Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Anti-Climax Routine

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

pickup seduction gambit
The anti-climax gambit piques her interest and imagination but delivers comic disappointment. It helps you avoid potential resistance and leaves her wanting more.

Today I want to share a cool technique I have found that excites women. It’s a great tool to add juice to your conversations, stimulate her emotionally, and perhaps help set a sexual frame.

I've only tried this technique with night game. I am sure some of you can experiment with it and find other ways to implement it. For instance, you could apply a toned-down version of it for day game, or use something like this during a date (as you get further into it).

This post is suited for beginners who have learned the fundamentals of interesting and captivating conversation. However, intermediates will gain the most benefits from this technique.

That said, this technique is not hard to pull off.

I will share my example, but you are more than welcome to create your variations or use the concepts in this technique to create your own. This is the beauty of such posts. You may or may not like a technique, but you can always steal something from it, and that something can be an essential part of your repertoire.

If you are looking for sex talk gambits, you’ll be happy because the example I use here is one of them.

Even Nice, Sweet Girls Like to Be Touched

Chase Amante's picture
girls like to be touched
Does it seem like nice, sweet girls exist outside of sexuality? They don't – they're sexual creatures too, even if it isn't always obvious at first.

Go through life as a man, and you will encounter different classes of women.

There is the flirtatious, outgoing girl it's easy to flirt with. She's a minx and you just know she wants you to touch her and hit on her. She loves the attention.

And there is the regular girl, who isn't so outgoing. She still flirts sometimes, and you feel like she 'can take it' if you get a little bit aggressive with her. You don't flirt with her or touch her as much as the aggressively flirtatious girl, yet you still do a bit.

Finally, there is the kind, sweet girl, who seems like such a nice person, completely not flirtatious at all. She is innocent; childlike. Even if she's a grown woman and very pretty, it feels somewhat wrong to you to flirt too much with this woman or touch her or be all that aggressive with her. It feels like she isn't about that; you're not sure she could 'handle that', and you certainly don't want to hurt such a sweet human being.

These perspectives on women have some truth in them, while still being flawed.

There's a reason many girls both of the ordinary regular girl variety and the innocent sweet girl variety end up with asshole bad boys, and part of the reason is these are the only guys who regularly ignore 'sweetness' or 'disinterest' signals.

What that means is that while assholes bother some women who aren't interested, they also make a lot more progress with those other girls whom more respectful men hesitate to flirt with, get sexual with, and touch.

Qualities That Propel You to Dating Success

Tony Depp's picture

success with women
If you want learn how to become successful with women as quickly as possible, these particular traits and mindsets will accelerate your progress.

If you want to be amazing with women, there’s one mindset that will land you more success than any other:

The ability to deal with rejection.

When guys ask me what it takes to become amazing with women, I tell them the only thing that separates them from me, is that I’ll face rejection more in a week than they will in their entire life. It’s true. The best salesmen aren’t always the top closers; they just knock on more doors.

Guys also ask me how long it will take to learn and get good. I’ve written articles trying to explain and quantify something like this, but it’s really up to individual experience, work ethic, and the emotional fortitude to deal with a crapload of rejection.

That got me wondering... what qualities make a guy learn success with women quickly? Is there a certain mindset you can embody to become a champion in the shortest amount of time possible? What are the personality quirks and characteristics you can work on to master your transformation in this lifetime?

Liberate Female Sexuality – Orgasms Will COME (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

It’s good when a man knows how to unleash female sexuality.

It’s good for her, for obvious reasons. And it’s good for you because you teach her how to be used for your pleasure (and that is, incidentally, the best way to give a woman pleasure in bed).

And even if you two don’t see each other again, you will have changed her life for the better, giving her a whole new confidence in her sexuality and freedom from self-judgment.

So here’s to liberating her orgasmic female sexuality.

What to Do When Women Titillate You

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women titillate
Women will try to titillate you for fun, their own amusement, or to see what you'll do. But you can't respond by drooling, OR ignoring them...

When I was young, I always attempted not to react when women tried to titillate me. I knew they were trying to get a reaction out of me, and didn't want to give them the satisfaction of having got one over on me. I'd watched them do it to so many other guys: showing a little skin around a guy and having him flip out... grinding on his crotch on the dance floor and having him go nuts... mentioning something sexual around him and watching him chase.

But I also discovered that, past early high school or so, you also couldn't just ignore a girl's attempts to titillate you and hope for her to drop that and just openly pursue you, either. Instead, if you didn't respond at all to her titillation, she'd assume you weren't interested and move on.

Once I realized this, I had to figure out: how do you respond to a woman's titillation enough that she knows you're interested, but not so much she thinks she 'has' you and loses all interest?

Do Seducers Seek Women's Approval?

Chase Amante's picture
seeking female approval
If you go out to flirt and talk with women, and you set up dates, and have sex, does that mean what you’re really after is female approval? Well, yes and no.

There is this argument that resurfaces every so often from the MGTOW/MRA/incel crowd. The argument is that by approaching women, flirting with them, asking them out, and sleeping with them, you are engaged in approval-seeking behavior. A seducer is the ultimate 'approval seeker', by this logic, because he devotes even more time to seeking out women to date and bed than an ordinary guy.

It's an interesting argument.

At its core, there is truth. There's a fair bit of approval seeking among some chunks of dating men. And in general, any public activity you engage in to any extent involves at least a little approval seeking.

Speaking to another human is always going to be a form of approval speaking: you want this other human to acknowledge (and approve of) your thoughts, perspectives, point of view. (If you don't think that's the case, then find me one person who has no reaction when his thoughts or perspectives are rejected and mocked by another individual. Such a man is very rare.)

You want to feel (in the language of today's progressives) validated (approved of) by others.

The "Hover and Disqualify" Pickup Technique

Alek Rolstad's picture

hovering pickup technique
Girls crave attention and are prone to jealousy. The “hover and disqualify” technique uses those emotions to trigger the chase instinct in any girl you choose.

Hey, guys! Here’s a simple pickup technique you can add to your arsenal. At least try it out. Maybe it will be a technique that works well for you and becomes invaluable!

As far as pickup techniques go, which are the best? That’s a hard question to answer, for many reasons. A reason often disregarded is that some techniques fit certain people better than others.

What factors determine the best technique for you?

The last reason is that pickup must be fun, or it will burn you out. Personally, I can't relate to every good technique and gambit, and I don’t necessarily find them all fun to use.

The only way to truly find out is to try them. Many guys go out there with a bias of “this will not work for me” or “this is not juicy/fun/cool” without having any good reasons to believe so. Usually, their biases tend to be corrected once they try out the technique. So, don’t miss out on anything; try everything!

The technique I’m about to share is both easy to understand and pull off. It does not require a weird or funky personality. This technique is universal and suitable for players of all levels. Yes, beginners may have some success with it, too.

It’s only been used in night game locations like clubs and bars. I have not tried it out in other places yet. So feel free to experiment.

But one thing's for sure: it works crazy well on dance floors!

Let’s get into it.

How to Get Fast Sex and Pick Up Girls Quick

Chase Amante's picture

fast sexIn my last article, I talked about putting in your practice to get good with girls.

Let's take a break from all this practice, and grinding, and gradual improvement. What if you just want to hook up with a girl... as soon as possible?

One of the things we discussed last article was going out in 'make it happen mode', and how if you know what you're doing you can actually pull this off.

On my article "I'm Doing Everything to Succeed with Women but It's Still Not Working!", Bizzy comments:

But I have a question: have you ever done an article about how to get sex the fastest way, without doing dates, online dating, chatting and all that stuff? I mean like, only cold approach a woman and then having sex immediately?! I used to do this in my early 20s and was actually successful a few times, but now I am older and don't feel like approaching 100 women to get a few lays. I want to approach just a few women that I think I have a shot with and then close the deal. I am just lazy now, I am sick of dating, talking, pretending and all that. Women notice me, they smile and look at me but I really don't like to take them out on dates, I just would like to take them home and have fun, like when I see a hot girl in a store.

This is sort of one of the Holy Grails of seduction, and it's not usually something you will consistently pull off. So just be aware of that going in.

However, it is indeed something you can do.

Today, we're going to talk about it.

The 3 Best Ways to Start Conversations with Girls

Tony Depp's picture

how to start a conversation with a girl
You can’t get anywhere with that fine chica unless you meet her, so it helps to know how to start a conversation with a girl that intrigues her and sets things in motion.

Every guy wants to know how to start conversations with girls. It's not too hard; you just open your mouth, force air through your lungs, and form vowels.

But still, this is where the vast majority of men fail: at the opener. They let their imagination run wild with all sorts of egoic chatter, creating false timelines, zipping into the future, through the past, and everywhere except right NOW.

Guys ask me how to start conversations with girls at the mall, on the phone, on the bus, in groups, and alone. The list of potential opening situations is virtually endless, limited only by the imagination (opening during a zombie apocalypse, a bank robbery, in a nude sauna, etc.).

At times like these, I want to grab guys by the feet and haul them back to Earth.

We call these cerebral wanderings “mental masturbation.”

So in this guide, I’m going to simplify the process as much as possible. I’m not a fan of micro-managing the meta details of seduction; I’m more of a minimalist. I believe in the power of language and persuasion, yes. But when it comes to starting conversations with women you'd like to get naked in your bed, it’s infinitely more about how you say what you say, rather than what you say. That's the real secret you need to discover here – it's the "how" that should be your focus. Let's get into why that is.

Pickup Practice

Chase Amante's picture
pickup practice
If you have a little trouble approaching (or sticking with it after the first few approaches), just switch yourself over to “pickup practice mode.”

There are three different 'going out modes' a guy can be in when he might meet girls:

  1. Just hanging out mode
  2. Make something happen mode
  3. Pickup practice mode

One of the major differentiators between different skill levels of seducer is what mode the guy gets 'hung up' in. Because to do truly well with women you want to be able to use all three.