Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

A New Take on Mystery’s Group Theory for Meeting Girls in Groups

Alek Rolstad's picture

new take on mystery's group theory
Group Theory came to the seduction world via the Mystery Method. Here I challenge some of its underlying mechanisms and give my own take on picking up girls in groups.

Guys learning pickup and seduction often find that pulling a girl from a group can be a bit challenging. How do you take a girl home with you if she’s out with a group of people? How do you handle her friends?

These are crucial questions that need to be asked if you want to become a master of the social and seductive arts.

If you are into meeting girls in bars, clubs, or social gatherings, this post is a must read for you.

In the pickup world, this is usually referred to as “group theory” and has been discussed from the early days of pickup and seduction. It’s interesting that the theory of the early days (coined by the famous seducer Mystery) has remained largely undebated. I haven’t seen it discussed much or even criticized. It has been the “meta” since then (there have been some disagreements but they are minor compared to many other themes).

However, I do not fully agree with classic group theory. I will get into why that is. That said, there is truth in it, and it does work very well in some situations. I will also discuss that.

We will also talk about alternative theories and strategies.

Who is this post meant for? In my opinion, everyone! If you are new to this vast world, then this goes under what we at Girls Chase would label as fundamentals (things you must know and have control over before getting into the fancier stuff). Therefore, this post is a must read. It will not be too hard to pull off in real life, although there may be some heavy theorizing. Honestly, it does not matter if you don’t remember all the theory if you grasp the essence of this post and manage to apply the techniques properly.

If you are an experienced reader, then you probably know by now what I think of recaps. There is no such thing as too much recapping of fundamentals.

And maybe you will learn a few things.

Note: we will not be discussing mixed groups in this article because it would require its own post, particularly on how to deal with male competition. Let me know in the comments if this is of interest to you.

Pickup and Seduction Styles: Which Will Work Best for You?

Varoon Rajah's picture

pickup and seduction styles
New to the dating, pickup, seduction world? Are you overwhelmed by the volume of information? This article will help economize your efforts in reaching your woman goals!

In my last article, we discussed how following conventional methods creates conventional results, whereas following an extraordinary method creates extraordinary results.

Too many follow conventional ideas yet expect out-of-the-ordinary results. Often this behavior creates disappointment and frustration.

A bigger issue is fear. People want to try new things but are afraid of taking the right risks to experience success that results from a tried-and-true system.

There are many different methods and systems men can use to meet and have sex with women. In this article, I’ll lay out all of them for you.

There’s been much debate in the seduction and pickup community about what makes for “great game.” Hardcore night gamers and people into one-night stands find the folks that go after online dating and consistent sex with low effort to be repulsive; meanwhile, the latter folks find cold approaching to be inefficient and inconsistent, putting in too many hours or effort for little reward. Then there are guys who commit to social circles and meet women through friends and their groups. And of course there are those who meet women and have sex by paying for it.

But which path is right for you?

How Sexual Hangups Form a Wall Between You and Getting Laid

Tony Depp's picture

sexual hangups and getting laid
Getting laid is a matter of putting out a sexual vibe, getting horny, and getting naked. Those things are much easier when you’re super comfortable having a penis.

Whenever I start with a new coaching client, I ask them this question:

“What do you want?”

Since most of them are incredibly nice guys, they say, “I want to improve my social skills.”

Yeah? What else?”

“I want to be able to be comfortable in social situations, and express myself authentically.”

“Right,” I reply. “How about this question: Do you want to have sex with hot girls?”

They shift uncomfortably, avert eye contact, and eventually agree, that yes, they do; though they have a hard time actually saying it.

“How many?” I ask.

“I don’t know.”

“One? Three? One hundred? Would you like to sleep with one hundred beautiful women?”

They smile and nod. They aren’t sure. They’ve never really thought about it.

“Well,” I continue. “Let’s start with one. Would you like to sleep with one beautiful girl?”




“By when? When do you want to get laid?”

“Ummm, when I have the confidence and…”

I cut them off. “How about today?”


“Yeah. Would you like to shag a beautiful girl today?”

A smile spreads across their face. That wouldn’t be so bad. But usually, they’re not sure; they’re unable to say it – that they want to have hot, sweaty, pounding sex with a nymph, and not just improve their social skills.

A Man's Legitimacy

Chase Amante's picture
man's legitimacy
A man’s legitimacy in the eyes of others determines what he can and cannot do. And as legitimacy falls, it influences how that man reacts.

A few weeks ago, I posted about the concept of increasing complexity in the mating market. In it I talked about some ideas inspired by Joseph Tainter's Collapse.

Today I want to talk about one more idea the book inspired. That's legitimacy.

In Collapse, Tainter discusses a society's need to maintain its legitimacy. That the more a society struggles to prove its legitimacy to the people who live within that society, the more it has to direct resources into displays to uphold its legitimacy (like monumental architecture, or war with neighbors to inspire patriotism) or into efforts to coerce its population to go along with things and to stifle dissent.

In fact, not long before a society enters a collapse, its construction of monumental architecture often reaches its peak. Despite the fact that there are fewer and fewer resources available as societies slump toward collapse, the society throws more and more of its shrinking resources into larger and larger buildings and monuments. Likewise, as societies proceed toward collapse, coercion increases, social trust erodes, and everyone ends up looking over his shoulder for those who might imply he's guilty of doing/thinking the forbidden.

All this is fascinating when you apply it to civilizations.

But as I read Tainter, it occurred to me his work applies to men as well.

Because just like a civilization, a man must also labor to establish legitimacy.

And just like a civilization, as a man's legitimacy crumbles, he struggles, often futilely, to uphold it with increasingly grand, or increasingly draconian, ways.

12 Tips to a Great First Kiss

Hector Castillo's picture

first kiss
A great first kiss is what sets a steamy romance into motion. An awkward slurp might put the tension on ice, but a tantalizing lip-lock can lead to so much more.

The first kiss doesn’t need to be magical. It doesn’t need to be special. But it would be a lot better if it was. What is true to women in the context of romance is more about what feels true.

If she feels like a kiss was great, it will be true that it was great.

If she feels that she likes you, precisely because the kiss was so great, then it is true that she really likes you.

The exact nature of how women think and feel is better explained in my article on why women are emotional but not irrational.

To put it simply, what women feel is what’s real.

And for the sake of sexual strategy and navigating the social waters of the world, it’s quite an accurate compass. It’s far more accurate, on average, than cold logic.

How does this tie into giving her a great first kiss?

I explained it above. You want her to feel as if the first kiss was great, so she feels she likes you and that you two are having a great time together.

This may sound overly technical to some, and while I may even grant it is a bit nerdy, it doesn’t mean it’s not a good strategy.

As men, it’s generally good practice to go for strategy over feelings. I’m not saying don’t feel. That would be ridiculous. There would be no point to this entire website if we didn’t embrace our sexual and romantic desires toward women. You would be a machine who sleeps with women and dates them for purely intellectual rewards. That would be strange. Countless other pursuits would be more enjoyable on a purely intellectual field than seduction (and even then, you’re still chasing desire. Intellectual desires and carnal desires are only different in their appearance, but they are both desires all the same).

But enough philosophizing.

What is a good strategy for the first kiss?

There are many factors to cover, and some tips will be universal while others will be based on preference (i.e., you can choose to follow one tip rather than another).

Let’s get to it.

How Physical and Mental Health Impact Your Dating Life

Darwin Niwrad's picture

health is attractive to women
Do looks matter? Yes! One reason for this is because women know that a healthy man – in body and mind – equates to better sex and a more fulfilling relationship.

As part of mastering the art of picking up women, you must master yourself. Taking care of yourself should be a high priority. The mind, body, and soul are the trinity that completes a person. When these three are in alignment, the results can be extraordinary depending on what your aim is. If you’re reading Girls Chase, your aim is probably to attract women.

You’re the one venturing through life, taking in experiences and grooming yourself into the man you want to be. When thinking about your life and health, it’s not only you who notices the improvements and changes. Women pay close attention to your lifestyle as well, because the decisions you make are a vote for who you will be in the future. Your life choices showcase your dominant and attractive qualities.

Really, combining health and life habits kill two birds with one stone. By taking care of yourself and your wellbeing, you are meticulously molding and crafting yourself for the better, which helps attract the women you desire. In a sense, this is a modicum of the Law of Attraction, right?

5 Best Blowjob Positions to Shoot a Ludicrous Load (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Blowjobs are fun.

Blowjobs are great.

We really like them, don't we, mate?

A lil lymric to introduce our best video thus far. This is really just amazing stuff. We're so happy to share this video with you.

Blowjobs seem simple enough. They are. You enjoy yourself.

But even the most passive pleasures can be well lead by you, Mr. King.

And how does a king receive a blowjob?

He receives it like she is LUCKY to be sucking his dick. And she is! You are you!

Thus, I suggest you ACT that way and position yourself in the ways that I will advise so that she FEELS submissive and FEELS lucky to be sucking your cock.

Following the illustrated positions will make you AND her feel amazing as she slops on your knob like corn on the cob.

And you will cum hard. Promise.

Like a volcano.

A huge load of spunk for her...


Okay, watch.

Sniper Game: How to Screen for Accessible Women in Bars and Clubs

Alek Rolstad's picture

sniper game screen for accessible women
Is that girl open for an approach? Here’s how to scope out the most accessible girls in a venue – or make the one you’re after more accessible!

Hello, everyone. Today I will discuss some pickup strategies that can make your interactions with girls in clubs and bars easier.

The subject of this post will be screening.

Screening means looking for receptive girls to approach and assessing how accessible a girl or a group is before approaching.

I have mentioned this subject many times, spread across many posts but never dedicated a post fully to it.

We will discuss screening for good and available targets and what to do when we find a girl or a group that is not accessible.

Screening game, or “being a screener,” is usually defined by being like a sniper. Instead of haphazardly jumping into the cold water, you become more like a tiger watching his prey before attacking.

This is a useful method if you want to increase the success rate of your approaches. You get an idea of how receptive a girl will be before approaching. It’s good for small venues where people can easily see you get rejected if you fail – which is not something you want.

It is also a smoother way to seduce.

The 30-Second Rule and Other Night Game Strategies

Tony Depp's picture

night game strategies
Guys often get approach anxiety because they don’t have a strategy: something to start and drive the interaction. So here are some proven night-game strategies for ya!

I used to have this fantasy, sort of like that Sonic Youth video where these two teenagers are staring longingly at each other across a mosh pit but the guy is too shy to approach. The mosh pit eventually bounces them serendipitously into each other.

Before I discovered pickup, I only went to bars to drink, see live bands, and hope that fate would push a hot, lonely, hipster girl into my lap. When I stepped into the mosh pit, I’d just get smashed around into some sweaty punk’s armpit. It wasn’t long before I realized the only dudes there getting laid were in the band.

Then I discovered the pickup community and all its politically incorrect but incredibly effective dating advice.

Out of all the concepts like teasing, negging, displaying higher value (DHV), and cold reads – I’d say the most useful advice is the three-second rule.

What’s the three-second rule?

  1. See a hot girl
  2. Approach her within three seconds (before your stupid brain talks you out of it)

The 3-second rule is great for newbies. But it’s not necessary for advanced guys. I prefer sniper-style game – analyzing my target, gathering data, and not moving until the situation provides maximum effectiveness or maximum results for the least amount of energy.

Advanced night gamers don’t have that annoying little voice that the 3-second rule overrides. We know how to shut it up, or at least ignore it.

The little voice sounds like this:

People will see you. You don’t know what to say. She looks like a bitch. Get a drink first. Maybe you should hit the gym for a month first. Check your Tinder. You can try again tomorrow.”

3 Ways to Turn 'Good Girls' Into Freaks

Chase Amante's picture

good girl into freakSometimes you can find and bed girls who are freaks.

To a certain degree this depends on the type of game you use. Some approaches (like Pablo's in the article I just linked) filter for these types of girls better than others.

Even if you don't directly screen for freaks (i.e., girls who like lots of sex, and kinky sex), you'll still bed some from time to time... depending on how and where you meet women.

However if you're like most guys, the majority of girls you bed will not be freaks.

Most will be normal girls with normal sexual appetites.

That's all well and good.

So what do you do when you start to see a girl regularly... and you want her lusty for you?

Well, you turn her into a freak.