Fundamentals | Girls Chase


The basic building blocks of being attractive and getting results with women that every aspiring ladies' man should get down cold.

Easy Nutritional Tracking for Six-Pack Abs

J.J. Jones's picture

Howdy, gents!

Pardon the hiatus, as I have been busy working very diligently on a series of articles on the subject of modern marriage that you will see here very soon. But with summer fast approaching, I figured this one needed to be written sooner rather than later.

One of our forum members recently posted some pretty astonishing before and after photos of a recent body transformation. He had purchased a fairly simple workout program, and went from “gut to cut” in a little over three months’ time.

six pack abs

It was very inspiring.

When I first started studying seduction, I too decided to put myself through the same type of physical transformation. In addition to eating a healthy diet, which is what we’re going to examine in detail in this article, I decided to start working out five days per week and get myself in tip-top shape.

So yes, you definitely do want to follow some type of fitness plan. So if you haven’t happened across Ross Leon’s article “How to Build a Male Body That Drives Women Crazy” quite yet, you should probably go ahead and give that one a read.

Having six-pack abs is most certainly not an absolute requirement to seduce women. But it definitely helps, and if you’re one of the many guys out there who want the triple-B’s (Bleach Blonde Bombshells), then it is important for you to know that having a guy with great abs is definitely at or near the top of their wish list.

Many guys work out furiously five or six or even seven days per week and still cannot trim enough fat off of their bodies, and usually the reason for this is that they aren’t paying attention to what they are eating!

Fundamentals of Basic Conversation II: Interaction Outline Pt. 3

Mateo Navarrete's picture

Previously, we covered common mistakes to avoid that have the potential to hinder our success.

We’ve talked about the importance of having a conversation outline as well as a customizable conversation starter you can implement today with the girls you are meeting.

In the last article we explored how our voice, awkward tendencies, and early attractive conversation affect our communication with women. In this post, more concrete examples of effective and ineffective behavior will be discussed, as we discover the final three fundamentals of conversation. Those are:

  • Screening
  • Rewarding effort
  • Connection building

However, before diving further into the nuances of conversation, let’s explore the why behind the what and the how of communication in regards to attraction so we can better understand what makes our behavior effective or ineffective.

The Fundamentals of a Great Approach: Interaction Outline Pt. 1

Mateo Navarrete's picture

approach fundamentalsIn my previous post, we learned the importance of having something ready to say when we see a woman to whom we are attracted, so we began building a conversation outline beginning with our initial component of a customizable conversation starter that we can adapt to fit any situation!

Now that we have something to say, at least upon first approaching a woman, we are free to focus on our fundamentals more effectively. There’s a great intro article to fundamentals you can check out here, and Chase has several amazing articles about how to work on your style (including everything from grooming, facial hair, clothing and accessories, your physique, even information about how your scent relates to attraction), as well as your eye contact and your voice.

Today we dive deeper down the rabbit hole as we focus on making the abstract more concrete by learning the fundamental behaviors that can make all the difference in the world in your interactions with the opposite sex!

Day Game 101: Basics and Fundamentals

Jeff Stanton's picture

By: Jeff Stanton

Note from Chase: this is Jeff Stanton’s first article on Girls Chase proper, although he’s contributed some well-received posts on our discussion boards under the handle “Warped Mindless”, a handle he’s had for years on other seduction forums across the web. Jeff’s kicking off with a series on day game, beginning with this post, focused on basics. If you’ve been around a while, this’ll mostly all be familiar territory to you, but it’s necessary foundationally for what Jeff covers next. Here’s Jeff.

This is the start of a new series all about meeting women during the day, sometimes referred to as “day game”.

day game

This series will cover anything and everything you need to know in order to go out and start hitting on beautiful woman and forming the type of relationships you want with them. But first…

The “I’m Glad I’m Not the Only One Who…” Conversation Starter

Mateo Navarrete's picture

The #1 thing men ask me when it comes to meeting girls is, “I don’t know what to say! What should I say to get a girl intrigued enough to even want to have an interaction with me?!”

When it comes to attracting a woman, you may be familiar with the phrase, “It’s not so much what you say, but more how you say it that matters.”

This is why I attempt to focus on the “how” (read: “fundamental” behaviors) and “why” (read: “fundamental” beliefs and strategies) of communication and attraction, albeit sometimes the concepts may seem rather abstract.

Some of the ideas I share start off very abstract in the beginning, and over time become more concrete, while other concepts start off very concrete and then become more abstract over time.

On this note, to prepare us for what we are about to learn today, let’s quickly review what we’ve learned so far:

We hold the moral-high ground so there’s no need to feel ashamed of approaching a woman who attracts our attention (Creep-Shame Culture). No (eligible) woman wakes up thinking, “I don’t want to get swept off my feet today”, so there’s no harm in making (inevitable) mistakes when attempting to do this very thing with a woman to whom you are attracted.

Discovering the answer to 3 simple questions (The 4 Types of Women) gives us an effective destination towards which to guide the interaction. Obviously the first step in getting somewhere is knowing where to go!

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so by focusing on our fundamentals and essentials (in regards to voice, eye contact, body language, etc.) the occasions when a woman doesn’t look at us will become less frequent. We understand why it occurs, as well as how to handle the situation (Looking at Women, and Getting Them to Look Back) by appealing to her other senses (besides just her sense of sight) in order to successfully gain her attention.

Now that we have all those abstract ideas internalized, let’s focus on something more concrete and fun: learning EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY to a girl when you first approach her!

conversation starter

Today is Part One of my Basic Conversation Outline series. In this article you are going to:

  1. Discover why building a conversation outline is important to your success

  2. Acquire a conversation starter you can use right now

  3. Learn how to customize it to fit any situation you happen to find yourself in

Let’s get right to it!

Looking at Women... and Getting Them to Look BACK

Mateo Navarrete's picture

In my experience, the power to command the attention of all eyes in a room is more a learnable skill than a natural talent.

And in reality, you can effectively internalize any skill and turn it into a “natural” habit. So the argument that “either you’ve got it, or you don’t” is simply inaccurate.

Just to be clear: if you don’t have it (yet), you can still get it (soon).

However, commanding the attention of everyone in the room is outside the scope of this article, and although that skill would indeed be helpful, in this situation we will focus on how to gain the attention of one person in particular: that beautiful woman who has enamored you, and, for whatever reason, is not returning your gaze.

looking at women

To deal with this situation of how we look at women and get them to look back, we break it down into two parts:

  • Pre-Interaction Communication
  • (During the) Interaction Communication

Let’s start by taking a closer look at what we can do before this situation even occurs.

What Does It Mean to Be a Man?

Drexel Scott's picture

It is taken for granted, as well it should be, that women respect strong men and detest weak ones. There is no way around it, and no amount of pretty, eloquent fluffiness will detract from the impact it already has on your life.

You see it everywhere: women throwing themselves at men with spines while trampling on those without and laughing in their faces.

Today’s article is not a discussion of strength in the physical sense – you can find articles on how to get in great shape elsewhere on this website. Instead, this is about a topic that I don’t often see discussed: being a man of conviction.

Some good Hollywood examples of men with conviction are James Bond and Han Solo; classic archetypal males who get the job done and get laid doing it.

be a man

Classroom Body Language and Other Casual Situations

Cody Lyans's picture

You’ve probably been brought up to think that leaning on posts, putting your feet up, leaning back on chairs, and slouching a little bit is the key to looking good in the classroom, but if we are being honest here, no one cares, and these little tweaks are not really going to have any impact on girls noticing you.

casual body language

What gets girls noticing you is never as simple as showing you don’t care, mostly because it doesn’t stand out to them as different from the other guys they see daily doing the same things. And none of those men lay themselves back so well that girls rush to them and instantly start talking with them, so it begs the question: why are you really acting that way, and is this method attractive?

In all likelihood you are choosing the easiest path, a path you haven’t really thought about very much, a path that relies on some mysterious undercurrent to be at play that will bring you luck and a girl. But we have to not only ask “Is this pragmatic?”, we also have to ask “Is the way I’m handling this attractive?”.

How to Be Cool: 4 Lessons from Science and Hollywood

Chase Amante's picture

I taught myself how to be “cool” as a junior high student many years ago. It was an intuitive process for me at the time, though filled with social experiments and trial and error – and lots of beating up on myself to get it just right.

I’ve spent years trying to figure out a good way to teach all the aspects of being cool. A way to boil it all down to something simple, streamlined, and easily remembered and used by anyone who aspires to “cool”: who wants to be that person that everybody else just looks at and says, “Man, that guy is cool.”

how to be cool

How do you transform someone who “doesn’t get it” – whom others laugh at, make fun of, disrespect, or ignore – into someone they look up to, gravitate toward, and esteem?

To do this, of course, you need good tactics – you need to be able to give them the “what to do”; but more than this, you need the underlying principles: what is it about cool people that just makes them so damn cool?

Well, after years of non-starters on an article about this, I will say that I have successfully boiled “cool” down to four (4) core elements that are eminently doable and absolutely teachable.

Get all four of these right, and you will be – without question – unstoppably, unspeakably, almost unbearably cool.

And the best news is, all any of them takes is a little practice and, yes... a little discipline.

Why Vulnerability Makes You More Attractive to Women

Colt Williams's picture

vulnerabilityA while back I wrote a post on connecting with people. There, I touched on why vulnerability works to connect people from a psychological standpoint and laid the foundation for why it works on women.

But I wanted to expand on why exactly vulnerability makes you more attractive to women.

You see, vulnerability must be used correctly. It isn’t a prescription or excuse to start spilling your guts. So today I’m going to talk about how to use vulnerability effectively and what frames you must maintain in order to maximize your attractiveness to the fairer sex.