Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tactics Tuesdays: Expect Women to Approach You (or Signal)

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

expect women to approachGet alert, tune yourself in, and EXPECT the women you see to signal or approach you. Do this, and your fundamentals improve… and women actually do respond a lot more.

A year or so ago, I was talking to Ricardus (remember him?) and he mentioned a day when he went around feeling like the sexiest man in town. He just put it in his head: "I am the most attractive man in this city," and as he went about his day, women's heads turned. Ultimately a random cute girl approached him and struck up a conversation with him.

And when he told me about that, I thought, "Oh yeah, I do that too."

Most of my content focuses on 'outer game', because I think that's just generally easier for guys to focus on, and that the 'inner game' will catch up once the outer game's tight.

But there's a converse to this too: even once your outer game is solid, and your fundamentals are great, you can still slack off a lot when you're not in the right headspace.

Try this: wherever you are, right now:

  • Remember the last pretty girl who gave you a look when you were out somewhere. What did her face look like? Her body? What sort of signs of interest did she give you?

  • Remember the last time you felt like you were on top of the world. Was it just after you got out of the gym? Just grabbed a number from a new girl or rolled in the hay with one? Had some other kind of victory?

  • Remember that when a man walks and acts in a confident way, everyone around him views him as a confident man. Perception is reality, in this case

  • Now, with those three things in mind, remind yourself that you are actually a pretty desirable guy

What happens to your fundamentals when you do this?

Do you straighten your posture up more?

Puff your chest out a bit?

Give your head a more confident tilt?

Open your eyes a bit wider, and become more alert?

Most likely you did these things, plus a host of other small things.

And all those small things add up together to make you stand out in a noticeable way from all the other people around you.

Scouting for Meet Girls Spots: You Just Have to Go There

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

scouting to meet new girlsEver try to predict how good a place will be to meet girls by looking at a map or talking to people? If you have, you'll know how wrong you often get it. But… why?

I like to regularly scout new spots. Keeps things fresh, and you don't know what you'll find -- either in the place, or in the woman situation (see: new spot bonus).

The other day I decided to work at a shopping mall in one of the university areas. I walked by the women's university, where school's just about to be back in session, with cars unloading female college students and their suitcases and belongings. Then I found the nearby mall and took a stroll through it.

And... I was surprised how few single women there were there.

There were lots of families. Lots of children. A few couples and trios of college girls. Next to none there alone. And of the women who were there, only a handful were very attractive.

The mall had multiple floors, but only two options to work at, a Starbucks on the first floor and a tea place on one of the upper floors. The tea place actually looked like the better bet as far as clientele, but I opted for the Starbucks to get a clearer idea about the mall's foot traffic.

In the several hours I spent there, I saw perhaps a handful of attractive women, solo, walk by. The rest were all couples, trios, and families. Most of the women I saw did not have attractive faces (if unmasked) and/or didn't have the best bodies.

Where were all the attractive solo girls?

Should One Even Bother with Dating During a Pandemic?

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

covid dating
This COVID pandemic has thrown a massive wrench in the dating game. In lockdown, meeting women is much harder, if not impossible. So, should you even bother right now?

Hey guys, and welcome back. I’ve recently shared a few guides and opinions on the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affects pickup and seduction.

If you'd like to catch up on those, here they are:

I know we live in frustrating times; and I will not hide it, I find these times frustrating, too. But I keep a cool head and carry on, trying to figure out ways to maintain my lifestyle.

Things will eventually get back to normal; when is the real question. I am not going to sit back and wait, though I admit, I am not as active as I usually am with my pickup and seduction hobby. So I do what I can to maintain my skills and keep some female company as I believe this to be healthy. Having girls around is healthy for my brain, especially these days when everybody seems to have lost their minds.

I know some of you are still questioning whether one should still bother with seduction at all during these times. This question is what I’ll cover in today’s post.

Here's Why You Have a Crush on That Girl – And How to Move Forward

Frankie Bismarck's picture

have a crush
Crushing is the result of inaction. You have a crush on that girl because you never made a move. Want to escape that perpetual “what if” state with her? Here’s how.

Whether you’re in high school, college, or the world of work, one phenomenon repeats in most guys’ lives — the crush. You are enchanted by a classmate or co-worker, and you develop feelings for her. But why this girl, and not somebody else? And why do you get those feelings in the first place?

Let’s explore some solutions to the crush problem (and yes, it is a problem). It’s exacerbated in this day and age by social media and dating apps that place sex “everywhere.” Sadly, for many guys, it’s just out of reach.

Tactics Tuesdays: The Easiest Way to Touch Any Part of a Woman

Chase Amante's picture
touch any part of girl
You can touch a woman on pretty much any part of her body… IF she likes you, she's comfortable with you, and you use this simple technique.

There's a simple little way to get away with touching pretty much any part of a woman's body.

The rules are that she has to be into you enough to permit a touch there, and she has to be comfortable enough with you to enjoy a touch there -- and you also need to able to tell a story in an excited enough, confident enough way.

If your timing and calibration is correct, however, this tactic will let you get away with pretty much any kind of touch you can imagine (from fairly harmless stuff like looping her arm in yours or lacing her fingers with yours to the naughtiest kinds of touch you can imagine). It is one of the most innocuous ways to touch a girl you can imagine.

This simple tactic is that you will tell a story to a girl that involves the kind of touch you want to do on her -- and then you'll demonstrate that kind of touch right on her.

8 Signs of a Seductive Individual

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

Seductive people more easily obtain money, power, fame, and sex. What’s the secret sauce, and can anyone increase their seductive powers by using it?

What qualities make a seductive individual?

First, let’s get acquainted with the word.

“Seductive: tending to seduce: having alluring or tempting qualities, a seductive, sometimes disingenuous man

Synonyms: alluring, appealing, attractive, bewitching, captivating, charismatic, charming, elfin, enchanting, engaging, entrancing, fascinating, fetching, glamorous, magnetic.

Antonyms: repellent, repelling, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, unalluring.”

If people are calling you repugnant, you are definitely not seductive.

If you approach a hottie at the mall and she tells her friends she met a captivating, engaging man, you’re definitely seductive.

I don’t think many people identify as ‘seductive’ individuals. But if you want to become seductive, this article will point out the qualities and skills necessary.

People Usually Choose Mates with Similar Faces

Chase Amante's picture
facial similarity attraction
You may have noticed, but a LOT of couples look really similar to each other, facially. Is there an element of attraction related to facial similarity?

Send this article to anyone you know who thinks "You can't get a good-looking woman unless you're genetically blessed with natural good looks yourself!" to really blow his mind.

There's an interesting phenomenon I've paid some attention to over the years: the phenomenon of romantic couples looking facially quite similar to one another.

I first started paying attention to it when I noticed how different different people's assessments are of what is attractive. There's a thread on our forum where guys post pictures of their dream lays... any man who goes through that list is going to see some women he agrees with, and some women he says, "What? That's your dream shag?!"

Seriously, you should scroll through that list... you'll be surprised. Here's just a sample of what different men from the Boards rate as their dream girls to go to bed with:

facial similarity attraction
The dream lays of various different guys. Which ones are your dream lays?

What I began to notice over the years was oftentimes when a guy told me some girl was really hot, and I looked at her and thought, "Whoa... that girl is not really attractive at all," I could take a look at the girl, then take a look at the guy, and I'd discover they actually had a great deal of facial similarity. Similar eyes, similar nose, similar mouth, similar jawline.

And it would click: "Ahhhh... that's why he likes her. She looks like him."

When I'd look at celebrities, and scratch my head over why a wealthy, famous guy with his pick of nearly any woman he wants would choose as his wife some of the total dogs a lot of male celebrities seem to pick (in my tastes), I'd realize those dogs were, in fact, very facially similar to the male partner himself.

At the same time, from time to time, I'll notice couples whose faces are almost total opposites. This intrigued me too. I see it a lot less than the "dead similar" couples, but I do see it.

And as I saw all this, I started to formulate a theory, that gave me a better understanding of human mate choice matching.

This theory made me even more confident (as if I was confident enough) in my own pickups as well... because it helped me realize a few things about what kinds of girls were likely to be most receptive to me, and what kinds of girls I was likely to get on with best myself.

How to Use Misdirection in Your Seductions of Women

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

misdirection seduction
A ubiquitous but under-discussed tool in every good seducer's skill set is the art of misdirection. Let's peek at how you can use misdirection to better seduce the women you meet.

One of the most enjoyable things about the art of seduction is how open it is to a variety of angles, all of them unique, and all encompassing fascinating aspects of human psychology.

We know techniques like cold reading. Deep diving. Chase frames. Sex talk. Screening and qualifying. Compliance stacking. Yes-ladders. Forcing framing. Resistance busting. And so on and so forth. All these tactics are a pleasure to use, and for the woman you use them upon, they're a pleasure to have used on her.

You see, women enjoy to be seduced.

If they didn't enjoy it, they wouldn't let you get away with it.

While uninitiated men think seducers are big baddies who trick unsuspecting women into unwanted intimacy, any veteran seducer knows the opposite is true. It's the low-skilled non-seducers who ply women with alcohol until their decision-making is impaired or snake their ways into women's trusts via the 'friend zone'.

Seducers do the opposite.

When you're a seducer, you're honest. Even when you're using your tactics, the woman still knows what your game is. She's not dumb. She plays along, however, because she likes it.

And we can use misdirection to play this game with her.

While it might have a bad rap as a tool of pickpockets and con artists, misdirection is also a part of magic shows, carnivals, and some of the very best books and movies out there, that leave you riveted to your seat and unable to turn away.

You can use misdirection to the same effect within your own seductions.

It will give you more success, and a lot more enjoyment.

Alek's M.O. for Meeting Women During COVID – Plans B and C

Alek Rolstad's picture

covid dating
COVID-19 has brought challenges, but there’s always a way to flourish in the dating game. These backup plans will help you keep both of your heads happy.

Last week I detailed my overall dating game plan during the pandemic. I shared how and where I approach girls, and what I do beyond that to get them in bed.

Sadly, as many of you know, pandemic policies differ from place to place. My game plan may not fit where you live. Nevertheless, I hope you can get something out of my plan or find some tweaks to make it work for you.

Perhaps you can at least draw some inspiration from my game plan to create your own. I did my best to share my thought process and overall method to create my game plan. Feel free to take that and create a plan that best suits you.

Currently, we are in a phase where the social world has turned upside down. The rules of the game have changed, and we need to calibrate to that. Nothing is set in stone, nor is my game plan. It’s a time to experiment and rediscover our game (or discover it, if you are new to this). Of course, the situation is sad, but it opens up opportunities to rediscover good pickup strategies you may have neglected until now. I will not say we live in exciting times; that would be an exaggeration. But overall, there is an exciting element to it. This is what you should embrace; nay, it's something you must embrace.

Attention Grabs – Make Girls Think They Invited YOU to Approach

Allen Reyes's picture

By: Allen Reyes

approach girls
Your normal go-to openers may be great, but they can be even better if you make her think SHE invited YOU to approach. It’s so easy you can start doing this now!

In this article, I’ll discuss what to do BEFORE you try to hook in a pickup. On the initial approach, you want to make a girl feel like she invited you to approach her.

Advanced guys who don‘t understand this idea are probably saying, “What? That’s impossible!” But, it’ll come together if you keep reading.

Let’s start with the basics and work up to the more complex.