At the start of the new year, there was a thread on the
boards with suggestions for new articles this year. Zac suggested one
on the tendency of women to always have men in their lives... and that
this should never be an obstacle for you when meeting new women.
It’s a curious thing for me to think about. This concept is one I spend zero thought cycles on myself, and it always strikes me as a little odd and funny when I see men talking about it now... mostly guys on the boards talking about their concerns about approaching: but what if she has a boyfriend?
Not just boyfriend, though; but what about that guy she’s talking to? Or, yeah, I see her by herself right now – but what if there’s someone else nearby? What if she has a lover and I don’t know it?
The fact is, EVERY woman you meet is going to have SOME guy in her life, in SOME capacity. There is some man who is important to her who is “limiting” her choices in men in some way.
The thing about approaching though is this: you’ve got to learn to disregard these men as abstractions and approach away, anyway.