Articles by Author: Hector Castillo | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Hector Castillo

9 Ways to Answer “What Do You Do” Without Saying What You Do

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Answer 'What Do You Do' Without Saying What You Do
To avoid boring people out when they ask a question like “What do you do?” try answering the question without really answering it.

Learning the nuances of the most basic social norms is something most people don’t give much thought to.

In college, I remember spending a lot of time contemplating how to respond to that weird “Hey, how are you?” exchange that happens when you pass someone you know. Most of the time, they say “Good, how are you?” and don’t even listen as they walk past. Responding with “Good, thanks” is a necessary but useless response.

How do you make those interactions more interesting and less awkward?

I took the time to figure that out, and it helped a lot.

The same goes for the question, “What do you do?”

If you approach a lot of girls – which you should if you want to get dates, sex, and girlfriends – then you’re going to hear “What do you do?” a lot.

It will also come in other forms.

“What do you do for work?”

“What do you do for a living?”

“Where do you work?”

Your answer won’t change much, regardless. As long as you understand the basic root of what they’re asking, answering is simple.

So, what’s going on when someone asks “What do you do?” and how do you respond to it in a way that makes you interesting and cool?

Here are nine ways to do it without giving the typical, boring answer of what you actually do.

First, let’s go over why it’s boring to tell girls what you do – most of the time.

If You Want to Seem More Real, Show Some Vulnerability

Hector Castillo's picture

seem more real show vulnerability
It’s hard to relate to someone who shows no vulnerabilities – because we all have them. Showing your flaws can make you relatable, and even spark attraction.

The strongest men aren’t afraid to show vulnerability, and it makes them immeasurably more attractive. Vulnerability – and the expression of it by a strong man – give that man depth. It gives him realness.

You want to seem real, because even the most powerful of façades eventually fade. Preempting that revelation of imperfection with an honest display of vulnerability? That’s good stuff.

You will crack. I’ve never met a man who was 100 percent strong and stable. Even the powerful titans I’ve met have cracked in the past, and they will certainly crack in the future, even if I don’t see it.

I know this from being in the presence of many strong men and hearing their stories. I know it because I am one of the strongest men I know, and I crack more than you think. I just don’t always show it.

Until I do.

What’s important is how you express your vulnerability and when. First, let’s go over “good vulnerability” and “bad vulnerability.”

What Makes a Man a REAL Man? (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

This question is very pertinent for our time. As women continue to become more like men and men become like women, those of us who desire to be TRUE men need some direction.

What makes a man a MAN, and not a boy?

The seduction community, the manosphere community, and the red pill community emerged as a reaction to our increasing feminization.

They were necessary and very helpful for many men.

But what they missed was the KEY elements of what makes a man a man – the universal traits.

Yes, men should be stoic. Yes, men should be strong. Yes, men should do X and Y... but these answers are all, in my opinion, too constrictive and simply usher in another extreme.

What I try to explain in this video is a distillation of what makes a man a man in clear terms that hold true to the masculine spirit without forcing any particular ethics upon you that may not fit your personality or your goals in life.

I hope this helps.

Why Cuffing Season Is So Awesome for Single Guys (Video)

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Cuffing season.

’Tis upon us!

How does one take full advantage of this season when horny, love-hungry women are frolicking around looking for something... someone?

You get your fishing rod out, drop a line into the cold water, and start jiggin'. The fish WILL bite.

Whether you’re looking for a fish to last you a long time (a relationship), or maybe you just want to net some quickie fishies during the spawn, you’re in luck.

I'll teach you how to get both sex and relationships during this festive time.

Dating and Relationship Precedent: Avoid Leading Her On (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Spending time with a cute girl is fun. Enjoying sex and good conversation with her is one of the finest pleasures in life.

But sometimes that's all you want.

As lovers of women, it's paramount that we make sure she knows that's all you want and doesn't get her hopes up for anything more than you can offer.

We want to make women happy and leave them better than we found them.

That's why it's important to understand precedent and expectations, in any kind of relationship, sexual and romantic.

Watch the video to learn how to set the right expectations with women.

Women Are Emotional (But Not Irrational) – The Method Behind the Madness

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Women Are Emotional But Not Irrational
Think women are crazy? If so, it’s probably because you’ve dated one. Fact is, beneath their seemingly emotional disarray, you’ll find a high level of rationality.

Men like to complain about how emotional and irrational women are. We even hear many of those claims in the seduction community and its neighboring communities – e.g., the Manosphere, the Red Pill community, etc.

“Women are feelz before realz.”

“Chick logic.”

Some of these guys even brand women children who are incapable of making adult decisions based on logic and reason. Here at Girls Chase, we know better.

Women are emotional, but not irrational. In fact, they are far more rational than you can imagine – when it comes to what’s important.

Put another way, women are guided by their emotions, but that doesn’t lead them to make as many stupid decisions as you might think. That’s the real accusation behind men calling women “irrational,” isn’t it? That they are less capable of making sound decisions?

Let’s be clear – there is some truth to the claim that women are less rational than men. Men are the leaders of our species, better equipped to make hard decisions like where to eat dinner or how to defeat an army. But when it comes to sexual selection, women are vastly more competent than men. That’s why 80% of women in history have reproduced, whereas for men, that figure is below 40%.

The emotion-based behavior of women leads them to be vastly more successful at sexual selection than men, which makes them highly rational, since sexual selection is one of the most important decisions – perhaps the most important – that any human can make.

Thus, I would argue that women are not irrational. They’re simply designed for different purposes than men and perform their purpose well because of their emotional nature.

How to Get Girls on Instagram? Use Stories! (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Instagram is a complicated and wondrous place. It's filled with butts, boobs, and babes. It's difficult for me to even go on Instagram sometimes, because I see so many amazingly beautiful women and I get horny and...

But back to the point!

Instagram has LOTS of hot chicks, and if you can play the game right, you can get with them.

The hotter and more popular she is, the harder it gets, but as with any skill, there are levels.

And the way you develop that skill is by applying the correct principles to the various elements of Instagram.

One of the facets of Instagram you need to learn is STORIES.

What are they and how do they work?

Watch this video.

2 Ways to Become MAGNETIC with Women (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

How do you become magnetic? The kind of guy who DRAWS attention to him, even when he's not currently doing anything.

He has... PRESENCE.

It feels like the air is different. The lighting.

He has a physical effect on the environment around him. How else can it be described?

Well, I can TEACH you how to become magnetic.


Texting Fundamentals: How to Use Emojis with Girls

Hector Castillo's picture

texting emotion with emojis
We all know that communicating emotion is a critical element in attracting women. But how does one make her “feel” in the 2-dimensional world of texting?

Texting fundamentals – I’ve wanted to talk about this for a while now.

Texting has many layers we can explore in a scholastic fashion. This will be a nerdy article for some, but it needs to be technical, or the advice won’t be as helpful as it could be.

Let’s start with emojis.

To understand how and why emojis work, let’s go through a few basic concepts of text game.

Get the Girl by Winning Her Friends’ Approval

Hector Castillo's picture

get the girl win friends approval
If a girl’s friends are present, they’ll get a say in whether she’s allowed to hook up with you. So be prepared to win them over and get their approval.

You’re at a club. You meet a cute girl, and it’s going well.

Then she tells you that she wants to introduce you to her friend. You walk over and are introduced. You make some small talk with one of the female friends, and then, when you get the chance, you return to your girl because… well, you’re trying to nail her, not her friend.

Your girl talks to you some more, but then you see her eyes flick briefly towards her friend. A few seconds later, she says to you, “Hey, one second. I’ll be right back.”

She walks over to her friend and they talk. You wait for your girl to turn around and re-engage you. But as the minutes go by, her body turns further and further away from you. Two minutes become four.

You feel alone, left out in the cold. You take a few sips of your drink to not look totally out of place, but after a few more minutes, your drink is empty. You feel empty. You don’t know what happened, but you do know that you lost your girl.

You walk back to the bar, order another drink, and look out into the crowd for another girl.

What happened?

You failed her friend’s test.