Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Navigating Highly Competitive Sexual Markets

Chase Amante's picture

competitive sexual marketsIn my previous article in this series, “Game Imbalance Hypothesis”, I discussed why men moving from highly competitive sexual markets generally have an easier time in less competitive sexual markets, and why men moving from less competitive sexual markets generally have a tougher time in more competitive ones.

A reminder that sexual markets can include:

What we’ll talk about today splits into two (2) things:

  1. How you navigate these more competitive markets with tougher sexual selection criteria when you are a new entrant hailing from a less competitive environment

  2. How you differentiate between a competitive-but-good sexual marketplace versus a marketplace where it’s difficult to find new or quality partners simply because there aren’t many available to be had

The latter is needed is because knowing how to navigate tougher markets is not enough. You need to know if you’re even dealing with a market that IS a tough market – or if it’s simply a locale without much of a market in the first place.

Downplay Her Interest and Really Make Her Want You

Cody Lyans's picture

I’m writing this in the same vein as “Be Intriguing. Be Memorable.” in the hopes of encouraging you to keep your core approach to women simple. This article is about how we need to allow a girl space to show interest without overreacting.

By not trying to take advantage of every opportunity and spring into motion the moment she shows a flash of interest, we not only communicate a lack of desperation but we give a girl the space she needs to expand on her already present good feelings naturally (without effort or thought).

downplay interest

If you give her space to feel her attraction, then the seeds you plant, no matter how small, will come across clearly. A clear and simple approach allows precision, consistency, adaption, and also abides by the Law of Least Effort.

Game Imbalance Hypothesis

Chase Amante's picture

game imbalance hypothesisThis is the first in a three-part series on regional sexual selection pressures. This piece introduces the concept of “game imbalance”, defines it, and posits it as a contributing cause of men’s difficulties with women.

I have an alternate theory why certain classes of men struggle with women far more than certain other classes do, on average. Alternate from what most guys cite: looks discrimination, racial discrimination, height discrimination, income discrimination, etc.

The one we’ve been seeing the most complaints from on the discussion boards lately are men of Indian descent. Asian and Arab guys struggle a lot as well. Of course, men of all races complain about their inabilities to succeed with women (and I’ve heard plenty of success stories and known personally plenty of successful guys from all of these racial groups), but some of these race-level complaints are far more ubiquitous than others.

So what makes the difference?

I have a theory. Actually, a hypothesis. I’d like to call it “game imbalance hypothesis.”

And if you’ll walk with me a moment, I’ll show you how I think the effect the hypothesis describes is hampering certain men and favoring others in the sexual marketplace.

Next Level Seduction Pt. 3: The State of the Game Address

Colt Williams's picture

This post is Part 3 in my Next Level Seduction series. This series is dedicated to illuminating and breaking down the most advanced concepts, processes, and subtleties involved in the highest level of seduction. It’s about discussing ideas that most men may not necessarily think about, and identifying the nuances of living your life as a highly sexual and desirable male. So if you’re new to the game, you can either ignore this... or try not to be intimidated. You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

Greetings, my fellow men; this is Colt Williams, and this is the State of the Game address. Today I want to talk about where the game is today: what’s working in the seduction world, what trends I have noticed, what’s not working so well, and where this is all headed.

state of the game

Picking Up Girls: Selecting the Right Venue

Alek Rolstad's picture

Today I will share some ideas around picking the right venue when going out at night to bars and nightclubs. This might sound very basic to some of you, but many seducers overlook this point and doing so makes their lives harder than necessary.

Venue selection is one of the most important and useful concepts in “night seduction”, and all the best “night gamers” I have met have criteria when it comes to finding the right spot to hang out.

venue selection

So let us start this discussion by correcting the belief that “famous clubs/bars” are good spots for meeting women. I believe this to be wrong, and here’s why.

3 Quirky but Great Places to Find Girls

Cody Lyans's picture

When you start having more conversations with women you start to learn what girls look for and how they identify those things.

By talking with girls frequently and having their trust sexually you start to hear about how they think while at the gym, or while at the beach, or traveling, and after this it becomes more and more clear that our fears of approaching in these places are misguided.

places to find girls

I was having some discussions recently about a few of these weird places, and you should know that girls are happier to meet guys than you would think at them.

Women are actively looking and positioning themselves in the best spots they can, so if you see a girl somewhere quirky and your first instinct is fear and to hide away, just stop for a moment. Girls usually go to these places because they really don’t want to go anywhere else to meet guys. So take the fact that she showed up where you are as a good sign, because on some level girls understand that if two cute people cross paths they just might spark up a conversation.

And so long as you follow a few dos and don’ts correctly, you should do well in these situations. Also, keep in mind that the fact that she showed up is a sign that she thinks “guys here might be okay!”

We as guys get nervous, but girls like that because it weeds out 90% of the guys who never think far enough ahead or never find the motivation to follow through.

The simple act of meeting a girl in quirky places can cause her to think great things about you. It might sound crazy, but as much as these places can be scary, the scariness is matched by their level of opportunity.

So buckle up, because meeting girls in unusual settings often means you are in for a different ride and it may just accelerate your learning curve, as girls assume the best rather than shooting you down.

Women’s Back Pocket Mentality

Chase Amante's picture

back pocket mentalityWe’ve discussed why if the aim is to sleep with or even get into relationships with women, you’re normally better off cultivating the image of “great potential lover” rather than the image of “great potential boyfriend” that the majority of men compete on (or, even worse, “great potential friend”) a number of times here already.

If you’re just tuning in and could use a recap, these articles are the primary pieces on the subject:

What I want to discuss with you today is one of the key mentalities women have regarding men that you must take pains to steer clear of falling victim to: women’s “back pocket” mentality.

This is the habit of women to “collect” men and keep them in reserve – or, in their back pockets – until such time as they might need them.

It isn’t malicious. It’s not a conscious effort to be manipulative or use others (usually).

However, if you aren’t careful about it, you can let this tendency of women’s, coupled with the tendency most men have to “prove their salt as a boyfriend by making themselves totally available”, sabotage any chances you might’ve had with those women.

The Natural Mindset: Taking More Pleasure from Hook Ups

Chase Amante's picture

Note before we get started: this one’s more for intermediate and up guys who are running into this issue. For guys who are beginners, stick with treating your interactions with women more “mechanistically” and breaking them down into bite-sized pieces and goals you’re trying to accomplish and milestones you’re trying to pass – you’ll learn a lot faster that way. Think of this article as “switching to natural... once you’re already fairly good.”

enjoying hooking upA reader named Robert writes in:

I have a question, hope you guys can answer it for me!

I have pretty solid game, can get girls, move things forwards etc.. etc...

Where I stumble is in my own experience of the whole interaction-  MY attraction to HER! Is it because I’m not going for hot enough girls? I’ll get super turned on when the situation is still unclear, and sex is not guaranteed. But then once I am pretty sure it’s gonna happen, I will lead her to it, but my arousal is wayyy less than earlier/before the interaction.

My thoughts are I should try to escalate as I feel the tension, in slow, somewhat intense and subtle ways... focusing more on the vibe and staying with it. Or perhaps convince myself that sex is not guaranteed yet? Or is this a sign that I am simply trying to pump my own ego, and the attraction isn’t real to begin with?

Ah, yes. An all too common issue of the developing seducer: why does reaching the point where she’s ready to go to bed with you kill all your interest in the sex?

The instant it’s unequivocally clear that yes, she DOES want to go to bed with you, and WILL go to bed with you – POOF! All the crazy desire you had to go to bed with her up until that point just vanishes.

Where did it go, and why does this happen?

How to Have Sex with a Cougar

Colt Williams's picture

cougarAh, cougars. Still a category of woman that every man longs to experience at least once in his life. Every man has a different reason for why he would like to be with one, maybe it’s because their girlfriend had a hot mom when they were younger, perhaps it is due to the fact that they had a really attractive teacher growing up, but, one way or another, there is definitely a certain allure to having sex with an older woman.

Last week, I talked about the “7 Greatest Things About Cougars.” In case you didn’t know why cougars are so great and why so many men covet them, that post explains it. It also explains the potential pitfalls that you should avoid when dealing with cougars.

So now that we’ve started at the foundation — as we always should — let’s talk about how to go through the process of actually having sex with one. Accomplishing this feat can definitely produce a very satisfying feeling in the heart of a man.

Though I should say that it can actually be rather difficult to have sex with a cougar with whom you have a very large age gap through conventional means. And by conventional means I mean day game and night game. While it’s definitely possible (more so with night game), your results will almost always be markedly lower than if you were to approach and try to seduce girls of your own age range or younger.

But that’s not to say that it’s not possible by other means — because it certainly is. So let’s talk about the best methodology and process to go about getting yourself one of these spicy vixens.

How to Avoid Drama (and Never Deal with It Again)

Drexel Scott's picture

We all know that Girls Chase is a great resource for learning how to bring a little more loving into your love life, and I believe it’s important to be prepared for all the success you’ll soon be having, and not just in your love life, but in all of the things you set out to learn. And just as poor people who win the lottery quickly lose their winnings, guys who suddenly find their hard work paying off with women are still vulnerable to certain subtle traps.

As one of the few guys in this corner of the internet who have avoided all manner of negative outcomes and heartbreak – as a result of my thinking about all this and figuring out what I wanted ahead of time – I consider myself in an excellent position to share with you what kind of mindset will be most useful to you when you begin to improve yourself and see more results with the opposite sex.

As we have mentioned many times – or as you have either learned from experience, or will at some point in your journey – drama sucks.

avoid drama

There are some people who enjoy drama, for reasons I would be happy to talk about in the forums, but this article is for people whose idea of a good time consists of simply enjoying your time with women and exchanging laughs and positive feelings. This article is for the guys who understand that their own happiness matters more than wasting time engaging with pettiness.

Fortunately, any guy can easily learn how to keep drama at an appropriate distance, which is to say, far away from himself and his life! There are many ways to do this, ways that I’ll briefly recap before giving you the golden ticket to a drama-free life with many lovers. Yes, such a key exists, and while it may be simple, it is not easy.

But guys who desire happiness badly enough will go to the lengths necessary to attain such freedom!