Fundamentals | Page 5 | Girls Chase


The basic building blocks of being attractive and getting results with women that every aspiring ladies' man should get down cold.

Do You Feel Anxious Around Women? Don’t Let Them See It

Varoon Rajah's picture

anxiety is a turn-off
Women are attracted to confidence, and anxiety is the opposite of confidence. So if women don’t find anxiety sexy, but it’s a normal feeling, what can we do about it?

Having recently lost a lover because of anxious thoughts, I figured it would be useful to cover how to address anxiety with women and dating.

While anxiety is a normal human emotion, some people feel it more than others. It’s a terrible weakness to display around a woman and is the opposite emotion from a “turn-on” and sexual excitement.

Think back to your most memorable sexual experiences, if you’ve had some. Was anxiety present? Would anxiety have helped the experience? If yes, did the anxiety make the situation better?

Most likely, your best experiences around women involve no anxiety at all. But if you’ve had experiences that did include anxiety, and I’ve had many, I can attest that these moments become question marks in women’s eyes.

Anxiety, especially if it shows up at critical moments like the first kiss or the first escalation, can ruin your chances to get a woman and keep seeing her.

Men will often experience anxiety and nervousness in critical moments during a seduction:

On the journey of getting better with women, men must train themselves to never feel anxiety around women, particularly in the critical moments mentioned above. As a rule, it’s best to avoid showing any anxiety around a woman you want to be sexual with.

Poor Men vs. Cheap Men: Women View Them VERY Differently

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

poor man vs cheap man
Being poor can give you certain advantages in the dating game. But if she thinks you’re CHEAP, it’s game over! Here’s how to avoid that “cheap” stink of death.

At the time of the story I'm about to tell, I'd been on a roll for a good month. I had high momentum, pulling girls left and right from day game and having wild, same-night sex pretty consistently. I was in a spectacular groove.

During this wonderful month, my friends and I decided to go out one Friday night. My entire aura was just glowing with sex, and the girls picked up on it. We walked by this tall, skinny-but-busty Chinese girl smoking a cigarette. She stared me down and smiled as I walked by. I broke off from my friends and approached her as they kept walking. She introduced herself, then quickly revealed she’s bisexual, looking for some fun, and was bored waiting for her friends inside the bar. She was out for her friend’s birthday party, hosting out of town friends and showing them the New York City nightlife.

She invited me to meet her friends, and I obliged. Soon after, the birthday girl left, leaving me with my girl and a group of four hot single women. All were 8s and 9s in my book, and three of the five were travelers. Great group logistics. I texted my two wings to meet me at a bar ten minutes away where I led the girls. We all sat at a table and ordered drinks. The waitress asked for a card to hold the tab. As the de-facto leader of the group, I surrendered mine.

Five girls and three guys were having fun and vibing, but my wings weren’t doing the work they should have, and my girl (the alpha of HER group) was getting antsy. To keep the vibe up, I proposed we head to another lounge in a different part of town, closer to my place. The girls discussed this and agreed. My girl was still on the fence because her girls didn’t have guys, but she was following my lead, and things looked promising for an end-of-night pull.

I asked for the bill, and seeing that it was over $100, proposed splitting it. I told the waitress to bring half for me and half for the girls, and this foolish decision killed me for the night!

Long story short, the alpha girl, my girl, was furious that I wasn’t picking up the tab for her friends. When none of the girls nor my friends offered to pay, the birthday girl decided to chip in, which rubbed the alpha wrong even more. “Why should the birthday girl pay?” she said. I immediately realized my mistake and put my card down, paying the tab, but it was already too late.

She stormed off, and in an angry Chinese tirade to her friends, told them to leave my group and go to another bar. I tried to salvage things and restore the vibe, but it was too late. I’d already blown it.

In the end, I came off as cheap to my girl, the alpha lead, and the opportunity was lost.

5 Ways to Be a Smooth Dude

Hector Castillo's picture

be smooth
If you want to be smooth with women and life, you won’t get there with snappy one-liners or good looks. True smoothness requires a much finer grit.

A while back, I wrote about how to be smooth with conversation. With this article, I want to expand the dialogue on smoothness and get your interactions slathering with smoothness on all sides.

Let's make your entire demeanor smooth.

It’s the way you talk (your voice tonality, rhythm, etc.), the way you gesture with your hands, the way you move your eyes and face when you speak (and when you listen), the way you walk, the way you shake hands, the way you touch a woman who is sitting with you at a bar.

That’s what we want to make smooth. And how do we make this smooth?

Well, smoothness in a sexy man can be expressed in many ways.

Smoothness is one facet of sexiness, and there are many levels to sexy. I always tell my students they need to find a way of expression that fits them.

Once you find your style, you must do three things:

  1. Master the fundamentals of your style; become the best version of your ideal man

  2. Master the conversation of your style; become the best conversationalist you can be

  3. Master your mind; see and know that you think like this man

The technicalities of smoothness are:

  • Fundamentals
  • Conversation
  • Mind (inner game)

In my experience, these are not enough to make a man truly smooth. The final two recommendations of mine are to:

  • Spend time with women you love
  • Have a mission

We will focus on these final two later. First, let’s look at the most crucial areas, the technicalities.

Mistakes that Make Women Screen Men Out as Sex Partners

Varoon Rajah's picture

screened out as sex partner
A woman’s decision to sleep with you is largely based on whether you give her a reason to screen you out. The solution? Stop making mistakes that get you screened out.

Men and women differ significantly in their mating strategies with how each screens the opposite sex. Men are direction oriented and look for women with the sexual qualities that they want in a woman. They have a knack for going after certain looks, features, or personality traits in a woman. Men screen for women who fit the bill.

A woman, on the other hand, operates quite differently and from the opposite angle. She looks for attractive men and evaluates if she should keep moving forward with a guy based on his behavior and presentation. Then she evaluates whether or not she wants that. So she’ll give him a chance until she is forced to screen him out. It’s usually a result of a mistake a guy makes that conflicts with her social frame, sexual desires, failure to interest her, or her biology.

The reason for this is because men primarily seek sex and women primarily seek relationships. Yet women live in a land of sexual abundance where they’ll always have men looking to have sex with them if they’re remotely attractive, but women find it tough to lock men into relationships because they can’t find one who is good enough and down for a relationship! This difference in nature is perplexing to a lot of men. I see this happen all the time. A guy sees progress with a woman and gets super excited about her and how far they’ve come along until she suddenly disappears, and the guy is left clueless wondering what happened.

Because of radically different mating agendas, men screen for women to add to their lives, but an attractive woman lives in sexual abundance and has many different men chasing after her, so she is forced to screen men out. Men’s sexual agenda is to mate with as many of the best girls as possible, whereas a woman’s goal is to find the best one and win him over for herself.

In the mating game, men screen women in, and women screen men out. And when guys make mistakes in the seduction, or they miss good opportunities, she no longer sees him as a contender for the best man, and he loses his shot.

6 Key Areas to Improve Your Success with Women

Tony Depp's picture

improve with women
Lots of factors can thwart your chances with women. These particular ones have a way of infecting you with long-term dry dick syndrome. And they’re not hard to fix.

Like a pebble that causes an avalanche, the tiniest change in mindset or strategy can create such profoundly powerful results.

You may be struggling with your game, getting stuck in stage-two seduction, or just wondering why things aren’t clicking. Over my years of teaching, I’ve noticed that men have common, universal sticking points, or blind spots, that once isolated, can drastically improve success with women.

In today’s article, I’m going to share six areas where you can improve today.

Overthinking and Seduction Don't Mix

Cody Lyans's picture

seduction and overthinking
Attraction requires a flow of action and reaction. It gets disrupted when you overthink. To gain a successful seducer’s mindset, practice acting on a whim.

As men, we are thinkers. When faced with a problem or difficult scenario, we want to take a seat and mull over the possibilities. As a seducer, you want to interrupt that process and adopt another kind of thinking.

There are a few things overthinking men do “wrong” in the eyes of women:

  1. Acting on opportunities too late or delaying sexual behavior to seem chivalrous

  2. Promising things in the future that have no evidence in the present

  3. Desiring the ideal of sex like it can't go wrong and losing sight of reality where it can

We tend to slow down when things get complex, but women start to worry and think faster as things get complicated. To girls, we seem ill-equipped to handle complexity. Girls have no way of measuring the potential success rate when we sit down to think; they assume we are “sitting this one out.” So by that standard, it is not chivalrous to delay sexual behavior; it is often seen as a man “quitting very easily.”

Also, we like to promise the future to women. However, women are intensely connected to their feelings in the "right now," and the future does not affect them emotionally like the present does. A woman will never give up an emotion NOW for an unmeasurable gain later. Neither will she respect a promise without strong evidence, no matter your conviction.

Lastly, if you desire sex, and do not consider all the ways it can blow up and be annoying, girls will just become lazy and entitled about sex. They’ll think of you as far too slow-witted to have a mind of your own about what is desirable. And if they think you don't know what is desirable, they won't strive to be desired by you.

These three concepts are why you need to stop sitting down to think or slowing down to seem thoughtful. Girls do not think like you, they think faster and faster, intensely relying on feelings NOW, and they adhere to a code of absolute desire or apathy.

To think like a seducer, you must become uninhibited in every action you take, adhering to a philosophy they adore. You must flow from task to task, and make the complex seem simple and beautiful. You cannot slow down or get flustered, and you cannot overthink.

Seducing is much like playing a musical instrument. You cannot worry about what others will think of you if you start scrunching your face as you search for the perfect sound. You can't stop halfway through the song to think through the next part. At that exact moment in time, it is sink or swim, and you must act in the way that produces maximum effect. Anything less, and you will not capture people's imagination or stir up their feelings.

Attractive Traits Are Useless If They're Not Perceived

Alek Rolstad's picture

convey attractive traits
You can be the coolest guy in the room, but no one will care unless you’re perceived as such. How do you convey attractive traits, and which traits should you focus on?

Today’s post is one that I have wanted to write about for a long time, not because I find it ground-breaking, but because it covers crucial elements of understanding pickup and seduction.

Many of you have already figured out the concepts I’ll mention. That’s cool. It’s always good to get confirmation from someone else.

Others will find the points I make intuitive, and that’s cool, too, because my post may help you put into words (or perhaps “new words” or “different words”) something you have already thought about.

And some will read this without having any past ideas or opinions on the matter. If that’s you, great! You will learn something new.

This post is a key pillar to help you understand the big picture of how pickup and seduction works. Ideally, this post will help you tie some things together to give you a better understanding.

I believe this post is suited for everyone, beginners and pros alike. No matter your style, or whether you like to meet girls online, in clubs, or on the street, this one is for you.

Let’s get on with it.

How to Attract Women (the Same Way Women Attract Men)

Chase Amante's picture
how to attract women

A few hours ago as I walked down a city street, a woman stepped out in front of me.

Her face and body were ordinary. But she triggered an involuntary response in me. My heart rate quickened. I felt excitement. I wanted to talk to this girl, and meet her.

I didn't talk to her. She finished crossing the sidewalk and entered the car waiting for her, with someone I guessed was a boyfriend.

And, truth be told, she wasn't really my type. Like I said, pretty average face and body.

Had I met her somewhere else though, I'd have likely talked to her and, if she bit, pursued her. Her walk was quick, confident, sexy. Her hair was a clear bottle blonde, and she'd clearly used a curler to add some wave. Her nose was too big, but her eyelashes were long and luxurious, and her lips were bright red, so I didn't stay focused on her nose long.

Her breasts were pert; though I've been with girls with breasts like hers where you take the girl's clothes off and discover those breasts are 90% bra. Her stomach was flat and her legs looked strong, so that was real, though there wasn't much to her butt. Even still, in her form-fitting yoga clothes, she looked good.

I passed through the perfume wake she trailed behind her as I continued my way down the street, and when I inhaled her sent my pulse quickened a second time.

And I thought to myself "That girl is far more ordinary, in her face and body, than plenty of more beautiful women I've seen already today. Yet, she excited me in a way none of those girls did."

What worked for her will work for you as well.

Because the secret of how to attract women is the same for men as what women use to have that effect on men.

And just like women like that can attract you and me with certain irresistible attraction signals (even if we know how they're doing it), you and I can do the same to women, too.

Relentless Pragmatism Pt. 4: Influence Game and Optimization

Daniel Adebayo's picture

influence game seduction
Now that we’ve covered Volume and Zen Game, let’s discuss how learning Influence techniques and optimization can turn you into a seduction savant.

Welcome back, students of the game.

In this series, we’ve been looking at the journey of learning pickup from the ground up. We’ve looked at:

  • Steps you can take to become more attractive

  • Different ways to screen for receptive girls you want to meet

  • Naturally attractive personas you can adopt to transform your results with women

As we've explored the schools of seduction, one recurring topic is the pragmatic implications of dating advice from each game class. We’ve also looked closely at polarization and maximization and the effects each have on your style and how women react to you.

Whether you’re searching for the perfect girlfriend, looking to build an impressive and varied roster of casual lovers, or reinventing yourself as Don Juan to carpe diem your way into scads of beautiful women, this series shows how relentless pragmatism can help you climb the ladder toward an improved sex life and amazing results with women.

Today, we’ll look at the Influence game class and start examining more advanced, cutting-edge applications of this mindset. I’ll break these down into simple, straightforward ideas that anyone can understand and use. These skills will help you ascend beyond plateaus and sticking points, all the way up to a penthouse of dating success, packed with sexy girls of your choosing. Experienced readers and ambitious students of the game may find today’s insights especially advantageous for gaining awareness of the criteria used by the best seducers to define progress and dating success.

We’ll also discuss specific tips (with a little help from Pete and Matthew) on how to optimize your girl-getting process according to specific parameters of mastery. Regardless of your current level of experience when it comes to picking up girls, by the end of this article, you will notice a deeper sense of familiarity with the process of making progress.

You might be content staying in one of the other two game classes, or you don’t feel quite ready to subscribe to the Influence game class just yet. The discussion topics today will be broad and multifaceted. You can easily cherry-pick a couple of useful techniques, innovative ideas, or insights into female psychology to bring more positive experiences as you meet and seduce women.

It’s essential for seducers who are subscribed to the Volume or Zen game class to learn and internalize the concepts of these classes. To succeed as a controller, you’ll need solid fundamentals and a decent amount of experience with cold approach. Rushing through game classes often leads to much bigger learning curves with other schools of seduction. But you might be a seducer who understands the game class you’ve subscribed to but wish to solve nagging sticking points. You want to start sleeping with women more often or take the quality of their lovers to the next level. It’s crucial to realize when you’ve reached your ceiling as a screener or natural. So if you are at a plateau, it might be time to move forward.

Don’t worry if you’re still getting the hang of Zen or Volume game. You’ll easily become proficient by learning alongside our protagonists, Matthew and Pete, and applying the concepts discussed in this series regarding previous schools of seduction. This article serves as an inspiring sneak peek at what’s possible when you inject your dating lifestyle with a double dose of relentless pragmatism.

Relentless Pragmatism Pt. 3: Zen and Naturally Attractive Personas

Daniel Adebayo's picture

zen game naturally attractive persona
Let’s talk about Zen Game and how to build a naturally attractive persona that draws women like moths to your flame. As always, there are two ways to go about it.

Hang on to your helmets, guys. Today’s article will be a healthy dose of relentless pragmatism.

We’re moving forward with the razor-sharp analysis of various dating methods and manuals that have taken over the seduction community since its conception several years ago.

For the readers who’ve been following this series, today’s article is another impassioned yet comprehensive look at the three schools of seduction. These are the pervasive, overarching, lady-killer guidebooks the vast majority of advice, techniques, and dating tips are grouped into.

Read on as I give you an eye-opening and relentlessly pragmatic perspective on the ins and outs of each of the three schools:

  • Volume Game Class: The Screeners
  • Zen Game Class: The Naturals
  • Influence Game Class: The Controllers

Now, if this is your first time seeing this distinction, don’t worry. I wrote a primer on these distinctive paths to dating success, detailing the importance of splitting the multitude of practical advice into these diverse categories.

This is a common experience as you work at an improved dating life. It’s easy to get confused after seeing all the tactics and methods that seem to be at odds with each other. This series should help clear that up. I’ve touched on each seduction class or school’s unique approach to getting girls, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and suitable venues to meet women.

In my last article, we started with a sharp dissection of the Volume game class, highlighting the subtle nuances of how to screen for interested women. I gave you processes to work with, so you can find the girls eager to bend over backward for Mr. Right Now. We did this by taking a pragmatic look at diverse crossroads on the screeners’ path to dating success through the eyes of two gritty and remarkably determined students of the game, Pete and Matthew.

Today’s article will pick up where we left off. Let’s follow these two successful screener’s joint decision to continue their journey toward new heights, by venturing into the Zen game class, with a focus on creating an attractive persona.

We’ll see how learning the natural’s perspective on meeting and bedding desirable women sharpens their intuitive understanding of what women find attractive. Matthew and Pete will be in the perfect position to augment and refine the dating skillsets they started developing in the Volume game class.

Pete and Matthew take diverging paths as they progress in this school of seduction. By learning alongside with them and following in their footsteps, you can also craft an attractive personality, develop your intuitive understanding of charisma, and find out how to transform your current traits into sexually persuasive ones.

Those who subscribe to the Zen game class learn from naturals. Their perspective on the path to dating success involves the application of attractive behaviors and fundamentals that naturally captivate the women who get to bask in your energy. Determined students of the Zen game class will meet lots of women and cold cold approach. Once you get good, you’ll likely be sleeping with more women and getting laid more regularly compared to the majority of naturals. The typical natural relies on his social circles and prioritizes meeting women in niche venues like college campuses, the workplace, and career positions with social dominance.

So, if you’d like to join the esteemed ranks of men who intrigue, excite, and sweep women off their feet with a natural’s ease, read on.