Fundamentals | Page 13 | Girls Chase


The basic building blocks of being attractive and getting results with women that every aspiring ladies' man should get down cold.

The “I’m Glad I’m Not the Only One Who…” Conversation Starter

Mateo Navarrete's picture

The #1 thing men ask me when it comes to meeting girls is, “I don’t know what to say! What should I say to get a girl intrigued enough to even want to have an interaction with me?!”

When it comes to attracting a woman, you may be familiar with the phrase, “It’s not so much what you say, but more how you say it that matters.”

This is why I attempt to focus on the “how” (read: “fundamental” behaviors) and “why” (read: “fundamental” beliefs and strategies) of communication and attraction, albeit sometimes the concepts may seem rather abstract.

Some of the ideas I share start off very abstract in the beginning, and over time become more concrete, while other concepts start off very concrete and then become more abstract over time.

On this note, to prepare us for what we are about to learn today, let’s quickly review what we’ve learned so far:

We hold the moral-high ground so there’s no need to feel ashamed of approaching a woman who attracts our attention (Creep-Shame Culture). No (eligible) woman wakes up thinking, “I don’t want to get swept off my feet today”, so there’s no harm in making (inevitable) mistakes when attempting to do this very thing with a woman to whom you are attracted.

Discovering the answer to 3 simple questions (The 4 Types of Women) gives us an effective destination towards which to guide the interaction. Obviously the first step in getting somewhere is knowing where to go!

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so by focusing on our fundamentals and essentials (in regards to voice, eye contact, body language, etc.) the occasions when a woman doesn’t look at us will become less frequent. We understand why it occurs, as well as how to handle the situation (Looking at Women, and Getting Them to Look Back) by appealing to her other senses (besides just her sense of sight) in order to successfully gain her attention.

Now that we have all those abstract ideas internalized, let’s focus on something more concrete and fun: learning EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY to a girl when you first approach her!

conversation starter

Today is Part One of my Basic Conversation Outline series. In this article you are going to:

  1. Discover why building a conversation outline is important to your success

  2. Acquire a conversation starter you can use right now

  3. Learn how to customize it to fit any situation you happen to find yourself in

Let’s get right to it!

Looking at Women... and Getting Them to Look BACK

Mateo Navarrete's picture

In my experience, the power to command the attention of all eyes in a room is more a learnable skill than a natural talent.

And in reality, you can effectively internalize any skill and turn it into a “natural” habit. So the argument that “either you’ve got it, or you don’t” is simply inaccurate.

Just to be clear: if you don’t have it (yet), you can still get it (soon).

However, commanding the attention of everyone in the room is outside the scope of this article, and although that skill would indeed be helpful, in this situation we will focus on how to gain the attention of one person in particular: that beautiful woman who has enamored you, and, for whatever reason, is not returning your gaze.

looking at women

To deal with this situation of how we look at women and get them to look back, we break it down into two parts:

  • Pre-Interaction Communication
  • (During the) Interaction Communication

Let’s start by taking a closer look at what we can do before this situation even occurs.

What Does It Mean to Be a Man?

Drexel Scott's picture

It is taken for granted, as well it should be, that women respect strong men and detest weak ones. There is no way around it, and no amount of pretty, eloquent fluffiness will detract from the impact it already has on your life.

You see it everywhere: women throwing themselves at men with spines while trampling on those without and laughing in their faces.

Today’s article is not a discussion of strength in the physical sense – you can find articles on how to get in great shape elsewhere on this website. Instead, this is about a topic that I don’t often see discussed: being a man of conviction.

Some good Hollywood examples of men with conviction are James Bond and Han Solo; classic archetypal males who get the job done and get laid doing it.

be a man

Classroom Body Language and Other Casual Situations

Cody Lyans's picture

You’ve probably been brought up to think that leaning on posts, putting your feet up, leaning back on chairs, and slouching a little bit is the key to looking good in the classroom, but if we are being honest here, no one cares, and these little tweaks are not really going to have any impact on girls noticing you.

casual body language

What gets girls noticing you is never as simple as showing you don’t care, mostly because it doesn’t stand out to them as different from the other guys they see daily doing the same things. And none of those men lay themselves back so well that girls rush to them and instantly start talking with them, so it begs the question: why are you really acting that way, and is this method attractive?

In all likelihood you are choosing the easiest path, a path you haven’t really thought about very much, a path that relies on some mysterious undercurrent to be at play that will bring you luck and a girl. But we have to not only ask “Is this pragmatic?”, we also have to ask “Is the way I’m handling this attractive?”.

How to Be Cool: 4 Lessons from Science and Hollywood

Chase Amante's picture

I taught myself how to be “cool” as a junior high student many years ago. It was an intuitive process for me at the time, though filled with social experiments and trial and error – and lots of beating up on myself to get it just right.

I’ve spent years trying to figure out a good way to teach all the aspects of being cool. A way to boil it all down to something simple, streamlined, and easily remembered and used by anyone who aspires to “cool”: who wants to be that person that everybody else just looks at and says, “Man, that guy is cool.”

how to be cool

How do you transform someone who “doesn’t get it” – whom others laugh at, make fun of, disrespect, or ignore – into someone they look up to, gravitate toward, and esteem?

To do this, of course, you need good tactics – you need to be able to give them the “what to do”; but more than this, you need the underlying principles: what is it about cool people that just makes them so damn cool?

Well, after years of non-starters on an article about this, I will say that I have successfully boiled “cool” down to four (4) core elements that are eminently doable and absolutely teachable.

Get all four of these right, and you will be – without question – unstoppably, unspeakably, almost unbearably cool.

And the best news is, all any of them takes is a little practice and, yes... a little discipline.

Why Vulnerability Makes You More Attractive to Women

Colt Williams's picture

vulnerabilityA while back I wrote a post on connecting with people. There, I touched on why vulnerability works to connect people from a psychological standpoint and laid the foundation for why it works on women.

But I wanted to expand on why exactly vulnerability makes you more attractive to women.

You see, vulnerability must be used correctly. It isn’t a prescription or excuse to start spilling your guts. So today I’m going to talk about how to use vulnerability effectively and what frames you must maintain in order to maximize your attractiveness to the fairer sex.

The 7 Decisions Every Man Who Will be Successful Makes

Chase Amante's picture

Note from Chase: this is a guest post by one of our forum members, Rob Hortzclaw, with editing by Marty, another of our members. Rob’s put together a really solid, detailed, and lengthy piece here (I clocked it at over 7,000 words!) - it’s quite wonderful. I hope you enjoy... here’s Rob.

Want to know the difference between someone who tries his hand at pick-up/seduction and fails, and someone who tries his hand at pick-up and succeeds in transforming his dating life?

Good, I’m glad you asked!

I first stumbled across Girls Chase material in late 2012, after incessantly investing in and thinking about a girl, and having her reject me. It was painful, and all I wanted thereafter was to actually get a girlfriend and have a relationship.

These days, I’m still in the process of doing so... though my goals have changed a bit.

I’m nowhere near mastery of seduction, though I have wrung myself through the meat grinder, have gotten success through cold approach and social circle, and have done things that I would’ve previously thought impossible for myself. In other words, I’m on the path to mastery and I owe much of my success to just 7 decisions.

7 decisions

Back to your original question – what is the difference between failure and success when learning seduction? Someone who tries this stuff and fails doesn’t think the same way as someone who decides he is going to get better with women.

Did you catch the difference between my descriptions of each?

The guy who succeeds in seduction makes several decisions different from the ones made by the guy who tries his hand and drops out.

The interesting thing is that these decisions seem blindingly obvious, but the power behind them is absolutely earth-shattering (or paradigm-shattering) if harnessed.

The Look: Make Your Eye Contact Piercing

Chase Amante's picture

One of the most powerful means of communicating with others nonverbally is by calling up your most piercing, incisive eye contact.

I sometimes also call this the “death stare” or the “predatory look.” It’s the ability to stare into someone else and make her feel as though you’re staring directly into her soul... sizing her up... preparing to DO something to her, though she can only guess at WHAT.

piercing eye contact

This is one of those things that can be extremely effective wielded properly – it can shoot sexual tension through the roof, make you physically intimidating even to men twice your size, and communicate “I mean business” to anyone and everyone like nothing else really can (although it can also send you directly to creepy guy land if you aren’t careful how you deploy it).

Early on in life, I learned that not everyone had this ability – in fact, few did. A high school English teacher of mine described it as “the ability to stare at someone and put fear into his heart just with a look.”

But you can also use it to put warmth, arousal, inspiration, or just about any other emotion into another person’s heart as well.

That same high school English teacher of mine described this as something you either have, or you don’t... but I’ve heard that said about LOTS of things I’ve gone on to learn or teach, and I’d be surprised if this is any different.

I’ve never tried to teach this before because I didn’t really know how to teach it... at least for me personally, it’s something I’ve always had (from the day I was born, according to the stories).

However, in the interest of giving it a good crack – because it’s an awesome power if you can attain it – I’d like to try.

12 Traits All Boring, Unsexy Nice Guys Have in Common

Chase Amante's picture

nice guysIn “How to Use Astrology with Girls", Balla puts in a request in the comments section:

Yo Chase, I think you should make an article about un sexy friendly guy traits. Like how you mention not to hug because it’s platonic, sending girls pictures/asking, laughing or smiling to much and a few other things guys might not know what they’re doing that are very hard to detect. You just point out all the negative mannerisms and characteristics and tell us what we should do instead. I think it’ll be a great article.

I thought this would be both a fun article to do, and one that hopefully will point out to some guys some harmful thinking they might have going on, and things they’re doing with girls that they’re shooting themselves in the feet with.

So, here goes... 12 traits that all boring, unsexy nice guys have in common.

How to Be a Good Kisser: 5 Steps to Confident Kissing

Cody Lyans's picture

Something that everyone I coach always wants to know is how to be a good kisser. How do you kiss so well, so luxuriously, so lustily, so confidently, and so well that your partner looks at you after and just says, “Wow”?

how to be a good kisser

Confident kissing is not only the mark of a man who can kiss well, it is the mark of a man who can win over women without need for words. It is little shock then that the way you kiss a woman can make or break her very perception of your character, and effect whether she will hang around or not.

It is a fortunate thing then that I am about to throw you in the deep end and drown you in the techniques that will have her begging for more.

I am going to run you through some aspects of kissing rather quickly, so fasten your seat belts and let your imaginations wander and do work! I will start with mindsets, then move to what is important: techniques to ensure you pull that off, and then advanced. I hope you all don’t mind me forcing you to keep up, but the way I see it, if you really want to kiss right, let us not mess around, let us get stuck in, and get those girls thinking “what a man”!