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Pickup Tech


How to Sleep with Hot Instagram Girls

Pablo Garcia's picture

how to sleep with instagram models
Hot Instagram girls need sex, too. But how do you separate yourself from the hordes of men vying for their attention... and get them into your bed?

Hello, guys!

Over the years during which I have been living this fantastic lifestyle, I have noticed a slight change in myself and how I perform my magic on girls. As I’ve learned, met more girls, and got more lays, I have noted how important it is to change what kind of game I use on a specific girl. The best seducers I’ve met are the ones who can adapt their game to each girl. And to have sex with Instagram girls and other hot blogger chicks, it takes some finesse.

These girls often have thousands of followers on social media, and countless chodes bombard them with attention every time they log in. They very often have silicone titties, stripper heels, flowing,blonde hair, and a resting bitch face to scare off lame suitors. They are very scary girls many men dream of getting, but few have the guts to approach them.

I will give you the rundown on where to find and how to have sex with hot Instagram girls. These girls are not as hard to get as they look. Remember, they are women, and women still need sex – you just need to be the right guy for them that night. And to be the right guy that night, you need to know which guns to use at what time.

Debunking the Minimalist Approach to Physical Game in Pickup

Alek Rolstad's picture

minimalist pickup approach to physical game
The minimalist approach to pickup is making its rounds in the community. But many don’t understand certain aspects of it that make it anything but an easy fix.

Hello again, guys.

This post aims to debunk the trend of minimalistic or simplified approaches to getting women, which have become more popularized recently. These include “meet-vibe-escalate-close” approaches. I will also explain exactly why it is that they don’t work. There are no quick fixes – sorry!

The last few years, more minimalistic forms of night game have become more popular, not only among seduction newbies and the “less dedicated” cold approachers but also in general across the mainstream seduction community.

They rely primarily on vibe, state, and physical escalation. This style is popular because it does work sometimes, but not often enough, in my opinion. And if done badly, it can lead to total disaster. The blueprint is supposedly simple, consisting of:

If you fail, then go home and jack off or move on to next girl (unless the club is closing soon).

Not a perfect game plan, but it does work occasionally, and the blueprint is a simple one. It seems many men favor this minimal approach when it comes to meeting women.

Texting Fundamentals: How to Use Emojis with Girls

Hector Castillo's picture

texting emotion with emojis
We all know that communicating emotion is a critical element in attracting women. But how does one make her “feel” in the 2-dimensional world of texting?

Texting fundamentals – I’ve wanted to talk about this for a while now.

Texting has many layers we can explore in a scholastic fashion. This will be a nerdy article for some, but it needs to be technical, or the advice won’t be as helpful as it could be.

Let’s start with emojis.

To understand how and why emojis work, let’s go through a few basic concepts of text game.

Tactics Tuesdays: Telling Girls "You're Such a Girl"

Chase Amante's picture

you're such a
Escape women's traps and make things fun with "You're so demanding!" or "You're such a girl!" and other variants of this playful, off-balancing tease.

Here's a little tactic/tease you may use, but perhaps not enough.

When women test you or do something silly or unexpected, or when you need to put the heat back onto them, use this line:

"You're so [BLANK]!" or "You're such a [BLANK]!"

For example... at some point, a girl you've recently met asks you a super serious question about cheating in a relationship. A question there's no way to answer seriously without either qualifying or disqualifying yourself. A question seemingly designed to suck all the fun right out of the courtship. How do you proceed?

One excellent way is with "You're so [BLANK]!" Like so:

Her: So. If you were married, would you ever cheat?

You: Wow. You're such a downer! We were having fun, then all of a sudden you're assessing my value as a long-term mate.

Use a bemused, slightly endeared delivery when you use lines like this. Show her you find the situation funny and unusual, though also that she's somewhat endeared herself to you (even if she is a little weird or uncalibrated) with her silly/cute behavior.

"You're so" or "You're such a" can spin around all sorts of uncomfortable conversational situations. Questions about whether or not you're a cheater are just the start.

Attraction Paradox: Why She Rejects You Even Though She Wants You

Alek Rolstad's picture

why she rejects you when she's attracted
Attraction isn’t the end-all in getting women into bed. In fact, too much of it can complicate things. Here’s why focusing more on compliance is the way to go.

Hey, guys. Not too long ago, I wrote a theoretical piece stating my definitions of attraction and compliance and how I distinguish between them. The goal of that post was to clarify:

  • The confusing paradox of “attraction is there naturally” – i.e., that attraction is not something you create, but either is or isn't there – and the idea of “building attraction”

  • The difference between them – attraction being an emotional drive that causes a person to feel emotions towards another versus creating a state of mind that makes another person comply with your demands

  • How this all plays out in the field

Today, I want to discuss this even further. I believe that compliance is a more powerful tool than attraction, and therefore something you should strive for. The reason behind this is that attraction, once you reach a certain level, becomes a double-edged sword that can work against you.

The assumption is that attraction leads to compliance. This is true in many cases – if a girl likes you, she will be very likely to follow your lead and comply with your demands. However, as we will discuss here, attraction can sometimes make a girl less compliant. We will explore why that is.

Get the Girl by Winning Her Friends’ Approval

Hector Castillo's picture

get the girl win friends approval
If a girl’s friends are present, they’ll get a say in whether she’s allowed to hook up with you. So be prepared to win them over and get their approval.

You’re at a club. You meet a cute girl, and it’s going well.

Then she tells you that she wants to introduce you to her friend. You walk over and are introduced. You make some small talk with one of the female friends, and then, when you get the chance, you return to your girl because… well, you’re trying to nail her, not her friend.

Your girl talks to you some more, but then you see her eyes flick briefly towards her friend. A few seconds later, she says to you, “Hey, one second. I’ll be right back.”

She walks over to her friend and they talk. You wait for your girl to turn around and re-engage you. But as the minutes go by, her body turns further and further away from you. Two minutes become four.

You feel alone, left out in the cold. You take a few sips of your drink to not look totally out of place, but after a few more minutes, your drink is empty. You feel empty. You don’t know what happened, but you do know that you lost your girl.

You walk back to the bar, order another drink, and look out into the crowd for another girl.

What happened?

You failed her friend’s test.

How to Be Persistent with Girls: Two Strategies

Alek Rolstad's picture

two ways to be persistent with girls
There are two general methods for being persistent with girls. Each comes with its own benefits and risks. Which one you choose depends on a few key factors.

Hey, guys. Last week, I wrote a post on persistence, a key concept of pickup and seduction that we have discussed numerous times on this site.

There are a lot of misconceptions about persistence, both on a practical and theoretical level. Today, we will discuss the latter – a theoretical perspective on persistence.

This post is primarily theoretical, but the theory also affects the practical application of the technique.

If you are more of a practically oriented person, you should still read this post because it may affect not only the way you view persistence but also the way you use it.

Today’s topic is primarily about two different forms of persistence.

The thing they both have in common is that you will be persisting to get a chick. However, they not only look different, but they also have different implications.

How to Approach Women and Spark Interest – Not Rejection

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

hooking get her attention
See a hot girl during the day and want to get her number, or even take her home? It can be done! But if you expect to reel her in, you’ll need a quality hook.

Most new guys have a hard time hooking a woman they’ve approached during the day – and it’s no surprise. When you approach women, your veins course with adrenaline. You’re consumed with fear over what people will think about you. You can barely force air through your lungs and move your legs, never mind form consonants and vowels into intelligent conversation.

If you’re in this nervous state, most women won’t hook. They’ll take one look at your stuttering, anxious being and just… keep on walking.

Remember the rule of state transference – whatever you feel, she feels.

That’s why I recommend spending at least a year working on your approach anxiety and hooking. What to actually say should be the last thing you worry about, as it’s the hardest aspect of game to learn and it relies more on experience than study.

Once you get the fundamentals down, hooking becomes natural.

In my day-game model, hooking is simply getting the girl you approached to engage you back. You talk, she listens – she talks, you listen.

What to Do When She Says "It's Too Fast" and Wants to Leave

Chase Amante's picture

it's too fast for me
You tried to take her to bed, only for her to tell you "It's too fast for me." Your solution: 5 options that can smooth things out and get her to stay.

You ran the courtship (up until now) to perfection. Sparks flew when you talked to her. She laughed at your jokes (and you were wittier than usual). You remembered to touch, and touched her well. You took the lead and led her home.

Everything went great -- till a moment ago. Then as you tried to kiss her, she distanced herself from you. She told you "It's too fast for me."

You tried to persist; she said "I think I should go."

What do you do? Deep within your gut, you know if she leaves, she's gone. Your lizard brain knows what happens when you come this close then fail to close the deal. Yet you also freeze up with fear: you live in a paranoid feminist society. Many women now view male persistence as all but analogous to assault. The last thing you want to be is pushy... especially while alone with a woman you're only just getting to know.

Must you surrender? Must you let her go... say goodbye to a happy coupling never to be? Cast her into the wilderness to find a man less desirable than you, less wonderful than you, who will please her less than you?

Seems like a tragedy, doesn't it? It shouldn't have to end on so ignominious a turn.

And while there's no 100% way to change a girl's mind as she's on her way out, there are a few things you can try. But first you must understand why, when things had gone so well to that point, she suddenly balked.

How Being Picky Helps Attract Women

Darwin Niwrad's picture

Editor’s Note: this is our first post from Darwin, whom our very own Hector Castillo has adopted as wingman in Romania. He specializes in social circle game and Instagram game. Here, he shares his experience with how being picky can boost your attractiveness. Here’s Darwin! –BT

attract women by being picky
Being picky means knowing what you want. Knowing what you want enables you to choose a path to obtain it. And this decisiveness helps attract the women you like.

Everyone has their preference when it comes to dating women, whether that be what music she listens to, shoe size, political views, or even her hair color. Knowing what you want helps you find your next favorite girl – and it enables you to get her in bed, too.

The level of your game is what allows you to pick and choose your women. If you’re fresh in the game and haven’t honed that fire that burns deep within all men, fear not – you have a lot of time and plenty of girls with which to practice.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable, go and approach, and earn the right to be picky with the girls you pursue and how you pursue them.

Every loss brings you closer to your next girl. Improve faster by recognizing what went right and what went wrong. Do you remember which joke made her giggle? Do you remember when it all went to hell and she walked away? Focus on that, and you will be much closer to creating a list of shaggable women.

When you get to a certain level, you can be picky with not only the quality of girls but also how you approach them. You will know who is interested and likely to respond well to your advances. You don’t need to waste time approaching random girls who may or may not be attracted to you. Unless, of course, you’re a dog and want to. My buddy Hector is one of those guys – he’s always horny.