You can touch a woman on pretty much any part of her body… IF she likes you, she's comfortable with you, and you use this simple technique.
There's a simple little way to get away with touching pretty much any part of a woman's body.
The rules are that she has to be into you enough to permit a touch there, and she has to be comfortable enough with you to enjoy a touch there -- and you also need to able to tell a story in an excited enough, confident enough way.
If your timing and calibration is correct, however, this tactic will let you get away with pretty much any kind of touch you can imagine (from fairly harmless stuff like looping her arm in yours or lacing her fingers with yours to the naughtiest kinds of touch you can imagine). It is one of the most innocuous ways to touch a girl you can imagine.
This simple tactic is that you will tell a story to a girl that involves the kind of touch you want to do on her -- and then you'll demonstrate that kind of touch right on her.