Pickup | Page 62 | Girls Chase


Meeting and attracting members of the opposite sex.

Tactics Tuesdays: Where to Post Up in Bars or Clubs

Chase Amante's picture

post up in a club
Guys often post up in all the wrong places when they hit the club. This is the guide to posting up right: all the best spots to nail down in clubs.

If you pick up girls in bars and clubs, one of the issues you will soon run into is where to post up inside these venues. You’re not going to be walking around non-stop for four hours straight, for instance. And you likely won’t meet your girl for the night soon after you enter the venue, and grab a seat with her, then leave. It happens sometimes, but usually you’ll be there for a while.

Thus comes the strategic consideration of where to post up. Where are you going to position yourself when you aren’t circulating through the crowd or chatting up a girl?

This sounds like a minor point. Just pick anywhere to hang at for a while, right?

Yet if you’ve spent any amount of time in bars, lounges, or nightclubs, you’ve already seen many a ‘bachelor’s row’: that long line of lonely men, standing alone or in pairs or trios, shoulder to shoulder, clutching their drinks and watching the crowd. Finding the right spot to post up at is not something that comes natural to most men.

If you don’t want exile in bachelor’s row (and you definitely don’t want exile in bachelor’s row), you’ll need to pick better post-up spots to bide your time at.

Advanced Ways to Touch Her on Dates and Pickups

Alek Rolstad's picture

advanced touch
Mutual escalation, 2-steps-forward-1-step-back, and fractionated escalation: all ways to use touch that drive her absolutely wild.

Last time we discussed some basics of escalation from a practical perspective: how to touch, how to calibrate, and how to smoothly follow a ladder – basically Touching 101.

In case you are just tuning in, here are the first two installments in this how to touch series:

  1. Why Touch is Vital to Girls and Dating
  2. Calibrating Touch to the Girl You're With

Today we go deeper, and I will share a few more advanced escalation techniques so that you can increase your effectiveness.

Some techniques here are more advanced than those covered in my previous posts, but still not too hard to pull off. So, this post is a good fit for basically anyone, no matter what your current level is.

This post will function as a toolbox for efficient techniques that will push your escalation to a whole new level. Enjoy.

Without further ado, let’s get right into it.

Online Pick-Up: The Full 2017 Guide to Getting Dates Online

Davi Diluna's picture

By: Davi Diluna

online pick up
Picking up girls online works different from meeting them in real life. From how you frame yourself to when to seed the date, it’s another game.

If you’ve been reading Girls Chase for a while, you’ll have noticed a lot of articles by Chase and other contributors talking about online pick-up: message writing, Facebook pick-up, Tinder, Plenty of Fish, and broad online dating related topics such as profile pictures and other details.

However, every day we see new websites, dating apps, and new social networking apps; we also see old apps/websites getting new features. All this impacts online pick-up, and sometimes it’s hard to adapt in stride with the growth of these platforms. Luckily, even though the tech evolution has changed the medium of dating, the principles of seduction remain the same!

In this article, using an extremely pragmatic approach, I’m going to cover what it means to use online pick-up. We’ll go over some basic concepts that don’t change over time. Then we’ll analyze four guidelines that you should always keep in mind during your online approaches and see how we can adapt this to the tech evolution.

To tie it all together, we’ll show you how to formulate a proper process for your online pickup.

Finally, I’ll share a word about the worthiness of doing online approaches, even if I end up writing a whole article about the relationship between the seducer’s role and technology.

Let’s get to it, shall we?

Calibrating Touch to the Girl You're With

Alek Rolstad's picture

calibrate touch
It’s crucial to your courtships you use properly calibrated touch. What’s that mean? That the touch you use matches the girl, the mood, and the circumstance.

Greetings, and welcome back to my series on non-verbal seduction. We have many other cool posts in this series that you might want to check out if non-verbal seduction is something that interests you. You may find them here:

  1. 3 Body Position Phases When You Talk to New Girls

  2. Eye Contact Seduction: Basics and Advanced

  3. Why Touch is Vital to Girls and Dating

In our third post in the series, on why touch is vital, we discussed the theoretical aspect of physical escalation – why it is important, and its numerous benefits. Today we will focus only on the practical aspects (i.e., the tips and tricks to make your escalation go more smoothly).

So let us get right into it, shall we?

Tactics Tuesdays: Tell Her the Deal, with an Asterisk

Chase Amante's picture

tell her the deal
When guys hit a wall, they try to out-game girls, confess their feelings, or walk away. None of those options work all that perfect, though.

Ever been in a situation with a girl where you know she likes you, but she’s cagey. And you’re pulling your hair out trying to get her to do something... anything with you. But you’re on the verge of giving up? And you think maybe she’s on the verge of auto-rejection?

Most guys respond to this one of three (3) ways:

  1. They try to out-game her (“Maybe if I do X, I’ll get her”)
  2. They drop their feelings and hope (“I’ll just confess my emotions”)
  3. They give up and walk away (“Screw it, this isn’t going anywhere”)

If you’ve read my article on giving girls parting shots, this one’s going to be similar to that. The exception is that you won’t be doing this as you part with her. Instead, this is how you get her to cut the games. To do it, you’re going to tell her what the deal is... with an asterisk.

Tactics Tuesdays: A2daMIR-Style Banter and Frame Control

Chase Amante's picture

Natural and nightclub bouncer, A2daMIR wielded a unique and masterful approach to seduction... Focused on turning the tables on girls.

One of the all-time best posters on the now-defunct mASF seduction forum was a guy named A2daMIR. A2daMIR was a Boston-based nightclub bouncer who routinely pulled off brilliant pickups... Typically with hot and bitchy girls. His ribald sexual humor was one of my inspirations for chase framing, but he has tech beyond just innuendo.

A2daMIR long claimed that his success came from having big muscles. He worked out hard for a number of years to build a ripped body, and after he reached a certain point, that’s when he noted his sexual results began to shoot up. Yet if you ask me, it was A2daMIR’s brain, not his body, that was the biggest factor in his success with girls. I’ve seen tons of extremely muscular men with dog-ugly girls, and had one of the most muscular guys I’ve ever known (this guy was absolutely HUGE) break down in tears to me about how he was never going to find a girl. A2daMIR had something these other muscle-bound guys didn’t.

Which is not to rag on muscles (muscles are great). If you have the time to build them, muscles are a real boon, although the greatest boon seems to be the intimidation factor they have on other men, and your own feeling of confidence to be ballsy and asshole-ish (when you choose to be) without having to worry about getting clobbered by some meathead who doesn’t like what you have to say. Perhaps also your sex drive; lifting hard and heavy over a sustained amount of time generates huge amounts of testosterone (and the sex drive to match). Muscles also have a certain curiosity factor for most girls, girls do find them attractive, and certain women have ‘muscle fetishes’ (the same way some guys like girls with huge breasts, or big behinds, or muscular legs, etc.). However, these are beside the point.

In this article, I’m going to introduce you to what I view as A2daMIR’s most defining signature: his ability to maintain his frame with hot, bitchy, defiant girls, in a way that both turns the tables on them and draws them in at the same time.

And to illustrate this, I’m going to use excerpts from a couple of reports of his... And break down the tactics he uses.

How to Get a One-Night Stand Tonight

Chase Amante's picture

how to get a one-night stand
To get a one-night stand, go to where the girl-guy ratios are higher and the atmosphere is hookup-oriented. Approach early and move fast. Invite girls home.

So you want to hook up with a girl and get a one-night stand. Go out, lock eyes with her, walk up to her, smile at her, say hello. Then, not so long after, take her hand and lead her out of there... Straight back to your place or hers. Off come the clothes, and into bed you go. Sounds simple enough.

Over a decade ago, when I set out to teach myself success with girls, one-night stands were my second focus. My first focus was how to get a phenomenal girlfriend (and you can read my guide on how to get a girlfriend here).

It took me a little while to get that first one-night stand, because I did not know what I was doing. But once I figured out how to get them, I got better and better at doing so. After I'd put enough work (and a few years) in, I could just about get one-night stands on command. At that point I'd achieved a major personal milestone: the ability to hook up with girls whenever I wished.

In this article, based on a decade of my own experience hooking up with girls and getting one-night stands, I show you how to do it. In addition, I've tapped 15 scientific studies that will open your eyes to a few elements of one-night stands you likely did not know. And I've laid it all out in simple, clear instructions.

So let's dive in! Let's show you how to get a one-night stand... tonight.

Sexual Direct Style: Podcast with Hector Castillo

Chase Amante's picture

Welcome to our first regular Date Coach Interview! I conducted this interview myself, with our very own Hector Castillo.

Over the next few months, we’ll be rolling out interviews like this where I talk with a Girls Chase coach about his story and what he teaches to the students he coaches.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Gauge Her Openness to Teasing

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

open to teasing
Some girls love to be teased. But some girls hate it. You find out who is whom (and how to proceed with each) by gauging her openness to teasing, right up front.

Some girls you can tease, flirt with, and bust on until you’re blue in the face, and they’ll love every moment of it.

Other girls, though? Well... not so much. Give her even a light ribbing and her body language turns icy. Try and flirt with her and she just gives you that stony look. You can feel your stomach muscles constrict as she bores holes into you with her eyes.

If you can figure out where on the spectrum a girl lies before you lay your flirtation on thick (or not at all), you can adjust properly.

But if you can’t, you may just find yourself boring the girls who want you to tease... Or sending the girls who can’t handle teasing into a spiral of auto-rejection.

This article is aimed at men who are intermediate with girls and up.

You can still use it as a beginner, but it’ll likely be a little too finesse to remember to do in the heat of the moment. That’s okay, you can circle back here once the game’s slowed down for you.

So how do you know when to start teasing a girl, and when to hold off?

In this article, I’m going to give you the ‘cautious method’ for figuring out how open a girl is to teasing. You won’t always use this, and in fact I don’t always use it too (especially when I’m trying to just ping a girl quickly and see how interested she is, and move on if she isn’t that interested – I’ll go straight to personal teases in that case).

However, if you want to not blow it with a specific girl, or you’re in a captive audience situation (like seated next to her on a bus or airplane, or in a class), this is perfect for not sending girls into auto-rejection by going too far with your teases.

And if she isn’t open to teasing? Don’t worry, I’ve got a solution for you there too.

Let’s dive in.

Don't Let a Bad Rejection Ruin Your Night Out

Denton Fisher's picture

bad rejection
Sometimes a girl rejects you much harsher than she needed to. If you let it, this can ruin your night. Yet, it does not need to.

One of the things you are not going to avoid while learning success with women is the occasional tough rejection.

Maybe she freaked out unnecessarily.

Maybe she said something that felt like a knife shoved in your sternum.

Either way, it sucks when a girl rejects you, especially when it comes out of the blue and is tactlessly delivered. But what if I were to tell you that the water runs deep on this issue and everything is not as it appears? What if you could completely turn around the way you see rejection?