How to Create a Loving Vibe That Attracts Women | Girls Chase

How to Create a Loving Vibe That Attracts Women

Chase Amante

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Tony Depp's picture

attract women with love
Your state of mind creates a vibe that can attract or repel women. Use these tips to develop an aura of love that attracts women like bears to honey.

Many years ago, I was on Vacation, visiting a friend from the PUA community. He lived in a small town in Northern Canada with a surprisingly big nightlife. After a long evening at the bar, he asked if I wanted to go to an after party. Of course I did.

“Here, take one of these,” he said, handing the group a bag of white pills.

“What is it?” I asked.


I’d only tried MDMA once, and it was a crazy adventure. So I decided to give it one more shot. I popped the pill and we headed out to the party.

MDMA basically turns your dopamine up from zero to twelve, and as our group walked to the party, we all started giggling like school girls. By the time we got there, we were tripping hard. I felt this incredible joy and love for everyone and everything.

I sat down beside this pretty girl, and in about ten seconds, we were making out. I don’t remember what I said, but I felt an intense attraction, mixed with incredible vulnerability. It wasn’t my words that seduced her, but my vibe.

The problem with drugs and alcohol is that they come at a cost. Alcohol causes hangovers that wreck your day. Drugs like MDMA are the same – you get an emotional hangover. What goes up must come down. I don’t advocate using hard drugs, and I haven’t touched them since. But I did learn something powerful that night: that whatever you feel, she feels.


Hidy's picture

Now the quote from Zan " A man who loves women is loved by women" makes more sense...

Michael Chief's picture

This is very important information! Too many guys go through life being comfortable in their own misery, even going so far as to blame women for their grief.

Oh, and also, though Batman probably wouldn't do as well as Stiffler in cold approach pickup, I bet his playboy Bruce Wayne alter ego would mop the floor with him ;)

Tony Depp's picture

But Tony Stark would destroy both of them. 

stefxxxyyy's picture

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