Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

3 Body Position Phases When You Talk to New Girls

Alek Rolstad's picture

body positioning
Your body positioning when you approach a new girl tells her a lot about you, fast. If you want to make sure you send the right signals, you want to get the positioning right.

Since lately we’ve been discussing non-verbal seduction, I decided to go a bit further and discuss the actual tools for non-verbal seduction. These upcoming posts will cover in depth some commonly known tools, but they will also discuss some oftentimes disregarded tools that are actually vital – remember that with non-verbal seduction, the devil lies in the details.

To illustrate this properly, I’ve decided to make today’s topic about positioning.

We will base our analysis on clubs and bars, but the exact same principle applies for parties and day game. The reason I use the club is because positioning is more important in this atmosphere and has more nuances in typical night game spots.

By positioning, I am referring to your body’s position relative to the female with whom you are interacting (or trying to interact with, if we are talking pre-approach) – where your body is facing, your distance from her, and even the particular spot where you’re standing can be a big factor. We will discuss all three phases of body positioning in three sections covering three broad seduction phases, namely:

  1. The Pre-opening (before you engage)

  2. The Post-opening (just after you engage – often described as the “hook-phase”)

  3. The Seduction Phase (I am not only referring to when you are making out, or back at your place, but the phase where you have opened, she is hooked in, and you have some rapport, and preferably you are in isolation with her)

Let us now discuss how positioning works during the first phase.

How to Dress Case Studies Series, Pt. 1: Flings with Good Girls

Darius Bright's picture

how to dress case study
In How to Dress Case Studies 1, Darius puts together 3 outfits for a guy whose aim is fun, casual flings with “good girls”.

Hey guys,

This will be our first “How to Dress: Case Study” article in what I hope to be a very cool and interesting three part series.

In this case study, we’ll be constructing an image tailor-made to help its wearer have more flings with what he’d consider “good girls.”

Because this is the first piece, let me quickly explain what you’re about to find. Over the last few years, I’ve shared with you a wide variety of articles meant to show you how you can use clothes and fashion to maximize your attractiveness:

And with this article series I’d like to show you how all the know-how we’ve covered so far comes together in real, actual situations. In other words, we’ll take three different guys and tailor their image; we’ll build specific outfits that would work superbly in their lives.

Now, because I didn’t want to just make up these unique situations, I reached out to some of my own site’s long-term readers and asked if they would like to participate.

From those who responded, I picked three unique situations in terms age, complexion, body type, climate for which we’ll tailor the image, and their goals with image and women. This way we’ll be able to cover a lot of ground and increase your chances of finding some useful tips you can implement in your image.

Lastly, to keep the privacy and anonymity of the volunteers, I won’t be sharing their full photos or full names. The subject from our first case study I’ll refer to as S.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Approach Girls Who are Eating Alone

Chase Amante's picture

girl eating alone
How to approach a girl eating alone – you must disarm her concerns of awkwardness first. Then you turn the tables.

This one’s a bit niche. But hey, I just covered a very broad topic (in great detail!) yesterday in my how to get a girlfriend article. So I think I can tackle a specific one here.

On our discussion boards, forum member CuriosityKillsTheCat asks:

I’ve approached girls eating many times. It was difficult. Most of the time she had to stop and talked with me. Also I hadn’t find a way to move her to another place. Phone numbers were 100% flake.

Do you guys approach girls eating? My school’s cafeteria has many girls sitting alone eating there. I might miss out big opportunities.

(here’s his forum thread on this)

It seems like a simple one to solve: she’s by herself, just go talk to her. Right?

Except it’s a little more complicated than that. Try it out, and you’ll find it’s often a bit awkward and a little intrusive to approach a girl who’s seated alone, eating her meal. You can make her feel trapped, and if there are ample places to sit, you look like you’re chasing her if you go all the way over to her. There are plenty of snares here for you to fall into.

Is there a way to consistently approach girls alone in large cafeterias (or elsewhere), and have it go well?

How to Get a Girlfriend in the Next 2 Weeks

Chase Amante's picture

how to get a girlfriend
To get a girlfriend in 2 weeks, you pick your target, go where she is, be flirty and social, and go for the close. But that’s just Step 1.

You can just picture it: that cute girl with a trim waist, a lovely laugh, and long, silky hair. How good it feels when she presses up against you and snuggles into you. How perfect her eyes are. How soft her body is. And she's yours, and she wants to be yours, and nobody else's.

In 2004, I (Chase Amante) sat down to figure out how to get a girlfriend. Because at the time I didn't know. This venture took me on an amazing journey... And I've dated some truly incredible women along the way. But more than that, I've been able to help tons of men do the same. Since I launched in 2008, I've helped thousands of men find awesome girlfriends. Many of those girls have even turned into wives.

So here, today, in distilled form, is my guide to getting that girlfriend. And not just any girlfriend - this is the guide to getting an amazing one. And we're going to do it all in just two weeks. Because, after all, life is short. Why should you and her need to remain apart any longer than necessary?

We've broken this article down into three sections. You can skip ahead to any of them (or their subsections) using the Table of Contents to the left.

Explanations aside, let's get going and get you an awesome girlfriend.

2016: The Year in Review and a Look Ahead

Chase Amante's picture

new year 2017
A review of the best Girls Chase articles of 2016. Plus, a look ahead to what’s in store for 2017.

Another year come and gone, and it’s time once more for a reflection on what the past year’s brought. As with prior years (2013, 2014, 2015), I’ve sat down to present our best articles of the year, based on both comment counts and my opinion.

In 2016, we posted 229 new articles, or about 4.5 a week. This year we premiered a new, sleeker site design, and moved to a new, faster server. And I’ve devoted a lot of time this year to writing, planning, filming, and editing my new upcoming master class – which I’ll reveal more about in this post.

This year we enjoyed:

  • Darius Belejevas’s 4 essays on all things fashion-related
  • Drexel Scott’s 6 videos and essays on kissing, rescheduling, and picking up sober
  • William Gupta’s 6 musings on getting laid and harmful mindsets
  • Varoon Rajah’s 7 podcasts and pieces interviewing experts and reviewing books
  • Daniel Adebayo’s 8 pieces on day game and sexual reframes
  • Hector Castillo’s 15 tutorials on being blunt with girls and having them love it
  • Denton Fisher’s 18 articles on picking up and seducing girls
  • Alek Rolstad’s 30 articles on logistics, dry spells, momentum, and more
  • And 116 articles from me (Chase Amante) on mindsets, pickup, and the female mind

... not to mention three from Francesco Toggianini; two each from Ethan Fierre, Halvor Jannike, Joe Ducard, Cody Lyans, and Davi Diluna; and one apiece from Aron James, David Carreras, Jeff Billings, Jon Anthony, Pablo Garcia, and Big Mike.

(author links above link to each author’s article catalog)

11 Tips for a Magnetic Presence Attractive to Girls

Alek Rolstad's picture

attractive to girls
You can be attractive to girls before you even open your mouth. You do this with presence: the hypnotic, mesmerizing masculine quality.

Hey guys. Today I will discuss a vital topic, rarely discussed – namely, presence.

Most guys are so focused on what to do in an interaction with women they forget the stuff before the interaction. This forgetfulness is understandable... After all, it is hard to focus on too many things when you are new. The conversation itself seems so immediate it can be hard to focus on anything else. And yet, the phase that precedes the interaction can play a tremendous role.

I will not discuss screening in this post, even though the screening phase is part of this crucial pre-interaction stage. If you are interested in screen and approach-invitation triggering, do not worry, there are more than enough posts covering the subject:

What we will focus on here is how one can be attractive from a distance – without even opening your mouth – before even approaching a girl. And even though we kind of touched upon that in my previous article, let’s dig a bit further into actual tips and tricks you can apply today. However, my previous post does serve as a great foundation for this one (so if you have not read it, check it out: “Warm Up with Physical Momentum and Get Laid Easier”).

Let us start with a fundamental topic before we get into the juicy stuff.

4 Things Men Do that Sabotage Their Dating Lives

Pablo Garcia's picture

sabotage dating lives
Men sabotage their own dating lives all the time. 4 of the biggest saboteurs: kissing and telling, pleading, wrong sex talk, and moralizing.

When you go out to meet girls, you may unconsciously be sabotaging your chances without even knowing it. Men do it all the time.

Truth is, you can have fantastic looks and be able to get the ladies insanely worked up, but there are some simple things that can negate even the best game – things you can fix with a little effort and rewiring.

In my first article for Girls Chase, I’d like to share a primer... on the biggest obstacles I see guys toss into their own paths.

Tactics Tuesdays: 7 Rules to Help Guys Touch Girls Right

Denton Fisher's picture

touch girls
Touching girls can seem scary when you’re inexperienced with women. But even experienced guys get touch wrong. With these 7 rules, you’ll get touch right.

Do you get touchier with a girl in the club?

Do you have to kiss her to get to the next club?

Is “more the merrier” true when it comes to physical escalation?

These are some of the most common questions of beginners, and probably the biggest misconceptions from intermediates. Everyone is under the impression that the more physical you get, the more likely a girl is to go home with you.

Yet, get physical at the wrong time, and your touch may have the opposite of the desired effect.

Is physicality sinking your chances at sealing the deal?

How to be a Hard Target, Pt. II: Relationships

Chase Amante's picture

hard target relationships
A hard relationship target: the guy who isn’t a pushover in his relationships. Rebounders, damsels in distress, and gold diggers beware.

Last week, I kicked off the ‘hard target’ series with a look at the commonest swindlers you’ll meet when dating. I talked about how to recognize them, what their motives are, and how to counter them. You can read Part I of the hard target series here: How to be a Hard Target, Pt. I: Dating.

If you’re just tuning in, a ‘hard target’ is someone who’s not an easy mark for a schemer, predator, two-timer, or manipulator. When a two-timer crosses paths with a hard target, she’ll have a hard time getting anywhere with him. She’ll realize she probably can’t pull one over on him, and either stop trying, or move on to find an easier target.

Being able to recognize those who would use you in ways that don’t benefit you is vital. These individuals will run slipshod on your life if you let them. They often weasel their ways in with charm and ersatz affection, or by causing you to doubt your own intuitions.

In today’s installment of the hard target series, we’ll talk relationships. Namely, how to recognize girls inclined to use you in ways you won’t like. And, how to avoid being used.

As always, my advice if you realize you’re with a girl who’s bad news is “drop her”... However, I realize that’s easier said than done. Once your life is entwined with hers, it can be hard to let go. So, read on, and hopefully we can prevent you getting too deep with a bad news girl before it’s too late... Or give you a few firefighting tactics to limit your exposure to her if it already is.

How to Pick Up Girls on Christmas

Chase Amante's picture

pick up girls christmas
It’s Christmastime. But what if you’re alone? In that case, it’s also a prime time to find a new girl to cozy up to for the holidays.

It’s Yuletide. Christmastime.

Christmastime is also the time of the Wild Hunt, an ancient European tradition that predates the birth of Christ. And if you’re single and not otherwise with family this year, Christmas is the perfect time for a wild hunt of your own.

Last year, Alek wrote a piece on why winter is a tougher time to meet girls. It’s a great piece, and it’s a phenomenon I’ve seen with plenty of guys. Most guys are a lot more motivated to go out during summer... a motivation that all but dries up during winter. There are fewer women out during the winter, it’s colder, and many people settle into seasonal relationships (which they may or may not abandon when spring returns). Seasonal affective disorder kicks in. Lots of people just get, well, depressed during wintertime.

Nevertheless, personally, winter’s always been my very favorite time to meet girls. I love it. And there are some very specific reasons why I love it:

  1. If she’s out, she’s motivated.There’s a certain level of self-selection that comes about during the winter. People go out just to party and have fun and enjoy the good weather when it’s warm out. These people who just want to have fun tend to stay home a lot more as the weather gets worse. For practical purposes, that means any given girl who’s out is a lot more likely to be looking to hook up during winter than summer, and is not out just to party. Her motivation is far more primal, and her drive to brave bad weather and chance an empty venue much stronger than her more contented, less motivated peers.

  2. The vibe is more conversational. Another reason why I love winter is because everyone is in a more subdued mood. No one’s partying hard and getting crazy. That makes it much easier for me to run my preferred approach, with lots of deep dives and chase frames. Girls have less time for conversation when it’s warm out and there’s energy in the air – they just want to party, and their attention spans are shorter. During winter, their attention spans are more focused and they’re more down for a good chat.

  3. She gives you more leeway. A third reason I like winter best of all is the ever-present desire to pair up for winter. If she’s single when it’s cold out, she probably doesn’t want to be single. That makes her more motivated to do things that may lead to her not being single – like giving a man who approaches her more of a shot, and being more willing to take a chance with him. In practical terms, this means you get more leeway with women during the winter. I’ve noticed in general I can screw up with girls much more during the winter (like: slip onto a boring topic, or be a little too aggressive, or not have any time to meet up with her for a first date) and still take them to bed. Whereas if I make the same mistakes when it’s warm outside, a girl’s more likely to get ghost. I’m not sure if this is because of the longer attention span / fewer distractions / less male competition the winter offers, or if it’s because girls are less content being single during winter... I suspect it’s a combination.

That’s just winter in general.

Yet here’s the important part for this post: I have noticed, having gone out on Christmas on several occasions, that on and around Christmas day, it’s like wintertime in general on steroids.

For this reason, Christmas, in my opinion, is one of the best times of the year to find a new girl... and unwrap her present.