Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Hung Up on Her Sexual History? 3 Steps to Not Be

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sexual history
It’s easy for guys to get hung up on a girlfriend’s sexual history. Yet you can get over this if you choose to. To do it, you’ll use 3 steps.

Whenever we start dating someone new, we’re bound to soon discover a few facts about who they once dated and the amount and kind of sex they enjoyed, whether we like it or not. A new girlfriend will often tell us about her past, or we’ll end up asking about it. Either way, sometimes the truth can hurt. A lot.

Learning that a partner once enjoyed threesomes, had five sex buddies on the go at once, or has slept with fifty guys... this can be a hard pill to swallow. Some men are able to just forget about it. Some don’t care. Others slip into a whirlpool of self-torment characterized by OCD-like repetitive thoughts and emotions which they find extremely hard to shift.

You may have heard of this form of anxiety-ridden obsession referred to as “retroactive jealousy” or “retrospective jealousy”. In men this tends to be an anxiety about a girlfriend’s sexual past. In women it tends to be an anxiety over who their man was once in love with. There are genetic and biological reasons for this, but in this post I’ll be focusing on the former.

Now, not all men are willing to date (let alone marry) a girl who’s “been around the block”, and this is a perfectly reasonable position to take. But what if you’ve bagged yourself a great girl who’s wonderful in every respect, except you are bothered by her promiscuous past? Should you ditch her because she once used to enjoy hooking up with guys just for sex? Or, in later years, would you regret passing up on the possible love of your life all because of her past?

These are all points worth considering, because there’s nothing stopping you from moving on if you feel you can’t handle a girlfriend’s past or that you shouldn’t have to learn about it in the first place. Many guys hold this view, and some studies have shown that the more promiscuous a woman is or has been in the past, the more likely it is she’ll cheat when she settles down.

However, if you happen to think she’s a great girl in every respect but are obsessing about her “number”, then it might be worth trying to regain control of your thoughts and emotions regarding this.

If you want to start overcoming retroactive jealousy rather than be tormented by it, keep reading; in this post I’ll show you the tools necessary to learn how to get over your girlfriend’s past. The first step is to research and discover what causes a retroactive jealousy disorder in the first place.

Tactics Tuesdays: Target One Thing at a Time to Get Good with Women

Denton Fisher's picture

get good with women
You load a barbell one side at a time. The most effective way to improve with girls is to use the same approach: one side at a time, then the other.

There is one thing that bugged me more than anything else when going out with someone new to hit on girls, and I never realized it till a few months back, and only then did I begin to put it into words.

Odds are, if you go out to talk to women, you do this at least some of the time too. Most guys do. And it’s bad for you. I’ll tell you what the thing is in a moment, but first, let me tell you about Seneca’s Barbell.

A month ago I read Antifragile by Nassim Taleb. In it, Taleb highlights the problem I noticed guys running into when I’d go out with them to chat up girls. The solution for this problem is what Taleb terms “Seneca’s Barbell”.

The idea behind Seneca’s Barbell is that when you work on part A of a two-part project, focus just on A; when you work on part B of that project, focus just on B. Do not work half and half on A and B at the same time, because you divvy up your attention between foci and prevent yourself doing either effectively.

As Taleb puts it, think of a barbell used by a bodybuilder. When he prepares the barbell, the bodybuilder places the weights on either side of the bar, not in the middle. Engage and become fully consumed with one side, then be fully consumed with the other. Never try to do both at once. Use your focus to its fullest.

Let me explain how this idea applies to picking up women.

4 Manly Rules that Make “Bad News” Girls Avoid You Like Smallpox

Chase Amante's picture
bad news girls
The wrong woman can be legitimate bad news for your life. To screen these bad news girls out though (and screen the good ones in), you need 4 rules.

Over the years, I’ve penned various cautionary notes aimed at keeping you safe from girls who will slowly (or quickly!) suck the lifeblood out of you. Some of them include:

Drexel contributed his important warning on a certain class of ‘bad news’ girl here:

Yet, as Sadeqh points out in my article on resilience, I haven’t actually given you a system you can follow for keeping these girls at-bay (or under control):

hey chase! I have noticed that you covered a lot of topics on how to seduce or introduced a lot of ways to success. I admire them all but why didn’t you ever start to teach men how to not let someone (like which would Be called a bitch by society) begin to destroy and suck Blood outta men who only think they love her? why didn’t you write in your book about defense, nothing Held back! about the destroying Powers women could have over men? about the hate that hurt people could use against someone who only wants to enjoy with them? thanks, sadeqh

So, okay; let me give you that then. Defensive tactics to ward off girls who are bad news.

In this essay, I’m going to give you four (4) manly rules I use myself that make girls who are ‘bad news’ avoid me like I’ve got a case of flesh-eating disease... And turn ‘good’ girls (i.e., any girl who won’t shred you or trample you in a hookup or relationship) even better.

Fractionation Simply Explained

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Fractionation lets you up desire, curiosity, and compliance. It’s also a fun way to handle objections. And odds are, you use it already.

I wrote a very long essay on the subject of fractionation last summer. In that essay, I used a real-life event (a “lay report”) and used it to cover fractionation – one of the MOST key concepts in seduction.

After re-reading that post, even though I still consider it one of my favorite pieces of writing so far on GC, I felt the need for a simplified version. First of all, the previous post is a bit too long; secondly, it puts a bit too much emphasis on the use of fractionation in one particular situation – the one from the story covered in that post.

Truth is, fractionation is so versatile. I am sure you are probably already using seduction techniques (either consciously or unconsciously) that are based on fractionation. Most good seducers out there use fractionation, and it is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful concepts out there. In this post we will cover what it is, in a simple, straight-to-the-point way – so that you actually get it.

How to Use Liminal Space to Advance Your Dates with Girls

Daniel Adebayo's picture

liminal space
When a girl’s in liminal space with you, the outside world no longer matters... And she’s free to do what she wants. The catch is, you’ve got to keep her there.

In my previous article on building bubbles, I shared some tips as to how we as seducers can pace girls out of their day-to-day lives and into our reality.

But this may raise a few questions, like what exactly is this reality anyway?

And once she is a part of it, how do we make sure she doesn’t slip out of it?

This article aims to answer those questions for you, so you can make sure the girls you suck in stay sucked in... And adore it.

Tactics Tuesdays: Early Boyfriend Distinction – She Helps You vs. You Help Her

Chase Amante's picture

she helps you
You shouldn’t join a girl’s shopping expedition for a date. So why’s it okay to invite her along while YOU shop? The difference is the dynamic.

In my article on The “Help Run Some Errands” Date, Lawliet questions whether having a girl come help you on dates doesn’t set too much of a boyfriend frame.

As we’ve talked about before, you very much do not want to be the early boyfriend. If you act like her boyfriend before you sleep with her, you will almost never sleep with her. We’ve even talked about the misfortune that fell one poor man who decided it’d be a good idea to take a girlfriend of mine shopping and go around holding her bags for her.

So why, then, would I turn around and propose you take girls shopping with you?

Have I flipped my gourd?

Gone stark mad?

No, don’t worry. If this distinction confuses you, it won’t for long.

That’s because in today’s article, we’re going to draw a line between what happens when you help her versus when she helps you.

When She Picks You, It’s Vital She Feels It’s Her Choice

Chase Amante's picture

In my article on how to take girls off their “scripts” (i.e., having them abandon whatever they’re doing or trying to do, and have them come be with you on your terms instead), a reader commented on a point of confusion:

Moreover, you’ve even written an entire article on “disqualifying yourself as a boyfriend”. But in this [article on taking girls off their scripts], you suggest that its best to make clear what you actually want (even if that is to be her boyfriend).

I understand his confusion. I should stress before we proceed that a big part of my approach with girls is to be inscrutable: I throw off conflicting signals so a girl can’t nail me down. Just when she thinks I’m a hookup-only guy, I ooze a little romance and her brain starts going crazy. “I thought this guy just wanted to hook up,” she thinks, “and yet he’s so romantic! Maybe it could be something more? What’s going on?! I can’t figure him out!”

This is the same type of mixed signaling you see characters like Simon in The Saint and Juan Antonio in Vicky Cristina Barcelona use (and that’s where I got it from, guys like this):

James Bond uses it a lot in his films. Christian Grey uses it. Every Byronic hero does, more or less. She thinks she knows what this guy is about... And then she doesn’t know what this guy is about. He’s so confusing. What is he about?

At some point, you have to let her figure out what it is you want though, and that’s the kind of ‘clarity’ I meant in the scripts article. She has to be reasonably certain that, “Okay, I think this guy wants to hook up with me,” or, “I think he wants to really date me.” The reason you want her to figure this out is because you want her to start imagining it. If before she was only in single-and-carefree mode, and you want her to be your girlfriend, she needs to think about becoming your girlfriend first.

This article is going to be about that. Or at least, some of that. Therefore, this one won’t be ideal for beginners... Since we’ll be talking about running, essentially, two kinds of game at the same time:

  1. One part sexy, bad boy hook up guy
  2. But also one part mysterious, inscrutable, romantic guy

You do not tell her you want her as more than a fling, or even imply it with words. You want her to read between the lines with you. You usually won’t tell her you want to hook up with her, either (unless you’re Hector. Or Romanian).

This clarity is all implied... Which means it’s never completely clear.

And the reason you never make it completely clear?

You want her to choose you, and feel the choice is her choice.

Pacing and Leading a Girl on a Date or in Bed

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

pacing and leading
Pacing and leading is a potent neurolinguistic programming (NLP) technique used to first match someone’s state, then lead her. It’s extremely useful in dating and seduction.

Ok, so I decided to get into more practical stuff. During the summer I tend to go out so much more, which motivates me to write about more practical stuff.

Before I jump into it, a caveat: this post will be most useful for advanced players.

Sure, as a beginner, there will be a few things in this post that you will enjoy. That being said, this is not what a novice should focus on at first – there are fundamentals that are more key to focus on.

However, if you are an intermediate or even an advanced player, you should absolutely pay attention.

Today’s topic is pacing and leading, a very powerful technique that will allow you to drag people into your reality with little to no resistance. Pacing and leading is a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) technique that will help increase your chances of dragging people comfortably into your reality. Most people are not comfortable being led into a different world, and hence put up their defense mechanism. Pacing and leading allows you to hook them in, lower their guards, and smoothly drag them into you world.

This sounds probably super fancy to you who are new to the concept – and one can make very complicated posts related to this subject. I tend to see many books (many bad books) covering NLP and related subjects that are filled with mental masturbation and over-complications. I will therefore make an understandable, straight-to-the-point post – and you will see... it is not rocket science after all.

So here is how we will do it in this post. I will:

  • Cover the mechanism by which this concept works
  • Show different ways of using the technique
  • Share a few examples

When Day Game Gets You Fewer Dates and Lays, What Then?

Francesco Toggianini's picture

day game frustration
It’s frustrating if your results from day game aren’t what they used to be. To solve the riddle of what’s happened, first you need to know what’s changed.

Hello everyone, it’s been a while. Have you ever felt frustrated because you were not getting any results at all from day game?

Or even worse (paradoxically), because you were so successful in recent weeks/months but are now not getting the same results, you feel like you’re crashing?

Well, I guess that happens to everyone, and it’s an annoying feeling for sure, but don’t panic. Let’s dive in a little bit and see what we can do.

I will divide this article into two parts:

  1. What to do if you’ve never been able to make day game work for you

  2. What to do if your day game results peak, then start to fall off or decline

I’ll will cover Part 1 with just a few lines, since there is enough material for beginners on this website already to keep you busy reading for a few weeks. But I will dive deeper into Part 2, which reflects what I’ve been through in the past months and is directed more specifically to intermediate/advanced day game practitioners.

8 Mustache Styles Girls Go Nuts For

Guest Contributor's picture

mustache styles
Mustaches are back in styles. But what mustache style looks best? In this article, we review 8 of the sexiest mustache styles men rock.

Mustaches used to be the epitome of a tasteless image. Men with mustaches were considered cheap, vulgar, and sometimes lewd. But with the renaissance of interest in facial hair, mustaches are once again coming to be seen a mark of the refined, sophisticated, and polished man.

But be careful, because simply allowing a tuft of hair to grow somewhere on the upper lip will not do the trick. A good looking mustache that will be a hit with women requires dedication and commitment to grooming, styling, and maintenance. You will also want to do your homework on which style of mustache goes well with your facial type and your overall demeanor.

In this article, we will look at some biological and evolutionary reasons that women might find the mustache to be desirable, why the mustache is once again flourishing in modern day society, and the eight (8) mustache styles that can best help you score.