If you’re at all well-read or attentive on the subject of relationships, I’m sure you’ve noticed a ubiquitous trend: across cultures, across history, in nearly every relationship out there, women wear men down.
This used to be called ‘betaization’ in the seduction community,
because it was the process of the male become the beta (#2) in the
relationship to the female’s alpha (#1).
Give women time, and they pull this off with just about every guy.
Oh, sure, you see the exceptions – the guy who lords over his domain like a king, with a warm and doting long-term girlfriend or wife (or, sometimes, a submissive and cowering one).
But boy is it ever rare, rare, rare.
What makes it so rare? How is it that women so gradually and steadily work even the mightiest of men under their thumbs?
And if you’d like to remain the king of your castle... the lord of your domain... what can you do to prevent this – and how do you sidestep this taming process that nearly every man in a long-term relationship, given enough time, almost inevitably submits to?