Articles by Author: Hector Castillo | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Hector Castillo

Do Women Want to Be DOMINATED in the Bedroom? (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Do women like being dominated in bed? The answer is obvious, isn’t it?

Of course there will be many protests to the opposite, but usually these are protests of TIMING or CONTEXT.

“I don’t like it rough... all the time.”

Right, but 9/10 times? 8/10 times? What we talking here?

My stance on this has gotten a little softer over the years. I used to be the “If you don’t split her open every time, you’re a bitch,” but then I've also encountered some situations where I’d go too hard and it’d make girls feel like a fleshlight... which they love, but maybe just not YET.

Some girls need to be warmed up to the really crazy, dominant sex.

But once they’re comfortable and trust you... the doors EXPLODE.

Watch the video and see why.

What to Do If She Wants a Relationship Before Sex (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

So she wants a relationship before sex? You don’t even have to date much to encounter this.

You’ll run into girls you like and who like you, but when it comes time to have sex, they have one issue – they want you to be their boyfriend or be serious with them before they give up the cat.


You have to give up your sexual freedom in order to get in bed with her? Some guys are okay with that, but for those of you who don’t see this is as a fair trade, you’re not alone.

In this video, I explore the flaws in this type of trade and how to respond to women who propose it.

The ONE THING That Drives Women Crazy Above All Else (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

What is the single most attractive quality that women see in a man?

You probably won’t guess it.

It’s not money. It’s not looks. It’s not height. It’s not a big dick. It’s not charm. It’s not intelligence.

Confused yet?

You’ll see, and I’ll explain.

Texting Girls vs. Talking to Girls (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

This is one of the BIGGEST weaknesses for most guys.

Over and over and over again I get screenshots from guys who text like absolute idiots.

And it makes sense, because texting is COMPLETELY different from talking to women in real life.

The rules change with text game because you're unable to use many of the tools you have when talking with a woman face to face.

So how must you do things differently to be successful with texting?


Get People to Like You and Be Cool: Use the Spotlight! (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Being the center of attention is an amazing feeling. Everyone enjoys it, even if they don’t want to admit it.

It feels good for everyone to be paying attention to you and to laugh, smile, and stare at your performance as a social being.

I don’t care how introverted you are or how “too cool for groups” you are – you love attention. We all do.

So this is how you GET the spotlight and how you USE it.

It is a tool like everything.

So let’s learn how to use this tool.

How to Be Popular: 9 Tips (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

If there is anything you PROBABLY want to learn on this site besides how to get laid and get a girlfriend, it’s this – how to become popular.

Everyone wants it.

I wanted it. I still want it.

But without a good strategy, you will probably fail. Popularity doesn’t just “happen.”

Like wealth or skill, social status must be earned by YOU.

And it takes WORK.

How do you talk to people in a way that makes them like being around you so they will continue to want to be around you? How do you behave, connect, and rise in the ranks? It’s all very complex.

And yet, very simple.

For you, watching this video, it will be simple. I break down 9 ways for you to become popular. In my opinion, these are the fundamentals of becoming popular in ANY circle.

They work ANYWHERE with ANY group of people.

Low class. High class. Snobby. Humble. Hipster. Gym fiends. Aristocrats. Assholes.

Only the flavor and difficulty changes.

Fundamentally, it’s all the same.

So here you go.

How to Talk Dirty to a Girl Without Being Awkward (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Dirty talk is ESSENTIAL for a good time in bed. It’s not optional. It’s MANDATORY.

You arouse a woman’s mind as much as you arouse her pussy.

But if you do it wrong, it can seem a bit cringe worthy. I totally understand.

However, you can get away with a lot in the bedroom that doesn’t work in real life.


So become a SAVAGE.

And I’ll teach you how to do it without being cringe worthy.

How to Cuddle with a Girl (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

After you've thoroughly violated your little sex kitten, why not give her a cuddle? Cuddling creates a bond, makes her feel safe and desired, and so much more.

Let's go over some great cuddling positions and why they're ideal for general chillin' and post-coital relaxation.

How to Kiss a Girl Like a Boss (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

How to kiss a girl properly?

This is one of the most important skills you will ever learn. Ever.

A kiss will tell a girl EVERYTHING about you. Your desire for her. Your connection with her. And whether you have ever done this before.

It can completely sell her on you. Or it can make her want a refund.

That’s why I’m here. To make sure that when you do kiss that girl you like, she’ll need a fresh pair of panties (and want to take them off ASAP so she can get more of you... and by that I mean, your dick).

Let’s get to it.