Howdy, gents!
Pardon the hiatus, as I have been busy working very diligently on a series of articles on the subject of modern marriage that you will see here very soon. But with summer fast approaching, I figured this one needed to be written sooner rather than later.
One of our forum members recently posted some pretty astonishing before and after photos of a recent body transformation. He had purchased a fairly simple workout program, and went from “gut to cut” in a little over three months’ time.
It was very inspiring.
When I first started studying seduction, I too decided to put myself through the same type of physical transformation. In addition to eating a healthy diet, which is what we’re going to examine in detail in this article, I decided to start working out five days per week and get myself in tip-top shape.
So yes, you definitely do want to follow some type of
fitness plan. So if you haven’t happened across Ross Leon’s article “
Having six-pack abs is most certainly not an absolute requirement to seduce women. But it definitely helps, and if you’re one of the many guys out there who want the triple-B’s (Bleach Blonde Bombshells), then it is important for you to know that having a guy with great abs is definitely at or near the top of their wish list.
Many guys work out furiously five or six or even seven days per week and still cannot trim enough fat off of their bodies, and usually the reason for this is that they aren’t paying attention to what they are eating!
Might want to read up on modern diets VS traditional diets.
Just wanted to share an portion of an article from the WAPF
The demonization of saturated fats is unscientific and has had an extremely detrimental effect on the health of the whole nation, particularly on growing children. The human body contains high levels of saturated fat in the cell membranes and in protective fat around the organs. When saturated fat is not available in the diet, the body very efficiently turns refined carbohydrates into saturated fat;1 thus restriction of saturated fat can often lead to cravings for refined carbohydrates.
Saturated fatty acids are said to cause cancer, heart disease and obesity. Yet these diseases were rare at the turn of the century when consumption of saturated fats was much higher than it is today. The likely culprits for these conditions are polyunsaturated fatty acids and trans fats, which came into widespread use after WWII.2
Saturated fats play many important roles in the body chemistry:
As saturated fats are stable, they do not become rancid easily, do not call upon the body’s reserves of antioxidants, do not initiate cancer and do not irritate the artery walls.3
Vitamins A and D, which are vital for proper growth and for protein and mineral assimilation, are found only in mostly saturated animal fats.
Saturated fats enhance the immune system, thereby protecting us against infection and cancer.4
Saturated fats help the body lay down calcium in the bones and help prevent osteoporosis.5
Saturated fats provide energy and structural integrity to the cells.6
At least 50 percent of many, if not most, of the cell membrane must be saturated fat for the cells to work properly.
Saturated fats protect the liver from alcohol, drugs, pesticides and other poisons.7
Saturated fats enhance the body’s use of essential fatty acids, which the body needs in small amounts and obtains from whole foods.8
Stearic acid, found in beef tallow and butter, has cholesterol-lowering properties and is a preferred food for the heart.9
Saturated fats are needed for the kidneys to work properly.10
The lung surfactants are composed of saturated fatty acids.11
The lungs cannot work without adequate amounts of saturated fats.
1.Hudgins LC, Hellerstein M, Seidman C, Neese R, Diakun J, Hirsch J. Human fatty acid synthesis is stimulated by a eucaloric low fat, high carbohydrate diet. J Clin Invest. 1996;97(9):2081-91.
2.United States Department of Agriculture. U.S. Food Supply – Food Supply Database. Accessed October 20, 2009.
3.Holman RT. Autoxidation of fats and related substances. In: Progress in the chemistry of fats and other lipids. Academic Press, 1954; Dayton S, Pearce ML, Hashimoto S, Dixon WJ, Tomiyasu U. A Controlled Clinical Trial of a Diet High in Unsaturated Fat in Preventing Complications of Atherosclerosis. Circulation. 1969;40(1):Suppl2:1-63.; Mata P, Odabella V, Alonso R, Lahoz C, de Oya M, Badimon L. Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated n-6 Fatty Acid-Enriched Diets Modify LDL Oxidation and Decrease Human Coronary Smooth Muscle Cell DNA Synthesis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1997;17(10):2088-95.
4.J J Kabara, The Pharmacological Effects of Lipids, J J Kabara, ed, The American Oil Chemists’ Society, Champaign, IL, 1978, 1-14; L A Cohen, et al, J Natl Cancer Inst, 1986, 77:43.
5.B A Watkins and others. Importance of Vitamin E in Bone Formation and in Chrondrocyte Function. Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, AOCS Proceedings, 1996; B A Watkins, and M F Seifert. Food Lipids and Bone Health. Food Lipids and Health. R E McDonald and D B Min, eds, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, NY, p 101.
6 .J F Mead and others. Lipids: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Nutrition, Plenum Press, 1986, New York.
7. A A Nanji and others. Gastroenterology, Aug 1995, 109(2):547-54; Y S Cha, and D S Sachan, J Am Coll Nutr, Aug 1994, 13(4):338-43.
8. M L Garg and others. The FASEB Journal, 1988, 2:(4):A852; R M Oliart Ros and others. Meeting Abstracts, AOCS Proceedings, May 1998, p 7, Chicago, IL.
9. L D Lawson and F Kummerow. B-Oxidation of the Coenzyme A Esters of Vaccenic, Elaidic and Petroselaidic Acids by Rat Heart Mitochondria. Lipids, 1979, 14:501-503.
10. Busconi and Denker, Biochum J 1997;328:23.
11. Goerke J. Pulmonary surfactant: functions and molecular composition. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1998;1408(2-3):79-89.
RE: Might want to read up on modern diets VS traditional diets.
A lot of solid research there. Saturated fats definitely play an important role in nutrition.
Having zero saturated fats in your diet is not good. But, getting way too much of it isn't good either, and will hinder fat loss (which is what the article is actually about).
skinny fat
Hey man,
i just got into bodybuilding and let me tell you, as a beginner this article was really well put together and easy to understand.
Recently i've become a skinny fat guy. me weight is ideal for my height but i suspect i've a high body fat% and all the accumulation of fats/weight in a single area.
i just wanted to ask,
1. Are supplements an absolute necessity? I'm asking this because im shifting next month and have a lot of expenses on my list. and supplements don't come cheap!
2. most of the articles show the diet containing chicken. but isn't eating chicken everyday bad? i am thinking a bout doing 2-3 days chicken, 3-4 days fish and one day veg.
3. what do you think about mike Chang's free workouts in YouTube? they seem really cool but i don't understand why so many people dislike him.
im 18 btw. thanks. :)
RE: skinny fat
Thanks for the comments! Much appreciated.
On your questions:
1. I don't use any supplements other than multi-vitamins and fish oil pills. The multi-vitamins give you micronutrients that you will probably be lacking if you implement a significant caloric deficit. I am taking the fish oil for the same reason, to get healthy fatty acids that I am lacking in my diet. If you're eating enough fish (you say 3-4 days per week, you are eating fish) then you might not need the fish oil.
2. Well, as they say, too much of anything is bad for you! I wouldn't worry if you're only eating it 2-3 days per week as you say, though. That's pretty normal.
3. I am not personally familiar with Mike Chang's stuff, but actually the forum member that's referenced at the beginning of this article was using one of his programs! I'm a firm believer that it's more about the person doing the program than the program itself. As long as you're implementing your diet correctly and working out often enough, you'll see results. Conversely, if you're lazy and don't follow the program as closely as you should, then you're probably not going to get much out of it.
Mike Chang
The reason his stuff is disliked is because of his "shortcut" approach (you know, use this exercise to get massive chest, this ONE trick to chiseled abs, eat this one thing to get big etc.) to bodybuilding, even though there really are no shortcuts, and also his claims he's all natural, even though he's obviously not.
If you want an honest, down to earth all natural guy that doesn't try to sell you BS, look up Scott Herman.
Great article
I thought i would see some silly stuff in the middle of the text, like you have to eat between X-to X calories to loose fat of your BMR, eat a lot of protein... (actually that's the only bad part of the article). You eat too much protein... latest legit research shows that between 1 to 1,5 grams per KILO usually is enough, the rest becomes fat, used as energy or becomes poop.
The best option is always visit a good nutriniost, which is not too easy to find. Only he knows when and how much of certain food you need to it according to your objectives, to give you maximum results.
But just cutting/reducing sugar, processed food and eating well (yes you read that right, you don't need to starve to loose fat, research shows, calories deficit is bs... unless you wanna loose less fat AND muscle mass).
Now here is what's really gonna help you loose fat alongside good nutrition: HIIT (youtube it). It usually is done on a treadmill and lasts around 7-15 minutes. You think it's easy huh... if you do it right, at the end you will feel like dying, and your next few hours will suck. But it stimulates your metabolism (unlike that bullshit that you have to eat every 3 hours which was proven wrong) so your body will be burning fat for a while (this lasts maybe even 1 day, i don't remember).
But to do this right (it gotta be really intense, but also protect you from any harm), your best bet is to find a good personal trainer, which is also hard.
Doing this 2-3 times a week with 2-3 weekly weightlifting sessions (usually the best results are achieved with low volume high intensity trainings until failure and alternating intensity techniques weekly, i.e: rest-pause week, drop-set week... and also changing your type of stimuli monthly between tensional workouts which is between 6-8 reps with movement speed 4020 *first number is excentric phase, second is excentric-to concentric transition, third is concentric, fourth is concentric-excentric transition* and metabolic which is between 12-15 reps with movement speed 2020 ) is the best thing, and it's not that i THINK it is. Science shows you my friends. So as i said, the ideal training volume is low, so on average you should use 6 sets per training (even though you feel like doing more; evidence shows that the ideal set range for maximum results is around this number), and almost always choosing only multi-articular movements like bench press, squats, seated cable row... which if done until failure and using intensity techniques, will already work all the muscles involved in the movement til exhaustion (that's also proved), so no need for biceps curls, calf raises and stuff like that... it will only waste your time.
And other benefit of these low-volume-high-intensity-low-frequency workouts is that just as the HIIT, it stimulates fat burning when resting and is also the best way to train for hypertrophy. So ideally you want to use the ABC format A(pushing movements) B(pulling movements) and C (lower members) one time a week. only.
for the better.
Sorry for any typos or bad written parts... i'm in a hurry and just wanted to help some people here to have better results. And oh, when you use the intensity methods bi-set and tri-sets, each set counts as a set, alright... because for example you may do one set of bench press and one dips as a bi-set and count it all just as one set., it's wrong.
Paulo Gentil, which is the most scientific and legit guy in this area, will soon public his books about fat loss and hypertrophy in english and you guys will be able to find it on Amazon, look it up guys... it's amazing.
Great article, J.J.!
I am the guy who's transformation motivated this article, and I am genuinely humbled to have been the inspiration for this piece! You can check out my results for yourself in the forum post here:
(scroll to bottom for latest pics)
There is one point Anon mentions that my personal experience confirms: protein intake. I actually do not count calories either, but when I started looking into the amount of protein I usually consume, it is no where near 200 grams. When starting the program on Christmas Eve, 2014, I weighed in at 185 pounds. That is now down to 170 pounds (77 kilograms), and I have managed to build all the muscle you see in those pictures with a protein intake of around 100 grams per day.
Anon, ditto on the HIIT training as well (although I know J.J. also knows this because he does it too). One of my favorite things to do is a 15 minute treadmill workout, oscillating between 3.5mph walking and 8mph running every other minute. At the moment, my incline is at 6 (whether this is actual degrees or not, I don't know). Then, when I get to the 13 minute mark, I finish with two straight minutes of 8mph, and it's a great push to the finish! Indeed, when I first started HIIT on the treadmill and other similar functional cardio workouts (exp., burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, quick rest, rinse, repeat ten times), I felt like I was gonna die too. That feeling passes after the first week (or less), and then you start feeling incredible euphoria from those workouts.
I should preface that I am neither a certified trainer nor a nutrition specialist. I have never even taken a single personal training session or group class in a gym either. All the results you see come from using my 'gut' (good pun, eh?) to put into practice the Six Pack Shortcuts program to the best of my ability. Starting from day one and on to this day, I have always taken my workout regimen very seriously—never have skipped a planned workout.
As for eating, I simply cut out all the crap I knew was bad: namely empty carbs. Most of my diet now consists of raw or lightly cooked vegetables, grilled chicken, and fruits/nuts for snacks. I'll chug a 40 gram protein shake after each workout, and I keep Quest protein bars on hand when I am in a rush (they seem the least full of processed chemicals).
When you're someone who grew up severely overweight and was repeatedly the butt end of even your own parents' mockery, I guess you'll find a way to do whatever it takes to get the results you want.
RE: Protein
Haha yeah, I actually have found it to be quite difficult to fit that much protein in my diet anyway! I may have to look into that a bit further. The bodybuilder guys that I know personally consume a shit ton of protein.
I knew this article was going to get picked apart by all of the nutritional "gurus" out there, but I'm just a guy sharing what worked for me to shed weight and get lean.
I'm with you, J.J.
I always raise an eyebrow whenever anyone starts beating the war drums of antagonism.
I too am just a guy sharing what worked for me to get the body I now have. Like seduction and any other life improvement pursuit, the path to success is usually dynamic—I may well need to increase my protein per unit of body weight as I start hitting "bodybuilder" levels of muscle mass. I'm still learning as I go, here.
It is really up to each person to figure out what works best for them. Test things out for yourself to see what works (and what does not) for your own body, rather than relying on (or trying to write up) "bibles" of fitness dogma (not referring to you, J.J.).
As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Mine are out on the table. Let the results speak for themselves.
Hey Mischief! Fantastic results you got there, man!
Cool man, it's hard to find someone with a right protein intake. Supplement industry manipulates people into thinking that they have to consume enormous amounts of proteins to build muscle and/or burn fat, which is not true.
And JJ, about your bodybuilder friends consuming a lot of protein: that's because Anabolic Steroids users need that high protein intake, unless you're taking them too i recommend you dropping it for around 1,4-1,5g per kilos for the sake of your health, money and results.
Mischief, about the HIIT sensation of near death... it will always be there if you keep the intensity really high (and for that you must keep the frequency low, 2-3 times a week or else it will be bad for your health and results).
It seems that you got used with certain intensity and now it's easier for you, that would be the explanation of the well-being feeling at the end of your HIIT workout. The standard HIIT protocol would require you to keep the intensity of the sprints at around 90% of your VO2 MAX, that's where the personal trainer comes in to make sure you're doing it right for maximum results. But of course you can do it the way you're doing it and have great results, it's just a different HIIT protocol, so in a protocol like yours you would want to keep the frequency up a bit, since the intensity isn't that high.
Oh, and i almost forgot to tell you man... you shouldn't consume 40 grams of protein in a single meal, your body has a limit that it can absorb on each meal (it's around 20-23g), so the rest would be oxidated or would become fat.
Some interesting articles about this specific topic for you guys search for:
Moore DR, Robinson MJ, Fry JL, Tang JE, Glover EI, Wilkinson SB, Prior T, Tarnopolsky MA, Phillips SM. Ingested protein dose response of muscle and albumin protein synthesis after resistance exercise in young men. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Jan;89(1):161-8.
Witard OC, Jackman SR, Breen L, Smith K, Selby A, Tipton KD. Myofibrillar muscle protein synthesis rates subsequent to a meal in response to increasing doses of whey protein at rest and after resistance exercise. Am J Clin Nutr. 2014 Jan;99(1):86-95.
Guys, it may sound complicated but it really isn't... actually all those tips will just make you save time (since you can do great gym workouts of only 20-30 minutes and HIIT sessions of 7-30 minutes with those tips), money and have better results.
Appreciate the tips!
Hey Anon—
I only started dumping all that extra protein in my shakes about a week ago—going to drop that back to 20g, now that you mention it (probably why my abs are a little less lean in that second picture). Thank you, Anon. :)
For me, the protein shakes are more of a desert replacement—easier to avoid ice cream when you have that delicious, berry-filled shake to look forward to every day! Supposedly, the protein powder absorbs into the body and feeds the muscle faster than normal meat. I think studies have shown people who drink a shake right after their workouts get better muscle growth, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this.
About the HIIT sessions: it's something I have to gauge using my gut, since I don't want to budget for a personal trainer. It gets tricky when on the one hand you want to push yourself hard for maximum results, but then you don't want to go too hard on your heart and develop cardiac problems from over-use. Generally, I do those sprint sessions every other day, and I only increase the incline or speed alternatively by one point each week. Most of my resistance workouts end with five or so minutes of functional HIIT cardio: for example, today was leg day, ending with six sets of hopping squats (20s), stepping taps (20s), and rest (20s). I won't be running today, mainly because my legs are beat, but I can only hope that running on other days is not causing any damage—I do really enjoy them. :)
There is a lot of things wrong with this article and it's very disappointing.
some of this stuff may work for certain people and it will only work for a short time for those certain people. Not to mention this will do a lot of hormonal damage to your body in the months and years to come. For some people this info can lead to depression.
Cutting calories is a terrible terrible idea especially if your body is not in a state to burn FAT because well then it will start burning your protein to turn it into glucose for energy... Skinny fat anyone? Unless of course your guzzling protein shakes (not healthy)
Canola oil is pure freaking poison man. It is highly oxidized and almost always rancid and due to the high amount of omega 6 it will cause systemic inflammation!! Yikes!!
Coconut oil, macadamia oil, olive oil, avocado oil, grassfed butter, beef tallow, any animal fat are much better options.
Hopefully your fish oil pills are high quality and cold processed from wild caught fish (very important)
99 percent of multivitamins are hogwash. They sit on shelves for years degrading and they also give too much of certain vitamins and not enough of others leading to harmful imbalances.
Supplement with vitamin d3, iodine, krill oil, probiotic, beef liver.
If you want a good multivitamin try some beef liver or any offal for that matter and a shit ton of leafy green veggies go for grass fed and organic of course if you can.
I'm shocked nothing was mentioned about gut health. It is a such an vital factor in nutrition.
Nutrition is not cutting calories and eating less. Dangerous idea.
I never count or cut calories. I eat a crap ton of food (veggies, some fruit, fat, animals) and I'm never deprived and I feel great because my hormones are good. I lost 70 lbs doing this and my six pack just started popping thru. The only thing I got to do to get it to really pop is eat more food and drive up the intensity of my workouts. Intensity is key.
I'm not saying calories don't matter. Obviously eating a lot of good food will make you fat but it's very hard to do that.
Focus on your health and the six pack will show up and NEVER LEAVE!!!
And to whom ever posted the Weston A Price infor your are the real mvp!
RE: Disappointment
Hey Phil,
Thanks for the feedback, man!
The title of the article was "Easy Nutritional Tracking for Six-Pack Abs", and not "Super-Duper Overly-Complicated and Scientifically Exact Nutritional Tracking for Six-Pack Abs" for a reason.
Multivitamins are "easy" (just to give one example).
If people were looking for extremely advanced, high-tech nutrition advice here, they're going to be disappointed (as you were). I'm just a regular guy sharing what worked for him to lose weight and get lean. The article is meant to be a shortcut to six-pack abs, not a full-out nutrition "bible".
"I lost 70 lbs doing this and my six pack just started popping thru."
Like I said in the article, it's not the first 25 lbs that was the hardest for me to lose, it was the last 5. Best of luck!
Easy and simple
my apologies J.J. I tend to get heated up when it comes to nutrition
Maybe this is also why I was so dissapointed...
Hard to believe that was about 3 yrs ago!! Anyways I think that article deserves a repost for a lot of people would benefit deeply especially fat I was. that article was a life changer! Thanks Eric!
whey protein supplement is one of the Best
Whey protein is known to be an ideal supplement to build lean muscle, but the high consumption can lead to gain weight. Having too much of whey protein in diet possibly provides extra calories, fats and carbohydrates as well, as a result the body is unable to store excess of protein in its original form.
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