Female Psychology | Page 3 | Girls Chase

Female Psychology

Liberate Female Sexuality – Orgasms Will COME (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

It’s good when a man knows how to unleash female sexuality.

It’s good for her, for obvious reasons. And it’s good for you because you teach her how to be used for your pleasure (and that is, incidentally, the best way to give a woman pleasure in bed).

And even if you two don’t see each other again, you will have changed her life for the better, giving her a whole new confidence in her sexuality and freedom from self-judgment.

So here’s to liberating her orgasmic female sexuality.

Should You Really Worry About Female State Control and Social Frame?

Alek Rolstad's picture

female state control and social frame
All this stuff about Female State Control and Social Frame is great and very useful. But how much do you really need to focus on it in your seductions?

After many posts on female state control (FSC) and social frame, it may seem like we are getting a bit too far down the rabbit hole. Some of you may be asking yourselves, “Do I need all this?”

Here are the articles written on the subject so far:

  1. Spell Broken: Big Mistakes That Shred Conversation (by Chase from 2011)
  2. Female State Control (FSC): Theoretical Causes and Effects
  3. Female State Control (FSC): Preemptive Measures
  4. How to Get Somewhere with a Girl: The Floors and Ceilings Method (by Chase)  
  5. Female State Control (FSC): Social Frame and Comfort
  6. Female State Control Vaccines: Social Frame
  7. The Social Dynamics of Female State Control in Pickup
  8. Female State Control Vaccines: Rapport and Fractionation
  9. Female State Control Vaccines: Investment
  10. How to Take Women Home Without Having the Right Social Frame
  11. Social Acceptability and Sexual Acceptability in Dating (by Chase)
  12. How Too Much High Value Can Trigger Female State Control
  13. Female State Control: More Causes and Solutions
  14. Female State Management and Social Frame: The Big Picture

Do you really need this complex info, all these fine-tuned techniques?

The quick answer is: some of it, sure. We’re covering a broad arsenal. Sometimes you need a few elements; sometimes you need everything.

Remember there is always another woman nearby who is easier. She may be equally nice and equally hot.

But sometimes you end up going all pickup nerdy; you want perfection. You want to have a high meet-to-lay ratio.

To some, this discussion about FSC and social frame may seem overly complicated. If it’s so important, is this another area you must spend tons of time to learn about, practicing the techniques to prevent and counter FSC? It could seem a bit demotivating to some, and it may make pickup and seduction seem even harder than it already is.

This is the question I would like to answer in this post. Do you need all this, and if so, when? I will also mention when you shouldn’t focus on this.

Lastly, I will offer a simplified guide for intermediates, newbies, and for those times when you have low momentum and are not performing as well as you usually do.

Female State Management and Social Frame: The Big Picture

Alek Rolstad's picture

female state control

Hey, guys. Welcome back!

Here’s my final article on Female State Control (FSC), and to some extent, social frame. I will try to tie it all together and give you the big picture.

In doing so, I will refer to posts from our beloved Chase. He has written amazing posts that I enjoyed reading on floors and ceilings as well as acceptability, all closely related to FSC and social frame.

I will also mention an older post from Chase on state crashes, troughs, and cresting that is extremely relevant to this discussion.

One word of caution: my mention of these posts will be my interpretations of these posts. After numerous email exchanges with Chase on the subject, it seems like I understood his points quite well.

This article is packed with details and will be a dense post to some. It’s recommended for more advanced readers. Make sure you are rested and caffeinated before reading. Reading twice to understand it all is advised.

Female State Control: More Causes and Solutions

Alek Rolstad's picture

female state control
In our ongoing exploration of Female State Control (FSC), we’ve identified several causes and solutions. But wait, there’s more! Let’s fill in those missing pieces.

Welcome back! This is a continuation of our discussion on Female State Control (FSC). If you'd like to catch up, here are the articles to date:

  1. Female State Control (FSC): Theoretical Causes and Effects
  2. Female State Control (FSC): Preemptive Measures
  3. Female State Control (FSC): Social Frame and Comfort
  4. Female State Control Vaccines: Social Frame
  5. The Social Dynamics of Female State Control in Pickup
  6. Female State Control Vaccines: Rapport and Fractionation
  7. Female State Control Vaccines: Investment
  8. How to Take Women Home Without Having the Right Social Frame
  9. Social Acceptability and Sexual Acceptability in Dating
  10. How Too Much High Value Can Trigger Female State Control

Last week, we mentioned other social factors that can trigger Female State Control that are not related to a lack of social frame. Today we will discuss other reasons why women may hold themselves back and control their state when they are getting aroused by you.

If you’ve been tagging along up until now, you probably know that FSC and social frame are subjects I’ve discussed a lot lately. But for those of you who are new to our discussion, FSC is the phenomenon of women controlling their state: holding back, turning cold, and ejecting when they get stimulated/aroused by a guy. It can happen with a guy she doesn't consider socially acceptable to hook up with (if her friends are likely to find out, for example).

You can view this post as an overview covering everything I haven’t had a chance to mention in my earlier posts on FSC. Many points listed here may be small; however, they are still significant. I will not discuss rare and uncommon situations but instead will look at common interactions that I believe many of you will face or have faced before.

As I cover these points, I’ll do my best to present reliable solutions to the problems. As we will see, not every issue covered will have an answer (and you may not always want to fix it, especially if the problem is significant). However, I will try to compensate with some discussion and analysis.

How Too Much High Value Can Trigger Female State Control

Alek Rolstad's picture

female state control
In our series on Female State Control (FSC), we’ve learned how high value and social frame can bypass FSC, but can too much of it actually work against you?

Hey, guys. Today I will continue my discussion on social frame and female state control (FSC). However, I will take a different angle. We will discuss some other reasons why FSC is socially useful.

We’ve discussed FSC and social frame a lot lately, but if you are new to this, check out the previous articles.

In a nutshell, FSC is the phenomenon that happens when women control their state while feeling stimulated or aroused and do not feel ready to allow themselves to be captivated by an attractive guy. If you’ve encountered a situation where everything seems to be going well, the vibe is good, and things are escalating fast... then out of the blue, the girl:

  • Disappears
  • Wants to go dance
  • Turns cold
  • Acts weird in general

...or any other action that communicates that she is actively trying to de-escalate the vibe. That's FSC.

It happens because she feels things are going too fast, she is losing control, or she is getting stimulated by a guy who she does not feel “allowed” to hook up with. By “allowed” we refer to social frame as defining whether a woman feels allowed on a social level to hook up with a guy. If you have a strong social frame, it will help overcome a lack of her feeling allowed to get carried away by you. It also makes it easier for her to backward-rationalize her attraction for you socially.

Today, let’s discuss other social reasons why women control their state when they are around you. We’ll focus on the social aspects like in my previous posts on social frame, but the reasons covered here are not due to a lack of social frame but something else, or the opposite. You might have too good of a social frame. Okay, this may seem counterintuitive, but everything in pickup can be a double-edged sword.

I will also try to suggest solutions for each of the causes.

Let’s get to it.

There’s Always One Final Shit Test Before Sex

Varoon Rajah's picture

shit test before sex
Women test men to ensure they aren’t with a loser or impostor. The final shit test before sex can be a real doozy, so make sure you’re not caught off guard.

I approached her on the street in the rain. She was a sexy young Asian girl who walked past quickly. I turned and caught up to her and opened. She smiled but said she was in a rush. I quickly asked if she was single; we had a quick one minute exchange, and I grabbed her number.

We texted in a flirty way, and she was pretty invested in the texting. I set up a date for the following week on a Tuesday (one of my standard dates). We went to an art gallery then walked over to have drinks. However, the vibe on this date felt different from most others. It was fast, and she was touching me often. At times, I got the sense that she was getting impatient when she started looking at her watch repeatedly. At this point, I hadn’t even gone through my sex talk stack yet; once I began to bring it up, she told me that most of her friends were gay men and she was super nonjudgmental.

Well, okay, neat.

She looked at her watch a third time and was quiet.

We had only met for an hour and change, but I figured what the hell; let’s try pulling anyway, and I went for it.

I just invited her home. “So I think I want to show you my art, and I have this really awesome beer you’ll love that I brought from Canada. We can sit on my rooftop and have drinks. Let’s get out of here.”

“Are you inviting me over to have sex with you?” She replied.

With a deadpan face, I said, “Yes.” And smiled.

Without stopping, she said “Okay” and started getting up to leave.

The moment we walked into my apartment building, I kissed her. It was on before we even got into my place.

I passed her shit test, and we screwed all night.

Do Women Want to Be DOMINATED in the Bedroom? (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Do women like being dominated in bed? The answer is obvious, isn’t it?

Of course there will be many protests to the opposite, but usually these are protests of TIMING or CONTEXT.

“I don’t like it rough... all the time.”

Right, but 9/10 times? 8/10 times? What we talking here?

My stance on this has gotten a little softer over the years. I used to be the “If you don’t split her open every time, you’re a bitch,” but then I've also encountered some situations where I’d go too hard and it’d make girls feel like a fleshlight... which they love, but maybe just not YET.

Some girls need to be warmed up to the really crazy, dominant sex.

But once they’re comfortable and trust you... the doors EXPLODE.

Watch the video and see why.

How to Take Women Home Without Having the Right Social Frame

Alek Rolstad's picture

overcoming social frame
Having the right social frame is important for making girls feel allowed to hook up with you. But there are ways to overcome social mismatches with pure awesomeness.

Hey, guys. Today we will discuss how you can get women and score social points at a venue or social gathering where you do not fit in.

Before I get started, a word of caution: this is a seduction blog about getting women. This advice is not valid for professional lives or other situations. It may apply elsewhere, but I cannot say for sure.

Try this out in venues and situations where you have little to lose socially and economically.

Should You Expect a Falling Out After She Goes on Vacation?

Varoon Rajah's picture

relationship time apart
With certain types of relationships, don’t expect things to go back to business as usual after she returns from a vacation or is away from you very long.

Over the years as you grow in the game and experience more women, you see many patterns in male and female dynamics. Men and women have different agendas. A woman’s ultimate agenda is to find and keep a provider, especially one who is high-value (but still attainable) and one she can commit to monogamously.

Monogamy is virtually the only acceptable social frame for a woman as far as dating and relationships go. Other relationship models likely don’t fit so well with the world view held by her family, friends, and peers. So she most likely always has the monogamy goal in mind, despite what she’s doing with a guy or guys in the moment.

If you’re in a committed, monogamous, and stable relationship that’s going well (this is an important condition distinction), you might not experience the pattern I describe below. Similarly, if you’re dating a girl but haven’t yet slept with her, you might be able to avoid this situation. Finally, if she already has a provider, you’re just having sex, and she’s not emotionally intertwined, you can escape unharmed.

However, for nearly every other scenario, a girl taking a vacation without you equates to the impending doom of whatever it is you have going with her. I’ve found that when a girl you’re seeing takes a vacation — like a 1-2 week vacation to a faraway place — there’s a good chance you won’t see her again. At least your relationship can fundamentally change once she returns from her trip.

This concept applies mostly to these setups:

It’s also true regardless of how much you both communicate with each other during the trip. This naturally tends to dip a little during trips per the nature of the above setups.

It can be a strange phenomenon to observe. But we have to remember that when a woman sees you regularly, she feels emotionally tied to you, especially if you’re giving her a great experience.

This fades away once she experiences a little distance.

Harnessing the Seductive Power of the Dark Triad

Tony Depp's picture

dark triad seduction
Women are instinctively attracted to men with dark triad qualities. But you don’t have to be a psychopath to capitalize on that. The first step is learning to not care.

Have you ever felt like you’re being watched? Like Big Brother or the Eye of Sauron is gazing down upon you, judging your actions, biding its time before sending in the Gestapo to whisk you off to some dungeon?

You’re not alone.

This is what many men feel like when they’re doing pickup. That they’re being watched, and what they’re attempting to do is so morally reprehensible that it’s practically criminal. The current political climate adds to these fears, no doubt.

It’s such a common issue that I’ve written dozens of articles and could probably write an entire book on the subject. I might call it:

The Unapologetic PUA: How to Not Care What People Think

In regards to picking up girls, if you want to be great at it, you have to not care what anyone thinks about you. You must be:

  • Not in your head worrying yourself out of approaching
  • Present, calm, and charming when you do approach

It’s what men spend years attempting to master. To become soulless approach-robots with one aim in life: to have sex with hot girls!