Nobody Owes You Nothin’ | Girls Chase

Nobody Owes You Nothin’

Chase Amante

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Chase Amante's picture

nobody owes you nothingIn a comment on my article “In Seduction, “You” Don’t Matter (But Her Emotions Do)”, a commenter who dubs himself ‘Enlightened’ left the following remark:

This article seems to suggest that women care more about what you can do for them and how those actions make them feel vs what they can do for you. It’s very much important about what they deduce they can get if they stick around with you. Is this correct? If so, how does this sentiment vary by country and across the world? If this is correct, then why should men pursue women at all when ultimately all he is to a woman is a talking dildo?

Now, in case you haven’t read this article or skimmed over the part Enlightened is referring to, my point was twofold – that:

  1. When people meet someone new, they evaluate him on value and attainability – essentially, how valuable does this new person appear to be, and how accessible is that value of his?

  2. Once someone has spent a longer period of time with another individual (say, perhaps, 80 to 100 hours?), he begins to form a real attachment to this person, and begins to want the best for him, care for him, and deeply understand and empathize with him – however, this connection is only formed with time; it is not instantaneous

Enlightened may have missed that latter part and only zeroed in on the part that raised his ire, so he may not necessarily be guilty of the following mindset. However, I have noticed there is a distinct minority of men who stumble onto this site (supposedly stumbling in here from places like Reddit, or some manner of MGTOW websites and forums) who think point #1 is totally unreasonable in all circumstances – at least, for other people.

They still judge others by the value they present to their lives, and how attainable those others are. However, they believe they themselves should be exempted from this.

That they are special, and entitled to special breaks from the rules they expect of others.

Mindsets like this are a product of a world replete with advertising and feel-good messages designed to make you feel like you deserve honor, respect, and everything your heart desires, merely for breathing. I rarely if ever encounter this mentality outside the West. However, it’s ubiquitous among the more radical elements of Western feminists, men’s rights advocates, and ‘men going their own way’.

In this post, I challenge you to break free from slavery to the mindset TV commercials, magazine ads, and now even much (most?) of the Western education system do their darnedest to instill in you, and to instead adopt the manliest, most liberating, most self-reliant mindset there is on Planet Earth:

Nobody owes you nothin’.


Anaya 's picture

really like all your article Chase but I don't understand few things.... As to why are you giving all these information to people you don't know and have not met but who will read these articles and learn from them?
Also what do you get in return from posting new articles every weak?
Does this site help you in achieving something monetary?
Also there are so many articles its next to impossible to read and use all of them?
According to you what is one most important thing a person should work on and never give up?

runnings's picture

Have been thinking about your questions as well. My take is to support this site by adding information, that seems valuable to me. For monetary support I bought the E-book "How to make girls chase".

My motivation to buy actually was more about hitting a donate button, then getting more product. After having bought the book I do recomend it for the content as well. It gives you a good structure, where to start. After a few months I am still in the process of applying what I gathered from the early pages.

In another post I wrote about loneliness. We all need validation and answers to the question what will stay of us when we leave this world. Chase might have found his unique path by writing here.

Finally he might be sitting on his lazy ass ;-) unkempt in his moms basement and still drown in pussy, just from PMs through this site. What I have learned about women assures me that a very high percentage of this sites silent readership might be intelligent women, trying to figure out and date intelligent men.

I know who I would want to date if I were them.

In deep respect.

NameFieldIsntWorking's picture

1) Yes, he monetizes his website, so offering new content is a way to reach/maintain more customers
2) More than only the financial aspect, he is building his legacy (see Denial of Death for more info on this topic). This is one of its greater purpose (assuming he probably has other things/visions going on)
3) At some point, my guess is that it is also a way to engrave his story and share a part of his inner world (as it is lonely at the top). He can go back and see how his mental models changed throughout the years.
4) He likes to write. Plus, writing is a skill that must be practiced (also, he reads a lot. Usually there is a correlation between the two)

These are only personal assumptions, but I believe they are quite accurate.

Chase Amante's picture


As runnings and NameField noted, it’s a mix of business, writing/practicing, teaching/contributing, etc. There are also other reasons, like that writing this stuff keeps me able to explain to beginners / intermediate, which most guys who reach a certain level of advancement lose the ability to do.

I’ll probably withdraw from writing too much once the new course is finally complete and I can start training new writers better to replace me and transitioning myself back more to business development and then eventually out of the business.

But for now, the business doesn’t work when I’m not a central part of it, and if I’m not actively involved I’ll also lose the ability to get specific, get to details, and teach to beginners, which I need to do to make sure the course I’m building now is as out-of-this-world good as I want to make it.

Once I’m finally done with that, I should be able to say: there, I did what I needed to do in this niche, put together a tool that is as darn useful and helpful and awesome for men as I could possibly construct, and now I can prepare to move on. Until then, I am not done yet, and have to stay on the grind.

I intend to take a long vacation after Girls Chase, but that probably won’t be for another year-and-a-half to two years yet.

As to running’s speculation that Girls Chase is a source of women… nope, still need cold approach for that! I’d probably need to be more public / have my face out there, or make it a more personal blog, or something, for that, but I have zero interest in being famous… and, in any event, I find the quality of the women you approach is generally higher than the ones who approach you ;)


Mr. Shark's picture

I noticed one thing about myself while reading the article. And that is the fact that I am in th target audience, because I grew up in a way that if I am kind to people, I would surely get all I want from life. No law of the jungle. However, it did not speak to me on some level, like: "You better rethink the way you interact with people and change!"
Is this my ego being in a way trying to hold onto more pink looking side of the world? I noticed over the years that perspectives like these are true, yet I do not really follow them for some reason.

freakonaleash's picture

It's normal to get defensive. It could also be that his tone is sort of patronizing. He himself used to be a nice guy with entitlement issues and strong victim mentality, so you can sense he has a lot of resentment for people that think like he used to.

Chase Amante's picture


Nice handle. Tone’s not intended to patronize; it’s intended as a bucket of cold water.

You know, probably 95% of the articles here are fairly neutrally-worded, but you still get guys who come in frustrated saying I’ve read everything here, but you know, I just can’t shake out of this. For those guys, sometimes what you really need is not careful argumentation and gentle hand-holding, but a swift kick in the butt to get them moving. It’s the equivalent of telling the in-field student, “Quit stalling; go talk to that girl, and ask me your questions after. Go.”

Basically, at least with some nice guys, you can’t nicely tell him not to be nice and expect him to listen. Some guys that works with, but some guys it’s like trying to move a boulder by tossing paper at it.

Unfortunately, the cold water approach works for some folks, while others take it as a personal slight and get their feelings hurt. Then again, if I’m hurting feelings, that probably means I’m reaching guys who may not have been reached otherwise. One of the problems with writing for a mass audience though… stuff that works great for some guys raises hackles for others. C’est la vie.

Myself, I was never the nice guy. I’ll tell you though, I feel for these guys trapped in this niceness paradigm where they’re not getting what they want, they’re frustrated about it, and yet they still won’t take action and simply complain about their inability to act, or they try to explain it away by saying well, it ain’t worth it, or it’s too hard, or whatnot. Which is another red herring – if you really didn’t care / it wasn’t worth it / it was too hard, you wouldn’t be complaining, and you wouldn’t be reading a site like this… you’d throw the towel in completely and go occupy yourself with something more fruitful, whatever that is to you. When you see that stuff, it’s the guy saying, “Help me.”

Re: victim mentality, yes, I had it, but there’s no “resentment” there. I think you mean defensiveness/avoidance – individuals frequently overreact/overcompensate after breaking free from a destructive paradigm (e.g., “I ain’t going back to prison – not on my life. They’ll have to kill me first – they’ll never take me alive”). That said, I’m pretty careful about trying to keep my own biases out of pieces – I generally only write something if I think it’s going to either provide information men need, or snap them out of a destructive rut like sulking in victim mentality or being trapped in a frustrating, inassertive nice guy cocoon where they aren’t getting what they want but don’t know how to help themselves.


Chase Amante's picture

Mr. Shark-

After high school, I left my cushy middle class world and spent a lot of time with men from rough, impoverished backgrounds who were in and out of prison. Then I went back to the middle class for university. I got a high end job after school, but made friends with smart, successful folks from the third world who had much more of a go-getter attitude than I did at the time. And I started traveling: Western Europe, Asia, South America, etc.

What I noticed in my travels was that many people in the wealthier nations live heavily insulated lives. They never learn to assert themselves or go for what they want, and they fear confrontation because they’re unfamiliar with it and it makes them uncomfortable. Men from rougher backgrounds often come across more attractive, and can be more successful in these wealthy, safe areas, provided they manage to break in, and so long as they’re able to balance their assertiveness and hunger with the need to not be a complete dick and run over everyone’s toes. In particular, they do a whole heck of a lot better with women.

There is a certain level of ruthless savagery that exists in most of the world but that natives of the West usually are protected from. The downside of this is that the environment of the West trains its natives to have a strong degree of docility: get fat, watch TV, beat off to porn, fight for social justice, lament inequality. Put others first. Don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. Don’t be mean. It turns men into sheep. Yet, because it’s so comfortable, there’s little motivation for a man to learn to become a wolf instead; sure, he’s not getting the respect or the sexual success he desires, but standing in the sunshine, grazing in the pasture, surrounded by a bunch of fluffy warm fellow sheep, knowing the sheepdog’s watching out for you and keeping you “safe”… it’s really just so hypnotically contented…

Which is not to say kindness is a bad thing; successful societies are cooperative societies where the members care for one another. Societies where the members fight with and undermine each other more than help each other out come apart at the seams, and can’t compete with their more cohesive brethren.

But there’s a certain strain between “be kind” and “get what you want”. You can do both, and I recommend you do both, but a lot of guys are trapped in this cocoon where they hope if they are nice enough they will somehow stumble into the things they want sooner or later. Some luck out, and do, or simply are more naturally assertive, but many float along becoming increasingly frustrated that niceness alone isn’t leading them to happiness and success. This article’s for those guys – the ones who can’t break out, but aren’t getting what they want inside (or aren’t getting it fast enough).

If that’s you, and you’re not getting what you want out of life being nice, but not feeling the urgency to it, another reason may be that you haven’t been exposed enough to the wolves, and seen how much better they have it. Or maybe you have, but for whatever reason you just don’t want what they have and are content to be nice and wait it out, which isn’t bad so long as it’s genuinely what you want. There are folks who want that. So long as you can figure out what camp you’re in, or WANT to be in, and act accordingly, you’ve nothing to worry about / no ego concerns to fret over, really.


Lawliet's picture

Hey Chase,

This article came out in perfect timing!
It reminds me my thoughts recently.
There's a balance I just can't get my head around, and that's entitlement.

1. We aren't special and neither is she
2. Entitlement (No one owes you anything)
3. Good entitlement (You worked hard, you deserve to enjoy the fruits)

And I find it hard to balance my entitlement into a healthy one.

Re: I'm not entitled
Speaking of, as I'm putting myself out there, I realize I also have a sense of entitlement.
People should accept me, but I found this unhelpful for my improvement and scrapped it (most of it).
Instead, I became more observant (as your social helpless article says) and asked myself,

"Ok, I wasn't received well in this social situation, what could I have done differently?"
"If I was the person on the receiving end, how would I feel?"
"And what are those who are successful in this area doing?"

Was at the nightclub yesterday, and I tried to be social with everyone there.
It felt out of place (loud music and dancing) and the bouncers gave me a weird look (dude why are you chatting me up) but I did it anyway. I was thinking how could I befriend these people.
I tried complimenting them, tried small talk, maybe it was my energy.

Back on point, I did find myself feeling entitled to be treated well, but not everyone's open to chatting in nightclubs, (can't hear too). I did notice girls seem more receptive toward touching and physical fun (dancing) as opposed to walking up and chatting them up. That's the "negative entitlement" as I call it, not entitled to special treatment. I am an average guy after all.

Re: Side point - Trust

I realize this is important before we go for compliance whether in seduction (Moving her ex.) or social (ex. asking to borrow something from someone). But how do we gain it, short time or long time (as you mentioned above, 80 hours?)?

It's also a hard part to revise in my skill set I find. After all, people who turn us down won't tell us why nor do they "know" why, but only "feel" why. And if I ask them, we break social rules but most importantly, they won't tell us anyway.

Good practice comes with feedback (your How to master anything & Mentor article).
How do I work this charm to make others trust me more?

But I digress

Re: The "Good entitlement" I lack / Re: Girls too scared?
As your comment suggested, I changed the hoodie look into a business casual coat with that soft texture, not sure what material it's called but it feels like 3 ply toilet paper. And I got a lot of looks. Walking down the hallway, and girls would look my way. I didn't believe it, and broke peripheral vision, and caught them, then they looked down.
People who see me would walk out of my way.
And people just behaved a lot warmer to me when I approached them.
I was shocked.
I had the same sexy walk as before and yes I worked on my voice, eye flirting and posing more recently.
But it felt like a huge jump compared to my hoodie.

I felt undeserved. I don't deserve this and as a result, I changed back.
I wasn't entitled to reception like that. Now, it's not that they're scared, but I'm scared.
Hence, the problem I see with entitlement.


Re: A little spiel
Without saying, thanks for all your help Chase. I'm slowly evolving and wouldn't have gotten to without your advice, comments, and articles. I don't have much to give you bro as an average college student but all I can say is... I won't let you down.


Chase Amante's picture


Great distinction – yeah, kind of an odd balance, huh?

You want to have a certain level of “I’m hot stuff” arrogance. But you don’t want throw-a-hissy-fit-if-I-don’t-get-it entitlement. And you must be aware both that you and her are unique people, without thinking either of you is really all that much more special than you are. Like, she’s wonderful and amazing… but so’s every girl. Tricky web of thoughts, eh?

Trust is an interesting topic. I have a few bits on it for the upcoming course I’m not ready to discuss publicly, but I can say one major aspect of it is interpersonal warmth. Another is swearing – people tend to find others who swear more trustworthy (apparently it’s a sign you aren’t stopping to filter your thoughts and are just letting it all out).

Fun note on the clothing change. My recommendation: change back and do it until you’re comfortable with it. Eventually you’ll decide you don’t want to look scrubby anymore and you’ll associate yourself with looking good. Paradigm shift.


Lawliet's picture

Well I didn't change back in the end, and instead forced myself to continue down the path.
I do only have a few jackets (not much selection) so I switch back to hoodie for a week, then back to that soft coat the next, not to mention they wear out over time.
I suspect it's my hair + fashion at the moment.

Can't work on facial hair since it doesn't grow thick, but wow people around in van really have "facial hair" + fashion and just look good at night! Much more than during my daygame.

Speaking of good fundamentals people, the guy at the nightclub approached the group of girls I talked to earlier, and they were all smiling and all. I didn't see him pull, but he came around the bar to where I was and I commented about that.

Him: Thanks man, did you talk to them?
Me (shouting): Yeah I did earlier, and the blonde girl gave me a silly look though. Maybe because I was the first one who approached them that night (I noticed that as I approach, the girl who notices will poke everyone, and give a smile as if saying "Look... :P")

Him: Oh!
Then he gives a dismissive nod up along with his Oh! and heads off.
Guess he didn't want me to drag down his state haha or maybe I'm over-analyzing.

Anyway, doing well is what I'm after, so why would I go back when experiencing small victory I asked myself.
But it's funny how humans are...isn't it ;)


Ethan Fierre's picture

Very nice article, my friend. I agree that it's EXTREMELY important for people to liberate themselves from intellectual prisons, which are usually based in a desire for security and a fear of insecurity. If one’s goal is to improve certain aspects of themselves or to effect change on a more systematic/institutional level, both wishful thinking and charity generally are short-sighted, short-term, and by-and-large ineffective strategies.

It’s interesting what you say about safeguarding value. It’s very situational for me – sometimes (usually) I’m super friendly and open with people, while other times I play things a lot closer to the chest. Actually, I did a few experiments in regards to how far you can go in either direction when I was younger: being on the one side extremely friendly, and on the other being totally closed off and even rather aggressive.

The more closed off, the more “tough” you seem, but also the less opportunities (job offers, dates, friends, positive responses, etc.) you get.

On the other side, the overwhelmingly friendly person is useful in some short term situations, but is only a moderately effective long term strategy, because the moment the other party takes a step back, now you look tryhard, and thus your value plummets and your attainability becomes too high. Social awareness is key for knowing when and how to act in different situations, and largely comes from experience and personal reflection. Finding a more balanced approach here I think is extremely important for people who want to be good leaders or want to see specific changes in themselves, their life situation, or even their society.

Talk about controlling your presentation is interesting and useful here too. And it’s not all just conscious either, of course – the vast majority of our actions arise from subconscious beliefs and habits. However, you can bring those things into your consciousness and modify them if you have the desire to do so.

And for those of you wondering where to start who are reading this, I think building a foundation of good, intentional habits is a fantastic starting point!

The only thing I’m a bit hesitant to accept from this article is that “the law of the jungle” is “eat, or be eaten”, and using that as a way to understand human societies.

I think this law could be boiled down a bit more to something more morally neutral like “Hey, everyone’s gotta eat”, which neutralizes the moral dimension a bit better, in my opinion.

One thing that this article got me thinking about, and which I’d love to see you dive more into in the future, would be a deep analysis of how the media affects people’s minds/beliefs and subsequently their actions. I suspect people would love to see such theoretical articles from you more often.

We know the underlying message of media is not just “the world is your oyster”, but also about how the world is and should be IN GENERAL, with many specific messages being communicated to a person at different levels of their conscious awareness.

And part of that message is what you are saying, “you are exceptional”. This seems to be especially emphasized in the US.

Thanks for writing such a fine article, Chase!


Chase Amante's picture


Yeah, “eat or be eaten” might not be the best phrasing. Sometimes I’m a little too theatrical ;) I’d probably choose something that sounds a little less combative if rewriting this article. Main point was mainly to push nice guys out of the comfort cocoon of it’s too hard and I don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings and why can’t people just give me stuff.

Friendliness vs. toughness is an interesting dichotomy; I agree with you the happy medium is somewhere in between the two. Too friendly and you look like a puppy dog; too tough and you’re a gorilla. The ideal is somewhere in the middle, where you are neither puppy, nor gorilla, but ‘man’.

Media’s crazy. I’ve had an article idea on the books for a while with a working title of “Who controls your thoughts?” Particularly once you start spending a long time out your home culture and getting exposed to different cultural paradigms, media manipulation becomes increasingly obvious when you browse shows or commercials. Commercials and news reports are the most distilled forms of media manipulation, because you get everything in 30 seconds to a few minutes instead of spread out of 40 minutes or 2 hours like with a TV show or a movie. The messages are much more blatant in commercials / news. You realize even things you took for granted as being “just the way the world is” are far from settled once you’ve been divorced from those perspectives and that culture for a while. It’s rather jarring. Stuff like you’re exceptional, you deserve the best, etc., are common, but so are things like, “This is what’s rude,” “This is what’s cruel,” “This is what’s humane,” “This is what’s civilized,” etc. Even these things are highly culture-specific, and reinforced by the media of the culture in question.


runnings's picture

Indeed "Law of the Jungle" kind of implies a "Win/Lose" situation. My experience is that the cool thing about life is that most of the times when someone wins in the long run, it is by having a "Win/Win" situation.

Reason for this is that "Win/Lose" is typically a rather unstable relationship style and thus does not allow for much Investments/Long term Pofits.

Maybe the Fixer/Complainer analogy Chase promoted earlier is more apropriate.

Thanks for sharing.

Chase Amante's picture


Yeah, poorly phrased perhaps.

Mating is a weird phenomenon where it’s partly competitive, partly cooperative. I think it’s usually better to stray the cooperative side of it, since that’s the side that guys in pickup / dating advice communities are more likely to overlook… here, with talking to nice guys though, they’re in full cooperation mode 24/7 and don’t have a competitive bone in their body, and they’re suffering because of it.

Perhaps a more balanced way of putting it is, “Look, the end goal is Genuine Man. But before you become that, you’re gonna have to learn to be a dick.”


Franco Lombardi's picture

"And for some guys, that’s really refreshing. They always suspected it was this way, and now that they know it for sure and have a path to follow and steps to take instead of vague platitudes and flimsy non-advice like “don’t worry, the right girl is out there for you somewhere! You’ll meet her someday!”, they feel absolutely, completely, totally liberated."

This is me... 100%. Knowing that I was being manipulated by society all along -- and that I was capable of breaking free of this manipulation -- was one of the most liberating feelings I had ever experienced. It was like being reborn.

Good stuff, Chase!

- Franco

Chase Amante's picture


That was me too. Finally coming across stuff like that when I was green was just joyous: “Haha, I KNEW it was true! I just knew it!” Total freedom.

And after that, you get to work.


Motiv's picture

The women in my life who are close to me (sexually) and know me well treat me in such a way as I would have never dreamed even one year ago – being chased for sex several times a week and taken on fancy dates by two married women who know I "get" them is amazingly gratifying. From the perspective of society (and most men), I am a scoundrel and a freak, but in the world of these women, I am a beacon of pleasure and fulfillment.

This site has taught me how to provide the type of value women really want (and often rarely receive), and the amazing part is just how little effort that actually takes once you realize what you actually have to do versus what Western society brainwashes us to believe. Sure, I have put a hell of a lot of effort into my fundamentals, from appearance to social skills (overweight to lean/muscular, close-minded introvert to fun conversationalist with honed empathy), but this metamorphosis has rocketed my confidence and helped shift my attitude about women to the point that I just love everything about them now – not to mention that my return (sexual experience) on investment (honed fundamentals and mindset) is a hands down no-brainer deal. :)

No one owes you anything, but if you can offer something they cherish, you will probably receive in spades.


Chase Amante's picture


"No one owes you anything, but if you can offer something they cherish, you will probably receive in spades."

Most definitely.

Not all folks - some are selfish. Some are distracted.

But once you're providing value and confident in it, you tend to attract enough folks giving value in return that you simply screen out the folks who are a drag and screen in the ones who are a boon naturally. Providing value then becomes a screening tool: which folks reciprocate, and which don't.

Most of the time, the way you know your value is valued is simply by seeing if it's reciprocated in turn or not. If it's not, well, it must not be terribly valued by this person - so either provide something else, or find someone else to provide it to.


Motiv's picture

I appreciate your comment especially as a reminder that value is not intrinsic – certainly not all things to all people. I think that's one of the major things that can make life so frustrating at times.

Thanks for your tip on value screening – that really helps!


SZ's picture

Good stuff Chase!

1.I remember seeing an article a long time ago about if someone brings up an embarrassing moment to act like it never happened and pretend to forget.
Say if someone brings up something embarrassing from back in the school days or something about a fight or something or that you weren't a tough guy or something.

Do you still act like you have no idea what they're talking about? And how should your voice and non verbals be ?

2. Can you still be a exceptional older guy if you have the body down, youthful energy, and attractiveness if you aren't rich or retired( say you are in your 40s 50s)?

3. Why do you think black people are better with confrontations? I want to get better and start to love it. How can i?


Chase Amante's picture


Yes, just act kind of mildly stumped / confused if they’re dredging up old history. If they persist, you can kind of squint and go, “Oh, I think I remember that. Huh.” Then just shrug and move on. The goal is to make them look like the loser who’s living in the past and remembering all these ancient, irrelevant details you’ve long since moved on from and forgotten. Kinda like oh yeah, you still think about that stuff, huh. Lol

Exceptional and older with body, youth, and attractiveness, but no money / limited free time? I’d say “yes” for hookups but “probably not” for LTRs. Should be no problem getting laid, but many more problems with retention.

Black folks better with confrontations, mainly from living in a more rough-and-tumble, less insulated environment. More crime, less education, more hard-scrabble existence. Lots of young black guys are in and out of prison, and lots of young black girls spend lots of time interacting with said young black guys. That’s just on average, anyway; take a black guy raised in the suburbs and he’s as conflict avoidant as a white suburban kid, and take a white kid raised in the inner city or out in the sticks and he’s as confrontational as the black guys are. It’s a matter of upbringing. If you want to be more confrontational, I suggest you find a highly assertive, confrontational friend or two, and start rolling with this person. Choose wisely though; pick someone who is assertive about getting good things out of life more than someone who picks dumb fights over nothing (though these two qualities do seem to go hand-in-hand to a certain extent. All my confrontational friends get in dumb confrontations as well as necessary ones).

As for being here for years and not getting results, here’s the bigger question: how much time have you spent in the field street gaming or night gaming? You can read every book on winning at basketball, but if you never play basketball you’re going to suck when you hit the court.

32 to 37 or so is probably primetime for male attractiveness, assuming you don’t get fat or flabby or worn out or whatnot.

If you want to day game and get results, go out and approach. Do 100 approaches in the next month, and go out with specific goals with specific targets, like ask 3 girls for their phone numbers today or try to get a kiss in the nightclub tonight. Do that, and you will see success. Don’t do it, and it’s just so much mental masturbation, eh?


SZ's picture

Chase ive been on here for years, but i still cant do day game or night street game, i barely do club game, and when I was going hard with club game I still didn't even get dates, just kisses and numbers. I've been on here for a while, but for some reason I can't do those kind of approaches idk why, I get my self pumped and ready, then nothing.

I want to take action and I want to get more lays like I should. It sucks seeing people who approach so fast when I have been here for a year.

And should I have this worry of me not being able to still lay attractive girl when I'm 30? I feel starting anything at 30 is too late. I say that because haven't you heard about pretty much everything being associated badly with turning 30? Like with athletes on the decline, you should own this, you should have this by 30, your 20s are your best years.
Im desperate right now because time is moving fast and I'm almost 30 so I want to get on this and not let time past by.
Is this a justifiable worry?

What can I do now to start actually day gaming and getting results?

I feel this is the only thing holding me back because it's so odd for me, but i want to do it.


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