Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Sow Your Wild Oats! College Wasn’t Your Only Chance

Varoon Rajah's picture

sow your wild oats
College is touted as THE place to sow your wild oats, so guys who didn’t get it done then feel they missed out forever. But nothing could be further from the truth!

I wrote an April Fools’ Day article this year that focused on college – a “what if” theme meant to be satirical but has its roots in peoples’ desires to relive the college experience. We often get posters on the boards (and ironically, across many different forums on other social skills websites, too) who lament about not having a proper college experience that is dream-like à la the movies.

This could include being part of a fraternity, being able to day drink constantly while being one of the most popular kids in school and always having access to hot girls with little to no effort. The focus is being part of a social group and a “brotherhood” dedicated to having some wild experiences. While it’s true that college is a truly liberating time in life, I firmly believe that a lack of experience in college doesn’t hinder your successes later in life.

What was shocking to me is how many people took that article seriously, then really pondered what it would be like to relive college and do it all over again. Thinking about it more myself, I realized a greater thought – that every single guy needs to get their “wild side” out of their system sometime in their life. In other words, every guy needs to sow his wild oats. Guys that don’t do this seem to think they’ve somehow missed out on life, and thus hold a lot of regrets about where they were and what they have to do to recover.

However, this isn’t meant to be anything that advocates being a victim. You might not realize it, but it’s never too late to start doing something – anything – as long as you’re still alive and physically healthy, breathing, and capable. As we’ll see, it’s never too late for a guy to sow his wild oats.

11 Signs It's Time to Break Up

Tony Depp's picture

how to know when it's time to break up
Every relationship has issues, but knowing when it’s time to break up can be tough. Ultimately, you must decide what’s most important to you and make your own decision.

How do you know when it’s time to break up with a girl? If you’re at that stage, dude – I’m sorry. If you have to ask yourself that, then you must be going through a rough time.

I used to be what you might call a player. The worst part of that journey was cutting off girls who didn’t have anything wrong with them, but it was just that I wanted to try out more women.

If that sounds like you right now, I’d say be honest. What’s the worst that can happen? Maybe you’re a young dude, and at this stage, you just want to sleep with a lot of women, which is kinda hard to do if you have a serious girlfriend. Such is the way of men.

We’ll of course be discussing other reasons to consider breaking up in this article, but you may already have gotten clued in that this is not a politically correct guide. It’s more clinical and cold-hearted. We’re looking out for our own well-being and dating life here while doing our best to be honest with ourselves.

Ultimately, if your goal is to find the right woman (or women) for you, you don’t want to get stuck with the wrong one any longer than necessary, right?

This advice is about when it’s best to move on and find a better fit or regain your freedom.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Force Frame Someone

Chase Amante's picture
force frame
You use force frames to make women (or other people) see things the way you see things. Each force frame consists of two parts: the pitch and the ditch.

Frame control is a crucial aspect of achieving your ends with other people.

He who controls the frame, controls how those within that frame perceive events.

Civilizations strive endlessly to control the frame through which the citizenry view the world. Every civilization exerts massive amounts of energy to ensure its population sees things the way it wants it to see things, and to label the way competitor civilizations see things as 'misguided', 'wrong', or even 'evil'. Every time you think another country does things the wrong way, and yours does them right, you think within the frame of your society.

Yet frame control extends to a far more granular level than that of civilizations.

Any time you interact with a group of people, frame control is at play.

Any time you interact with a single other person, frame control is at play.

When you talk to a girl, frame control is at play. Either you'll control the frame, or she will.

When women test, this is in part to see if you'll yield the frame. Women are not attracted to men who yield to their frames, but they will test (over and over) to see if you will. They must discover if you are a man strong of frame or weak of it.

There's a form of frame control you can use called 'force framing'.

Force frames are for when you want to frame something that isn't necessarily true, or the other party may not readily accept. However, you still want to impose the frame regardless.

The force frame is how you impose that frame despite the other party's 'opposition'.

Why It’s Not Too Late to Learn Seduction and Reap the Benefits

Pierre Navarro's picture

learn and benefit from seduction as an older man
If you think it’s too late to benefit from learning seduction, think again. Whether for bedding higher-quality girls or improving your relationship, these skills are key.

Dating and seduction do not have to be the exclusive privilege of younger men. Older men can do extremely well, too, because we have many good things going for us! But why should we even begin learning seduction as an older man? Isn’t accumulating conquest after conquest a little bit immature and even pointless? Aren’t we past the age for that? Isn’t a meaningful long-term relationship with a woman you like the ultimate goal?

If you are an older gentleman facing these questions, well, let me tell you this: there are several benefits you would gain from learning seduction, especially if your goal is to find a good woman to settle down with. If you are a younger guy reading this, read on, because you’ll be an older man much sooner than you think!

When Your Girlfriend Asks for an Open Relationship (and You Don't Want That)

Chase Amante's picture
girlfriend wants open relationship
hat do you do if a lover, girlfriend, or wife asks you for an open relationship… and you don't want one? How do you say no yet not look weak or cause reactance?

We've had a good deal of articles on Girls Chase that discuss entry into an open relationship. Either getting into one with an existing girlfriend, or how to find one open to it.

Today's article is on the other side of things. What do you do when your girl asks you to 'open up' the relationship... so she can have sex with other guys?

This can be tricky to deal with. Because when she hits you with it, you may not know:

  • Does she mean it? Or is it a test?
  • How do I say 'no' without looking jealous or weak?
  • If I say 'no', will she do it anyway behind my back?

Much rides on your response. Get it wrong, and you may hurt her respect for you, or encourage her to sneak around behind you.

As you'll see in this article though, you can absolutely turn these requests down, and come out looking stronger for it. How it goes is all in how you frame things.

If you're instead looking for advice on how to get into an open relationship, check out this series on building non-monogamous relationships, or this article on what to look for in prospective polyamorous partners.

However, if what you'd like is to knock down any talk of your girl taking penis from other men, then read on, and let's handle that issue.

Will That Girl Be Hard to Get? Why You Never Really Know

Alek Rolstad's picture

is she hard to get
Are your biases keeping you from approaching girls based on their looks or personality, when in fact those things rarely determine whether she’s hard to get?

Hey guys, and welcome back. Last week we discussed whether getting laid was easy or difficult. We looked at different factors that determine the ease or difficulty of getting laid.

Our conclusion was that it differs – getting laid can sometimes be super easy if you get lucky, and super hard if the world is working against you.

We then concluded that what is truly difficult is getting laid with high-quality women consistently. In my opinion, this can only be attained by being a celebrity or practicing pickup full time (the latter is the easiest way). Whether or not that is your goal, resources like this website will help you get lucky more often with better women. How far you want to take it is up to you.

Today’s post is dedicated to beginners – as a motivator. Many beginners may agree with my points from last week but intuitively feel that something is off. Here we have someone who has been practicing pickup for over ten years telling them pickup is not necessarily hard (although not “easy” as some may claim), yet their experience says otherwise because their skill level is low. That is normal. The better you become in any field, the more natural it becomes.

But for beginners, things can seem hard, especially if your last encounter required a lot of work.

And yes, as stated last week, certain interactions, with certain women, on certain days can be harder than others. That is also normal. It does not mean that their next lay will be as hard. There is no guarantee of that. It could be harder, and it could be easier. You never know what the future will bring.

But let’s get objective for a bit (or at least try to). The truth is, many beginners miss-assess the situation and would perceive certain women as more difficult than others, when in fact they are not.

This post is meant to discuss this phenomenon and challenge certain biases which many men have – especially beginners. This post has a very optimistic feel to it, and you probably will be left with a more optimistic view when dealing with future encounters.

More experienced seducers may also enjoy this post.

10 Most Common Reasons Guys Can't Get Laid

Tony Depp's picture

can't get laid
The reasons a guy can’t get laid may be simple, but more often it’s not so intuitive. Here are the usual suspects, some of which you may have never considered.

“Why Can’t I Get Laid?”

After many years of teaching pickup, I can narrow down the reasons why so many guys can’t get laid.

This article may help you self-diagnose some of your inner and outer game issues if you’re stuck in a vicious cycle of no sex. These tips will help you break free and score some lovin’ again – or for the first time.

So here are the top 10 factors I see in guys who just can’t get laid.

The Moment That Propelled Me Relentlessly Forward as a Man

Cody Lyans's picture

experience changes a man
Throughout life, we have opportunities to gain experiences that free our minds and build our character, leaving us forever changed. This is the moment that freed me.

Some moments in life change everything. In those moments, you draw back a curtain that reveals more than you ever bargained for, and it changes you forever.

This is my story of that moment, after which my journey to seduction mastery went ahead full speed.

I have understood this story in my own way for many years, but I have never before been able to truly do it justice until now.

I was discussing this with someone casually today, and for some reason, I found the right words to describe how I felt inside. I figured, why not share it with you guys?

Top 7 Sex Positions to Make Girls CRAZY for You (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

These 7 sex positions will not only drive her crazy for you, they will be crazily enjoyable for you. They are my favorite positions, discovered by, well, having lots and lots of sex and getting excellent feedback, mainly in the form of orgasms and repeat visits to my lair.

These sex positions are meant to make you feel like a strong, dominant man and make her feel like a submissive feminine woman, which is the best combination for mind-blowing sex.

This dynamic, of you pounding her pussy, deep and hard, like no other man has before, will keep her coming back for more. Just be careful, because if you pull this off well, she will fall in love you.

The path to a woman's heart is through her pussy.

Ravage her pussy well, and she will love you dearly.

Do not abuse her heart or take advantage of women once they fall in love with you, of course. But DO abuse her pussy with these 7 sex positions. ;D

The Girls Chase Guide to Getting & Staying Slim

Chase Amante's picture
getting slim
If you want to slim down for good, lose the fad diet. Don't even exercise (not for this anyway). Instead, do this: cut your portions, and cut bad foods.

We were talking over on the forum about how people in general have gotten a lot fatter. In fact it is to the point that people often do not notice it. And you are not generally allowed to talk about it in polite company.

Some years ago, we had a great article on men's weight loss here from Eric Reeves. The tips in this article are different from the tips in that one. So for good measure I suggest you read that one too; then just pick the strategy that appeals to you most.

When I went to university, I put on a lot of weight. I was reed-thin when I started school at 19. I was so skinny then one of the grizzled old roughnecks in the auto shop I worked at used to mock my walk, hounding me about "Why do you walk like that, man? Like you're some big guy?" I was just thin.

I began to lift weights hard in college to bulk up. I consumed a lot of protein powder (which I don't recommend anymore), but otherwise ate almost straight junk food. Pizza, French fries, potato chips, cookies, soda, and a couple bottles of cheap Nikolai vodka every month rounded out my diet. I was at McDonald's, Burger King, or Wendy's almost every day of the week.

I did put on a bunch of muscle, but I also added a big, sloppy gut, and got fat in the face. As this happened to me, I did not really realize it, and nobody told me. It wasn't until I started to spend time around friends and girlfriends from the third world, mostly after I graduated college, that I found out I was overweight. They told me right to my face: they told me I was fat and pointed out my big gut ("Look at that belly!"). I'd spent much more time around Americans but none of them had ever said a thing to me about it.

It still took me almost a year once I realized I was fat to actually start to lose weight. I'd tried to before I succeeded, but none of the stuff I tried before I succeeded worked.

This post will give you everything you need to slim down to healthy weight and stay that way.

It gives you the stuff that I found that works (simple stuff), and leaves out all the complicated stuff people try and fail and multi-billion dollar industries exist to serve.

Mandatory disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is not professional medical advice. Before you do anything that affects your health you should go and talk to your doctor first. Just be sensible.