Pickup Tech | Page 25 | Girls Chase

Pickup Tech


How to Pick Up Women on the Street

Tony Depp's picture

street pickup
For efficient street pickup, it’s hard to beat areas near busy nightlife venues. While guys strike out inside, you’re snatching up girls as they stray from the herd.

Street pickup is one of the most useful skills a man can develop. Just imagine the glory when you hop on a plane, land in a foreign city, and within hours you’re sleeping with a new, attractive woman you met right off the street.

That’s the dream, anyway. The reality is that street pickup, like all game, relies on skill + action + luck. It’s rarely easy, but the reward is great.

Not all guys are free to roam malls doing day game. They may enjoy bars and clubs but not enough to spend all night in them. For these guys, I recommend street pickup.

When I say “street” pickup, I don’t mean day game but rather situations at night, where you can pick up women during bar or club hours, without spending too much time inside said venues.

No Tinder, no escorts, no massive bar tabs. Just a bit of focus, work ethic, and confidence. Combine those factors with good logistics (sufficient time and a place to bring the girl for sex), and you’re set up for street pickup.

It’s possible. I’ve done it many times. Here's how it's done.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Sex Therapist

Alek Rolstad's picture

pickup seduction gambit: sex therapist
The “Sex Therapist” gambit focuses on cold reading and pacing. You guess something deep about her sexuality, then blow her mind with touch and sexual prizing.

Hey guys, and welcome back. Today I will share another pickup and seduction gambit. This one is called The Sex Therapist.

The reason I've been sharing these gambits lately (besides serving as personal notes) is to not only give you great tools to use but also show examples of how you can create your own gambits to fit your style and personality. You can follow the exact recipe, or just take the concepts you like and craft your own tools of deadly mass seduction. That's why I always share the mechanisms at play, which serve as key lessons. Sharing gambits gives an overview of how many concepts can play together.

These gambits should also serve as inspiration.

I do this myself. Sometimes I deliver a gambit straight from the script; other times, I use modifications. Sometimes I use simplified versions (when I lack time or prefer to focus on something else). So, I’m not a robot delivering the same gambit after gambit.

My interactions are typically made up of:

  • Scripted gambits

  • Freestyling conversations that respond to her reaction (and her words), with some improvisation and even some fluff in between

  • A variation of gambits calibrated to the situation and the girl

So, here is a gambit I use often. It is simple to pull off, accomplishes much, and also allows you multiple potential follow-ups.

This gambit is slightly less complex to understand since there are fewer fancy concepts at play. It requires the player to have his fundamentals down to get great results (good news: we have TONS of articles on fundamentals).

I’ve only used this gambit in night game.

It works best on non-freaky girls. These are girls who don’t have an apparent sexual presence or sexual confidence. Sadly, it is not always easy to figure out who is really sexual and who is not. (The way they act and dress can be misleading, and many are attention-whores in disguise.) But don’t worry if you use this gambit on one of these types, as it still works on them with some calibration. If you know you are dealing with such a girl, you should use more juicy gambits like the orgasm-control gambit or the eight types of orgasm gambit.

This gambit works best on more ordinary and normal girls with an average amount of sexual experience.

How to Transition into Sex Talk with a Girl by Using Proxies

Alek Rolstad's picture

easy sex talk
Getting into sex talk with a girl can be super easy and low-risk if you use proxies, which means talking about other people rather than what you want to do with her.

Hey, guys. Welcome back. Today I will try to share a simple way to use sex talk for pickup and seduction.

The idea is to add sex talk as a technique without triggering resistance. This is for advanced and intermediate players as well as those with less experience.

Sex talk, the act of talking about sex with women, can help us achieve many things, including:

  • Setting a sexual frame, creating an underlying sexual meaning to the interaction. It eases the escalation into sex and makes it happen more quickly with less resistance.

  • It arouses her. Sex talk is VERY stimulating to women.

  • It can allow you to display attractive traits, like showing openness to sexuality and that you have sexual experience (sexual prizing).

  • It’s a fun and captivating subject in itself.

Sex talk makes getting laid easier. But it can be a hard subject to get into, and perhaps a bit scary to some. You are prone to face resistance from her, usually in the form of anti-slut-defense (ASD). She may back off from your sexual advances to protect her reputation from the slut label.

So, as I present this sex talk technique, I have two intentions:

  1. I want to make this technique low-risk.

  2. It should also be intuitive to understand. It won’t require a ton of brainpower to learn or deliver properly.

Beginners typically prefer low-risk techniques because they may not have:

  • The confidence (yet) to deliver more ballsy talk.

  • The delivery skills that can help them get away with delivering bold stuff (advanced players on high momentum will notice they can get away with pretty outrageous things).

  • The skills (yet) to do damage control and recover from failed attempts.

I will tell you how risk-free and easy this technique is. This won’t require long and fancy transitions. You can quickly and easily get to the juice. It’s not prone to cause resistance.

Many beginners struggle to get into sex talk, and I can understand why, since I consider it to be one of the hardest things to do.

Let’s get to it.

Tactics Tuesdays: Pawning Girls for Better (or More Into You) Girls

Chase Amante's picture

pawn a girlThere's an old seduction tactic called 'pawning'.

When you pawn a girl, you trade one girl in for another.

This is something you'll mostly use in social venues, like bars, parties, and networking events.

Pawning relies on the principles of social proof (people like people whom other people like) and preselection (women find more attractive those men whom other women like).

It also takes advantage of the fact that women usually have much lower guards when approached by a strange man and woman than they when a strange man alone approaches.

What is pawning?

Pawning is when you bring another girl along you've met with you to meet new people... then leave the old girl in the new group, while you pair off with a new girl from the group you've just approached. You have, in effect, pawned your old girl off for someone new. Pawning is useful for trading up to more attractive women, or women who are more attracted to you.

Often in social venues, the prettiest girls there will not be standing around by themselves. Instead they'll be in groups, and you need to find a way into the group to access the girls. Pawning is a way to gain access.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: Narratives

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

pickup and seduction gambit: narratives
I call this one the Narrative Gambit. It comes with a great transition into sex talk and uses pacing and NLP to get her thinking about having sex with you. Enjoy!

Welcome back. Today I will share another sex talk gambit, which I use a lot lately.

The gambit is easy to pull off and intuitive to understand. I will share the gambit, and like always share the mechanisms behind it; how, why, and what makes it work. This will help you not only gain new knowledge around useful concepts for pickup and seduction but also give you tools to create your own gambit.

This post is shorter than my others, since the gambit itself does not contain many over-advanced concepts. The transition (which I will cover because I know many like to read about transitions into sex talk) does contain quite advanced concepts which I will not discuss here. Look for this in a future post (which will have a link back to this post so you can reread it with a different eye).

But in practice, this should be easy to pull off.

This post is suited for any seducer who:

  • Has the ability to calibrate
  • Can maintain and manage conversations
  • Has their fundamentals in check (key!)

When should you use this gambit?

I have only used this one in night game, but this works great on a date, and perhaps on the street, once you have hooked her in and have managed to keep a conversation going.

In night game, you can use this gambit anytime post-hook.

KEY NOTE: You can also use this gambit in groups, although it requires more smoothness and calibration. It works great.

5 Quick Pickup Tips When You Need a Woman NOW

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

need a woman now
Do you need a woman now but don’t want to pay for sex? These tips may not be pretty, but following them will result in getting your dick greased in record time.

Sometimes you just need a woman now. Not tomorrow, not next week. Right now.

Maybe you’re a volcano of sexual energy, a libidinous man-beast, and you need some sweet relief that only a fine woman can provide. You’re tired of whacking it, and you’re not willing to pay a professional. I’ll also assume you’re not a pro Tinder user, a DJ, bartender, or local rock star.

What options do you have aside from a hooker? Is it even possible to get a woman right NOW?

I warn you, this won’t be a politically correct article. The tips I’m going to share are for when you’ve had enough, and you’ve decided now is the time you’re going to go out and get laid. No more excuses, no more BS. This is the time for action.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Mental G-Spot

Alek Rolstad's picture

pickup seduction gambit - mental g-spot
This seduction gambit stimulates her mind and frames you as a good lover. It also employs social proof and preselection to imply you can give her amazing orgasms.

Today I am going to share another sex-talk gambit that is well suited for night game.

Some of you may adjust it or create variations to make it fit day game. This gambit is far less abstract and more playful than some of my previous ones.

It also is on the easier side in terms of pulling off successfully.

You’ll find fewer advanced theoretical concepts in this one, and more basic ideas than many other gambits. So, if you find my previous gambits too complex, with overly advanced concepts, this one is for you.

This post is suited for anyone with:

I’ll make this “gambit” post a bit shorter than usual. Let’s get straight to it.

What to Do In Field When Not Talking to Girls

Alek Rolstad's picture

what to do when not talking to girls
When you go out to pick up women, you won’t always be talking to girls. These tips will help you avoid looking lame when you’re alone between sets.

When you head out to pick up women, you will realize that you usually spend a lot of time alone, not talking to women. It saddens me to say it, but it's true; talking to girls is more fun than being alone or talking to your buddy (at least when you're out trying to get laid).

There are times when you will not be interacting with women. Does that mean you are doing a bad job? Not necessarily. Some nights you will always be in a set because you will feel energized, on fire, and talkative. Other nights, not so much. Every night is different.

Today let’s look at an important but under-discussed subject: what to do when you are out but not in a set or talking to a girl.

Learning what to do when not talking to women is actually pretty important because it's easy to look lame hanging out in a club all by yourself.

This article is suited for night gamers of all skill levels.

If you like to go out solo, this article is especially for you. And if you go out with a wingman, you can still apply these concepts, even though you can always chill and chat with him without looking bad. Just make sure you and your wingman follow these rules:

  • Face the crowd to see potential approach invitations

  • Don’t appear completely sealed off. Don’t face each other 100%; make sure you also face the crowd and position yourself so you are open to meeting people

  • It must look like your bro is the coolest guy you are talking to ever (and vice versa) and that you are having a good time

With that said, let's get to it.

Make Girls Chase: 3 Crucial Rules to Follow

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

make girls chaseThere's a movie out there, which I still have not watched, called The Tao of Steve.

In it, a schlubby, overweight kindergarten teacher beds scads of beautiful women by adhering to a 3-rule philosophy.

The movie itself isn't fiction.

It's based on a real-life schlubby kindergarten teacher named Duncan North who, just like the film's protagonist, lays women with the same three rules.

While I haven't seen the film, its 3-rule philosophy intrigued me when I read it.

I realized when I came across it, it was the same philosophy I followed as a middle school and high school student.

When I used it, I had all the prettiest girls in school -- from the super popular head cheerleaders to the slutty grungy punk girls -- chasing after me.

I gave the philosophy up when it stopped working for me in university. My school was too big, my opportunities to make this approach work too small, and I eventually shifted over to a much more active path in the pursuit and bedding of women.

But the Steve approach absolutely works, given the right conditions.

It makes women downright chase after you.

And if you know what you're doing with it, you can apply it in all kinds of situations.

Sniper Game vs. Shotgun Game: Which Is Better for Getting Laid?

Tony Depp's picture

shotgun game vs sniper game
For finding girls to have sex with you, there are two core strategies: shotgun game and sniper game. Which you should use depends on a few key factors.

I’ve been playing this classic war game called “Combat Mission” (awesome), and it’s got me thinking about the correlation between combat and seduction. Yeah, because I’m a nerd.

Imagine this scenario: you walk into a bar and spot a beautiful girl sitting at a table. To her left are two other girls, and on her right are two guys. Do you go sniper and approach her first, or go shotgun and open the entire group?

If you hang out on pickup forums or read the comment threads in articles, you’ll eventually run across this debate: What’s better? Sniper or shotgun game?

A sniper is someone who picks his target with the skill of a honed marksman, expertly approaches, hooks, and seduces his target. A shotgun sprays a wide net over a large area, inflicting as much seduction as possible.

There’s another interpretation, in that a sniper screens for the right girl and focuses on her, while the shotgun guy sprays the whole room with himself in hopes something will stick.

Neither method is superior. If you want to be great at pickup, then you, of course, want to master both.

Back to our hypothetical scenario. A girl is in a bar, surrounded by friends.

Personally, I wouldn’t go direct in a situation like this. It puts too much pressure on her; and to save face, she’ll likely go into auto-rejection. She may not, but chances are high she will be embarrassed being put on the spot with a line like “I thought you were cute, I had to meet you.” Save these direct openers for day game. The key to opening is to be different than every other guy, and direct openers are what every other guy is doing in that situation.

You could go indirect with a question, observation, or a cold-read (is it your birthday?), but the pressure will still be on her. So the easiest method would be an indirect open on someone in the group, and once you’ve charmed them, ask for an introduction to your target. Then you can switch your attention to her. That is essentially the Mystery Method.

I’d use a situational group opener (shotgun) if she’s sitting at a table. If she were standing up and alone, I’d go sniper, straight for the girl, with an indirect, situational opener. I could go direct, “You’re the hottest girl here tonight,” but again, it’s predictable.