In the comments of Saturday’s article about signs you’re in the friend zone,
uForia makes the following comment:
“Ive been a long time reader of your articles, and I can’t help but be skeptical at times. Your posts often have a tone of disliking competition from other men, and what makes you even want to help other men? Wouldn’t you be worried that other men will take your girl eventually due to the popularity of this blog? Or does making money off this site offset the potential costs seen there? I know whenever other men ask me for advice, I always tell them to be nice and confident, of course knowing that the advice won’t help at all.
What really are your motivations for your website?”
Leaving aside the suspicions of my motivations for running Girls Chase (which seem to imply that I’ve spent the past 5.5 years of my life, 3.5 of them full time, investing 6,000+ hours of my own time and writing somewhere between 1.5 and 2 million words building this site, dealing with all the headaches involved, composing and polishing and curating the content here, and responding to comments in order to wage a long-term, planetary-scale disinformation campaign designed to lead my competition for women down the garden path in order that I might personally have an easier time getting laid), I want to focus on one aspect in particular, and it’s this statement:
“I can’t help but be skeptical at times.”
To be sure, I actively encourage healthy skepticism in anything and everything that doesn’t match up with your prior experience and that you have no way of taking for a trial run.
And I’ll be the last man on Earth to tell you to take anything on
faith alone (or even in large part).
And while I understand holding skepticism about things you have no ability to try out for yourself – things like religion, philosophy, or reports about anything remotely occult-related – the subject matter on this website is almost entirely (with a few dives into the theoretical here and there) not that sort of material.
Every single thing on this site is
designed to be used, tried out, played with, toyed with, experimented
upon, rotated in, weighed against alternatives, and kept if found sound
or chucked if found not... not
rolled around endlessly and skeptically in your mind as you try to make
a decision on whether you want to personally believe it or not.
If you’ve been approaching the material on this site as something that must be taken “on faith”, and waiting for someone else to come along and convince you further, you’ve been coming at it all wrong.
Because I don’t want your faith. Don’t need it, don’t care for it.
Never have, and never will.
Rather, I want your tests.
Because real empiricists don’t take things on faith. Real empiricists test.