Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

What's Better: Day Game or Night Game?

Chase Amante's picture

day game vs. night game
Which is the better style of game for you: day game, or night game? Each has its perks, but which you prefer depends on what you want.

It’s the age-old seduction question: day game or night game?

Guys have debated the merits of both for as long as they’ve discussed game. Some guys are in the middle. Yet there are plenty of fervent devotees of each branch, who insist their style of game is superior.

I got my own start as an inveterate night gamer. It wasn’t until 3 or 4 years in I started to do more day game (more than the smattering of “here and there” I’d done before). I’ve gotten to see both sides, and everything in between, and have since run game in pretty much all kinds of scenarios.

Both daytime and nighttime have clear perks in the “meet girls” department. Which time of day you prefer is going to come down to which perks appeal to you more.

To help you pick, I’ve compared day game and night game across seven (7) distinct dimensions, so you can see exactly how each stacks up against the other.

So, let’s compare!

The Kiss and Other Mouth Moves in Physical Escalation

Alek Rolstad's picture

mouth seduction
How you use your mouth impacts physical escalation. When and how you kiss her is key, as are some of the other mouth moves you make.

Greetings, fellow seducers!

Today I will continue with a very important topic in my series on physical escalation. There is no doubt that no matter what form of seduction you may prefer – whether it is day game, night game, social circle, or online – you must eventually escalate the vibe and lead the process to its end goal: sex. In probably 90-95% of cases, physical escalation will be required before that can happen, which is why I not only put a lot of emphasis on the subject... but also why I keep discussing the subject.

We have so far discussed (in my recent articles):

This article will go further by discussing the use of your mouth in physical escalation. The previous posts covered primarily the use of hands as a tool of escalation. One can, of course, use any body part (appropriate for the context) as long as there is touch.

For example, pressing your full body into hers is something really powerful and strong. Or your legs touching is flirty but also hot. Anything goes, really, as long as it is hot.

Today we will talk specifically about the mouth, as it is a common tool of escalation… kissing for example. Kissing is a common thing, after all. But we will also cover other techniques. However, let us begin with kissing.

Why Villains are So Sexy

Chase Amante's picture

villains sexy
The bad guy compels because he isn’t afraid to speak truth and break rules. But more than this – he is a product of his zeitgeist.

There’s been a funny trend of late, in film and other media.

The bad guys are sexy. They’re cool. Way, way cooler than the good guys.

Vincent in Collateral. Anton Chigurh in No Country for Old Men. The Joker in The Dark Knight.

And among the coolest guys in cinema who aren’t out-and-out bad guys? Well, the other cool guys aren’t good guys either. They’re anti-heroes, like Johnny Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow, Brad Pitt’s Tyler Durden, or Guy Pearce’s Eric in The Rover.

The bad guy hasn’t always been cool. In most older movies, the good guy is significantly cooler, more interesting, and more relatable than the bad guy.

Yet in more recent films, the good guy is often... Too gullible. Too naïve. And he stays that way.

You watch old movies, and if the good guy starts off too naïve, he eventually comes to understand the way of the world, yet remain a strong, firm good guy at the end of it. In more recent films, the good guy always finds a way to remain more or less entrenched in his bubble of ‘correctness’, despite whatever pitfalls befall him along the way.

I propose that in topsy-turvy times, when black is white and up is down and left is right, those men who attack and upend the established order of things are those we most intuitively grasp as those who must be ‘correct’. And because they see fit to buck a powerful trend that has most individuals cowed, not only are they correct... they are powerful.

And power, no matter what the era, is always sexy and cool.

Why You Should Grab Her Ass More

Hector Castillo's picture

grab her ass
When’s the last time you grabbed a girl’s ass? There’s a good way to do this – and you needn’t wait till she’s your girlfriend, either.

She doesn’t see me immediately as she walks out of the metro. I’m laughing to myself as I stare at her, waiting for her to recognize me. But she did get lost a few times trying to find me, so I’m sure she’s a bit disoriented.

It’s when she is about to pass me that I speak up.


She looks at me, shakes her head in surprise, then laughs. “Oh, hey!”

Silly girl. She apologizes again for going to the wrong coffee shop the first time. I tell her it’s no biggie, and we walk to grab coffee. After we order, we sit and wait. I blatantly look her up and down, and she smiles curiously at me.

“You look so sexy,” I say to her.

“Thank you!” she says, giggling.

She’s an alternative girl – piercings, tattoos, and a super independent attitude. She’s also German, so stoicism is standard for her. Our first interactions at the hotel she works at involved a lot of teasing and me kind of dominating the room, but that’s only the penultimate strategy for a girl like this. They love to be challenged by cocky assholes, but with every woman on the earth, there is one strategy that reigns supreme – the lover.

“If I get distracted during our date, it’s because I’m staring at you, just so you’re aware,” I say, smiling.

“Okay!” she says, laughing. Girls never know how to respond when I make statements like that, and it’s great. They have no reference point to draw from, because I’m unlike anyone they’ve ever met.

How to Dress Case Studies, Pt. 3: Tall and Artistic

Darius Bright's picture

It's time for our last article in the “How to Dress Case Studies” series. Just in case you are just tuning in, you can find Part 1 and 2 right here:

For our last case study, I wanted to pick someone taller in height, since elongating the frame has been a big focus point in our first two articles. This time, we’ll let our subject do that on his own.

An interesting fact about T – our case study for this article – is a few years ago he was one of my first consultation clients and, as you’ll see in just a moment, he’s already rocking an exceptional style and gets the flattering feedback that is expected when you’re doing a great job with your image.

This also means that even though I’ll cover the basics throughout this article to make it helpful for guys who are just starting to improve their fashion game, a major focus throughout this case study is going to be tackling tougher issues, such as how to approach your image to get the maximum advantage.

We’ll also get a bit pedantic with the little details. It might feel like overkill for some, but once the fundamentals are covered, being mindful about these little details leads to disproportionately big results.

One last thing that makes this case study fascinating is that we’ll discuss how we can – and whether we should – adjust our image over time as our goals and priorities start to change.

With that said, let’s meet T.

Tactics Tuesdays: Where to Post Up in Bars or Clubs

Chase Amante's picture

post up in a club
Guys often post up in all the wrong places when they hit the club. This is the guide to posting up right: all the best spots to nail down in clubs.

If you pick up girls in bars and clubs, one of the issues you will soon run into is where to post up inside these venues. You’re not going to be walking around non-stop for four hours straight, for instance. And you likely won’t meet your girl for the night soon after you enter the venue, and grab a seat with her, then leave. It happens sometimes, but usually you’ll be there for a while.

Thus comes the strategic consideration of where to post up. Where are you going to position yourself when you aren’t circulating through the crowd or chatting up a girl?

This sounds like a minor point. Just pick anywhere to hang at for a while, right?

Yet if you’ve spent any amount of time in bars, lounges, or nightclubs, you’ve already seen many a ‘bachelor’s row’: that long line of lonely men, standing alone or in pairs or trios, shoulder to shoulder, clutching their drinks and watching the crowd. Finding the right spot to post up at is not something that comes natural to most men.

If you don’t want exile in bachelor’s row (and you definitely don’t want exile in bachelor’s row), you’ll need to pick better post-up spots to bide your time at.

The Tao of Seduction

Michael Chief's picture

tao of seduction
Tao is the Eastern philosophy of emptying one’s cup. It has a lot to teach about seduction… Namely, about domination of seduction, vs. submission to it.

Editor’s Note: this is our first post from Michael Chief, a long-time veteran of the seduction community. Michael kicks off today with an inner game focus, about the Tao of seduction. Please let us know if you enjoy inner game oriented articles like this in the comments below the article, and if so we’ll try to do more of them. –CA

Every seducer worth his mettle knows that great Casanova quote: “I don’t conquer, I submit.”

We know that the true power of seduction is to submit to the higher power of nature within us as opposed to trying to control nature with our own will. But that somehow paradoxically gives us greater seductive abilities, or so it seems.

Seduction is full of paradoxes like this, such as the ever-famous paradox of desire: the more we want something, the more difficult it is to obtain, and the less we want something, the easier it is to obtain. In pick-up, we translate this to mean that neediness is unattractive and that women are more attracted to us when we practice non-attachment and are genuinely not needy.

While such paradoxes can often prove to be challenging to understand, let alone understandable enough for us to use them to guide our lives, there is an ancient philosophy that gives us a tool to help us in our quest to become the best seducers and lovers we can possibly be.

That ancient philosophy is called Taoism, and the tool is called Wu Wei.

Why It's a Bad Idea to Take Your Girlfriend to Nightclubs

Chase Amante's picture

take girlfriend to nightclub
It’s fun to take your girlfriend to the club. Yet, the negatives (guys hitting on her, her becoming a clubber, unfavorable comparisons) aren’t zero.

There’s a habit among guys who like to frequent nightclubs.

And in fact, sometimes it catches on among guys who aren’t normal nightclub patrons too.

That’s the habit of regularly taking one’s girlfriend out to the club.

It’s a strange phenomenon, when you think about it. Nightclubs are primarily places for single people to go dance, talk, and hook up. They’re sexually charged environments that serve as platforms for mate selection and mate competition. Why would an attached man bring his girlfriend here?

A variety of justifications exist for taking a girlfriend to a nightclub:

  • To inject excitement into the relationship
  • To provide cover for your own clubbing without her
  • To demonstrate how secure you feel in the relationship
  • Because you think she wants or needs this
  • Because you work in a nightclub

This article applies to parties too, to a lesser extent. It’ll apply to lounges, and some dance and popular bars as well, though not as much to dive bars that are more laid back and aren’t meet markets. Anywhere you take a girl with drinking and people hitting on each other a lot falls under the purview of this article, in essence.

If it’s a place people aren’t as sexy and no one’s flirting with or hitting on anyone else, you can safely leave it out of consideration for the purposes of this article.

So today, I’m going to talk to you about why taking your girlfriend to meet markets is bad and why you shouldn’t do it. Or at least, I’m going to give you the downsides to be aware of – that way, should you choose to take girls to these places anyway, you know the risks going in.

Advanced Ways to Touch Her on Dates and Pickups

Alek Rolstad's picture

advanced touch
Mutual escalation, 2-steps-forward-1-step-back, and fractionated escalation: all ways to use touch that drive her absolutely wild.

Last time we discussed some basics of escalation from a practical perspective: how to touch, how to calibrate, and how to smoothly follow a ladder – basically Touching 101.

In case you are just tuning in, here are the first two installments in this how to touch series:

  1. Why Touch is Vital to Girls and Dating
  2. Calibrating Touch to the Girl You're With

Today we go deeper, and I will share a few more advanced escalation techniques so that you can increase your effectiveness.

Some techniques here are more advanced than those covered in my previous posts, but still not too hard to pull off. So, this post is a good fit for basically anyone, no matter what your current level is.

This post will function as a toolbox for efficient techniques that will push your escalation to a whole new level. Enjoy.

Without further ado, let’s get right into it.

Online Pick-Up: The Full 2017 Guide to Getting Dates Online

Davi Diluna's picture

By: Davi Diluna

online pick up
Picking up girls online works different from meeting them in real life. From how you frame yourself to when to seed the date, it’s another game.

If you’ve been reading Girls Chase for a while, you’ll have noticed a lot of articles by Chase and other contributors talking about online pick-up: message writing, Facebook pick-up, Tinder, Plenty of Fish, and broad online dating related topics such as profile pictures and other details.

However, every day we see new websites, dating apps, and new social networking apps; we also see old apps/websites getting new features. All this impacts online pick-up, and sometimes it’s hard to adapt in stride with the growth of these platforms. Luckily, even though the tech evolution has changed the medium of dating, the principles of seduction remain the same!

In this article, using an extremely pragmatic approach, I’m going to cover what it means to use online pick-up. We’ll go over some basic concepts that don’t change over time. Then we’ll analyze four guidelines that you should always keep in mind during your online approaches and see how we can adapt this to the tech evolution.

To tie it all together, we’ll show you how to formulate a proper process for your online pickup.

Finally, I’ll share a word about the worthiness of doing online approaches, even if I end up writing a whole article about the relationship between the seducer’s role and technology.

Let’s get to it, shall we?