Your average, ordinary guy dreams of being able to seduce any woman in the world. He dreams of being able to do this by walking right up, saying the right things, and wooing women right off their feet.
However, this dream of his has one fatal flaw: it is that he imagines doing all of it while totally being himself.
You can’t pick up every woman by being yourself. A lot of women aren’t looking for ‘you’, with your unique personality, predilections, and set of interests and desires. Some women certainly are. Many, however, are not.
So if you go around advertising who you are and what you are in unequivocal terms, many women who are on the hunt for a man will decide you simply don’t match their criteria.
If you’re only on the hunt for supremely compatible girls, of course, then this is great! You won’t mind these rejections, because it’s merely a sign that you and the girl weren’t a fit.
If, on the other hand, you are after casting as broad a net as possible – enjoying as much success with women as possible – then you are not going to want to miss out on perfectly good lovers this way.
Thus, if the goal is indeed to seduce more women, instead of advertising yourself as this clearcut, exactingly defined man with very specific features who will only fit the desired types of a handful of the women he meets, you are going to want to do something else:
You are going to want to be the Romantic Blank Slate.