A great first kiss is what sets a steamy romance into motion. An awkward slurp might put the tension on ice, but a tantalizing lip-lock can lead to so much more.
The first kiss doesn’t need to be magical. It doesn’t need to be special. But it would be a lot better if it was. What is true to women in the context of romance is more about what feels true.
If she feels like a kiss was great, it will be true that it was great.
If she feels that she likes you, precisely because the kiss was so great, then it is true that she really likes you.
3. Strong Eye Contact Foreplay
9. Kiss Her Body with Your Hands
10. Be the First to Break the Kiss
The exact nature of how women think and feel is better explained in my article on why women are emotional but not irrational.
To put it simply, what women feel is what’s real.
And for the sake of sexual strategy and navigating the social waters of the world, it’s quite an accurate compass. It’s far more accurate, on average, than cold logic.
How does this tie into giving her a great first kiss?
I explained it above. You want her to feel as if the first kiss was great, so she feels she likes you and that you two are having a great time together.
This may sound overly technical to some, and while I may even grant it is a bit nerdy, it doesn’t mean it’s not a good strategy.
As men, it’s generally good practice to go for strategy over feelings. I’m not saying don’t feel. That would be ridiculous. There would be no point to this entire website if we didn’t embrace our sexual and romantic desires toward women. You would be a machine who sleeps with women and dates them for purely intellectual rewards. That would be strange. Countless other pursuits would be more enjoyable on a purely intellectual field than seduction (and even then, you’re still chasing desire. Intellectual desires and carnal desires are only different in their appearance, but they are both desires all the same).
But enough philosophizing.
What is a good strategy for the first kiss?
There are many factors to cover, and some tips will be universal while others will be based on preference (i.e., you can choose to follow one tip rather than another).
Let’s get to it.