Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How Women’s Behavior Will Change with the 2010s-2020s Culture Shift

Chase Amante's picture

women behavior shift
The women of the 1910s and 1920s had a lot more in common with the women of the 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s than you might suspect.

I’m usually anathema to making predictions, since these so often turn out wrong. However, the pendulum seems to be swinging in earnest, so at this point I think I am more pointing out a shift that’s already started and probably isn’t able to be derailed. So let’s get to it.

From 2015 into 2016, we in the West experienced what a lot of writers on the Internet have dubbed ‘peak SJW’. Victim mentality hit its shrillest levels, the concept of certain groups as ‘privileged’ and thus ‘the enemy’ reached boiling point, and efforts to censor, outlaw, or subjugate target groups hit their apogee.

This phenomenon, of ‘peak SJW’ (Social Justice Warrior), followed the trend all movements follow in the ‘boiling point’ period. That is, they rise to a fevered pitch, then one of two things happen:

  1. They use this momentum to topple over and completely crush their enemies, or

  2. They spin themselves out against an indomitable foe, run out of gas, and enter decline

Movements work the same as tests or challenges in this regard. So long as the movement is able to gain concessions from its adversaries, it becomes more and more powerful. But as the movement begins to run into walls, or see its efforts backfire, it begins to lose steam. It loses, and the negative momentum of being on the losing side piles up. A reverse winner effect takes hold within the movement.

Why the Social Justice movement was ultimately unsuccessful in crushing its opponents in the West is beyond the scope of this article. However, I will note that successful Social Justice movements at other points in history that eventually achieved more or less full suppression of their enemies have been more careful to incorporate majority groups in their ranks, rather than target said majority groups as the object of their offense.

That aside, the point of this article is to give you a few predictions about how to expect women’s behavior to shift over the next couple of years.

Why Touch is Vital to Girls and Dating

Alek Rolstad's picture

touch dating
If you don’t touch her, it’ll be awkward. Yet touch even in and of itself is attractive in its own right.

As you guys know, I am making a series on non-verbal seduction.

I started by covering body positioning and eye contact, and will now cover one of the most crucial topics in non-verbal seduction – physical escalation – which you accomplish with touch.

I know… there are a lot of posts regarding this topic here on Girls Chase:

However, I believe pedagogically speaking, it is a good thing to get the same material explained in different ways, with different structure and different context.

And there will likely be a few things in here that you have never thought of.

I will do my best to add in some juice for you veterans, but I will also cover a few basics in order to recap key ideas while providing a good introduction for new readers.

Due to the importance of the subject of touching in regards to non-verbal seduction, I have decided to make this a three-part post; this first installment will cover more theoretical implications, while the next will be more practical. Further down the road, I plan to cover different ways of touching in addition to more advanced concepts, such as the “ladder,” mutual escalation, and the use of fractionation in touching.

Let us begin this post by explaining why physical escalation is key – and I am sure the explanation will cover more than what you originally anticipated.

How to Dress Case Studies, Pt. 2: Stylish in College

Darius Bright's picture

Hey guys,

This is our second article in the three part “How to Dress Case Studies” series. You can check out the first part here.

If you haven’t read the first part, let me quickly remind you what this article series is all about:

To show you how tailoring your image and dressing sexy comes to into play in the real world, we’ve taken three guys (one for each article in the series) with unique situations – age, physique, complexion, climate, and their goals with women and image. And we’ll be tailoring a few outfits they could very successfully rock in their daily lives and when meeting women.

To protect the privacy of those who volunteered to participate in these case studies, I’ve cut out their faces from the pictures and designated them with one-letter nicknames.

Today’s case study is W, and he just might be the most challenging and fascinating of them all.

Tactics Tuesdays: A2daMIR-Style Banter and Frame Control

Chase Amante's picture

Natural and nightclub bouncer, A2daMIR wielded a unique and masterful approach to seduction... Focused on turning the tables on girls.

One of the all-time best posters on the now-defunct mASF seduction forum was a guy named A2daMIR. A2daMIR was a Boston-based nightclub bouncer who routinely pulled off brilliant pickups... Typically with hot and bitchy girls. His ribald sexual humor was one of my inspirations for chase framing, but he has tech beyond just innuendo.

A2daMIR long claimed that his success came from having big muscles. He worked out hard for a number of years to build a ripped body, and after he reached a certain point, that’s when he noted his sexual results began to shoot up. Yet if you ask me, it was A2daMIR’s brain, not his body, that was the biggest factor in his success with girls. I’ve seen tons of extremely muscular men with dog-ugly girls, and had one of the most muscular guys I’ve ever known (this guy was absolutely HUGE) break down in tears to me about how he was never going to find a girl. A2daMIR had something these other muscle-bound guys didn’t.

Which is not to rag on muscles (muscles are great). If you have the time to build them, muscles are a real boon, although the greatest boon seems to be the intimidation factor they have on other men, and your own feeling of confidence to be ballsy and asshole-ish (when you choose to be) without having to worry about getting clobbered by some meathead who doesn’t like what you have to say. Perhaps also your sex drive; lifting hard and heavy over a sustained amount of time generates huge amounts of testosterone (and the sex drive to match). Muscles also have a certain curiosity factor for most girls, girls do find them attractive, and certain women have ‘muscle fetishes’ (the same way some guys like girls with huge breasts, or big behinds, or muscular legs, etc.). However, these are beside the point.

In this article, I’m going to introduce you to what I view as A2daMIR’s most defining signature: his ability to maintain his frame with hot, bitchy, defiant girls, in a way that both turns the tables on them and draws them in at the same time.

And to illustrate this, I’m going to use excerpts from a couple of reports of his... And break down the tactics he uses.

How to Get a One-Night Stand Tonight

Chase Amante's picture

how to get a one-night stand
To get a one-night stand, go to where the girl-guy ratios are higher and the atmosphere is hookup-oriented. Approach early and move fast. Invite girls home.

So you want to hook up with a girl and get a one-night stand. Go out, lock eyes with her, walk up to her, smile at her, say hello. Then, not so long after, take her hand and lead her out of there... Straight back to your place or hers. Off come the clothes, and into bed you go. Sounds simple enough.

Over a decade ago, when I set out to teach myself success with girls, one-night stands were my second focus. My first focus was how to get a phenomenal girlfriend (and you can read my guide on how to get a girlfriend here).

It took me a little while to get that first one-night stand, because I did not know what I was doing. But once I figured out how to get them, I got better and better at doing so. After I'd put enough work (and a few years) in, I could just about get one-night stands on command. At that point I'd achieved a major personal milestone: the ability to hook up with girls whenever I wished.

In this article, based on a decade of my own experience hooking up with girls and getting one-night stands, I show you how to do it. In addition, I've tapped 15 scientific studies that will open your eyes to a few elements of one-night stands you likely did not know. And I've laid it all out in simple, clear instructions.

So let's dive in! Let's show you how to get a one-night stand... tonight.

Seduction Spotlight: Oberyn Martell

Hector Castillo's picture

Oberyn Martell
Pedro Pascal’s portrayal of Oberyn Martell is unabashedly sexy. What makes his character so compelling? Fundamentals, panache, and finesse.

There are times in life when we cross paths with men – real men – men whose very presence sparks a reaction within us: “Wow, here is a man. I want to be just like him.”

This particular awe-inspiring male personality may differ from person to person, but each of us have had that experience. Whether it’s a father figure, a brother figure, a mentor, or a perfect stranger, we hope to spend enough time around that person to absorb their traits and learn what they know about masculinity, life, and women.

However, in a world where masculinity is becoming more demonized and ridiculed, these men aren’t so easy to come by, and they aren’t always in a position to teach us in a meaningful way. These days, it’s common to be without access to powerful male role models. Sometimes all we have to rely on are books and film. We watch a movie, a TV show, or read a book... and into the scene strolls a man – he may be fictional, but goddamn is he mesmerizing. So we pay attention.

We often connect more with someone on a screen or page than we do with anyone else in real life. Personally, there are a host of fictional characters who have played a more substantial role in my growth as a man than most real men I’ve met. They were ideals of the writer or creator transformed into beings worthy of emulation. And this is nothing new. Ever since the first story was told, men have emulated the traits of their heroes, real or fictional.

The inception of this series actually began with Giacomo Casanova. While reading his memoirs, I thought “This guy’s story needs to be told in a modern form.” I planned on rewriting his adventures, then deeply analyzing his lays (which number over a hundred and include royalty) so that GC readers wouldn’t have to work their way through the beautiful yet difficult translations of his 17th century Italian.

When I dropped that project, however, a very similar idea came to me – why not analyze the many men of television, cinema, literature, and history, who are outstanding examples of power and sensuality?

Thus was born “Seduction Spotlight.” The name should speak for itself.

I will show you in detail how these characters seduce women, dominate their foes, and exemplify other masculine pursuits, such as achieving one’s dreams. Through this analysis you should then be able to truly understand how they do what they do, and, in turn, do it yourself (adhering to the laws of your land and time, of course).

With this inaugural article, then, I will shine that spotlight on my personal favorite, Oberyn Martell of the TV show Game of Thrones, inspired by the Song of Fire and Ice book series written by George R.R. Martin. Oberyn Martell is played by the actor Pedro Pascal.

Since Oberyn’s character only aired for a little under forty minutes in the fourth season of Game of Thrones, I cover nearly all his scenes in order to highlight his fundamentals, game, and mindsets. I’ll cite the episodes if you want to follow along on your HBO Go, but I’ll also provide YouTube links for each scene (some YouTube vids are censored).

Here are a pair of videos that cover every scene he’s in if you want a compilation:

Eye Contact Seduction: Basics and Advanced

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

seductive eye contact
Seductive eye contact is about more than eyelids and gaze direction. With these 3 basic eye contact rules, plus a few advanced tactics, you’ll melt her.

Lately I have been making posts on non-verbal seduction. Non-verbal seduction is a lot of fun and has a lot of benefits – such as being possible in loud clubs. If you’d like my lesson on pulling off verbal seduction in a loud club, here it is: you can’t. This is why those of us (myself included) who enjoy using fancy verbals tend to avoid loud clubs or stick to smoking and lounge areas.

But this will no longer be a problem, for today we will go further down the rabbit hole of non-verbal seduction. One common misconception is that non-verbal seduction is easier than verbal seduction. This is wrong. However, it is important to keep in mind that it is easier to occasionally “get lucky” and enjoy freebies with non-verbal seduction. Becoming consistent and enjoying repeated success, on the other hand, is hard. This requires more than just “gazing her down” and touching her like a caveman.

This forces us to become more calibrated and develop more than a simple “trained eye” and that “smooth vibe” that usually results from field experience. To achieve success and avoid failure, it is still a prerequisite to gain knowledge. And in order to get good at non-verbal seduction, one has to get deeper in the analysis of those concepts, which at first glance to a “clueless” eye, may seem banal. For good non-verbal seduction, the devil is indeed in the details.

In last week’s article, we discussed the oftentimes overlooked yet crucial subject of positioning. Today’s topic, eye contact, is no different. Now, keep in mind that this post, the previous post, and the upcoming posts related to non-verbal seduction will cover techniques that can also be used when delivering verbals; for example, eye contact is obviously key in any form of seduction but is absolutely vital in non-verbal seduction – for obvious reasons, these are the only tools you have at your disposal when verbals are rendered useless. When given fewer “tools” to operate with, perfection is required.

Without further ado let’s get to it.

Sexual Direct Style: Podcast with Hector Castillo

Chase Amante's picture

Welcome to our first regular Date Coach Interview! I conducted this interview myself, with our very own Hector Castillo.

Over the next few months, we’ll be rolling out interviews like this where I talk with a Girls Chase coach about his story and what he teaches to the students he coaches.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Gauge Her Openness to Teasing

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

open to teasing
Some girls love to be teased. But some girls hate it. You find out who is whom (and how to proceed with each) by gauging her openness to teasing, right up front.

Some girls you can tease, flirt with, and bust on until you’re blue in the face, and they’ll love every moment of it.

Other girls, though? Well... not so much. Give her even a light ribbing and her body language turns icy. Try and flirt with her and she just gives you that stony look. You can feel your stomach muscles constrict as she bores holes into you with her eyes.

If you can figure out where on the spectrum a girl lies before you lay your flirtation on thick (or not at all), you can adjust properly.

But if you can’t, you may just find yourself boring the girls who want you to tease... Or sending the girls who can’t handle teasing into a spiral of auto-rejection.

This article is aimed at men who are intermediate with girls and up.

You can still use it as a beginner, but it’ll likely be a little too finesse to remember to do in the heat of the moment. That’s okay, you can circle back here once the game’s slowed down for you.

So how do you know when to start teasing a girl, and when to hold off?

In this article, I’m going to give you the ‘cautious method’ for figuring out how open a girl is to teasing. You won’t always use this, and in fact I don’t always use it too (especially when I’m trying to just ping a girl quickly and see how interested she is, and move on if she isn’t that interested – I’ll go straight to personal teases in that case).

However, if you want to not blow it with a specific girl, or you’re in a captive audience situation (like seated next to her on a bus or airplane, or in a class), this is perfect for not sending girls into auto-rejection by going too far with your teases.

And if she isn’t open to teasing? Don’t worry, I’ve got a solution for you there too.

Let’s dive in.

Don't Let a Bad Rejection Ruin Your Night Out

Denton Fisher's picture

bad rejection
Sometimes a girl rejects you much harsher than she needed to. If you let it, this can ruin your night. Yet, it does not need to.

One of the things you are not going to avoid while learning success with women is the occasional tough rejection.

Maybe she freaked out unnecessarily.

Maybe she said something that felt like a knife shoved in your sternum.

Either way, it sucks when a girl rejects you, especially when it comes out of the blue and is tactlessly delivered. But what if I were to tell you that the water runs deep on this issue and everything is not as it appears? What if you could completely turn around the way you see rejection?