely understand if you don't want sex. But I NEED sex, and I'm going to HAVE it. If you can't provide it to me, I'll be sad, but again, I understand.

You will find out very quickly at this point whether she wants you enough to change the sex life... or whether things are so far gone it's time for you to hit the eject button.

How to Ask a Girl to Be Your Girlfriend (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

One of the most important questions you’ll ask in your life: “Do you want to be my girlfriend?”

But, should you ask it like that?


If not, how should you ask? At some point, you have to ask her, right?

Well, kinda.

I’m about to flip this notion of asking a girl to be your girlfriend on its head.

This is the best way to get a girlfriend.

And it’s so simple.

All you need is a little bit of patience, and some balls.

Make-Up Sex After Fights? 7 BIG Pros and 3 MAJOR Cons

Chase Amante's picture
make-up sex
Make-up sex is wild, passionate, and pleasurable. Yet it comes equipped with 3 relationship "cons"… as well as 7 clear "pros."

Think back to your last session of hot make-up sex.

As you no doubt recall (and likely already knew), make-up sex is good.

It's among the best sex you'll ever have. It's incredible for women. It's incredible for men.

What makes make-up sex so deliriously good is the maelstrom of emotions that swirls about the sex. You've just had a big fight... perhaps broken up temporarily, or been just about to.

And then, after both partners had considered or flirted with or begun the process of a split, you pull back from the brink, and get right back into the relationship again -- and right back into one another, with make-up sex.

As a relationships guy, I've had a love-hate relationship with the love-hate roller-coaster that is make-up sex.

I used to recommend against it completely. Engage in make-up sex, as we will see, and you risk encouraging more, increasingly dramatic fights... you risk creating a subconscious driver in both relationship partners (i.e., you and your paramour) to pick fights and even raise the intensity of those fights any time either of you starts to long for good, hot, incredible sex.

Yet after years of telling folks off of make-up sex, I modulated my position. Somewhat.

I switched to "make-up sex can be quite good... IF you know what you're getting into."

We're going to cover three (3) MAJOR 'cons' to make-up sex today.

And then we'll cover the seven (7) big 'pros' to it, right after.

The goal is to make sure you know what you're getting into when you get into make-up sex.

11 Signs It's Time to Break Up

Tony Depp's picture

how to know when it's time to break up
Every relationship has issues, but knowing when it’s time to break up can be tough. Ultimately, you must decide what’s most important to you and make your own decision.

How do you know when it’s time to break up with a girl? If you’re at that stage, dude – I’m sorry. If you have to ask yourself that, then you must be going through a rough time.

I used to be what you might call a player. The worst part of that journey was cutting off girls who didn’t have anything wrong with them, but it was just that I wanted to try out more women.

If that sounds like you right now, I’d say be honest. What’s the worst that can happen? Maybe you’re a young dude, and at this stage, you just want to sleep with a lot of women, which is kinda hard to do if you have a serious girlfriend. Such is the way of men.

We’ll of course be discussing other reasons to consider breaking up in this article, but you may already have gotten clued in that this is not a politically correct guide. It’s more clinical and cold-hearted. We’re looking out for our own well-being and dating life here while doing our best to be honest with ourselves.

Ultimately, if your goal is to find the right woman (or women) for you, you don’t want to get stuck with the wrong one any longer than necessary, right?

This advice is about when it’s best to move on and find a better fit or regain your freedom.

When Your Girlfriend Asks for an Open Relationship (and You Don't Want That)

Chase Amante's picture
girlfriend wants open relationship
hat do you do if a lover, girlfriend, or wife asks you for an open relationship… and you don't want one? How do you say no yet not look weak or cause reactance?

We've had a good deal of articles on Girls Chase that discuss entry into an open relationship. Either getting into one with an existing girlfriend, or how to find one open to it.

Today's article is on the other side of things. What do you do when your girl asks you to 'open up' the relationship... so she can have sex with other guys?

This can be tricky to deal with. Because when she hits you with it, you may not know:

  • Does she mean it? Or is it a test?
  • How do I say 'no' without looking jealous or weak?
  • If I say 'no', will she do it anyway behind my back?

Much rides on your response. Get it wrong, and you may hurt her respect for you, or encourage her to sneak around behind you.

As you'll see in this article though, you can absolutely turn these requests down, and come out looking stronger for it. How it goes is all in how you frame things.

If you're instead looking for advice on how to get into an open relationship, check out this series on building non-monogamous relationships, or this article on what to look for in prospective polyamorous partners.

However, if what you'd like is to knock down any talk of your girl taking penis from other men, then read on, and let's handle that issue.

10 Actions That Will Improve Every Relationship You Have

Tony Depp's picture

how to make a relationship better
We’re social beings, therefore we thrive when our relationships thrive. The secret to making every relationship better is to start with oneself, then radiate outward.

Would you like to know how to improve every relationship you have with women, from your existing relationships to every new one you create, until you fart your last fart into your starched hospital bedsheets? (Personally, I plan to die in battle).

Maybe you’re struggling with your girlfriend, your boss, your parents or peers, or just everyone in the darn world? Maybe you can’t get laid never mind find a girlfriend. Maybe you’re a hardcore introvert and don’t have any friends or feel like you need them.

Don’t worry. Uncle Tony is going to teach you how to make a relationship better. This knowledge won’t just show you how to make every relationship better – it may give you more personal power than you know what to do with.

I’m dramatic here for literary effect.

Most of you just want to get laid. I know. But let’s go a little deeper to see how to make a relationship better.

3 Ways to Turn 'Good Girls' Into Freaks

Chase Amante's picture

good girl into freakSometimes you can find and bed girls who are freaks.

To a certain degree this depends on the type of game you use. Some approaches (like Pablo's in the article I just linked) filter for these types of girls better than others.

Even if you don't directly screen for freaks (i.e., girls who like lots of sex, and kinky sex), you'll still bed some from time to time... depending on how and where you meet women.

However if you're like most guys, the majority of girls you bed will not be freaks.

Most will be normal girls with normal sexual appetites.

That's all well and good.

So what do you do when you start to see a girl regularly... and you want her lusty for you?

Well, you turn her into a freak.