Why We Don’t Live in a Sexual Utopia | Girls Chase

Why We Don’t Live in a Sexual Utopia

Chase Amante

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Alek Rolstad's picture

In this post we will be reflecting on sexual liberalism. If you have read some of my earlier posts, you have probably seen that I discuss this matter a lot, as it is something that I’m deeply interested in and I believe it to be extremely relevant to the field of seduction.

Previously I have discussed how each person should be free to live out their sexuality as they wish without having people judge them for it. As long the sex is consensual and no one is intentionally causing harm to the other person or a third party, people should be sexually free to do what they want.

If there is no harm involved then there is no reason for legal or moral restrictions.

But it is however the case in this world that most societies are not sexually liberated. Some societies have more sexually liberated cultures in them than others no doubt, but none can be classified as sexually liberated per se.

Women are still being labeled as sluts as a result of their sexual actions; men are still labelled as perverts for being sex obsessed, etc. Even though, legally speaking, most countries are either already liberalized or going through a liberalization process, morally speaking, not much change is taking place. The moralism around sexuality is still strong.

In this post, I cover whether or not we should aim for a sexually liberated world in the moral sense. Will a society with total sexual freedom, in the sense that people just have sex with each other as a result of horniness, without any moral limitations, be better than how things currently are? Do we benefit from the stop of moral policing?

Before we dive in, I would like you to know that I have been thinking a lot about this topic and my answer to this question is a result of much reflection. However, it still remains my personal opinion. There is no objective right or wrong in this case, and if your opinion differs from mine, do not hesitate to share it in the comment section – but, as this topic is politically and morally loaded, I ask you all to be constructive in your comments, not only for my sake but also for the other people reading.


Darkwings92's picture

Thanks for the amazing post. Do you mind if I talk about some of your ideas during my female sexuality class this week? I agree with your thought wholeheartedly

Franco Lombardi's picture


Not to speak in place of Alek here, but I would be rather careful with where you share this knowledge publicly. There is very little doubt in my mind that you might receive some heavy backlash trying to convey this idea to a group of people (especially females) simultaneously. The idea that it's a "secret" society is exactly that -- it's a secret. The second you try to pull the covers off of it is the second women will deny any knowledge of what you're talking about.

That being said, just communicating your ability to recognize the importance of discretion may draw the attention of a few females who would like to get to know "more" about you. But it's not guaranteed.

It's up to you, but just be aware of the fact that women don't want men to be verbally communicating all of this (because the majority opinion and mainstream beliefs will cause them to aggressively defend their purity/morality in a public environment).

- Franco

Jenya's picture

I have been in this same situation trying to coney knowledge like this to my classmates. To say they took it the wrong was is an understatment. Chase's article about how men must mantain dominance in a relationship for it to function well was relevant to a class discussion, so I used some of his own ideas to formulate my own thesis. The girls went batshit crazy attacking me intead of my idea, and I lost my chance at gaming them. Proceed with caution is all I can say, and heed Franco's advice.

Anonymous's picture

Women, especially feminists, don't like to be told that they enjoy being dominated, even though their actions STRONGLY signify that they get turned on from being dominated. It's one of those things where you can't engage their logical minds with information as to why they enjoy it because they have built up beliefs that rail against the concept of male domination and female submission. And then the second question they'll ask is how the fuck do you know so much about social dynamics anyway?? Who are you, some manipulator?

But their actions speak louder than their words and I've witnessed feminists who INSIST that they are STRONG INDEPENDENT females look to me for direction on where to go for dinner or when to have sex or basically many of the major decisions where they become afraid of making a decision and need a more confident/certain individual to "convince" them of the correct path forward. All this talk about being a strong independent female, yet when it comes to decisions, I must lead...LOL.

I've learned the hard way NOT to tell women ANYTHING about male domination at all and to just lead, suggest, and subtly dominate where I can. I've learned that to minimize effort and maximize returns is to simply do. Don't waste time telling women anything about domination, AT ALL. In fact don't tell them anything about social dynamics unless she's a friend or it's not utterly important to attaining your ultimate goal. Talking too much is not effective, instead it turns them off, they like to believe they are rational decision makers who are in control of their lives. But we seducers know better, we know that when we make them horny, and we build rapport and trust with them that their emotions take over... Some women might call you bossy, and all you have to say is "it's not that, I know what I like, but I'm always open to suggestion."

Play everything off like you're dumb like you don't know what they're talking about... let them play detective trying to figure you out, while you know full well exactly what you're doing, just don't let on that you know. This minimizes effort (because you don't have to explain what you mean by you like being bossy or why women are submissive, etc). And you still get the pussy which is why we seduce in the first place.

Darkwings92's picture

After second though you're absolutely right and i'm glad I didn't talk about it like you advised. I appreciate the swift response but I guess the article really opened my eyes to things and I just wanted to share that amazing info. That being said i've still got alot to learn in terns of seduction but my university will surely be the best classroom. Thanks again Franco

James Bondage's picture

Excellent post Alek,
I enjoyed every single bit of it and I really agree with you on many levels.
This post has come in the right moment aswell as I have been having interesting and deep debates about and around sexual liberalism with my close friends and girlfriend these days and it is extremely interesting to hear so many different/weird/conservative opinions... It is amazing how many girls agree with You (me) and how many guys, especially my more average looking friends (but also some proliftic Naturals, interesting!) try to advocate the conservative, Maddona type of thinking and think 'judging' woman is a natural, good tool for them having a better choice of "chaste" girls.

Off topic:
Alek, I'd love You to write some more about Your poisonous verbal game, which I'm very fond of and been improving theese days as my English (not my native language but I'm in studying in England) is becoming more and more fluent and I finally have some decent backup for it.. :D

Once again, very well done!
Guys, appreciate this golden mine..

Yours truly,

Grins's picture

This article is quite revolutionary for many men who spend time working on their beliefs surrounding sexuality and women. However, this did raise one unanswered question for me; are women even capable of being faithful?

Great stuff!


Thomas's picture

Hallo Alek,

I have a lot to with women because I am working in an enterprise where the percentage of women is nearly 55%. Most of them are what you call average women. So I reflected about your article taking this into account and came to a slightly different result. Lets assume there is a sexually free society and let's assume most men's worst nightmare namely that 80 women out of 100 go crazy for a man with a big penis. Let' further assume there are 30 men of 100 that have one. One step ahead lets assume 15 of them are good looking and good with women in each aspect. These 15 men will get each woman they want, but it will most likely be the hottest ones who are perhaps 20 of the assumed 80. But what with the rest? Not to forget the 20 who arent impressed by a big penis. It keeps for them only to take the remaining men. And what with the other 15 who aren't perhaps good with women for any reasons? So I think that there would be a self regulating mechanism even in a sexually free society. But I absolutly agree with you what you describe in the chapter "Chaos" because of the mentioned reasons (by the way what applies for women in my opinion as well. They also want to keep their men). But as for us men this behavior is a result of lacking self-confidence. And this is the main reason this site is written for :-).

Greetings from Germany

Anonymous's picture

You are right to question the imaginary utopia,and so expose a number of its problems. It makes us think more about sexual behaviour and understand what we are really doing in partnering up.
Notice how the notion of 'cheating' survives, despite liberation? In a utopia, cheating ought not to be problem, but it might actually be an even bigger one.
A huge subject, to be sure. We could learn something by studying different societies that existed once upon a time, or still do. Take traditional Hawaiian society before contact with the white man, for example. Sexual conduct in old Hawaii was then very different, sexual activity not nearly so private, or so the fascinated strangers reported . In a way, Hawaii was more open and more liberated, but still subject to invisible social controls. In a closed, isolated society where everyone speaks the same language, lives in similar circumstances and knows pretty well everyone else, you can operate one set of rules. But it will not be the same in an evolutionary society subject to multiple influences and opportunities to come and go.

Anonymous's picture

Hi Alek,
I rather enjoyed your honest assessment of the situation. A sexual utopia really would be rather different than what we might assume, and basically because life is not only about sex. Sexual liberation has a number of counter-intuitive results, but only when you do make sex the most important thing in life. To be up front, let me lay my conservative cards on the table. I am not a believer in sexual liberalism. I do not believe it is morally upright, but do believe that sexuality is a rightly tempting part of life, regardless of whether it is moral or immoral. Thus the secret society exists like a black market in luxury goods, that are more valuable and are luxury goods, but because they are valuable in themselves and morally questionable. Consequently, I suggest that you like Hobbes too much and need an infusion of Aristotle. Hobbes tends to make everything about transactions and agreements, where the need for the secrecy of the secret society is so that the social contract among competing males is not publicly broken (which would lead to chaos). While Aristotle would insist that society is organically unified, and would also insist that a person is also organically unified in her qualities, for instance: sexual desires, sexual needs, security needs, intimacy needs, and so on. So for Aristotle a woman is not simply a collection of different qualities, each seeking its own satisfaction, but a whole person trying to coordinate her actions in a way that benefits her whole self (and those with which she has relationships). So too society uses morality to organize itself for the sake of everyone, both individually and as a group (not simply as a collective). To this end society secures lots of valuable things like economic goods, security goods, intimacy goods, and so on. Essentially society acts as a large goods producing incubator, and friendship, marriage and family are the keys to securing these goods across generations and groups, sharing the goods and burdens. Thus the providers are those that commit themselves (willingly or unwillingly) to the society building process, the raising of children and the serving of intimacy needs. Society uses morality to organize people so as to secure these goods, and when a person acts in an "immoral" fashion, societies rightly judge that these goods are placed at risk. This is because the whole system works on loyalty, continuity and tradition much more than a carefree group of singles may appreciate. If we break the networks of loyalty (i.e., the social fabric) that support the incubation process of goods, then chaos ensues, and not simply because a bunch of people disapprove or are disappointed. Thus the need for the secrecy of the secret society is due to the taring of the social fabric that it reveals. Now the social fabric depends upon self-sacrifice, and thus it gives rise to a desire to satisfy the sexual desires it represses. Consequently, if the sexual license were not repressed, chaos would ensue, as it tares at the social fabric. But since sexual desire is repressed, its satisfaction takes on a heightened value. Consequently, it makes more sense to me to say that the secret society exists as a black market in a luxury good (casual sex). This would also explain why it is so important for a woman to be lead into it, and be able to blame men for taking them there.
Thank you for the stimulating article.

Jack's picture

As a seducer I agree with most of this post. I'm not disagreeing with this post however, I don't totally agree with it's definition of Sexual Freedom. What it used for a definition was more Chaos than responsible Sexual Freedom or a responsible Sexual Utopia, and that makes a huge difference. It is a LIMITING belief to think there cannot be a society with more Sexual Freedom. That's like saying it's safer to drive 20 MPH, so nobody else can drive 50 MPH except for me at night. Until around 57 years ago even the majority of guys "had to" get married to have sex (even if they did not want to get married because of the religion based controlling society), fortunately for us there is at least some MORE sexual freedom now to have Unmarried sex. In England from 1650 to 1660, and in the early New England Colonies from the mid 1600's to around 1776 there was a Puritan Theocracy with religion based "laws" and the Puritans publicly whipped "fornicators" (that the Puritans incorrectly defined in their definition as "pre-marital sex"). From early AD to the mid 1600's the words Porneia/Harlotry/Fornication was lower class SLAVE prostitution, not even regular prostitution, and was NOT "pre-marital sex/Unmarried sex." In the early 1600's the extremists Puritans incorrectly changed the MEANING of fornication to incorrectly mean "pre-marital sex" and even in 2017 most people still think the word fornication means "pre-marital sex" (when that is NOT the original definition and NOT the original context), and there is still some U.S. states that have Puritan religion "anti-fornication laws" on the books (that fortunately would not hold up after 2003 and 2005 Supreme Court Cases). It's beneficial to us that we no longer live in a Puritan religion Theocracy, and now live in a society with some more Sexual Freedom than the 1600's. Even with more Sexual Freedom than today, the need for our "seducers secret society" is not going to go away, and why there will probably never be a Sexual Utopia/Sex-Positive society, is because the HUGE majority of beta guys oddly still WANT to get married and are Sex-Negative. Most women are Sex-Positive/Pro-Sexuality (and maybe 1% or less of seducer guys), and most beta guys are Sex-Negative, so there probably will never be a Sexual Utopia. I'm a member of and supporter of our very discreet in private "seducers secret society," and I still think there can be room in society for more Sexual Freedom, but it's most beta guys who can't handle it, so the need for our "game secret society" continues. Thanks for an interesting series of these posts on our "secret society" and Sexual Freedom (the other posts were great too).

Jimbo's picture

Interesting post. However I disagree that under complete freedom most men would remain mateless. I'm pretty sure most men can behave in sexually attractive ways to women including those who aren't tall, good-looking, high testosterone, and the like. Traits like dominance, authority, smooth nonchalance, resourcefulness, fearlessness, etc. are all embedded in women to find appealing in men regardless of how restricted or not sexuality is in a given society.

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