Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Escalation Series Pt. 2: Her Emotions, Stages 1-4

Mateo Navarrete's picture

Previously, in “Escalation Series Pt. 1: The Logistical Timeline of Events”, we were able to breakdown and plot the series of logistical events that had to happen in order for the desired reality – consensual physical intimacy – to exist in an interaction that successfully progressed from meet to mate.

We also learned that, just as there were external (for example, logistical) elements that had to occur, there also were internal (read: emotional) elements that were needed in order for an interaction to successfully progress from the approach, throughout numerous moments of posting up and moving together, until eventually, and inevitably, leading to the desired reality of physically bonding together.


In part 2 of this series, to gain a better understanding of how to effectively escalate an interaction from meet to mate, we are going to take a closer look at this process by examining it through the lens of emotions!

Once again, as a bit of a disclaimer, understand that some of this information will seem very abstract, so I will attempt to give concrete examples whenever possible. At the same time, understand that as you gain more experience while internalizing these effective mindsets and behaviors, the information will become clearer and less abstract.

Let’s begin!

Is the Search for a Pure Woman Quixotic?

Alek Rolstad's picture

Many men seek purity in women. Some men view them as of higher value; as something beautiful. The idea of purity is very important, especially when a man is looking for a long term relationship.

pure woman

Now, personally I do not care for purity – in fact, purity for me is unattractive in the sense that it is incongruent with sexual liberalism. I enjoy female sexuality; I find it hot, sexy, and mysterious. It gives me so many kicks, you have no idea.

The Genuine Man, Part 1: The Arrogant Man

Hector Castillo's picture

When I first read Chase’s article on being a genuine man, “Secrets to Getting Girls: Better than Jerk”, my mind instinctively rebelled against the notion. “I enjoy being the badboy jerk! It’s part of my identity! Anyone who doesn’t like jerks is just a pussy!”

When you are the jerk, you spike attraction ridiculously hard, especially if your competition is a bunch of wimps, and you rarely feel weak. You’re always the strongest man in the room. Or, if you’re not, you’ll take him down. You will inevitably crush all competition with brute arrogant force and win.

Or so I thought.

Sexy Man’s Grooming Guide, Part 1: Skin Care

Darius Bright's picture

As promised in my previous article, “How to Deal with Your Physical Insecurities”, I will be starting a series of articles dedicated to helping you make the most out of your looks and become “that hot guy”.

We’ll begin with the Sexy Man’s Grooming Guide, which in itself will be split into several parts to make it easier to read without getting overwhelmed. In this grooming manual we won’t be focusing on the issues themselves, like why some men have thinning hair or what causes acne, but instead on the practical, actionable solutions.

As you read through please understand that if right now you have the grooming habits of a lazy chimpanzee (and, hey, no judgment here – I’ve been there myself!) that’s fine, and you don’t need to start doing everything you just read starting tomorrow all at once.

Take your time and implement each strategy one by one so that they become habitual. Do this, and very soon you’ll realize that pick-up begins to get easier, with people in general being friendlier, and life itself somehow just becoming more pleasant.

Grooming Handbook

We’ll start our Seducer’s Grooming Handbook with skin care because, as you’ll see in a moment, it just might be one of the most important physical aspects we can improve.

Escalation Series Pt. 1: The Logistical Timeline of Events

Mateo Navarrete's picture

Last time, to celebrate your successful completion of the fundamentals of communication series, we grew our conversation outline to include what to say next – for now anyway ;-)

Applying your conversation outline during your interactions will allow you to internalize your fundamentals by diverting your focus from what to say next to what to do, and not do, right now!

In turn, this will allow you to determine which of your habits (read: subconscious instinctive behaviors) are effective, or ineffective, at helping you successfully escalate an interaction logistically, physically, and emotionally. Then, simply replace your ineffective habits of behavior with your knowledge of the fundamentals (read: effective behaviors) and experience the difference firsthand!


In this new series, to gain a better understanding of how to effectively escalate an interaction from meet to mate, we are going to breakdown the process both logistically and emotionally.

As I explain this information, you will notice that some of it will seem very abstract, so I will attempt to give concrete examples whenever possible. However, at the same time, understand that the more experience you gain, the less abstract this information will become, as you will internalize these effective mindsets and behaviors.

So let’s get started!

There Aren’t Enough Girls… Or Are There?

Ethan Fierre's picture

Excuses – we’ve all got ‘em. Some of us more than others.

This article’s for the guy who’s committed himself to turning pretty girls he meets in his day-to-day life into pretty girls he’s sleeping with on a none-too-infrequent basis, yet still finds himself stalling up or not having things happen for one of a small variety of reasons.

There Aren’t Enough Girls

Here are the reasons that we’ll be covering in this post:

  1. There doesn’t seem to be many (or any) girls around.
  1. You are reacting too slowly and letting opportunities slip you by.
  1. You are making up limits for types of approaches and actions you are capable of or that are vaguely “doable” for you personally… regardless of whether they would ACTUALLY work or not.

Why the Girl You’re Talking to Went Cold (and What to Do)

Alek Rolstad's picture

Hi everyone. Today we will get less theoretical and more into practical seduction techniques, as I believe it important to vary the style of my posts.

Today’s topic might seem fancy, but it will cover a problem that seducers of all levels face: that is, female mental state changes (or “mood changes” if you prefer) – a problem that frustrates many of us.

State Change

No matter where you are in terms of skill, you have almost definitely on numerous occasions met women who seemed really into you at first but then suddenly turned ice-cold. It’s not uncommon and it happens to all of us.

What shocks me however is how rarely this topic is discussed. So that is why I’ve decided to write a post breaking it down for you.

Our approach today is to first discuss why this happens and then, in the second part, to talk about a few solutions to the problem so you know what to do the next time a girl begins suddenly to turn cold for seemingly no reason.

How to Deal With Your Physical Insecurities

Darius Bright's picture

A few friends and I were sitting at a table, careless fluff talk and barely appropriate jokes going all around, when someone made a joke that had everyone cracking up. Too bad I can’t recall the joke. But the point is that we were having a good time. After all, as most people, I love laughing and smiling (that goofy photo next to my name is there to prove it).

Then one of the friends commented – “Why do you cover your mouth with your hand when you’re laughing?”

“I do? Didn’t even notice it.”

I then got noticeably embarrassed and attempted to change the subject.

In truth, I was actually aware I was doing it and the fact that this friend, I’m sure without any bad intentions, drew attention to it made me both angry and uncomfortable.

Body Image

Here’s the deal: at the time I had properly crooked teeth, something I’d been very insecure about; and covering my mouth with my hand (or any other object I might be holding in my hands) was my way of masking this insecurity. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as nonchalant as I imagined and my friend’s comment made it painfully obvious.

And even though I didn’t want to admit it at the time, this seemingly insignificant insecurity was impacting my life in more ways than just trying to hold in a laugh or a smile before I can cover it up with an awkward gesture.

Indeed, in my mind I felt flawed; I imagined how life would be so much better if only I had a beautiful smile – I would instantly become so much more confident and surely all my female classmates would find me incredibly more attractive.

Also, if I saw a woman I liked and then it turned out that she had a great smile, in my mind this would instantly make her “out of my league” because there’s no way any woman with great teeth would find me attractive. Silly, I know.

How to Find and Pick Up MILFs

Colt Williams's picture

Has the modern mating game been making you weary? Are you tired of dealing with one flighty, stuck-up, flaky girl after another who wouldn’t know a strong man if he bit her on the neck?

Well then my friend, the MILF is the answer for you. You’re not going to deal with any of the nonsense that you find with younger girls when you learn how to start seducing their older counterparts. What’s so great about MILFs?

Find and Pick Up MILFs

  • They are more sophisticated. Even if a MILF is not the smartest person you have ever encountered, she will at the very least have more knowledge of the world than younger women. There is something to be said about a woman who has done some traveling (usually), changed career paths, experienced pain with family and friendships, and has come to understand the true nature of the world.

  • They are realists. The fact is that MILFs do not look at the world through rose colored glasses. They don’t have time to play games because they know how the world really is. They know that they are past their prime and will no longer have droves and droves of men chasing after them. They know that they have to worry about bills and putting food on the table and retirement. So they simply don’t have time to be playing around on their smartphones stringing guys along for their own entertainment. They just want a quality lover who will be on the same page.

  • They have emotional maturity. Most young girls will drive you crazy with how, well… crazy they can be. Never sure of what they want, how to communicate, or what direction they want to take their lives, young girls are always inviting drama into your life. On the other hand, older women are very clear and unapologetic with their desires and know how to communicate their emotional needs to men.

So how do you go about seducing MILFs? Let’s talk how:

Is Casual Sex Okay?

Alek Rolstad's picture

Is casual sex morally acceptable? Historically, people have viewed sex as a serious matter that should be restricted. And social conventions have typically told us to withhold sex and control our human lusts.

Most religions therefore consider promiscuity a sin; something immoral that was even punished by death in the Middle Ages. The sanctions for promiscuity have become way lighter since then, and in the modern day West, the sanctions have for the most part become only of a social matter: judging, exclusion, and shame.

Though I’ve covered it in some of my previous articles (like this one or this one), in a nutshell, female sexuality has been restricted in order to create order and avoid chaos. Remember, the majority of males out there compete over the provider role, and therefore are not very sexually attractive to women in comparison to the small minority of lovers – those men whom women find sexually attractive and who provide them sexual satisfaction.