Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Is It Easy to Get Laid... Or Is It Hard?

Alek Rolstad's picture

is getting laid easy or hard
Depending on who you talk to or the forums you read, you’ll find guys who say getting laid is hard, while others insist it’s easy. Here’s the real low-down on that.

Is getting laid hard? It’s a commonly asked question, and I see a lot of disagreements regarding this on the forums. For some reason, many guys are also curious about how easy or hard it is to meet women.

Practically speaking, this question does not really lead you anywhere, as the answer will not impact results much.

But what I will try to do in this post is to give you an objective view (which will not be easy) on how hard meeting women and getting laid really is. This is just an opinion from someone who has practiced for 12 years, going out consistently and meeting many different women in different circumstances and places.

First, let’s talk about some subjective factors at play.

Sexual Escalation with Shy Girls vs. Not Shy Girls

Varoon Rajah's picture

sexual escalation shy girls
Shy or not, the secret to getting a girl in bed is to move fast. But is the process of escalating to sex different with shy girls? Yes, and here’s how to do it.

This article is the unfortunate outcome of my many failures in pulling and escalation. People around me who know about my day game skills have been envious about my ability to meet a girl anywhere, any place, with little to no fear or anxiety. Guys tend to trip up most when it comes to approach anxiety and getting the guts to approach women – this doesn’t exist in my domain; I got over that fear many years ago.

Currently, my biggest sticking point has been at the very end of seduction – in the moment of pulling the girl back to my place, and in the moment of escalating with her. I must have lost over 200 girls by failing in the most critical point in the seduction – the moment when she’s already decided she wants to sleep with me, and I messed up with delivering on her wishes.

In this article, and in my next article series where I will discuss female self-esteem through all stages of seduction, we’re diving deep into how to escalate and close the deal with a girl when she’s at home alone (or wherever) with you, ready to have sex. Although different guys have different means to go about doing this, my focus here is on simplicity – how to read her and get her in bed with you depending on what kind of interest she shows in you.

Despite all my failures, there have also been many successes. Often failure is the best teacher – because through failure, you internalize a pattern so that you never trip up on it again, unless the pattern changes. So from my own failures as well as successes, let’s look at what patterns have visibly emerged.

10 Actions That Will Improve Every Relationship You Have

Tony Depp's picture

how to make a relationship better
We’re social beings, therefore we thrive when our relationships thrive. The secret to making every relationship better is to start with oneself, then radiate outward.

Would you like to know how to improve every relationship you have with women, from your existing relationships to every new one you create, until you fart your last fart into your starched hospital bedsheets? (Personally, I plan to die in battle).

Maybe you’re struggling with your girlfriend, your boss, your parents or peers, or just everyone in the darn world? Maybe you can’t get laid never mind find a girlfriend. Maybe you’re a hardcore introvert and don’t have any friends or feel like you need them.

Don’t worry. Uncle Tony is going to teach you how to make a relationship better. This knowledge won’t just show you how to make every relationship better – it may give you more personal power than you know what to do with.

I’m dramatic here for literary effect.

Most of you just want to get laid. I know. But let’s go a little deeper to see how to make a relationship better.

Not Getting the Results You Want? Change Something About Yourself

Darwin Niwrad's picture

no results? change yourself
If you’ve ever been stuck in a rut – and got out of it – you may have noticed your emergence came with a change. Here’s why to embrace change rather than stagnate.

Trial and error is an essential process in learning about and developing yourself. It can apply to many aspects of life, especially with women and dating. It can be hard to admit that something you’re doing when it comes to dating may not be working in your favor.

Obviously, if you knew that, it wouldn’t be a problem, so to process this, it’s beneficial to think about your past relationships or hookups. If you realize that your current method in whatever you are pursuing isn’t benefiting you, then the natural response should be to change your method to get different results – ideally positive results.

This change can happen on many levels: your appearance, social circle, or daily activities. Change may even occur on a more personal level that could, in turn, shape your perspective on what type of women interest you. More importantly, know that you have many resources available to help you make the change necessary. In changing something about yourself, know that you don’t have to be a guinea pig.

Girls Who Chase Aggressively vs. Girls Who Do Not

Chase Amante's picture
girls chase
Girls chase men differently. Some chase in aggressive ways: they'll ask you out and touch you lots. Yet others are far more demure in how they chase.

On the spectrum of "how hard do girls chase?" we have a few distinct female profiles.

There are:

  1. Girls who are chasers
  2. Girls who are forward
  3. Girls who are dabblers
  4. Girls who are demure

Each of these types is a different type of woman. She expresses interest in and pursues men differently. Her behavior is often not so much determined by her interest level in you (though that's important) as it is her 'chase profile'.

A chaser who is very into you will chase hard in obvious ways. However, a demure girl who is very into you will only give you subtle indications of her pursuit, despite those pangs for you deep in her heart (and loins).

If you're only looking for chaser girls, you will miss out on most of the women who are into you, because most girls aren't chasers. Most will not chase in blatant, aggressive ways -- even if they're into you to the extreme.

Instead, you must recognize chase behavior from each of the four different types of girls.

Then, when you see it, pounce on it.

Hit-and-Run Tactics for Picking Up Girls in Groups

Alek Rolstad's picture

hit-and-run pickup for girls in groups
Picking up girls in groups can be tedious (male competition, bitchy friends). These hit-and-run tactics soften up defenses and set you up for when you re-engage.

Hey guys. Welcome back. Today I decided to write a follow up to my group theory post and also reference my post on screening (sniper game) that I wrote two weeks ago. The reason is that both these subjects are related in that they cover the early phase of male-to-female interactions, namely the opening and the hook.

Screening for inaccessible girls will affect the dynamic of how you deal with a group. Those subjects are somewhat related. For example, if you screen for a group and one girl seems bitter, that will affect the way you deal with that group. Similarly, if the vibe of the group seems closed-off, that could also affect the dynamic of the group.

But I will not repeat myself too much, as this has already been covered. Today I want to review a technique that I've discussed before. Let’s talk about how to deal with groups and difficult groups.

Hit-and-run means going up to a girl, delivering some good material, and quickly getting out of the interaction. The idea is to:

  • Create intrigue (by leaving, you create the “who is that guy” effect)

  • Create comfort (by leaving, you communicate that you are not needy or pushy)

  • Handle resistance – for instance, if you deliver a very direct sexual line and you leave before they are allowed to react, the effects will stick but the resistance will be dodged

  • Create tension and stimulate her mentally by the fractionating effects

In a previous post where I wrote about hit-and-run, I discussed how you can use this technique to dodge the approach shield. This is when a girl acts bitchy when you approach her. By leaving a girl after you approach her, you communicate that you are not needy and pushy, which makes her more likely to accept your presence. Add intrigue to this, and you get a good mix.

In another post, I discuss how to use this concept to deliver very powerful sexual lines. Go in, deliver something juicy, and leave before she can resist. Enjoy the effects without the resistance.

And lastly, by doing lots of hit-and-runs to build social proof quickly via many quick interactions, you become perceived as the man who knows everybody – and more importantly every girl.

I will not be discussing many new ideas in this post but instead tie it all together in light of how to deal with groups, particularly those that pose a challenge (less-accessible groups).

So let’s discuss how you can use this hit-and-run strategy to deal with common but difficult scenarios.

Always Go for the Girl Who Wants You

Varoon Rajah's picture

go for the girl who wants you
Sometimes we let good lays slip by because we’re too focused on the wrong girl. These real-life examples show why you should always keep your head on a swivel.

Sometimes we run into dating situations which fall a bit outside the box. You’ll be going for one girl – the one you want – but another girl in the vicinity will show more interest in you.

I’ve often seen guys trip up on this situation, myself included, and today we’re going to talk about how to identify this and how to deal with it so you still get laid.

The lesson of this article is to be flexible. If you are after one girl, and a better opportunity opens up that might result in getting a different girl – it’s almost always better to go after the new girl IF the original girl is giving you murky signs of interest, or if she’s passing you on to her friend as a set-up.

There tend to be two kinds of situations where this happens, and from my own experience they are mostly in social circle situations:

  1. A girl you like doesn’t share the same enthusiasm for you but sets you up with her attractive friend instead

  2. You wind up somewhere with a girl, perhaps a place where she invited you, but a new window opens with a different girl in that circle

Unfortunately, I’ve noticed that these opportunities tend to trip up guys who are not well-versed in social circle game or are not naturals. From the point of view of most girls, most guys are either naturals or pursue the social circle approach to meet women, which is generally true (although in this decade we can also add Tinder into this mix). So girls use the most natural means for them to set up their friends, or their friends themselves will pursue – but often the guys will trip and falter... and end up dry.

To Get the Women You Desire, You Must Take a Proactive Role

Tony Depp's picture

how to get quality women
Are you dissatisfied by the quality of women out there? Fact is, quality women abound; but they’ll never just fall into your lap. To get them, here’s what you must know.

As a seducer, pickup is your business, and you want to attract the most high-quality clients (i.e., quality women). In that way, seduction is like marketing and sales.

In general, businessmen want results, and not to just “get by.” They want to make millions of dollars, not just live paycheck to paycheck. They want a lifestyle that provides everything they desire, yes, but mostly they want to be free from worry – worry about paying bills, putting their kids through college, or taking a two-month vacation without risking their livelihood.

In dating terms, not all guys are satisfied with simply being able to attract and sleep with women. That’s where their seduction journey may begin, but as they progress, they find that quantity is no longer enough; they want quality. Not just in hotness, but in all the ways that make a relationship worth the effort.

Maybe they find that the women they attract aren’t satisfying them in ways other than sex, so they get bored. Maybe they find that the only women who will give them the time of day or stick around with them long term aren’t of the type or quality they desire... so they just settle, or they end up in a never-ending cycle of doomed relationships. Maybe they even begin to think that quality women no longer exist.

So in this article, I’d like to talk about getting results, but not in terms of just getting laid. Anyone can get laid, but getting real results means getting what you truly desire, right? If simply getting laid is all you desire, that's fine, but if you want to get a quality woman (or women) who will satisfy you in all the other ways women can satisfy a man, you might need to change your game.

  • You can have the most wonderful game or charisma, and still not get the results you want

  • You can have a positive attitude that Tony Robbins would be envious of, and still not get the results you want

  • You can be a master closer, collecting girls’ phone numbers at will, left and right, and still not get the results you want

  • You can provide people with great social value, good experiences, or philosophical knowledge, and still not get the results you want

4 Easy, Proven Ways to Start Talking to Women (or People)

Chase Amante's picture
start talking to women
Sometimes when you go out to meet girls, you're lazy. Or you're rusty. Or it's hard to get going. Use these 4 tactics to start talking to women with ease.

We've written a lot on here about approach anxiety in the past.

Approach anxiety of course is the trepidation you feel before you approach someone new.

See a pretty girl you'd like to talk to? You freeze up and feel fear before you can.

At a networking conference and need to make business contacts? Freeze up in fear.

Anxiety before an approach is a common human feeling. It is not only something that happens with approaching women. You'll feel it any time you need to make an approach where you care about the outcome. If you have to approach your boss to ask for a raise... or your teacher to ask for a chance to make up that test you failed... or a roommate you suspect has stolen something from you but you aren't sure.

If you care about the outcome, and need to approach and engage someone else, there will usually be some anxiety there. Because you'll worry "What if I approach, and this person won't give me what I want?"

The anxiety is there to force you to take a moment to consider how, exactly, to get the outcome you want.

Yet with women, especially in cold approach scenarios (where you're walking up to someone you do not know), you'll often only have a handful of seconds to make the approach. Fail to make it on time, and the girl is gone.

This article gives you four quick, simple little tactics you can use to get yourself to approach.

Note that these tactics are geared more toward intermediate and advanced playboys who are able to approach, and just need an extra push to get off the sidelines. If you struggle with heavy approach anxiety, skip to the section at the end (where I link up some material on dealing with that).

Assuming you're able to approach, however, and just need to up your consistency, then pick one (or more) of these, use it, and you'll kick off a bunch more conversations with women (or other people, if your approaching is for purposes other than dating).

Why It’s Impossible to Be Cool After College

Varoon Rajah's picture

college is your only chance to be cool
What’s it like to be cool? If you went to a 4-year college, you might know. But for those of us who were lame in college – or didn’t even go – is there any hope?

There are guys and girls out there who live normal lives, but to their detriment, they have missed out, and are still missing out on key parts of their lives. Anyone who is even the slightest bit aware of their own existence eventually becomes haunted by this fact: that it’s impossible to be cool again after college.

I live in a major city, was lucky to get a six-figure job after college, and found Girls Chase soon enough after school that I was able to meet sexy girls often – but it isn’t enough. All I’ve been able to think about the past few years is why missing out on the social experience of college haunts me. It really gets to me when my friends and coworkers talk about it, at lunch, during drinks after work, and at clubs when I hang out with them: how awesome their college days were, while mine completely sucked. Even now when I have a hot date in front of me, and she inevitably starts talking about how cool college was, it just sucks.

My life, though, was super different than most. I went through the community college and transfer route, and as a consequence, I missed out on dorm life and all that went with it as I chose to save money and focus on studying. By the time I entered my alma mater in junior year, a great school with a great name, I had realized all the social hierarchies had already formed, and I never had enough time to break in. Now I am heading into my late 20s, and I’m still haunted by what I missed out on.

It made me realize something – that college is THE time to be cool, and it’s pretty much hopeless to get anything else resolved in a guy’s life if he misses out on being cool in college.