Chase's 14 Basic Approaching Rules for Pickup Newbies | Girls Chase

Chase's 14 Basic Approaching Rules for Pickup Newbies

Chase Amante

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man feeling anxious about approaching woman on the streetWhen you’re new to approaching women, it can be tough to know which girls to meet. Use these 14 basic approaching rules to know when to go in and what to do.

The other day I wrote an article with a few rules on how to start doing day game.

It was clear from the reactions that there are newer guys who struggle with some of the most basic rules around approaching. I haven’t really gone into a lot of these before because:

  • I just figured these rules out naturally as I approached and I find guys who are doing the fieldwork tend to figure them out naturally too, and

  • These rules can be bent or broken as you get more experienced, so why write a list of rules that are only worth sticking to for new guys? I don’t want to give guys more rules that become constraints later on

But it occurs to me now that guys who are pretty new maybe want some constraints to better focus their approaching to get more from it coming out of the gates.

In the past I’ve talked a fair bit about having an overall process for approaching, such as in my article on how to approach a girl… but I haven’t really talked about some of the most basic rules of beginner-level approach targeting.

So I’ve conjured up the most basic approaching rules I could… and I’ve assembled together a list of 14 basic approaching maxims I recommend pickup newbies to follow.


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