Fundamentals | Girls Chase


The basic building blocks of being attractive and getting results with women that every aspiring ladies' man should get down cold.

11 Tips for a Magnetic Presence Attractive to Girls

Alek Rolstad's picture

attractive to girls
You can be attractive to girls before you even open your mouth. You do this with presence: the hypnotic, mesmerizing masculine quality.

Hey guys. Today I will discuss a vital topic, rarely discussed – namely, presence.

Most guys are so focused on what to do in an interaction with women they forget the stuff before the interaction. This forgetfulness is understandable... After all, it is hard to focus on too many things when you are new. The conversation itself seems so immediate it can be hard to focus on anything else. And yet, the phase that precedes the interaction can play a tremendous role.

I will not discuss screening in this post, even though the screening phase is part of this crucial pre-interaction stage. If you are interested in screen and approach-invitation triggering, do not worry, there are more than enough posts covering the subject:

What we will focus on here is how one can be attractive from a distance – without even opening your mouth – before even approaching a girl. And even though we kind of touched upon that in my previous article, let’s dig a bit further into actual tips and tricks you can apply today. However, my previous post does serve as a great foundation for this one (so if you have not read it, check it out: “Warm Up with Physical Momentum and Get Laid Easier”).

Let us start with a fundamental topic before we get into the juicy stuff.

Don’t be So Afraid to Compliment Others

Chase Amante's picture

Several times over the years, both on this site and in our newsletter, I’ve discussed compliments: both how to compliment, as well as when to do it, what compliments work best, and even a few nonverbal tricks to make your compliments more convincing.

Despite that, I notice most guys still don’t compliment much, and I suspect this is largely due to a few common fears around complimenting:

  • “What if my compliment draws attention to my own undesirable traits?”
  • “What if it sounds like I’m just trying to ingratiate myself?”
  • “What if I inflate her ego too much?”

I’m not going to tell you those fears are preposterous, because those things do happen.

However, I will tell you those fears are most likely overblown.

And I’m also going to tell you that if you even have these fears at all, you have little to worry about when it comes to paying compliments.

afraid to compliment

Let’s tackle some of these concerns though, and address what’s behind them.

What Should You Focus on to Get Good With Women Fast?

Denton Fisher's picture

I hear too much garbage in the pickup community from guys who do not know what they are talking about in regards to game; too many beginners with good marketing skills, charlatans who want your money, or guys with good skill but who do not understand what it is they are doing that is actually helping them out and pointing at some obscure technique they think is the one true key to success. Well this is the no bars guide to what will get you good with women in the shortest period of time.

good with women

What I am going to review here is once and for all what will and will not help you. And once we know what is helpful diving into each point, you may better harness your learning curve and make massive gains in regards to your abilities with women.

I have found each of these present in everyone with massive success with women, and if you take them seriously you too can have the same skills as even the most wildly talented seducers.

Are you interested? Are you on the edge of your seat? I hope so. Now, what should you focus on and what will waste your time?

How to Get Started When You’re Socially Hopeless

Chase Amante's picture

When I decided to start gunning hard for significantly improved social skills in 2004, that was when I had to come to grips with how hopelessly miserable my current social skills were, and how hopelessly far behind I was socially compared to everybody else.

Some part of me enjoyed being the total outsider, because I enjoyed the independence of the man apart, the one cut off from society. I figured this would make my eventual triumph all the more poetic. It was only when I set about trying to bring that triumph about that I came to realize it would be even tougher than I’d estimated.

socially hopeless

What I quickly discovered was that even some of the most basic social rules were alien to me. What do people talk about? How do they join conversations and move between groups? How do they not trip over their own feet socially and look dumb and find themselves excluded?

I’d already developed a good wit and the ability to tell an entertaining story by that point, so I wasn’t flying completely blind. But general conversation – interacting with other human beings in a setting in which I was not the guy on stage, cracking jokes or spinning stories or showing off my musical talents, was unknown to me. And was most human interaction... I couldn’t lean on jokes or tales or busting out freestyles to help there.

So, this one goes out to the social newbs, starting off hopelessly behind everybody else, realizing the rest of mankind has a 10+ year head start on them in learning how to socialize.

Let me tell you what I did, and give you some suggestions about what you can do.

Awareness Radius: Get Noticed, Reward/Punish, and More

Chase Amante's picture

There’s a forceful concept we haven’t touched on a great deal on Girls Chase before, and that’s awareness radius.

We’ve discussed it a bit in the articles on the bored look and the skeptical look, and we’ve mentioned it as ‘extinction’ in the one on operant conditioning.

However, we’ve not called it by this name... awareness radius.

awareness radius

If you’re good, you’re using awareness radius strategically already, without knowing it. Once you’re consciously familiar with the concept, however, you can use it consciously as well as on autopilot, which makes you more socially formidable.

Even if you’re still learning, I’ll bet you’ll realize you’ve used this one from time to time, and what an impact it’s made. Now just think if you used it strategically.

Because, you see, awareness radius is a tool for communicating your own value, in your mind, relative to others; it’s a tool for rewarding good behavior and punishing bad; and it’s one you can use proactively to increase how much attention others are paying to you and what regard they hold you in.

The 3 Sorts of Lady-Killer (and Which One You Are)

Chase Amante's picture

In my article “Tactics Tuesdays: Calling Her When Texts Don’t Pan Out”, commenter AnonDude asked the following:

I found that interesting and it would be great if you could write a post on different styles and goals of seduction, pros and cons of each, combinations of different styles and stuff like that.

lady killer

I thought this’d make for a fun article, so decided to write this one next.

Now, this might not necessarily be as practical an article, since, as you’ll see, you are what you are and you like what you like and you don’t have much, if any, conscious control over that.

Nevertheless, this may still be useful for you: we’ll be looking at what you want, why you do what you do, and what things you ought to be focused on (and what things not).

Let’s talk about what the 3 sorts of lady-killer are... and figure out which one you are.

How Many Attraction Factors are There? Infinite

Chase Amante's picture

One of the biggest obstacles for a lot of men when it comes to improving with women is fixating on the wrong thing.

attraction factors

Much of this seems to come from improper understanding of some of the raw basics of attraction.

When you see guys get hung up on one specific characteristic and blame that as the cause of all their woes with women, like the ones I discussed in “I Can’t Get Girls Because Girls Only Want [BLANK]”:

  • Race
  • Height
  • Wealth
  • Good looks

... it’s because they misunderstand attraction.

And when you see guys become (overly) obsessive about improving in one specific area, like muscles or wealth, it’s because they misunderstand attraction.

So how does attraction work?

Because surely, all these things have some impact on attraction... right?

But then, so do fundamentals.

And game.

So if all of them have some impact, then just how do these things all play together to affect a woman’s ultimate degree of attraction for you?

The Truth About Big Muscles and Getting Laid

William Gupta's picture

When I was seventeen I overdosed on cocaine. I weighed 107 pounds and was 5'9" - needless to say, I was skinny. It's been eight years since that event and I now weigh 165 pounds and am around 7-8% body fat. I have been asked to be a fitness model and to competitively powerlift. My journey from being a skinny kid to a muscular bro was motivated almost entirely by my goal of bedding more women.

muscles get laid

And although putting on a lot of muscle didn't give me the results I had fantasized about, the journey helped transform my character and turned me into a guy who does in fact bed a lot of women. I'm writing this post because there are a lot of misconceptions about how being muscular helps you with women, so here is the truth about how being muscular will help you get laid.

Hair Length and Male Attractiveness

Chase Amante's picture

hair length and attractivenessHow important is hair to attraction?

I didn’t pay it much mind the first few years I was out chatting up girls. I got my $12 Supercuts haircut, threw on some threadbare button-down shirts I still had from high school that were two sizes too large for me, a pair of basic jeans, and some chunky white sneakers or square-toed loafers.

And then I’d go out and talk to girls.

I got okay results. I’d get dates sometimes, and sometimes I’d sleep with a girl. Some girls really liked me. Because of this, I assumed these other things did not matter.

Later I realized I was handicapping myself though, and once I started experimenting a lot more with clothes and hair, I got better results.

How much better? It’s hard to say. Fashion and hair improved for me at the same time a bunch of other things did, which makes it tough apportioning out credit.

However, whether the difference it makes to your fundamentals is a 5% improvement or 15% one, this is a fairly straightforward 5% or 15% you can add to your attractiveness portfolio, and it’s one you shouldn’t miss.

5 Ways Short Guys Can Do Great with Girls

William Gupta's picture

I am an underwhelming 5 feet 9 inches tall. In the US and the UK, this is about four inches under the ideal height for a guy. I have girls tell me that I am too short, yet they still ended up coming home with me that night.

short guy

When you begin your journey dating as a short guy, you want to stack the odds in your favor. It’s easy to get disheartened and lose steam, and that’s why I have come up with this framework for shorter guys to game more efficiently at the beginning of their journey, so they can build their core confidence and have a long career of picking up women.