Articles by Author: Hector Castillo | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Hector Castillo

Should You Start Dating a Woman with Kids?

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dating a woman with kids
Have you considered dating a woman with kids? As the child of a single mother, my advice is to find someone else and avoid the many pitfalls intrinsic to stepfatherhood.

In my opinion, you should not date a woman with kids.

You can shag her, sure. Beyond that, I would not continue to date her.

The only exception is that you also have a kid you’re bringing into the new union, and you're both down to help raise children who aren't yours. In that way, the power imbalance is addressed, and you’re both helping the offspring of other parents.

If that recommendation upsets you, I’m guessing one of two things:

  1. You’ve been programmed to think stepfatherhood virtuous.

  2. Or, you lust for a woman who has a kid. Maybe you’re already dating her.

The only people who will say you should be a stepdad are those with an agenda. And I say this as a guy who was raised by many different surrogate fathers during his childhood.

My birth father was mostly nonexistent from the age of 2 to 12. I only would see him during summers after that. We have a good relationship now, but it’s taken nearly 15 years to get to that point, with drama in between that I would wish on no one.

I say this because it makes me immune to the most hateful responses someone might have about my stance on this topic, which I happen to know better than almost anyone. The only criticism that might strike me as genuine is, “You’re ungrateful for the love those men had for you!”

The answer to that is: no, I’m not.

I’m very grateful for the parenting attempts made by my many quasi-stepfathers (none ended up marrying my mother, except one briefly for a few months). They all had different influences on me. Some good, some bad, some mediocre, but I appreciate the effort they made if they did make one.

There are a few who had a significant impact on me, and I will thank them until the day I die.

One of them was an Italian chef. He was the first person my mother dated who truly acted like a father. My mother told me he is the one responsible for teaching her how to let my cry as a baby and not rush to soothe me. “Let him cry, and he will stop,” he told her. He even sat on her to keep her from rushing to me. He is still my mother’s close friend even to this day.

Another important man was a boyfriend who would later come out as gay. He had some degree of heterosexuality given he had a relationship with my mother, so it would be accurate to classify him as bisexual. My mother had suspected he was more gay than not, though, and after they broke up, he decided to follow that life. He was very, very good to her and me, and he loved us both very much. Even now, he is still a close friend of my mother and visited me on my birthday in Europe a few years back.

The most beautiful follow up to this story is that, after all these years, he still has a picture of my mother and me on his desk. When he’s asked about this picture, he says that if he had desired the life of a straight man more than his current life, then we would have been his life. My mother would have been his wife, and I would be his son. I think this is extraordinarily beautiful.

The third important surrogate father was as close to a stable father figure as I would ever have. Although he had a son and daughter of his own, we were more closely linked in personality than his own kids. You might say I was the son he always wanted. Karma brought us together for a reason because our similarity was insanely strong. However, he had serious personal faults that prevented him from truly being a man worthy of my mother’s respect. He lacked the skills to allow the relationship to flourish. I will say without regret that he was an amazing influence in my life and taught me much about what it means to be good, to care, to love, and to be a man. I love him deeply and wish him all the best in this life and the next. He is a good man with a good heart.

However, I will say this unequivocally: I would never recommend any of them to take on the role they did and attempt to become a stepfather. Even more so, I say this about the rest of the men my mother dated. Of them, none of any importance come to mind.

All those men, no matter how good their intentions, were going after pussy (except the gay one, of course; he might be an exception and probably loved me the most, as his heart wasn’t tainted by lust). For the rest of those men, I was a secondary concern. Even if they grew to love me later, I was not a priority.

Don’t get me wrong.

I don’t doubt some genuinely cared about me or loved me or wanted the best for me. Some clearly did, as I pointed out. It doesn’t change the fact that they still wanted to screw my mom. I know this because I know men. I teach them for a living, and I know their hearts and minds better than they do.

But I get ahead of myself.

Let’s look at why society lauds the stepfather and deconstruct its motivations so you can discover if you want to be praised for this act (and how this praise subtly motivates you to be a stepfather, even if you’re not aware of it).

10 Signs You're Dealing with an Alpha Female

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alpha female
If you want a loyal, passionate girlfriend, find yourself an alpha female. Or if you want to snag a hottie from a group, you best know how to appease her alpha friend.

An alpha female is a woman in charge of her female group or a group of men AND women. She doesn’t need to be a socialite who is always playing mother hen. Alpha females are not necessarily bitches or mean, controlling women.

You can be in control of yourself and those around you without being "controlling."

We know this about alpha males. They aren’t always the caricature meathead or tyrannical character we imagine when you hear “alpha male.” The best alpha male is very kind, loving, and compassionate. However, alpha males will step up and take charge when they need or want to. In relationships, they are leaders; and in their social circles, they are often leaders as well.

Alpha females are also leaders, usually of their female groups. Some alpha females can also lead men in their social circles, even if it’s from the back. This happens because most women are more refined than most men with their social skills, charisma, and sexuality. Most men are guys, not men. They have penises and play the part of a man, but when it matters, they are eunuchs. They will go full simp and submit to her rule.

Like an alpha male, an alpha female can be the alpha in one scenario and not the alpha in another (e.g., with a different group), as you would need to be an omnipotent god to be the alpha in all scenarios.

If women are alphas, they have certain characteristics. You can tell in which contexts and groups they are considered alphas. There are alpha characteristics and alpha signals to look for in groups. I will cover both.

Why should you care if she is an alpha female? Don’t we want women who will submit to us?

Yes, we want women to submit, but we may not always want submissive women. There is a distinction.

As long as they are absent of toxic traits and aren’t so aggressive or ambitious that they are essentially men, alpha females make the best girlfriends. And they are usually the most interesting women out there.

4 Things Long-Distance Relationships Need to Not Fail

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long distance relationship
A long-distance relationship can work if it’s well-managed. Heed these four requirements and it could turn out to be the best relationship of your life.

My first ever serious relationship had a pretty standard beginning. But, as I was soon to go off to college, this relatively new relationship became a long-distance relationship. Trying to maintain it was a monumentally stupid decision for many reasons.

I had only just begun my journey into the world of dating. I also had not done such a good job creating a good precedent for the relationship. Many good things came out of the relationship, but so did many bad things. Like I say, pretty standard.

But a large part of my suffering resulted because I did not know how to have a healthy long-distance relationship.

It was not something of beauty that would one day blossom into something even more beautiful. It was a leash that spanned several hundred miles. After this relationship ended, I swore off long-distance relationships. Of course, I've since entered into a few more. As a result, I finally learned how to do them properly.

Yes, long-distance relationships can work, but I would not recommend them for the vast majority of men. But sometimes they just happen. You are traveling and meet a woman who absolutely blows your mind. She is a gem. An angel. And also your sexy little minx.

You must return home to real life (or she to hers), but she is worth the effort to keep. You see a future with her. If only a long-distance relationship could work!

Well, it can... IF these four necessities are met. Without them, a long-distance relationship will surely fail. But with them, you've got a fighting chance.

You Should Never Hook Up with an Ex

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hooking up with an ex
You broke up with her for good reasons, but all of a sudden the prospect of hooking up with an ex is staring you right in the dick. Here’s why you should take a pass.

“Maybe you should head home. I think she wants to be alone tonight.”

I was in college at the time, and the girl telling me this was a high school friend. She didn’t know my ex-girlfriend that well and had only just found out about us at the party that night, and she was playing Mother Hen a bit too zealously.

It probably had something to do with her having had a crush on me back in high school.

I immediately saw through her BS.

I stood up, walked past her, and looked for my ex-girlfriend. I found her sitting on a bed in one of the bedrooms (at a friend’s house). As she saw me enter, she smiled and asked me how I was. A few minutes earlier, we were in one of the bathrooms fooling around, and some things were said, the gist being that I was not going to get back together with her.

Now she was telling me how I’d been leading her on, making her think we were going to get back together. I had no idea what she was talking about. I was utterly confused. Stupefied. How did I lead her along? We’ve just been having sex and occasionally hanging out.

It was a crucial moment in my life. I was about to learn how women link sex to love.

She explained to me that it wasn’t just about sex and hanging out. She still had feelings for me and felt that I must also have similar feelings for her, because why else would I continue to sleep with her?

To me, this again seemed strange. In truth, we slept together a few times after breaking up. We broke up a week after our anniversary because she had started some needless drama for the last time, and I told her I wanted to break up.

She quietly cried a little, and then we had sex — because she told me we could still be friends and have sex. So I naturally agreed. Duh. What I didn’t fully grasp was that this was her way of getting me back, and she expected it to work despite having just agreed we could still be friends and have sex. She was using pussy, jealousy, and sweetness to keep me lured in.

9 Ways to Be Romantic Without Being Cheesy

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how to be romantic
We all know that trying too hard turns women off, but you still need to show her you care, right? How do you be romantic without going overboard?

It’s a hilarious irony that although romance is the most talked about subject in human history, how to be romantic is a largely misunderstood subject, by both men and women. Keeping a woman happy is a lot easier than the literature would have you believe.

This simplicity is your liberation from the idea of sacrifice as love.

Romance is a simple combination of:

  1. Her being appreciated and noticed

  2. Her being well sexed

She wants to be noticed for both her physical qualities and her personality. She wants to feel sexy and beautiful but also smart, courageous, funny, etc. If you show her and tell her, with earnest sincerity, she will feel these ways because of you.

That’s one half of romance.

She also wants to be desired sexually and ravished. There is no higher compliment to a woman than your hard dick enjoying itself inside of her. But men complicate this, usually in an attempt to not treat her like a sexual being, out of fear or “respect,” which is another cute irony.

The truth is, women want to be objectified sexually, even sometimes without romance. Or, in a serious relationship with romance, or at least moving in that direction, you then add appreciation for her personality to the base of your sexual desire. However, sexual desire is still the foundation and the way of expressing your love.

This is what separates the creepy guy at the bar objectifying her and her adoring, masculine lover, boyfriend, or husband. The creepy guy, or any guy she doesn’t see as dominant, is insulting her by desiring her sexually.

“How could this guy think he has a shot with me?”

Sure, a hundred loser guys liking her photo on Instagram will make her smile and feel validated, but it’s worth one-sixteenth of a sixteenth of a second of her lover’s appreciation for her.

And she has no problem with the sexual objectification, as I said, even if he’s a random HOT stranger. That’s because, for X or Y hot characteristic he has (fashion, charisma, tall, handsome, status, money, devil-may-care attitude, etc.), his sexual attraction is welcomed.

He’s “allowed” to objectify her because she ALSO positively objectifies him (I want to have sex with him, or “I want his babies”).

And this is romance.

It's a combination of appreciation and lust. The question that inevitably follows from any man who knows the nature of women is how to achieve a balance.

How to Get a Two-Girl Kiss: 3 Easy Steps

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two girl kiss
When you see a guy in a two-girl kiss, do you wish it was you between those lips? Well, it’s not so hard to pull off with this three-step strategy.

Kissing a girl is good. Kissing two girls at the same time? Double good.

For those who have trouble kissing even one girl, this might sound like an unrealistic challenge. And it might be.

But it’s a lot easier than you think.

Center to our discussion today is something called preselection. You’ve heard of being preapproved for a credit card, right? The credit card company uses math to find people with decent enough credit scores and then offers these people a new credit card. Those people are preapproved based on math. Well, preselection works like that, but with girls preapproving you for kisses (and also sex and relationships).

Now, in contrast to credit card companies, there isn’t much research necessary for a girl to read your value. If a girl sees you with another girl, especially a pretty or even beautiful girl, her body will do all the calculations necessary and immediately get a little wet for you.

You see, a girl needs to like something about you before even flirting with you (much less offering up her lips or vagina). But if she doesn't know you, she needs to employ other measures, such as testing you, to see if you are someone she ought to chase: your fashion, your face, your “screw everything” attitude. Something.

And this can take time. She may be attracted when you approach her, but she needs to see how you act in the next few minutes. Are you the real deal? Then, she goes on a date with you and maybe starts to get really wet if you play it well.

So, what if a girl sees you with a girl as hot as her or hotter?

Instant wetness. But now, instead of an initial attraction only, it’s initial attraction AND security in her instincts. There you are, kissing that gorgeous girl. It’s all the proof she needs that you're the real deal.

How to Have Sex with a Girl... and All Her Friends, Too (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Can’t decide who you want to sleep with? Cuz they’re all just so damn hot? No fear, just bang them all!

Ah, yes, seems like a fun idea, then you think about it and realize the monumental scandal that would be upon you and your reputation.

Is there a way to pull this off without totally ruining your relationships with these women?

Are women okay with you shagging their friends, and then them (or her first then the others... or maybe all together)?

I will show thee the way.

Click play!

6 Things to Do to Start a Relationship Off Strong

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start a relationship
When you start a relationship, you set its foundation. How good it is and how long it lasts depend on how strong that foundation is. Be wise, and use these rocks.

A house is built on a solid foundation. Do it any other way, and it will crumble at any moment. It might be tomorrow, or it might be three years from now. Either way, it won’t last as long as it could have had you built it correctly. You must start a relationship the same way you start building a house.

A relationship is a house.

Your actions and her actions are the beams. Your thoughts and her thoughts are the architecture. The feelings between you two are the interior. As the house is taking form, give it a firm foundation to stand on with strong materials.

Here are six ways to ensure that the foundation is solid.

6 Things to Do with a Girl with a Bad Attitude

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bad attitude
When a girl has a bad attitude, does it mean she’s a bitch? Is she having a bad day? How do you deal with her and move forward, and how do you know when to walk away?

What do you do with a girl who has a bad attitude?

Usually, when you’re seducing a girl right, she'll be more like a teenager in love. Yeah, maybe she teases you a little and doesn’t have a problem putting her foot down if you cross a line, but she’s almost entirely under your spell. She’s smiling, eager, curious, and almost can’t control her giddiness when she’s around you.

But seductions are not always so perfect.

Sometimes an amazing romance can begin with some attitude. Maybe it’s you that caused her bad attitude or something else.

She’s upset about something. I mean, she is a woman.

In these cases, they’re usually irritated with something. It’s in their nature. But she’s also human, and people go through stuff. So a bad attitude doesn’t always mean she’s a bitch. She might be, but you don’t know until you have the experience to distinguish between a girl with attitude and a girl with a bad attitude.

As men, we lean toward calling her a “bitch.” It’s an instinctual disgust of women with too much attitude. We see them as unruly and unreasonable.

When a girl around me has a bad attitude, even if it’s not directed toward me, it irks me. And it should, to an extent.

You should also find it funny. I mean, what’s this girl’s ire to you? She’s just a girl.

But what if she’s your girl or you want her to be yours? Her crappy attitude can ruin the whole vibe. Unless, of course, you handle it right.

Let’s learn how to deal with a girl’s bad attitude, or when to know that it’s not worth the trouble.

Sex Fails: Avoid These 5 Mistakes Almost EVERYONE Makes (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Don't make these mistakes in bed. Don't. Don't. Don't. Good sex is largely about avoiding mistakes.

And these 5, you DEF WANNA WATCH OUT FOR, K?