Pickup | Page 89 | Girls Chase


Meeting and attracting members of the opposite sex.

How to Have Sex with Asian Girls

Colt Williams's picture

asian girlsHere is the next installment in my famous “How to Have Sex with… ” series. In the sphere of Asian girls, I’ve published pieces on How to Have Sex with Thai Girls and How to Have Sex with Filipinas.

Despite not having a particularly strong onset of yellow fever, I have spent a good amount of time in Asia gaining an intimate look into the lives, psyches, sexualities, and beds of Asian women. I have also hooked up with my fair share of Asian girls here Stateside as well.

So since I have experience with Asian girls of all kinds, I thought it would be appropriate to write up a post on how to have sex with Asian girls in general – both in the West and in Asia – and what to expect when trying to take them to bed.

Why Girls Don’t Like Hooking Up with “Regulars”

Chase Amante's picture

An experience a friend of mine had recently, while kicking back at a bar drinking with a few of his friends, and chatting up the occasional girl or two in range:

... but then a really pretty babe saw me who had already agreed to meet me for a date. She came up and said ‘Are you Will?' And I said hi. She was like ‘Are you here like all the time?' and the bartender was like ‘oh yea, he's here a lot.'

Later I got a text from her saying: ‘I'm not going to be able to meet you for our date, and I can't reschedule. Best of luck!'

Lol. Oh well. I never thought socializing at night would ever work AGAINST me, but I guess there is a first for everything!

Definitely a bummer (and actually pretty rude). Highest admiration to my friend for taking that with the kind of poise and elegance he typically does. If you're not fully attuned to the social dynamics at play here, in addition to being hurtful, rude, and flighty, it can also look downright random.

hooking up regulars

It's obvious there's some kind of value judgment going on: “Oh, you're a regular? Oh... erm... uh... yeah, I can't see you again. Have a nice life!”

A big enough value judgment to totally flip her from, “Sure, let's go on a date and see where it leads,” to, “Erk – no.”

Yet, there's more at play here than meets the eye, and the value flop is only a part of it.

So what's so bad about being a regular, anyway?

Being the Sexually Liberated Guy

Alek Rolstad's picture

Recently we’ve been talking a lot about sexual freedom, but so far we have only discussed it philosophically – such as by asking questions like what sexual freedom truly is, or what limits to sexual freedom we should have. And we even discussed whether or not sexual freedom is a positive thing to have within a society.

Today however, we will discuss this topic in a more practical way: how you can use it to actually get women into bed! Nice!

sexually liberated

Here is quick recap on what we have so far said about what sexual freedom is:

To recap quickly the most crucial points from my previous post, we described sexual liberalism as a position that allows individuals to engage in, without any judgement from others, their desired sexual practices. Most Western countries for instance do not legally restrict all that many sexual practices between two consenting adults.

There are two things we will cover in this post:

  1. The first is how being a sexually liberated male can make it easier for us to get laid (and even get girlfriends!), and

  2. The second is how we can convey that we are that type of man to women

We also will discuss something that I can talk for many hours about, and that I plan on writing more about in the near future, which this post will serve as introduction to: “how to convey that you are a sexually free man”.

No time to waste, let’s get to the goodies!

4 Example Conversations: Friendly, Sexual, and 2 More

Cody Lyans's picture

example conversationsIn a previous article (“Do You Lead Conversations… Or Leave Others Hanging?”) I explained some different styles of conversation.

In this article I’m going to go into each type of conversation a little more in-depth, showing you examples and otherwise generally walking you through them so you can get a better picture of what the different types of conversation look like:

  • Friends
  • Casual Sex
  • Spontaneous
  • Finding Out More

Which one you pick for any given situation all depends on what you’re looking for.

Effortless Leading: Get Her to Buy In

Ross Leon's picture

If you’ve ever been tricked or convinced to do something against your original intentions, you’ve been on the receiving end of a failure to get buy in before an action.

When I was a teenager, my parents would always try and convince me and my brothers to get jobs. It’s quite funny that having them tell us to do this actually made us less likely to get jobs, because they were constantly on our backs about it.

They made it seem like it was something that we needed to do against our will. Thus, it was us against them; we had to give excuses as to why we couldn’t get the job, and skillfully dodge being told what to do.

buy in

Convincing people to do things isn’t as simple as telling them what to do.

If I could walk up to a woman and make the first thing out of my mouth be, “Come home with me,” and she immediately acquiesced and did, I wouldn’t be spending time with her creating an emotional connection, comfort, and sexual attraction. In fact, if I made this the first thing out of my mouth she would likely very heavily resist any intention of coming home with me, even if I was the sexiest man on the planet.

She would resist because I failed to get her to buy in to the idea of coming home with me. She had no say in the matter, and thus felt like she was being coerced into doing what I wanted, rather than doing something that was mutually beneficial.

Sleeping with each other requires the collective conscious of both parties involved. She’s not your slave, which makes it absolutely necessary that she is thought of as an equal in the mating game.

How to Get Pussy: 7 Non-PC But Very Effective Tips

Colt Williams's picture

how to get pussyLove is an incredible feeling. That wonderful warmth you get when you wake up and read a text from a girl you really care about is one you can’t replace. The thought of her can lift your spirits through the struggles of day-to-day living, and you suddenly feel like you’re ready to conquer the world.

That’s not what this post is about. That’s not what it’s about at all. Sometimes you’re not looking for love. Sometimes you’re not looking for your next girlfriend. Sometimes you’re not trying to go on a date.

Sometimes, as a man, your desire for the night is quite simple: you just want to get pussy. You don’t want to jump through more hoops than you have to; you don’t want to make things too complicated; you just want a sweet slice of that panty pie.

So if you find yourself in this position, how do you go about finding your little head a nice home for the night? Well if you’re looking to find out how to get pussy, then this post is for you.

Do You Lead Conversations… Or Leave Others Hanging?

Cody Lyans's picture

Talking effectively is about more than just knowing how to talk: it is about knowing why to talk.

lead a conversation

Never simply waste your effort being a blabber mouth; have a direction, a purpose, and, if nothing else, be conducive to the atmosphere you are looking to build by acting in line with it.

Leading a conversation is essential for helping people lose their anxieties and feel comfortable around you. To achieve that task you have to step up to the plate and avoid the trap of being dependent on others to do all the lifting. You then need to guide the conversation topics in a way that reflects what direction you are thinking of moving in.

Barriers to Entry in Pickup and How They Affect Success

Chase Amante's picture

We’ve discussed various different avenues men use (and you can tap) to meet new women on here in the past:

pickup barriers to entry

I favor cold approach personally, but you can certainly make social circle or workplace dating or online work, and in fact that’s how most men meet their women.

And that’s what I want to talk about today: how you meet women and barriers to entry to those avenues.

Because in a lot of ways, meeting girls is just like doing business, and barriers to entry are no exception; the lower these are, the higher the competition, and the tinier the rewards.

The Look: Make Your Eye Contact Piercing

Chase Amante's picture

One of the most powerful means of communicating with others nonverbally is by calling up your most piercing, incisive eye contact.

I sometimes also call this the “death stare” or the “predatory look.” It’s the ability to stare into someone else and make her feel as though you’re staring directly into her soul... sizing her up... preparing to DO something to her, though she can only guess at WHAT.

piercing eye contact

This is one of those things that can be extremely effective wielded properly – it can shoot sexual tension through the roof, make you physically intimidating even to men twice your size, and communicate “I mean business” to anyone and everyone like nothing else really can (although it can also send you directly to creepy guy land if you aren’t careful how you deploy it).

Early on in life, I learned that not everyone had this ability – in fact, few did. A high school English teacher of mine described it as “the ability to stare at someone and put fear into his heart just with a look.”

But you can also use it to put warmth, arousal, inspiration, or just about any other emotion into another person’s heart as well.

That same high school English teacher of mine described this as something you either have, or you don’t... but I’ve heard that said about LOTS of things I’ve gone on to learn or teach, and I’d be surprised if this is any different.

I’ve never tried to teach this before because I didn’t really know how to teach it... at least for me personally, it’s something I’ve always had (from the day I was born, according to the stories).

However, in the interest of giving it a good crack – because it’s an awesome power if you can attain it – I’d like to try.

Her Sexual Availability? Vital to YOUR Sexual Success

Colt Williams's picture

I think that one of the most under-discussed topics in seduction is sexual availability.

What is sexual availability? Sexual availability is not only whether or not a girl has other men in her life (which she does 90% of the time), but also the extent to which she is satisfied with consistently having sex with one or more of these men.

sexual availability

It doesn’t matter if you have the tightest game. It doesn’t matter if you’re an extremely high-value man. If you don’t understand sexual availability, you will experience much more frustration and confusion toward women than is at all necessary.

So today I’m going to outline and explain this concept, and more importantly: delve into why it’s important.