How to Screen for a Wife and Mother | Girls Chase

How to Screen for a Wife and Mother

Chase Amante

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Chase Amante's picture

screen for a wife
Beyond dates and girlfriends, what should you look for in a wife? 6 things: genes, background, personality, beliefs, age, and life goals.

Bit of a departure from our usual fare, but commenting on “Why Madonna/Whore is Intimately Linked with the West”, Jimbo asks:

What kind of girl and where to find it? Now what I want is a girl who isn’t too keen on working or a career, because: 1) I don’t see myself changing diapers or nurturing babies and little children except on rare necessary occasions, 2) if she’s gonna do all that with seven or more kids, keep the house tidy, and put food on the table, she obviously has to not work. Basically I’d just do the providing and the steering of the ship, and she’d take care of the nurturing and keeping the ship tidy.

But besides wanting the girl to be markedly younger than I am and be somewhat malleable and a follower (at least to me), I still don’t have a clear picture for what kind of girl to look for for that role. Do I cradle-rob one from high school? Or take a high school dropout because I’ll be sure she won’t want a career? But at the same time, isn’t it better to have a mother with some academic literacy to keep up with the kids’ education? Your thoughts on this one would be much appreciated.

So, today, we’ll be talking about picking a wife.

I will kick off by recommending you always have you wife-screening (or, alternately, mother-of-my-children screening) default to ‘on’. The chief two reasons are to not miss great girls, and to not get trapped by the wrong girls.

Getting trapped is what happens to most men who don’t default to ‘on’ with their wife-screening. Which is the majority of men. Most men say, “Ah, I’ll never get married,” or, “Maybe I’ll get married, but it won’t be until years and years from now,” and then they meet a girl they kind of dig, date her for a while, and marry her (see: “Why People Settle Down: The 3-Step Settling Curve”). All the while they’ve never actually screened her, and she may not be a good fit for marriage with them (or marriage with anyone).

Missing great girls is what happens when a guy meets a girl he clicks with, but fails to realize what a find she is because he doesn’t screen her right away, and so doesn’t push as hard as he could have to be with her, and ultimately doesn’t get her. She might’ve been the perfect wife for you (or at least a top flight girlfriend), but some other guy gets to date her now because you let her go too easily.

If your heart is twisted up in knots and you’re screaming, “No Chase! I never want to be married! Don’t say it!”, well, I urge you to read on anyway. Forewarned is forearmed. And you might just find you’re less likely to fall into a marriage than most men who swear they don’t want it and will never do it (the majority of whom eventually marry despite their protests – though, because they are unprepared for it, their marriages tend to be much more on the girls’ terms instead of on their own).


Sadeqh's picture

Salut Chase
Can't stress how much you are helping.
I am like early twenties and do not know when to think of marriage? I mean I'm athletic fairly good genes but don't know when I would be experiencing biological clock ticking?

Secondly I really love to ask what do you see the redemption in I mean you point it out several times but I have no clear idea of how you inerpret the redemption?

Lastly I know I may have asked a little much but failed to visualize an approach with initiating touch as the first move to chase frame. What is a scenario of that alike?

Mania è Dementica, Sadeqh

Chase Amante's picture


I am like early twenties and do not know when to think of marriage? I mean I'm athletic fairly good genes but don't know when I would be experiencing biological clock ticking?

It will depend a great deal on location. In the U.S., men who grow up in small towns and remain in small towns seem to get into pretty settled/serious relationships between 26 and 29 or so usually (sometimes earlier). Whereas men who've spent most of their lives in big cities most often seem to be in the 35 to 42 range.

I'd look at your own environment, and what age the men there mostly seem to get settled at, and start planning for two years before that age.

Secondly I really love to ask what do you see the redemption in I mean you point it out several times but I have no clear idea of how you inerpret the redemption?

With idealization/devaluation, a girl may devalue someone so much she completely closes her mind to anything this person says or does. He is dead to her.

The spendthrift girl, it may not be possible for you to get her to stop either blowing through all your money, or complaining endlessly that you don't let her have enough money (so don't pick her as your gal, unless you have so much money it's impossible for her to spend it all).

Lastly I know I may have asked a little much but failed to visualize an approach with initiating touch as the first move to chase frame. What is a scenario of that alike?

Hmm. Chase frames are usually verbal - you are framing her as the one in pursuit of you. However, you can do things like put her hands on you, or put her legs over yours, then at some point remove her hands or legs. The removal frames you as the one pulling away from her (thus, she is chasing), even though you put her hands or legs there. This would count as a touch-based chase frame. This what you mean?


Sadeqh 's picture

Merci chase :)

J_B's picture

"A 1% per year risk of total disaster over a 15-year period is actually a 15% risk of total disaster, because it only has to occur once for the disaster to be total."

It's actually about 14%. For example, a 1% risk over 100 years isn't 100% guaranteed to happen (its closer to 63%). Specifically,in this case, the probability of no total disaster is 0.99, and the probability of no total disaster over 15 years would be 0.99^15. The probability of at least one distaster is then 1 - (0.99^15).

Statistical nit-picking aside, great article :)

Chase Amante's picture


I used to be okay at statistics. Looks like I am losing my edge...

Just updated in the article! Thanks for the assist :)


Robert K.'s picture

Hey Chase,

This is a really interesting article, recently I've met a 27 year old conservative Asian girl (same age as me) girl in my graduate school who seems to screen for most the above. She would be busy each time we met and so I haven't had too many chances to escalate on her yet.

My first 4 dates went well with her, then when I was asking her out to dinner for the 5th date (this happened a week ago), she messaged me back that while she really wanted to go get dinner, she was really busy that week and next with recruitment and exams (it was midterm week) and if it was ok to meet after. I messaged back something along the lines of "No worries, I'm sure we'll figure something out, have a good weekend!" After my text to her, I've been radio silent for about a week and a half now.

I would like to text her one more time to see if she is still interested. The only problem is, it is spring break at school this week and so I am not sure how to proceed. So far I've waited a bit more than a week of no contact with her, but I am not sure if I should contact her again this week or wait an additional week until I everyone is back from spring break. My worry is that if I contact her now, she may be on vacation and so I've "wasted" a last-ditch text to her. At the same time, I feel as though waiting two and a half weeks before contacting her again (texting her after break) may cause her to lose any last interest in me.

Do you have any suggestions as to when I should text her a last ditch attempt at meeting and what I might say? Thanks Chase!

Agent's picture

This is unrelated but I noticed that babies employ charming facial expressions. Watching you from the corners of their eyes, slight, mischievous smile. etc. I personally knew the son of a friend of mine who would use touch+charming faces and was known as a real charmer. All the cuteness of babies aside, they do come across as charming. I wonder whether you have ever seen such a thing and maybe know why this phenomenon?

Chase Amante's picture


I have indeed noticed it!

Actually first heard it said years ago (that little girls start flirting when very young), and began to notice it after, both in boys and girls. They both do it. Corner-eye glances, mischievous smiles, etc.

Young children copy what they see adults and older children do. They're highly feedback-reliant; they time their own smiles specifically to elicit smiles from adults, and babies who get verbal feedback and positive responses to their own early verbalizations speak much sooner and are much more confident early speakers. When they get a little older, they look for things they can say that will make people laugh, then say those things over and over again until people stop laughing at them. They seek reactions to learn how to make the people around them pay attention to them and give them positive social rewards.

So I presume when you see them making charming facial expressions / eye contact gestures, it's because they've tried out mimicking these from adults or other children they've seen, or are trying something funny on their own. They then notice these expressions get them positive attention from others, so they continue to use them.

All part of our standard operating procedure for learning about the world: watch, mimic, and monitor responses. If response is bad or neutral, abandon. If response is good, repeat.


Vermin's picture

God Damn, their are so many qualities to screen for, so many things. I'm going to be a very busy man.

anonymous's picture

"I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to spend 20 years raising a son to be strong, resilient, and great, only for him to come home one day dressed in a tutu to beg for nightclub money so he can go get his anus obliterated by a guy who calls himself Chad the Destroyer."

I'm curious about this comment that you made in regards to your potential child being homosexual, and was hoping you could answer some questions.

First, you say you would dislike it if your son has anal sex with another man, and is penetrated. Why would this bother you?

Second, would you be okay with your son being homosexual, but is not penetrated? For example, if he penetrates another man and is not penetrated himself, or only engages in oral sex.

Thirdly, would you be okay with having a daughter that was homosexual?

Fourth, why do you presume that if your son is gay he'll wear a tutu?


Chase Amante's picture


First, you say you would dislike it if your son has anal sex with another man, and is penetrated. Why would this bother you?

Anally receptive homosexuals (i.e., 'bottoms') tend to be fully homosexual, which means they usually do not reproduce (i.e., with women). When they do reproduce, often with surrogates, they tend to raise their children inside male-male relationships, which produce much higher rates of adult homosexuality in those children, as well as a kaleidoscope of different personality disorders and negative outcomes. Bottoms are also rarely represented among great artists, inventors, thinkers, or builders, as well - which means they're likely to both neither continue your lineage, nor contribute to mankind.

If you're a happiness/emotion-focused individual, this may not matter to you. If so, you may safely ignore this qualification when qualifying potential mothers of your children. If you are a meaning/contribution-focused individual, however, avoiding women more likely to birth you homosexual children allows you to avoid investing huge amounts of resources, hopes, and emotions into a child that is more likely to cause problems or fail.

Second, would you be okay with your son being homosexual, but is not penetrated? For example, if he penetrates another man and is not penetrated himself, or only engages in oral sex.

Exclusively penetrative homosexuals are often actually high sex drive / sex addict bisexuals, who have lots of sex with women and some (or lots of) sex with men. I'd be okay with a high drive son who occasionally penetrated men, so long as his female-to-male lay rate was in the 10-to-1 range. There are plenty of impressive men throughout history in the bisexual / probable bisexual bin; Alexander the Great is one such example.

If he was mostly or entirely into men, however, same answer as for the bottom.

Exception: an incredibly driven, prominent, successful homosexual son, making great contributions to mankind, whether in the art, science, or business realms. A Michelangelo, a Leonardo, an Isaac Newton, or a Peter Thiel are all okay with me.

The key for me is contribution. If he will not further our lineage, I expect him to be contribute to the species in some other, meaningful, magnificent way. If he is merely engaging in lifelong hedonism, he is not a son for me.

My feelings would be no different, by the way, toward a son who was completely heterosexual, yet sterile, and otherwise unproductive in contributing to mankind. I'd avoid such a son if he could be avoided.

Thirdly, would you be okay with having a daughter that was homosexual?

Unless she was one of the (rarer) true/butch lesbians, I'd just wait for her to grow out of it / meet a masculine-enough man to pull her out of it.

While waiting, I would look at myself in the mirror and ask myself how I let her attend a feminist-filled liberal arts university and learn all the cool girls are lesbians, when I should've known better than this.

(if she was a true/butch lesbian, same answer as for fully gay sons)

Fourth, why do you presume that if your son is gay he'll wear a tutu?

(not sure if trolling or literally interprets everything literally ;)


Nick Angel's picture

I realize this is somewhat personal, so I understand if this post doesn't warrant a response, but here is my current dilemma:

I am 21-year-old guy who is inexperienced with women and has poor game. I am currently in a LTR relationship with an older girl (28). She has most of the qualities I am looking for in a LTR (knows what she wants to do with her life, fun to be around, supportive of my life goals, focused on relationships over validation, low partner-count, heading towards a respectable career, caring and affectionate). However, I have a few concerns:

For one, she is not a stunner. She's quite cute, and attractive to me, but I'm not going to kid myself and pretend she is a model or anything. Looks are not nearly as important to me in a LTR as the substance of a person, but they still do matter to me. I'm fairly confident I could do much better, especially if I worked hard on my game, and I worry that I might be bothered by the notion that I sold myself short in this department further down the road.

Secondly, I am uneasy about my lack of experience with women specifically and just with life in general. I suspect that at my age and with my current experience, I am simply not qualified to make a sound judgement on whether or not this relationship will be beneficial in the future. Sure, it's quite nice now. But I'm a young, stupid guy who's learning and changing every day, what do I know?

Finally, I really do not want to hurt this girl. I care for her deeply. From everything I can tell, she is a genuinely good person who is very much in love with me, and she would be quite pleased to spend the rest of her days with me as her life-partner. I would hate to cause her pain by breaking up with her now. But I would hate to cause her even more pain by breaking up with her later on, as she continues to invest more in this relationship and the idea of us spending our lives together.

Anyhow, that's my situation. I'm not looking for someone to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. I understand that this is my decision, and I will have to deal with the consequences of any decision I make. Besides, people tend to do what they want to do, regardless of what smarter people advise. I doubt I am an exception to this rule.

However, I would greatly appreciate insights on this whole situation. I wouldn't be surprised if my predicament is quite common, and that there are standard ways these things tend to play out. Any experienced member who would be willing to comment will have my heartfelt thanks.

P.S. Great article :)

Someguy's picture

Hi Nick,
all you write makes sense. I can maybe add the following concepts:
- People who do not aim for maximum value in partners, but are content with certain limits fulfilled tend to be happier overall (there was a study). So it is not neccessary to get the "best" girl possible regarding looks etc.. Qualities just have to meet a certain personal threshhold, and ideally besides general sexual market value, there is value generated by exceptional matching of personal attributes (something about her might me very valuable to you, but not to most other guys).
- Consider when you and her want to have children. This will likely be the dealbreaker.
- Do not get caught in guilt trips. She likely has a high sexdrive / high testosterone type of personality. She likely tried to make it work with even higher Testosterone guys, who were either social outcasts or highly neurotic/narcistic in her earlier twenties and got burned. Now she is with you, fully knowing that likely there will be no lifelong future, hoping to heal. She might enjoy the combination of your vitality matching hers, combined with her being in a subtly dominant role regarding some aspects of your relationship (due to your youth and inexperience), which makes her feel safe.
There is a high chance that at 32 you will be a very dominant guy and she will slowly stop supporting you and subconsciously try to mess up your mind, so you stay loyal to her kids. From my experience a quite good guess is, that womens ultimate loyalty is to their parents and their children. As long as there are no children she might be extremely loyal to you (it happens that you are the gate to her children, so in a way she already is loyal to them).

Things potentially get ugly when children enter the game, her loyalty shifts, her options fade, you relationship power gets heavily culled by society as your option to just walk away evaporates. Add in her female brains ability to process mutually exclusive realities at the same time to match needs and improve capacity to act and you are on the road of pain.
- To say it nice, she in a way is a victim of her Zeitgeist, because her best mating years are already gone and recovering/fixing things will likely take time. The pattern she lives is not too uncommon I guess. To say it less nice, her inability to make intuitively smart decisions (even though it is extremely hard at these current times) is a bit of an indicator of future trouble and she seems to have a tendency to ask for more then she can handle.
- There are quite a few older guys around who are picking up on game and for whom she might actually be a catch. So I guess everyone wins if this is just a phase for the two of you, where both have a good time and gain valuable reference points.


Nick Angel 's picture


Appreciate the thoughtful and astute response. You made some great points. I particularly like what you said about the issue of when to have children being a likely dealbreaker (she wants a kid in the near future, I can't see myself having one for quite some time).

If I do break up with her, I certainly intend to do everything in my power to minimize her pain. Maybe my empathy levels are too high, and like you said I have to be careful not to get caught in up in feelings of guilt (likely a tendency of mine).

Here's to hoping that this relationship proves fruitful to my girlfriend and I, however it all turns out in the end.

Thanks again brother.

Slay's picture


What up Chase? This is Slay here from the boards. I wanted to talk to you about, if you think there are some people out there who are "special"?

Why I say that is, without fail, I'll read an article of yours, and then in that article without even having anything to do with the title, you'd confirm an epiphany that I had couple weeks prior.

It's like, every single belief or mindset that was ever instilled into my mind is right. Shit that my parents didn't teach me... Shit that just popped into my brain from thinking about life.

Chase, my parents are nothing special. They're 9-5 people. My father was very masculine in my childhood and that lent itself to me being very sexual child, but that's it. They're normal folk. Folk that encourage me to get a normal job instead of chasing my dreams. Folk that are too caught up in the duties of life, you know?

I'm the youngest in the family of 2 brothers and 1 sister. And they are all the same... Cookie cutter statistics...

So... Wtf happened with me? How did I come to become the exact opposite of my whole family?

I'm I special? How is it that every single thing that comes out of your mouth, I already knew in my heart?

How is it that when you make a statement like saying you don't want to raise a gay son I can understand where you're coming from 100%?

How is it that I'm narcissistic to the bone(along with other shit) yet these disorders don't control me? I control them. If I want to be empathic I'll do so, if I want to really care about someone I will. If I want to feel anger I'll feel it if I want to give love I'll do it and if I want to take it away I'll do so too.

Nothing has control over me. I know someone who told me I might be a heavenly being, whatever that means.

I'm 19 years old and I can't help but look at the world around me then look at myself and I can't help but think I'm special. I'm a well of knowledge and learning.

I spend a few days in a row socializing and I turn into a leader without even thinking about it.

I really respect you Chase, and Hector too. But I want to be like you Chase. Every single one of your beliefs at this point correlate with mine. I want to be a Man. I want to die knowing I lived life my way, and nothing else matters to me.

How can I not feel special when I can meta analyze everything, and women adore me? How can I not feel special when I'm me?

The only thing truly holding me back is language. I'm not able to properly project my feelings and thoughts into words well. This isn't the language I was born into.

Chase, keep doing what you're doing... You're only strengthen my core even more.

And I truly thank you for that.

Chase Amante's picture


It's a curious phenomenon, yes. I have that too - I seem to instinctually know a lot of stuff that many other people are shocked to find out or only slowly come to grasp with time and experience. I do not know what this is. I've tried to understand it.

One theory is parents that encourage intellectual honesty and intellectual curiosity, mixed with real world / empirical grounding. Both of my parents are intelligent and encouraged independent thought and empirical investigation. My father did not shut down lines of questioning (e.g., he'd never tell you "That's bunk" if you wanted to talk about ghosts or space aliens or what have you, even if he wasn't all that interested in these topics himself), but he'd always ground you in the practicality of things - e.g., if you put a pair of wings on, he'd be quick to remind you that those don't actually let you fly, so don't jump out a window with them on.

Another theory is high IQ in general. We seem to have a lot of smart people on Girls Chase. I can't find any research on it, but every narcissist I know has high IQ. High IQ people tend to be more intellectually honest, process things faster, and grasp abstract concepts easier. So you may just be figuring out the world faster/easier than many people (if you're on the high-ish side IQ-wise).

There's also the spiritual theory. Belief systems that incorporate reincarnation, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, maintain that as you get closer to attaining release from the cycle of rebirth, you essentially carry innate wisdom over with you into subsequent rebirths, so you aren't purely starting from scratch each time. You are, in effect, closer and closer to full awareness with every reincarnation.

I have no idea which of these it is, or if it's something else completely.

What narcissism 'is' is still very open to debate in the psychological community. There is not a single good, settled definition. Some psychologists claim it's a defense mechanism used to guard against low self-esteem. Other psychologists claim narcissims is simply what we call people who are very high self-esteem. Those are two very competitive definitions of the phenomenon within psychology, which is curious... considering both definitions are opposites.

The general claim is narcissists do not experience empathy. I have a lot of friends who rate high on narcissism tests, but also rate high on empathy tests. I'm not sure what that means. Either the definition of narcissim is wrong, or the way we measure it is wrong (and we're really just measuring self-esteem).

How can I not feel special when I can meta analyze everything, and women adore me? How can I not feel special when I'm me?

Two thoughts here:

  1. To some extent, it's good to feel special. You have to think you're something special to be most attractive to women (and men, in social/leadership roles). If you don't think you're special, no one else will either. Pride is very attractive to women, too.

  2. By the same coin, it's also important to not drift away into fantasy land, where you start to think you are invincible and unbeatable and able to make millions of dollars in five months in an industry you have zero experience in and whatnot. Important to keep yourself grounded and remind yourself constantly that you are a soft, weak ape with few natural defenses who is easily ganged up on, outnumbered, killed, eaten, run over, or ostracized, your lifespan is finite, and your abilities are limited. And that your 'specialness' is not much greater from your fellow man than, say, the gorilla who sees himself as the champ vs. the other three gorillas who aren't champs. The champ gorilla feels pretty special, but he's not that different from the other gorillas. Same deal with us humans. We're almost depressingly similar when you zoom out and aren't focusing on micro-differences (which, we are most of the time, because when things are similar, you zoom in to focus on the few small things that differentiate them from each other).

If I was you, I'd continue to feel pretty special while socializing.

But, in your quiet time, take time to meditate on your own similarity to everyone else, and how non-special each of us are. Helps you appreciate your fellow man more, too (since you realize he is, for most purposes, a very slightly different version of you).

The only thing truly holding me back is language. I'm not able to properly project my feelings and thoughts into words well. This isn't the language I was born into.

That'll change. Read lots of books, and make a conscious effort to include new words into your spoken vocabulary. Try to vocalize thoughts and concepts. Get into deep discussions. The more you do this, the easier it will get.

Though never perfect. Spoken word is an imperfect medium for thought transmission. If still better than written word!


Anonymous 's picture

I bet not even you would follow all of these things when you find a girl you really like. Humans go by their emotions more than their logic. There are just way too many criteria. Most men will end up never getting married if they follow all these guidelines.

Franco Lombardi's picture

I'm pretty sure Chase already does (and has) screened for these types of women.

That aside, I think the idea behind this post was to give you ALL of the potential items you can screen for in a wife/mother. Naturally, you can examine them yourself and decide which ones are or are not important to you. I'd say that, on average, I meet girls one to two times a year who meet most of the above criteria (if not all of it). So by averages, I have a chance to snag a girl like this every 6 months. But I also expose myself to a large enough pool of women on a yearly basis for that to happen.

But you are right that MOST men will NOT marry the woman they actually desire. For the reasons mentioned above, most men will fall for a woman outside the bounds of what they truly desire because they do not put in the work to screen for this desirable type of woman, and they do not put in the work to learn how to bed this type of desirable woman.

It's really up to the man to put in the necessary work to both (1) identify these types of women and (2) bed and convert these women into (potentially life-long) monogamous partners.

- Franco

Chase Amante's picture

I do indeed! I'm no hypocrite :)


Humans go by their emotions more than their logic.

I recommend emotion as the start point:

Falling in Love, Part II: Finding Love at First Sight

In fact, I routinely tell guys NOT to get into relationships with women they do not feel that strong initial pull toward, if they can so help it.

Beyond that though, the whole "marriage based on emotion" thing is only periodically popular in the West. During the Enlightenment, couples went so far as to list out logical reasons they were matches for each other (no doubt many of them rationalizations for emotions in many couples; but nevertheless...). People of the time considered marriage for emotions childish and not something adults would do. But starting around 1860, newspaper advice columns began to tell young people to "follow their hearts" and listen to emotions / eschew rationality, and the culture began to shift. I'm simply recommending a return to more future-oriented / Enlightenment thinking here, over our current present-oriented / hedonistic / emotion-based thinking.

Another time this shift may have occurred was in Shakespeare's era. Romeo and Juliet is about a young couple in love, rebelling against their parents' reasoned matchmaking for them and embracing an emotion-based coupling instead. The play may have reflected social changes at the time (I'm less familiar with romantic norms in 16th Century England), though hard to say in which direction. On the one hand, it might be interpreted as an endorsement of emotion-based relationships. On the other hand, it might be interpreted as a warning against them, considering the ultimate fate of the overly emotional protagonists.

There are just way too many criteria. Most men will end up never getting married if they follow all these guidelines.

Well, adjust for where you're at and what you want / what you can get.

If it's not as easy for you to get a girl with all these attributes, screen for less. Or if there are attributes you don't care about here, leave out of your screening.

This is not a mandatory you must screen for all these! stricture. Pick what applies to you / what you want / what outcomes you desire, and screen accordingly.

But, the tools are there, for those who want them.


No name's picture

Chase, why dont women ever admit that theyre wrong or are at fault? They always want to blame other people or circumstance but never themselves. Could you explain the psychology behind this?

Chase Amante's picture

No Name-

Because women deal in feelings, and feelings are never wrong. They're just how she felt.

For instance, I had a girlfriend leave some clothes at my place once. I put her clothes in a drawer. The next time she was over, she opened the drawer, found her clothes, and flipped out because I hadn't folded them. I told her you need to calm down or I'm kicking you out. She continued to flip out, so I kicked her out.

25 minutes later she called me from a taxi cab to say she was sorry for flipping out and asked if she could come back over. I wasn't sure; she pleaded. So I said okay, if she promised to behave, okay. But if she does it again I'm booting her out and she can never come back. She came back over and explained that it was just that when she opened the drawer and saw I had neatly folded my clothes, but her clothes were just jammed in there, she flipped.

I opened the drawer and pointed out my clothes in that drawer were all bunch up too. She said sorry, she'd just noticed my clothes were folded in another drawer!

This is a scenario in which a man would say, "Whoops, I made a mistake here. I thought you deliberately did not fold my clothes, but actually looks like you just didn't fold stuff you put in that drawer, for whatever reason." But for a woman, the closest she will come is to say, "This is what I felt. Here's why I felt it."

She doesn't feel 'wrong' for having felt what she felt. No matter what she felt, there was a reason she felt it. So of course it isn't wrong. Maybe she didn't have all the information, but in her eyes, it should be understandable, given the information at her disposal, why she felt what she did.

Hope that makes sense. Men are focused on factual accuracy / empirical reality. What is real in the world. If you're proved wrong, you admit you were wrong. Women are concerned with feelings. Feelings are never wrong, they are just how somebody feels.


JasonH's picture

Hi Chase,

Was not expecting such a comprehensive post on this topic, very insightful. I'm assuming partner count is a big factor too, I tend to aim for the 5 or less bracket by 25/26 i.e girls who been mostly in long term relationships, are more romantically inclined, perhaps 1 one-night stand.

Just to add to your post as to why guys are fixated on not getting married, then eventually settling down. I think the desire to not settle down is driven by validation, sexual worth and self-esteem issues. I.e Until a guy has slept with a certain number of girls (for some it may be 2 for other it may 10-20+) that basic desire is not satiated and settling down just doesn't seem like an option. Until that one girl who is 'good enough' satisfies the mans validation, sexual worth desires in the relationship.
This is not true for all guys though, some just have higher sex drives and are not marriage inclined. This is going by intuition as to raw data on men I've seen in real life however.

A more personal question; with regards to long-term relationships would you recommend getting into a long-term relationship with someone when you're not their 'type'. I've hooked up with girls who don't seem me as their type before, girls who've specifically said 'tall guys' or 'white guys' are their type. Yet I've hooked up with them regardless. I've been hesitant to move into long-term relationships though as I feel they always see their type as 'higher value' even though they've treated me well. On this occasion, the girl I'm currently seeing has been treating me well, great sex/passion, good girlfriend qualities yet I'm facing this dilemma, which may be entirely in my head/ego thing.

To generalize things: Should a guy get in to a long-term relationship with a girl, when the guy is not the girls 'type' but there is attraction/passion there, have slept together, and there is potential for a long-term relationship. Or stick to the women who are warm and interested straight off the bat as opposed to being seduced a long the way. I feel like that 'love at first sight' type attraction is better, but I've seen both types of relationships work and not-work in the long-run.


Chase Amante's picture


Right, partner count's usually going to be a major consideration. I didn't go specifically into that here, since I discussed it pretty in-depth in the 'past matters' article. You target (5 or fewer, for 25/6 y/os) is quite reasonable.

Very true, there are the high drive guys who don't want to settle. In my experience, they often do marry sooner or later... Though the relationship is often tumultuous, and usually ends in a fire of straying and accusations. Sometimes it seems like they intentionally get caught cheating so their wives will break up with them and set them free again.

Should a guy get in to a long-term relationship with a girl, when the guy is not the girls 'type' but there is attraction/passion there, have slept together, and there is potential for a long-term relationship. Or stick to the women who are warm and interested straight off the bat as opposed to being seduced a long the way. I feel like that 'love at first sight' type attraction is better, but I've seen both types of relationships work and not-work in the long-run.

I've had great multi-year relationships both with girls whose type I matched and with girls whose type I was not. My experience has been girls whose type I perfectly fit were more affectionate, our emotional chemistry was better, and the relationship was closer. We also had fewer fights. However, with girls I was not typed for, it was somewhat easier for me to maintain less clingy (if still somewhat clingy) relationships.

Also, somewhat interestingly for me, I've found it easier to maintain steady passion over time with girls whose type I am not than with girls whose type I am. My suspicion is because the routine I've seen with non-type girls is at points they will attempt to reject me as "not their type" (usually after I've done something "their type" would never do), and when we make up I feel like I am re-conquering a girl I am not "supposed" to be with (and, on her end, she is being conquered by a man she is not supposed to let conquer her... to some degree, against her "will"). Whereas with a typed girl, there's never really the same kind of dominating reconquest experience to reignite passion.

Branching out to examine friends, my recommendation would be if you are the cool, calm, and controlled type, you can do very well with girls whose type you don't fit. But if you are emotional and crave connection, you'll be likely to feel needier around these girls and want more than they feel compelled to give you.

Anyway, I'll caution all this is purely anecdotal. I don't have any good research on people paired with partners who are not "their type", and I don't know anyone under 40 who's had more than four or five 3+ year relationships, which makes collecting and comparing data hard to tease out real trends vs. stuff that happened just because of the kind of girl you were dating, and not necessarily anything having to do with type vs. not type.


Anonym's picture

Hi Chase,

this is a great article, I am going to read more times in the future. As usually, I have some questions:

1) I wonder whether is it actually possible to actually find a girl who fit all the criteria that I can screen for. Let’s make a model: based on what you wrote I can make 10 attributes I can screen for (some attributes ar not important, others might be compounded). Assuming I want a girl who falls into the top 20 percent of pool in each criteria rank and all the criterias are independent on each other, there is one girl per almost ten millions who actually is in the top fifth in all ten indicators.
Of course in reality there is some positive correlation between the variables (i.e. being smart and level of education or family background and relation to children), but also negative correlations (f.e. women who are LTR material tend to spend more time in LTR relationships so you are more likely to meet them at the moment when they are taken and unavailable).

This is a bit oversimplifying, but I believe you get the point. It looks almost impossible to find such a girl, even if you relax your boundaries and criterias, it is really impossible to screen even 100 000 (not mentioning ten millions) women to find the one, unless you are very lucky or have an amazing instinct. How is it possible to have abundance mentality if the perfect matches are that rare?

2) When I studied abroad I met one amazing girl with good looks and great personality, with good family background, responsible with money etc.,who no doubt once will be a great wife and mother. But while in many ways we had similar beliefs, there were some possible friction. I am an Central-East European atheist, she is an Indonesian-ethnically Chinese-devouted Catholic girl. If I decide to date and marry her, there are possible frictions: premarital sex, religious or civil wedding, raising children in faith or not, family pressure on her part (in Indonesia people usually marry partners with the same ethnic and religious background, my atheist parents do not care that much about religion) or her dream to be a housewife. She was amazing in many ways and I found her „better“ than most girls I have met in my country, but not surprisingly she was in a commited long term relationship. So she became probably the first girl who I can call my friend (I have never had real female friend). Now she lives in a different country. It is an example how is it difficult to meet a girl who fit well all the criteria.
The reasons I did not try to pick up her were following: I was too shy and clueless about how to do it, I did not believe I can actually succeed, I did not find it a right thing to do (to break someone else’s relationship) and a dilemma: I want her to be loyal to me, but if I handle to pick her up and she leaves her boyfriend for me, she can do that again to me, how can I trust her then?
What would you do in that situation? You meet an amazing, exceptional girl and she is in LTR – you like her loyalty and want her to be loyal to you, but if you „steal“ her, can you trust she will not leave you for someone else? Is „stealing“ a girl good strategy for finding a loyal girlfriend? And what to do if the exceptional girl is in LTR?

Thank you


Chase Amante's picture


I wouldn't have the data to calculate how many girls per 10 million fall into your category, even if I knew what your 10 attributes were ;) That said, if there's only one in 10 million of her, and you're looking for girls in the top 20% of just 10 categories, you've likely got some pretty exotic categories (e.g., girl who's in the top 20% of mountain climbers, but also in the top 20% of ballerinas, and top 20% of wage earners, etc. - a girl in the top 20% of all three of those might be hard to find).

I don't know what the actual numbers are, but if you look at all the criteria I have laid out in this article, that's the criteria I actually use to screen women on, and I pretty consistently meet women who check off all those boxes. If I'm gunning for her hard, I can usually meet a girl who checks off all these boxes or comes close once every two weeks. That said, it did take me a few years of refining myself and my approach to reach that point.

It could be your criteria are much more stringent than mine (I don't know what yours are) - but even if so, if you've put yourself in a position to more easily meet the kinds of women you want, you may have no more trouble meeting your kind of girl than I have meeting mine.

If your perfect matches are super rare, some things to consider:

  • You may just need to improve your game + fundamentals more. It may be you haven't reached that standout point yet where the right women start coming out of the woodwork to make themselves available to you / chase you. So some more tightening of the bolts will do it.

  • You may need to change locations, or where you look for women. Some cities will fit you better demographically than others. When I lived in Washington, D.C., for instance, I met girls all the time who fit what I wanted for a serious girlfriend role. But when I moved to San Diego, I suddenly found it impossible to meet girls with all the qualifications I wanted. I might be able to find a beautiful girl with a great body, a great personality, and a master's degree, but she'd be a wild party girl with a high partner count. Or I'd find a beautiful girl with a great body and a low partner count, but she was too soft and submissive for me and she was not highly educated. Or I'd find a lower count girl with a master's degree, but her looks wouldn't be that great and her personality would be 'meh'. San Diego contains ideal girlfriends for a lot of men, but for what I was looking for, those types of girls do not stay long in Southern California, if they ever migrate there at all.

  • You may need to revise a standard. There was one point when I exclusively looked for women who were well traveled. After going through loads of girls, I eventually had to concede that if she was well traveled, she almost always had a higher partner count. And if she had a lower partner count, she almost always was not well traveled. So I had to pick one and drop the other. I dropped the well traveled bit from my requirements, and it made it much, much easier to meet 'perfect' type girls.

On the Catholic Chinese-Indonesian girl:

What would you do in that situation? You meet an amazing, exceptional girl and she is in LTR – you like her loyalty and want her to be loyal to you, but if you „steal“ her, can you trust she will not leave you for someone else? Is „stealing“ a girl good strategy for finding a loyal girlfriend? And what to do if the exceptional girl is in LTR?

Well, if I was you, and great girls weren't that easy to come by... Hmm, yeah. That'd be tough. Usually I'd recommend against stealing a girl to start a relationship. The exception would be if she's clearly on the way out in her relationship; then it can be okay. I've known some very successful relationships where the girl essentially swung to another branch at the end of a failing relationship, rather than break up first, then start dating the other guy after. So long as it's already understood the relationship is failing, it seems to be fine and doesn't necessarily raise the odds she cheats.

However, if she's not on the outs with her beau, then yeah, don't do it. Creates a host of problems. When she's angry at you, she may blame you for ruining a relationship she now looks back on with rose-colored glasses. And she may view you as having 'tricked' her. She may feel resentful. And it's easy for her to reason, "Well, he made me do it to Josh, so he shouldn't mind now if I do it to him."

Instead, I'd just build a good little rapport with her, tell her I dug her a lot, and then tell her look, I can't keep doing this thing where I spend time with you while you've got a man. I dig you too much. I've gotta go do my own thing and play the field. But when you're single, if you ever break up, come let me know. I'll do this with girls sometimes, and assuming you read them right, you almost always get a, "Heeey, what are you up to??" message months or a year or two later. Always turns out they've been broken up for a few months. That'd be my approach for this type of girl.

Then, meantime, while you're waiting, go meet other girls! And see if you can't find one just like her, or better, who also happens to be single ;)


Lawliet's picture

Hey Chase,

Thanks for another identifying her type article! I Love these!

I've come across a problem lately.
When we walk past girls during day game, and for split second, we notice a possible "sign", how can we approach her smoothly when she's alone or with a friend?

She's walking and talking with a friend, and you come from the opposite direction.
She sees you.
You catch her look.
She keeps eye contact and just keeps looking until you fully walked past her.

Is this the look?

Note, she's with a friend and in midst conversation. And this brief moment, she paused as you two exchange glances. But then continues as she holds her eye contact with you. She did look first.

What would be your opener and approach?


p.s. I know I'm getting freaking greedy, even a girl walking past, I still want to approach her and see if it's a good prospect...but can't help that they're cute and silly :P

Chase Amante's picture


Nah, that's not greedy. Perfectly normal! Here's how you do it:

Policeman stop. Hands up. Big smile. "Whoa, hey!" Get both girls to stop. To the friend (big, playful smile): "I'm sorry..." To your girl: "I saw you walking here, and I just HAD to stop you and tell you... you are just absolutely gorgeous. I'm Lawliet." (both girls giggle, your girl introduces herself) You to friend: "Ordinarily I would not hit on someone and make her friend stop and wait for us because it's so rude, but..." Friend: "No, it's fine!" You: nod/bow; turn back to your girl: (quick chat, grab phone number, say goodbye to her, and say goodbye to friend, then to your girl last)

Big key is getting the friend's approval. The girl who's your target will feel awkward, because she will feel like she is responsible for holding the friend up, so she will need to speed things up or get rid of you to not inconvenience the friend. So you include the friend both right after the start and right before the end (you'll be looking at your girl first while doing the stop, but then the first one you individual engage is the friend; after you deliver the opener to your girl, you go back to the friend again; and then you say goodbye to the friend, then to your girl at the end). So long as the friend is approving of you and making it clear she thinks you're a good match for your girl, your girl will go along with it, and even feel more comfortable with you.


Lawliet's picture

Hey Chase,

I forgot to mention something.
In another situation, you two walk past each other and she winks at you.
Not an AI, but a flirtation (reference to the definition in When she flirts article).

This happened to me in a hallway and right when she walks by me, I trying to keep my eyes forward whenever a girl comes in the opposite direction (not to stare) but to keep my peripheral open. but then I noticed she turned a bit, so I glanced over and she winks at me.
So cute and silly...
It was a split second moment and I didn't react fast enough. I would have winked back at her.
But immediately after she passed me, she greeted a colleague behind me.

Would your approach be different in this case when she flirts at you in this brief moment of passing each other?


Chase Amante's picture


Had she not greeted the colleague, sure.

But if she's greeting people after, then I'll assume it's just a playful thing. Just her being flirty.

Had she not done that, be playful back and make her stop. "Whoa, whoa. Hey there, Missy. What you got going on?"


Dominik's picture

Hej Chase,

do you think that it is possible to start a relationship with a women without having sex?

I have sometimes the impression that people are only in a relationship because they like it to sleep with each other.

I think that true loves means to be able to love each other even without sex.
Doesn't it make the relationship even stronger ?!?!

I would like to start a relationship with a women and have sex with her after some time (maybe 1 year or even later)

Best regards

Chase Amante's picture


My thoughts on that here:

Dating Without Sex: Why It Usually Doesn’t Work


Jimbo's picture

Chase, I heard some dude suggest to not marry the legal way if one wants to get married, like, do the ceremony, the priest officiating, all that, but no contract (with the State). In more practical terms what this is means is that if you end up going your separate ways, each of you keeps their stuff, and the only think you're legally bound to pay will be child support (though I heard in some jurisdictions if you live with someone for a certain amount of time there'll be alimony involved, even when unmarried). What do you think of that?

Chase Amante's picture


Not sure how realistic it is.

On the one hand, there are common law marriages, where the state will just go ahead and marry you by default after a certain period of time. Even if you sign a contract saying, "We never want to be married; we will not accept the state marrying us," the state still marries you.

Also, even if you don't marry, if she wants to go after you, she can still present a case in court that she was a wife in all things to you save the marriage contract, and can have a decent shot at winning (particularly if you have children and have lived together a while). This is especially true if she claims she felt pressured, like that you would leave and abandon her if she insisted on marriage.

The other hand is how the woman herself feels about it. The marriage contract is protection in an environment bereft of social stigmas against divorce and social support networks for divorcées. If you knock her up a few times and she's out of the workforce, unable to earn a living, and taking care of your progency, odds are she's going to start to feel very insecure if you're refusing to give her legal assurances. At that point, all she has is your word... And while, as men, we'd like to believe our word is our bond, we'd never go back on it, and everyone else should know this too, she's going to be understandably skeptical about that.

The exception, of course, is if you select a woman who is already independently wealthy, or at least owns enough capital/property that she could handle a split and handle child-rearing and it wouldn't slow her down. If she's wealthier than you by a large enough margin, she herself may prefer not to sign a marriage contract. But if she's going to be economically disadvantaged by staying with you, giving up her career, and raising your children, expect at some point for her to start pushing to make it 'official'. If you don't want her to do that, look for women who will not need to sacrifice to be with you (e.g., wealthy chicks).


Jimbo's picture

Yeah I'm not into wealthy chicks -- it's kind of hard to place yourself as man of the house when the woman makes more money than you do.

The whole point of not marrying legally, I thought, was to cover my ass(ets). But as you say, nowadays, you only have to live together for a certain period of time for the State to recognize as you as practically husband and wife.

I guess it's just better to count on a prenup and move my assets to a trust as you advised. The thing I dread the most is not child support, I don't mind that, actually I'll insist on providing for my own children after a divorce even if there was no law; no it's the "getting half your stuff" and alimony that creep me out because I see them as totally unjustified and could keep you as a slave to the woman for the rest of your life.

Ex wife's picture

For the love of fuck SCREEN PARENTING TACTICS.

You think children need to be independent ASAP and want her working 12 hours days by the time the baby is 6 weeks? You want to leave the newborn to it out in the hospital? You think spanking is essential?

She wants to stay home, not spank and talk every thing out (yes you can do this with 1-2 year old) ?

Yeah that's not going to works. You want your daughter to be a virgin who doesn't know where babeis come from and has never seen a penis when she marries after gettin her PhD and she wants to explain the birds and the bees and put the kid on birth control at 12?

Well yeah, you have to TALK about this. Preferably before falling in love.
That can be awkward and complicated, but finding out parenting beliefs and values is very important for wife and mother screening.

TheSkeptical's picture

Great article, that's a VERY overlooked subject, and one of the most importants, for that matter.

I would just add: The younger, the better, and before college is even better. You will never know what lies in her past, EVER. So, less age, less partners (mostly). And yes, you should really go for a virgin.

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